module ModuleNameForValueTest exposing (all) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Fixtures.Dependencies as Dependencies import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) import Review.Test import Scope import Test exposing (Test, test) all : Test all = Test.describe "Scope.moduleNameForValue" [ forModuleRule , forProjectRule ] forModuleRule : Test forModuleRule = Test.describe "module rule" [ test "should return the module that defined the value" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) import Bar as Baz exposing (baz) import ExposesSomeThings exposing (..) import ExposesEverything exposing (..) import Foo.Bar import Html exposing (..) import Http exposing (get) localValue = 1 a = localValue unknownValue exposedElement nonExposedElement elementFromExposesEverything VariantA Foo.Bar baz button Http.get get always True Just """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData project moduleRule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = """ .localValue -> .localValue .unknownValue -> .unknownValue .exposedElement -> .exposedElement .nonExposedElement -> .nonExposedElement .elementFromExposesEverything -> .elementFromExposesEverything .VariantA -> .VariantA -> Foo.Bar -> Foo.Bar -> .baz -> Bar.baz .button -> Html.button Http.get -> Http.get .get -> Http.get .always -> Basics.always .True -> Basics.True .Just -> Maybe.Just""" , details = [ "details" ] , under = "module" } ] ] forProjectRule : Test forProjectRule = Test.describe "project rule" [ test "should return the module that defined the value" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) import Bar as Baz exposing (baz) import ExposesSomeThings exposing (..) import ExposesEverything exposing (..) import Foo.Bar import Html exposing (..) import Http exposing (get) import Something.B as Something import Something.C as Something localValue = 1 localValueValueToBeShadowed = 1 type Msg = SomeMsgToBeShadowed a = localValue localValueValueToBeShadowed SomeMsgToBeShadowed SomeOtherMsg Something.b Something.c Something.BAlias Something.Bar unknownValue exposedElement nonExposedElement elementFromExposesEverything VariantA Foo.Bar baz button Http.get get always True Just """, """module ExposesSomeThings exposing (SomeOtherTypeAlias, exposedElement) type NonExposedCustomType = Variant type alias SomeOtherTypeAlias = {} exposedElement = 1 nonExposedElement = 2 """, """module ExposesEverything exposing (..) type SomeCustomType = VariantA | VariantB type alias SomeTypeAlias = {} type Msg = SomeMsgToBeShadowed | SomeOtherMsg elementFromExposesEverything = 1 localValueValueToBeShadowed = 1 """, """module Something.B exposing (..) b = 1 type Foo = Bar type alias BAlias = {} """, """module Something.C exposing (..) c = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData project projectRule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "A" , [ Review.Test.error { message = """ .localValue -> .localValue .localValueValueToBeShadowed -> .localValueValueToBeShadowed .SomeMsgToBeShadowed -> .SomeMsgToBeShadowed .SomeOtherMsg -> ExposesEverything.SomeOtherMsg Something.b -> Something.B.b Something.c -> Something.C.c Something.BAlias -> Something.B.BAlias Something.Bar -> Something.B.Bar .unknownValue -> .unknownValue .exposedElement -> ExposesSomeThings.exposedElement .nonExposedElement -> .nonExposedElement .elementFromExposesEverything -> ExposesEverything.elementFromExposesEverything .VariantA -> ExposesEverything.VariantA -> Foo.Bar -> Foo.Bar -> .baz -> Bar.baz .button -> Html.button Http.get -> Http.get .get -> Http.get .always -> Basics.always .True -> Basics.True .Just -> Maybe.Just""" , details = [ "details" ] , under = "module" } ] ) ] ] type alias ModuleContext = { scope : Scope.ModuleContext , texts : List String } project : Project project = |> Project.addDependency Dependencies.elmCore |> Project.addDependency Dependencies.elmHtml projectRule : Rule projectRule = Rule.newProjectRuleSchema "TestRule" { scope = Scope.initialProjectContext } |> Scope.addProjectVisitors |> Rule.withModuleVisitor moduleVisitor |> Rule.withModuleContext { fromProjectToModule = \_ _ projectContext -> { scope = Scope.fromProjectToModule projectContext.scope , texts = [] } , fromModuleToProject = \_ moduleNameNode moduleContext -> { scope = Scope.fromModuleToProject moduleNameNode moduleContext.scope } , foldProjectContexts = \a b -> { scope = Scope.foldProjectContexts a.scope b.scope } } |> Rule.fromProjectRuleSchema moduleRule : Rule moduleRule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "TestRule" { scope = Scope.initialModuleContext, texts = [] } |> Scope.addModuleVisitors |> moduleVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema moduleVisitor : Rule.ModuleRuleSchema schemaState ModuleContext -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } ModuleContext moduleVisitor schema = schema |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.withFinalModuleEvaluation finalEvaluation expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) expressionVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName name -> let nameInCode : String nameInCode = case moduleName of [] -> "." ++ name _ -> String.join "." moduleName ++ "." ++ name realName : String realName = case Scope.moduleNameForValue context.scope name moduleName of [] -> "." ++ name moduleName_ -> String.join "." moduleName_ ++ "." ++ name in ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ [ nameInCode ++ " -> " ++ realName ] } ) _ -> ( [], context ) finalEvaluation : ModuleContext -> List (Error {}) finalEvaluation context = if List.isEmpty context.texts then [] else [ Rule.error { message = "\n" ++ String.join "\n" context.texts , details = [ "details" ] } { start = { row = 1, column = 1 } , end = { row = 1, column = 7 } } ]