module NoUnused.Patterns exposing (rule) {-| Report useless patterns and pattern values that are not used. # Rule @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range) import Elm.Writer as Writer import NoUnused.Patterns.NameVisitor as NameVisitor import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Report useless patterns and pattern values that are not used. config = [ NoUnused.Patterns.rule ] This rule looks within blocks and case branches to find any patterns that are unused. It will report any useless patterns as well as any pattern values that are not used. ## Fail Value `something` is not used: case maybe of Just something -> True Nothing -> False ## Success case maybe of Just _ -> True Nothing -> False ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/review-unused/example --rules NoUnused.Patterns ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnused.Patterns" initialContext |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionEnterVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor expressionExitVisitor |> NameVisitor.withValueVisitor valueVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema expressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) expressionEnterVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> ( [], rememberLetDeclarationList declarations context ) Expression.CaseExpression { cases } -> ( [], rememberCaseList cases context ) _ -> ( [], context ) expressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) expressionExitVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> errorsForLetDeclarationList declarations context Expression.CaseExpression { cases } -> errorsForCaseList cases context _ -> ( [], context ) valueVisitor : Node ( ModuleName, String ) -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) valueVisitor (Node _ ( moduleName, value )) context = case moduleName of [] -> ( [], useValue value context ) _ -> ( [], context ) --- ON ENTER rememberCaseList : List Expression.Case -> Context -> Context rememberCaseList list context = List.foldl rememberCase context list rememberCase : Expression.Case -> Context -> Context rememberCase ( pattern, _ ) context = rememberPattern pattern context rememberLetDeclarationList : List (Node Expression.LetDeclaration) -> Context -> Context rememberLetDeclarationList list context = List.foldl rememberLetDeclaration context list rememberLetDeclaration : Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> Context rememberLetDeclaration (Node _ letDeclaration) context = case letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction _ -> context Expression.LetDestructuring pattern _ -> rememberPattern pattern context rememberPatternList : List (Node Pattern) -> Context -> Context rememberPatternList list context = List.foldl rememberPattern context list rememberPattern : Node Pattern -> Context -> Context rememberPattern (Node _ pattern) context = case pattern of Pattern.AllPattern -> context Pattern.VarPattern value -> rememberValue value context Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> rememberPatternList patterns context Pattern.RecordPattern values -> rememberValueList values context Pattern.UnConsPattern first second -> context |> rememberPattern first |> rememberPattern second Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> rememberPatternList patterns context Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> rememberPatternList patterns context Pattern.AsPattern inner name -> context |> rememberPattern inner |> rememberValue (Node.value name) Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern inner -> rememberPattern inner context _ -> context rememberValueList : List (Node String) -> Context -> Context rememberValueList list context = List.foldl (Node.value >> rememberValue) context list --- ON EXIT singularDetails : List String singularDetails = [ "You should either use this value somewhere, or remove it at the location I pointed at." ] pluralDetails : List String pluralDetails = [ "You should either use these values somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ] removeDetails : List String removeDetails = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ] andThen : (value -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )) -> value -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) andThen function value ( errors, context ) = let ( newErrors, newContext ) = function value context in ( newErrors ++ errors, newContext ) errorsForCaseList : List Expression.Case -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForCaseList list context = List.foldl (andThen errorsForCase) ( [], context ) list errorsForCase : Expression.Case -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForCase ( pattern, _ ) context = errorsForPattern Matching pattern context errorsForLetDeclarationList : List (Node Expression.LetDeclaration) -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForLetDeclarationList list context = List.foldl (andThen errorsForLetDeclaration) ( [], context ) list errorsForLetDeclaration : Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForLetDeclaration (Node _ letDeclaration) context = case letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction _ -> ( [], context ) Expression.LetDestructuring pattern _ -> errorsForPattern Destructuring pattern context type PatternUse = Destructuring | Matching errorsForPatternList : PatternUse -> List (Node Pattern) -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForPatternList use list context = List.foldl (andThen (errorsForPattern use)) ( [], context ) list errorsForPattern : PatternUse -> Node Pattern -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForPattern use (Node range pattern) context = case pattern of Pattern.AllPattern -> ( [], context ) Pattern.VarPattern value -> errorsForValue value range context Pattern.RecordPattern values -> errorsForRecordValueList range values context Pattern.TuplePattern [ Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern ] -> errorsForUselessTuple range context Pattern.TuplePattern [ Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern ] -> errorsForUselessTuple range context Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> errorsForPatternList use patterns context Pattern.UnConsPattern first second -> errorsForPatternList use [ first, second ] context Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> errorsForPatternList use patterns context Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> if use == Destructuring && List.all isAllPattern patterns then errorsForUselessNamePattern range context else errorsForPatternList use patterns context Pattern.AsPattern inner name -> context |> errorsForAsPattern range inner name |> andThen (errorsForPattern use) inner Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern inner -> errorsForPattern use inner context _ -> ( [], context ) errorsForUselessNamePattern : Range -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForUselessNamePattern range context = ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Named pattern is not needed." , details = removeDetails } range [ Fix.replaceRangeBy range "_" ] ] , context ) errorsForUselessTuple : Range -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForUselessTuple range context = ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Tuple pattern is not needed." , details = removeDetails } range [ Fix.replaceRangeBy range "_" ] ] , context ) errorsForRecordValueList : Range -> List (Node String) -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForRecordValueList recordRange list context = let ( unused, used ) = List.partition (isNodeInContext context) list in case unused of [] -> ( [], context ) firstNode :: restNodes -> let first : String first = Node.value firstNode rest : List String rest = Node.value restNodes ( errorRange, fix ) = case used of [] -> ( recordRange, Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange "_" ) _ -> ( Range.combine ( Node.range unused) , Node Range.emptyRange (Pattern.RecordPattern used) |> Writer.writePattern |> Writer.write |> Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange ) in ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = listToMessage first rest , details = listToDetails first rest } errorRange [ fix ] ] , List.foldl forgetNode context unused ) isNodeInContext : Context -> Node String -> Bool isNodeInContext context (Node _ value) = Set.member value context listToMessage : String -> List String -> String listToMessage first rest = case List.reverse rest of [] -> "Value `" ++ first ++ "` is not used." last :: middle -> "Values `" ++ String.join "`, `" (first :: middle) ++ "` and `" ++ last ++ "` are not used." listToDetails : String -> List String -> List String listToDetails _ rest = case rest of [] -> singularDetails _ -> pluralDetails errorsForAsPattern : Range -> Node Pattern -> Node String -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForAsPattern patternRange inner (Node range name) context = if Set.member name context then let fix : List Fix fix = [ inner |> Writer.writePattern |> Writer.write |> Fix.replaceRangeBy patternRange ] in ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Pattern alias `" ++ name ++ "` is not used." , details = singularDetails } range fix ] , Set.remove name context ) else if isAllPattern inner then ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Pattern `_` is not needed." , details = removeDetails } (Node.range inner) [ Fix.replaceRangeBy patternRange name ] ] , Set.remove name context ) else ( [], context ) isAllPattern : Node Pattern -> Bool isAllPattern (Node _ pattern) = case pattern of Pattern.AllPattern -> True _ -> False forgetNode : Node String -> Context -> Context forgetNode (Node _ value) context = Set.remove value context --- CONTEXT type alias Context = Set String initialContext : Context initialContext = Set.empty errorsForValue : String -> Range -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) errorsForValue value range context = if Set.member value context then ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Value `" ++ value ++ "` is not used." , details = singularDetails } range [ Fix.replaceRangeBy range "_" ] ] , Set.remove value context ) else ( [], context ) rememberValue : String -> Context -> Context rememberValue value context = Set.insert value context useValue : String -> Context -> Context useValue value context = Set.remove value context