module NoLeftPizza exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Infix exposing (InfixDirection) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range import NoLeftPizzaUtil import Review.Fix as Fix import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Direction, Error, Rule) {-| Forbids using the left pizza operator (<|) in infix position. Expressions like `foo <| "hello" ++ world` will be flagged, and a fix will be proposed to write the expression to `foo ("hello" ++ world)`. To use this rule, add it to your `elm-review` config like so: module ReviewConfig exposing (config) import NoLeftPizza import Review.Rule exposing (Rule) config : List Rule config = [ NoLeftPizza.rule ] If you would prefer to keep writing tests in the more "traditional" style which uses `<|`, you can disable the rule for `tests/` like so: module ReviewConfig exposing (config) import NoLeftPizza import Review.Rule exposing (Rule) config : List Rule config = [ NoLeftPizza.rule |> Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories [ -- Test functions are traditionally built up using a left pizza. -- While we don't want them in our regular code, let's allow them -- just for tests. "tests/" ] ] -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoLeftPizza" emptyContext |> Rule.withDeclarationVisitor declarationVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { pizzaExpression : Maybe PizzaExpression } type alias PizzaExpression = { node : Node Expression , left : Node Expression , right : Node Expression } emptyContext : Context emptyContext = { pizzaExpression = Nothing } declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Direction -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context ) declarationVisitor _ direction context = case direction of Rule.OnEnter -> ( [], emptyContext ) Rule.OnExit -> ( buildErrors context, emptyContext ) expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Direction -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context ) expressionVisitor node direction context = case ( direction, Node.value node ) of ( Rule.OnExit, Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ left right ) -> ( buildErrors context , { emptyContext | pizzaExpression = Just { left = left , right = right , node = node } } ) ( Rule.OnExit, Expression.OperatorApplication op dir left right ) -> case context.pizzaExpression of Just pizza -> if Node.value left == Node.value pizza.node then ( [], extendPizza op dir right node pizza ) else ( buildErrors context, emptyContext ) _ -> ( [], context ) ( _, _ ) -> ( [], context ) extendPizza : String -> InfixDirection -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> PizzaExpression -> Context extendPizza op dir right current pizza = let rightNode = Node.Node (Range.combine [ Node.range pizza.right, Node.range right ]) (Expression.OperatorApplication op dir pizza.right right) newPizza = { left = pizza.left , right = rightNode , node = current } in { pizzaExpression = Just newPizza } buildErrors : Context -> List (Error {}) buildErrors { pizzaExpression } = pizzaExpression |> (makeError >> List.singleton) |> Maybe.withDefault [] makeError : PizzaExpression -> Error {} makeError pizza = Rule.errorWithFix { message = "That's a left pizza (<|) operator application there!" , details = [ "We prefer using either parenthesized function application like `Html.text (context.translate Foo.Bar)` or right pizza's like `foo |> bar`." , "The proposed fix rewrites the expression to a simple parenthesized expression, however, this may not always be what you want. Use your best judgement!" ] } (Node.range pizza.node) [ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range pizza.node) (NoLeftPizzaUtil.expressionToString (Node.range pizza.node) (Expression.Application [ pizza.left , parenthesize pizza.right ] ) ) ] parenthesize : Node Expression -> Node Expression parenthesize ((Node.Node range value) as node) = case value of Expression.UnitExpr -> node Expression.FunctionOrValue _ _ -> node Expression.Operator _ -> node Expression.Integer _ -> node Expression.Hex _ -> node Expression.Floatable _ -> node Expression.Literal _ -> node Expression.CharLiteral _ -> node Expression.TupledExpression _ -> node Expression.ParenthesizedExpression _ -> node Expression.RecordExpr _ -> node Expression.ListExpr _ -> node Expression.RecordAccess _ _ -> node Expression.RecordAccessFunction _ -> node Expression.RecordUpdateExpression _ _ -> node _ -> Node.Node range (Expression.ParenthesizedExpression node)