module Review.Rule.NoUnusedVariables exposing (rule) {-| Forbid variables or types that are declared or imported but never used. # Rule @docs rule -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration exposing (Declaration(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Exposing exposing (Exposing(..), TopLevelExpose(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (Expression(..), Function, FunctionImplementation, LetDeclaration(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import) import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation(..)) import NonemptyList as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty) import Review.Fix as Fix import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Direction, Error, Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Forbid variables or types that are declared or imported but never used. config = [ NoUnusedVariables.rule ] ## Fail module A exposing (a) a n = n + 1 b = a 2 ## Success module A exposing (a) a n = n + 1 -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnusedVariables" initialContext |> Rule.withModuleDefinitionVisitor moduleDefinitionVisitor |> Rule.withImportVisitor importVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.withDeclarationVisitor declarationVisitor |> Rule.withFinalModuleEvaluation finalEvaluation |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { scopes : Nonempty Scope , exposesEverything : Bool , constructorNameToTypeName : Dict String String , declaredModules : Dict String VariableInfo , usedModules : Set String } type alias Scope = { declared : Dict String VariableInfo , used : Set String } type alias VariableInfo = { variableType : VariableType , under : Range , rangeToRemove : Range } type VariableType = TopLevelVariable | LetVariable | ImportedModule | ImportedItem ImportType | ModuleAlias | Type | Port type LetBlockContext = HasMultipleDeclarations | HasNoOtherDeclarations Range type ImportType = ImportedVariable | ImportedType | ImportedOperator initialContext : Context initialContext = { scopes = Nonempty.fromElement emptyScope , exposesEverything = False , constructorNameToTypeName = Dict.empty , declaredModules = Dict.empty , usedModules = Set.empty } emptyScope : Scope emptyScope = { declared = Dict.empty , used = Set.empty } error : VariableInfo -> String -> Error error { variableType, under, rangeToRemove } name = Rule.error { message = variableTypeToString variableType ++ " `" ++ name ++ "` is not used" ++ variableTypeWarning variableType , details = [ "Since it is not being used, I recommend removing it. It should make the code clearer to read for other people." ] } under |> Rule.withFixes [ Fix.removeRange rangeToRemove ] variableTypeToString : VariableType -> String variableTypeToString variableType = case variableType of TopLevelVariable -> "Top-level variable" LetVariable -> "`let in` variable" ImportedModule -> "Imported module" ImportedItem ImportedVariable -> "Imported variable" ImportedItem ImportedType -> "Imported type" ImportedItem ImportedOperator -> "Imported operator" ModuleAlias -> "Module alias" Type -> "Type" Port -> "Port" variableTypeWarning : VariableType -> String variableTypeWarning value = case value of TopLevelVariable -> "" LetVariable -> "" ImportedModule -> "" ImportedItem _ -> "" ModuleAlias -> "" Type -> "" Port -> " (Warning: Removing this port may break your application if it is used in the JS code)" moduleDefinitionVisitor : Node Module -> Context -> ( List Error, Context ) moduleDefinitionVisitor (Node _ moduleNode) context = case Module.exposingList moduleNode of All _ -> ( [], { context | exposesEverything = True } ) Explicit list -> let names = List.filterMap (\(Node _ node) -> case node of FunctionExpose name -> Just name TypeOrAliasExpose name -> Just name TypeExpose { name } -> Just name InfixExpose name -> -- Just name Nothing ) list in ( [], markAllAsUsed names context ) importVisitor : Node Import -> Context -> ( List Error, Context ) importVisitor ((Node range { exposingList, moduleAlias, moduleName }) as importNode) context = case exposingList of Nothing -> let ( variableType, Node nameNodeRange nameNodeValue, rangeToRemove ) = case moduleAlias of Just moduleAlias_ -> ( ModuleAlias, moduleAlias_, moduleAliasRange importNode (Node.range moduleAlias_) ) Nothing -> ( ImportedModule, moduleName, range ) in ( [] , register { variableType = variableType, under = nameNodeRange, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } (getModuleName nameNodeValue) context ) Just declaredImports -> let contextWithoutImports : Context contextWithoutImports = case moduleAlias of Just (Node moduleAliasRange_ value) -> register { variableType = ModuleAlias , under = moduleAliasRange_ , rangeToRemove = moduleAliasRange importNode moduleAliasRange_ } (getModuleName value) context Nothing -> context in ( [] , List.foldl (\( name, variableInfo ) context_ -> register variableInfo name context_) contextWithoutImports (collectFromExposing declaredImports) ) moduleAliasRange : Node Import -> Range -> Range moduleAliasRange (Node _ { moduleName }) range = { range | start = (Node.range moduleName).end } expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Direction -> Context -> ( List Error, Context ) expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context = case ( direction, value ) of ( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionOrValue [] name ) -> ( [], markAsUsed name context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionOrValue moduleName name ) -> ( [], markModuleAsUsed (getModuleName moduleName) context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, OperatorApplication name _ _ _ ) -> ( [], markAsUsed name context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, PrefixOperator name ) -> ( [], markAsUsed name context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, LetExpression { declarations, expression } ) -> let letBlockContext : LetBlockContext letBlockContext = if List.length declarations == 1 then HasNoOtherDeclarations <| rangeUpUntil range (Node.range expression |> .start) else HasMultipleDeclarations newContext : Context newContext = List.foldl (\declaration context_ -> case Node.value declaration of LetFunction function -> registerFunction letBlockContext function context_ LetDestructuring pattern _ -> context_ ) { context | scopes = Nonempty.cons emptyScope context.scopes } declarations in ( [], newContext ) ( Rule.OnExit, RecordUpdateExpression expr _ ) -> ( [], markAsUsed (Node.value expr) context ) ( Rule.OnExit, CaseExpression { cases } ) -> let usedVariables : { types : List String, modules : List String } usedVariables = cases |> (\( patternNode, expressionNode ) -> getUsedVariablesFromPattern patternNode ) |> foldUsedTypesAndModules in ( [] , markUsedTypesAndModules usedVariables context ) ( Rule.OnExit, LetExpression _ ) -> let ( errors, remainingUsed ) = makeReport (Nonempty.head context.scopes) contextWithPoppedScope = { context | scopes = Nonempty.pop context.scopes } in ( errors , markAllAsUsed remainingUsed contextWithPoppedScope ) _ -> ( [], context ) getUsedVariablesFromPattern : Node Pattern -> { types : List String, modules : List String } getUsedVariablesFromPattern patternNode = { types = getUsedTypesFromPattern patternNode , modules = getUsedModulesFromPattern patternNode } getUsedTypesFromPattern : Node Pattern -> List String getUsedTypesFromPattern patternNode = case Node.value patternNode of Pattern.AllPattern -> [] Pattern.UnitPattern -> [] Pattern.CharPattern _ -> [] Pattern.StringPattern _ -> [] Pattern.IntPattern _ -> [] Pattern.HexPattern _ -> [] Pattern.FloatPattern _ -> [] Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> List.concatMap getUsedTypesFromPattern patterns Pattern.RecordPattern _ -> [] Pattern.UnConsPattern pattern1 pattern2 -> List.concatMap getUsedTypesFromPattern [ pattern1, pattern2 ] Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> List.concatMap getUsedTypesFromPattern patterns Pattern.VarPattern _ -> [] Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef patterns -> let usedVariable : List String usedVariable = case qualifiedNameRef.moduleName of [] -> [ ] moduleName -> [] in usedVariable ++ List.concatMap getUsedTypesFromPattern patterns Pattern.AsPattern pattern alias_ -> getUsedTypesFromPattern pattern Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> getUsedTypesFromPattern pattern getUsedModulesFromPattern : Node Pattern -> List String getUsedModulesFromPattern patternNode = case Node.value patternNode of Pattern.AllPattern -> [] Pattern.UnitPattern -> [] Pattern.CharPattern _ -> [] Pattern.StringPattern _ -> [] Pattern.IntPattern _ -> [] Pattern.HexPattern _ -> [] Pattern.FloatPattern _ -> [] Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> List.concatMap getUsedModulesFromPattern patterns Pattern.RecordPattern _ -> [] Pattern.UnConsPattern pattern1 pattern2 -> List.concatMap getUsedModulesFromPattern [ pattern1, pattern2 ] Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> List.concatMap getUsedModulesFromPattern patterns Pattern.VarPattern _ -> [] Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef patterns -> let usedVariable : List String usedVariable = case qualifiedNameRef.moduleName of [] -> [] moduleName -> [ getModuleName moduleName ] in usedVariable ++ List.concatMap getUsedModulesFromPattern patterns Pattern.AsPattern pattern alias_ -> getUsedModulesFromPattern pattern Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> getUsedModulesFromPattern pattern declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Direction -> Context -> ( List Error, Context ) declarationVisitor node direction context = case ( direction, Node.value node ) of ( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionDeclaration function ) -> let functionImplementation : FunctionImplementation functionImplementation = Node.value function.declaration namesUsedInSignature : { types : List String, modules : List String } namesUsedInSignature = function.signature |> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation >> collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation) |> Maybe.withDefault { types = [], modules = [] } newContext : Context newContext = context |> register { variableType = TopLevelVariable , under = Node.range , rangeToRemove = Node.range node } (Node.value |> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInSignature in ( [], newContext ) ( Rule.OnEnter, CustomTypeDeclaration { name, constructors } ) -> let variablesFromConstructorArguments : { types : List String, modules : List String } variablesFromConstructorArguments = constructors |> List.concatMap (Node.value >> .arguments) |> collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation |> foldUsedTypesAndModules typeName : String typeName = Node.value name constructorsForType : Dict String String constructorsForType = constructors |> (Node.value >> .name >> Node.value) |> (\constructorName -> ( constructorName, typeName )) |> Dict.fromList in ( [] , { context | constructorNameToTypeName = Dict.union constructorsForType context.constructorNameToTypeName } |> register { variableType = Type , under = Node.range name , rangeToRemove = Node.range node } (Node.value name) |> markUsedTypesAndModules variablesFromConstructorArguments ) ( Rule.OnEnter, AliasDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation } ) -> let namesUsedInTypeAnnotation : { types : List String, modules : List String } namesUsedInTypeAnnotation = collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation typeAnnotation in ( [] , context |> register { variableType = Type , under = Node.range name , rangeToRemove = Node.range node } (Node.value name) |> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInTypeAnnotation ) ( Rule.OnEnter, PortDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation } ) -> let namesUsedInTypeAnnotation : { types : List String, modules : List String } namesUsedInTypeAnnotation = collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation typeAnnotation in ( [] , context |> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInTypeAnnotation |> register { variableType = Port , under = Node.range name , rangeToRemove = Node.range node } (Node.value name) ) ( Rule.OnEnter, InfixDeclaration _ ) -> ( [], context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, Destructuring _ _ ) -> ( [], context ) ( Rule.OnExit, _ ) -> ( [], context ) foldUsedTypesAndModules : List { types : List String, modules : List String } -> { types : List String, modules : List String } foldUsedTypesAndModules = List.foldl (\a b -> { types = a.types ++ b.types, modules = a.modules ++ b.modules }) { types = [], modules = [] } markUsedTypesAndModules : { types : List String, modules : List String } -> Context -> Context markUsedTypesAndModules { types, modules } context = context |> markAllAsUsed types |> markAllModulesAsUsed modules finalEvaluation : Context -> List Error finalEvaluation context = if context.exposesEverything then [] else let rootScope : Scope rootScope = Nonempty.head context.scopes namesOfCustomTypesUsedByCallingAConstructor : Set String namesOfCustomTypesUsedByCallingAConstructor = context.constructorNameToTypeName |> Dict.filter (\usedName _ -> Set.member usedName rootScope.used) |> Dict.values |> Set.fromList newRootScope : Scope newRootScope = { rootScope | used = Set.union namesOfCustomTypesUsedByCallingAConstructor rootScope.used } moduleErrors : List Error moduleErrors = context.declaredModules |> Dict.filter (\key _ -> not <| Set.member key context.usedModules) |> Dict.toList |> (\( key, variableInfo ) -> error variableInfo key) in List.concat [ newRootScope |> makeReport |> Tuple.first , moduleErrors ] registerFunction : LetBlockContext -> Function -> Context -> Context registerFunction letBlockContext function context = let declaration : FunctionImplementation declaration = Node.value function.declaration namesUsedInSignature : { types : List String, modules : List String } namesUsedInSignature = case Node.value function.signature of Just signature -> collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation signature.typeAnnotation Nothing -> { types = [], modules = [] } functionRange : Range functionRange = case function.signature of Just signature -> mergeRanges (Node.range function.declaration) (Node.range signature) Nothing -> Node.range function.declaration in context |> register { variableType = LetVariable , under = Node.range , rangeToRemove = case letBlockContext of HasMultipleDeclarations -> functionRange HasNoOtherDeclarations letDeclarationsRange -> -- If there are no other declarations in the let in block, -- we also need to remove the `let in` keywords. letDeclarationsRange } (Node.value |> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInSignature collectFromExposing : Node Exposing -> List ( String, VariableInfo ) collectFromExposing exposingNode = case Node.value exposingNode of All _ -> [] Explicit list -> let listWithPreviousRange : List (Maybe Range) listWithPreviousRange = Nothing :: (list |> (Node.range >> Just) |> List.take (List.length list - 1) ) listWithNextRange : List Range listWithNextRange = (list |> Node.range |> List.drop 1 ) ++ [ { start = { row = 0, column = 0 }, end = { row = 0, column = 0 } } ] in list |> List.map3 (\prev next current -> ( prev, current, next )) listWithPreviousRange listWithNextRange |> List.indexedMap (\index ( maybePreviousRange, Node range value, nextRange ) -> let rangeToRemove : Range rangeToRemove = if List.length list == 1 then Node.range exposingNode else if index == 0 then { range | end = nextRange.start } else case maybePreviousRange of Nothing -> range Just previousRange -> { range | start = previousRange.end } in case value of FunctionExpose name -> Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedVariable, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } ) InfixExpose name -> Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedOperator, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } ) TypeOrAliasExpose name -> Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } ) TypeExpose { name, open } -> case open of Just openRange -> Nothing Nothing -> Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } ) ) |> List.filterMap identity collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> { types : List String, modules : List String } collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation node = { types = collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node , modules = collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation node } collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> List String collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node = case Node.value node of FunctionTypeAnnotation a b -> collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation a ++ collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation b Typed nameNode params -> let name : List String name = case Node.value nameNode of ( [], str ) -> [ str ] ( moduleName, _ ) -> [] in name ++ List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation params Record list -> list |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation GenericRecord name list -> list |> Node.value |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation Tupled list -> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation list GenericType _ -> [] Unit -> [] collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> List String collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation node = case Node.value node of FunctionTypeAnnotation a b -> collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation a ++ collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation b Typed nameNode params -> let name : List String name = case Node.value nameNode of ( [], str ) -> [] ( moduleName, _ ) -> [ getModuleName moduleName ] in name ++ List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation params Record list -> list |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation GenericRecord name list -> list |> Node.value |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation Tupled list -> List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation list GenericType _ -> [] Unit -> [] register : VariableInfo -> String -> Context -> Context register variableInfo name context = case variableInfo.variableType of TopLevelVariable -> registerVariable variableInfo name context LetVariable -> registerVariable variableInfo name context ImportedModule -> registerModule variableInfo name context ImportedItem _ -> registerVariable variableInfo name context ModuleAlias -> registerModule variableInfo name context Type -> registerVariable variableInfo name context Port -> registerVariable variableInfo name context registerModule : VariableInfo -> String -> Context -> Context registerModule variableInfo name context = { context | declaredModules = Dict.insert name variableInfo context.declaredModules } registerVariable : VariableInfo -> String -> Context -> Context registerVariable variableInfo name context = let scopes : Nonempty Scope scopes = Nonempty.mapHead (\scope -> { scope | declared = Dict.insert name variableInfo scope.declared } ) context.scopes in { context | scopes = scopes } markAllAsUsed : List String -> Context -> Context markAllAsUsed names context = List.foldl markAsUsed context names markAsUsed : String -> Context -> Context markAsUsed name context = let scopes : Nonempty Scope scopes = Nonempty.mapHead (\scope -> { scope | used = Set.insert name scope.used } ) context.scopes in { context | scopes = scopes } markAllModulesAsUsed : List String -> Context -> Context markAllModulesAsUsed names context = { context | usedModules = Set.union (Set.fromList names) context.usedModules } markModuleAsUsed : String -> Context -> Context markModuleAsUsed name context = { context | usedModules = Set.insert name context.usedModules } getModuleName : List String -> String getModuleName name = String.join "." name makeReport : Scope -> ( List Error, List String ) makeReport { declared, used } = let nonUsedVars : List String nonUsedVars = Set.diff used (Set.fromList <| Dict.keys declared) |> Set.toList errors : List Error errors = Dict.filter (\key _ -> not <| Set.member key used) declared |> Dict.toList |> (\( key, variableInfo ) -> error variableInfo key) in ( errors, nonUsedVars ) -- RANGE MANIPULATION {-| Create a new range that starts at the start of the range that starts first, and ends at the end of the range that starts last. If the two ranges are distinct and there is code in between, that code will be included in the resulting range. range : Range range = Fix.mergeRanges (Node.range node1) (Node.range node2) -} mergeRanges : Range -> Range -> Range mergeRanges a b = let start : { row : Int, column : Int } start = case comparePosition a.start b.start of LT -> a.start EQ -> a.start GT -> b.start end : { row : Int, column : Int } end = case comparePosition a.end b.end of LT -> b.end EQ -> b.end GT -> a.end in { start = start, end = end } {-| Make a range stop at a position. If the position is not inside the range, then the range won't change. range : Range range = Fix.rangeUpUntil (Node.range node) (node |> Node.value |> .typeAnnotation |> Node.range |> .start) -} rangeUpUntil : Range -> { row : Int, column : Int } -> Range rangeUpUntil range position = let positionAsInt_ : Int positionAsInt_ = positionAsInt position in if positionAsInt range.start <= positionAsInt_ && positionAsInt range.end >= positionAsInt_ then { range | end = position } else range positionAsInt : { row : Int, column : Int } -> Int positionAsInt { row, column } = -- This is a quick and simple heuristic to be able to sort ranges. -- It is entirely based on the assumption that no line is longer than -- 1.000.000 characters long. Then, as long as ranges don't overlap, -- this should work fine. row * 1000000 + column comparePosition : { row : Int, column : Int } -> { row : Int, column : Int } -> Order comparePosition a b = let order : Order order = compare a.row b.row in case order of EQ -> compare a.column b.column _ -> order