module ScopeTest exposing (all) import Dependencies import Elm.Syntax.Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node) import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Review.Test exposing (ReviewResult) import Scope import Test exposing (Test, test) type alias Context = { scope : Scope.Context , text : String } project : Project project = |> Project.withDependency Dependencies.elmCore |> Project.withDependency Dependencies.elmHtml testRule : Rule -> String -> ReviewResult testRule rule string = "module A exposing (..)\n\n" ++ string |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData project rule baseRule : Rule.Schema Rule.ForLookingAtASingleFile { hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } Context baseRule = Rule.newSchema "TestRule" |> Rule.withInitialContext initialContext |> Scope.addVisitors { set = \scope context -> { context | scope = scope } , get = .scope } initialContext : Context initialContext = { scope = Scope.initialContext , text = "" } all : Test all = Test.describe "Scope" [ Test.describe "Scope.realFunctionOrType" [ test "should indicate that module from which a function or value comes from" <| \() -> let rule : Rule rule = baseRule |> Rule.withExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.withFinalEvaluation finalEvaluation |> Rule.fromSchema expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Rule.Direction -> Context -> ( List Rule.Error, Context ) expressionVisitor node direction context = case ( direction, Node.value node ) of ( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName name ) -> let nameInCode : String nameInCode = case moduleName of [] -> "." ++ name _ -> String.join "." moduleName ++ "." ++ name realName : String realName = case Scope.realFunctionOrType moduleName name context.scope of ( [], name_ ) -> "." ++ name_ ( moduleName_, name_ ) -> String.join "." moduleName_ ++ "." ++ name_ in ( [], { context | text = context.text ++ "\n" ++ nameInCode ++ " -> " ++ realName } ) _ -> ( [], context ) finalEvaluation : Context -> List Rule.Error finalEvaluation context = [ Rule.error { message = context.text, details = [ "details" ] } { start = { row = 1, column = 1 } , end = { row = 1, column = 7 } } ] in testRule rule """ import Bar as Baz exposing (baz) import Foo import Foo.Bar import Html exposing (..) import Http exposing (get) a = b Foo.Bar baz button Http.get get always Just """ |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = """ .b -> .b -> Foo.Bar -> Foo.Bar -> .baz -> Bar.baz .button -> Html.button Http.get -> Http.get .get -> Http.get .always -> Basics.always .Just -> Maybe.Just""" , details = [ "details" ] , under = "module" } ] ] ]