module ModuleNameLookupTableTest exposing (all) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation) import Fixtures.Dependencies as Dependencies import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, test) all : Test all = Test.describe "ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor" [ test "should return the module that defined the value" <| \() -> let rule : Rule rule = createRule (Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor >> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor declarationVisitor ) in [ """module A exposing (..) import Bar as Baz exposing (baz) import ExposesSomeThings exposing (..) import ExposesEverything exposing (..) import ExposesEverything as ExposesEverythingAlias import Foo.Bar import Html exposing (..) import Http exposing (get) import Something.B as Something import Something.C as Something localValue = 1 localValueValueToBeShadowed = 1 type Msg = SomeMsgToBeShadowed a = localValue localValueValueToBeShadowed SomeMsgToBeShadowed SomeOtherMsg Something.b Something.c Something.BAlias Something.Bar unknownValue exposedElement nonExposedElement elementFromExposesEverything VariantA Foo.Bar baz { baz | a = 1 } button Http.get get always True Just Cmd.none b = case () of VariantA -> () (ExposesEverything.VariantA as foo) -> foo ExposesEverythingAlias.VariantA -> () someFunction Something.B.Bar = let Something.B.Bar = () in () """, """module ExposesSomeThings exposing (SomeOtherTypeAlias, exposedElement) type NonExposedCustomType = Variant type alias SomeOtherTypeAlias = {} exposedElement = 1 nonExposedElement = 2 """, """module ExposesEverything exposing (..) type SomeCustomType = VariantA | VariantB type alias SomeTypeAlias = {} type Msg = SomeMsgToBeShadowed | SomeOtherMsg elementFromExposesEverything = 1 localValueValueToBeShadowed = 1 """, """module Something.B exposing (..) b = 1 type Foo = Bar type alias BAlias = {} """, """module Something.C exposing (..) c = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData project rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "A" , [ Review.Test.error { message = """ .localValue -> .localValue .localValueValueToBeShadowed -> .localValueValueToBeShadowed .SomeMsgToBeShadowed -> .SomeMsgToBeShadowed .SomeOtherMsg -> ExposesEverything.SomeOtherMsg Something.b -> Something.B.b Something.c -> Something.C.c Something.BAlias -> Something.B.BAlias Something.Bar -> Something.B.Bar .unknownValue -> .unknownValue .exposedElement -> ExposesSomeThings.exposedElement .nonExposedElement -> .nonExposedElement .elementFromExposesEverything -> ExposesEverything.elementFromExposesEverything .VariantA -> ExposesEverything.VariantA -> Foo.Bar -> Foo.Bar -> .baz -> Bar.baz .baz -> Bar.baz .button -> Html.button Http.get -> Http.get .get -> Http.get .always -> Basics.always .True -> Basics.True .Just -> Maybe.Just Cmd.none -> Platform.Cmd.none .VariantA -> ExposesEverything.VariantA ExposesEverything.VariantA -> ExposesEverything.VariantA ExposesEverythingAlias.VariantA -> ExposesEverything.VariantA .foo -> .foo Something.B.Bar -> Something.B.Bar Something.B.Bar -> Something.B.Bar """ , details = [ "details" ] , under = "module" } ] ) ] , test "should return the module that defined the type" <| \() -> let rule : Rule rule = createRule (Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor declarationVisitor) in [ """module A exposing (..) import Bar as Baz exposing (baz) import ExposesSomeThings exposing (..) import ExposesEverything exposing (..) import Foo.Bar import Html exposing (..) import Http exposing (get) import Something.B as Something type A = B | C type Role = NormalUser Bool | Admin (Maybe A) type alias User = { role : Role , age : ( Msg, Unknown ) } type alias GenericRecord generic = { generic | foo : A } a : SomeCustomType -> SomeTypeAlias -> SomeOtherTypeAlias -> NonExposedCustomType a = 1 """, """module ExposesSomeThings exposing (SomeOtherTypeAlias) type NonExposedCustomType = Variant type alias SomeOtherTypeAlias = {} """, """module ExposesEverything exposing (..) type SomeCustomType = VariantA | VariantB type alias SomeTypeAlias = {} type Msg = SomeMsgToBeShadowed | SomeOtherMsg """, """module Something.B exposing (..) b = 1 type Foo = Bar type alias BAlias = {} """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData project rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "A" , [ Review.Test.error { message = """ .Bool -> Basics.Bool .Maybe -> Maybe.Maybe .A -> .A .Role -> .Role .Msg -> ExposesEverything.Msg .Unknown -> .Unknown .A -> .A .SomeCustomType -> ExposesEverything.SomeCustomType .SomeTypeAlias -> ExposesEverything.SomeTypeAlias .SomeOtherTypeAlias -> ExposesSomeThings.SomeOtherTypeAlias .NonExposedCustomType -> .NonExposedCustomType """ , details = [ "details" ] , under = "module" } ] ) ] ] type alias ModuleContext = { lookupTable : ModuleNameLookupTable , texts : List String } project : Project project = |> Project.addDependency Dependencies.elmCore |> Project.addDependency Dependencies.elmHtml createRule : (Rule.ModuleRuleSchema {} ModuleContext -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } ModuleContext) -> Rule createRule visitor = Rule.newModuleRuleSchemaUsingContextCreator "TestRule" contextCreator |> visitor |> Rule.withFinalModuleEvaluation finalEvaluation |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema contextCreator : Rule.ContextCreator () ModuleContext contextCreator = Rule.initContextCreator (\lookupTable () -> { lookupTable = lookupTable , texts = [] } ) |> Rule.withModuleNameLookupTable expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) expressionVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName name -> ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ [ getRealName context moduleName (Node.range node) name ] } ) Expression.RecordUpdateExpression (Node range name) _ -> ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ [ getRealName context [] range name ] } ) Expression.CaseExpression { cases } -> let texts : List String texts = List.concatMap (Tuple.first >> collectPatterns context) cases in ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ texts } ) Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> let texts : List String texts = List.concatMap (\declaration -> case Node.value declaration of Expression.LetFunction function -> let typeAnnotationTexts : List String typeAnnotationTexts = case function.signature |> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation) of Nothing -> [] Just typeAnnotation -> typeAnnotationNames context typeAnnotation signatureTexts : List String signatureTexts = function.declaration |> Node.value |> .arguments |> List.concatMap (collectPatterns context) in typeAnnotationTexts ++ signatureTexts Expression.LetDestructuring pattern _ -> collectPatterns context pattern ) declarations in ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ texts } ) _ -> ( [], context ) collectPatterns : ModuleContext -> Node Pattern.Pattern -> List String collectPatterns context node = case Node.value node of Pattern.NamedPattern { moduleName, name } _ -> [ getRealName context moduleName (Node.range node) name ] Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern subPattern -> collectPatterns context subPattern Pattern.AsPattern subPattern _ -> collectPatterns context subPattern _ -> Debug.todo "Other patterns in case expressions are not handled" getRealName : ModuleContext -> ModuleName -> Range -> String -> String getRealName context moduleName range name = let nameInCode : String nameInCode = case moduleName of [] -> "." ++ name _ -> String.join "." moduleName ++ "." ++ name resultingName : String resultingName = case ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt context.lookupTable range of Just [] -> "." ++ name Just moduleName_ -> String.join "." moduleName_ ++ "." ++ name Nothing -> "!!! UNKNOWN !!!" in nameInCode ++ " -> " ++ resultingName declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) declarationVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration { constructors } -> let types : List String types = constructors |> List.concatMap (Node.value >> .arguments) |> List.concatMap (typeAnnotationNames context) in ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ types } ) Declaration.AliasDeclaration { typeAnnotation } -> ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ typeAnnotationNames context typeAnnotation } ) Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> let typeAnnotationTexts : List String typeAnnotationTexts = case function.signature |> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation) of Nothing -> [] Just typeAnnotation -> typeAnnotationNames context typeAnnotation signatureTexts : List String signatureTexts = function.declaration |> Node.value |> .arguments |> List.concatMap (collectPatterns context) in ( [], { context | texts = context.texts ++ typeAnnotationTexts ++ signatureTexts } ) _ -> ( [], context ) typeAnnotationNames : ModuleContext -> Node TypeAnnotation -> List String typeAnnotationNames moduleContext typeAnnotation = case Node.value typeAnnotation of TypeAnnotation.GenericType name -> [ "." ++ name ++ " -> " ] TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node typeRange ( moduleName, typeName )) typeParameters -> getRealName moduleContext moduleName typeRange typeName :: List.concatMap (typeAnnotationNames moduleContext) typeParameters TypeAnnotation.Unit -> [] TypeAnnotation.Tupled typeAnnotations -> List.concatMap (typeAnnotationNames moduleContext) typeAnnotations TypeAnnotation.Record typeAnnotations -> List.concatMap (Node.value >> Tuple.second >> typeAnnotationNames moduleContext) typeAnnotations TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord _ typeAnnotations -> List.concatMap (Node.value >> Tuple.second >> typeAnnotationNames moduleContext) (Node.value typeAnnotations) TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation arg returnType -> typeAnnotationNames moduleContext arg ++ typeAnnotationNames moduleContext returnType finalEvaluation : ModuleContext -> List (Error {}) finalEvaluation context = if List.isEmpty context.texts then [] else [ Rule.error { message = "\n" ++ String.join "\n" context.texts ++ "\n" , details = [ "details" ] } { start = { row = 1, column = 1 } , end = { row = 1, column = 7 } } ]