module NoUnused.Exports exposing (rule) {-| Forbid the use of exposed elements that are never used in your project. # Rule @docs rule -} -- TODO Don't report type or type aliases (still `A(..)` though) if they are -- used in exposed function arguments/return values. import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Module import Elm.Project import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import) import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module) import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation) import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix) import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Report functions and types that are exposed from a module but that are never used in other modules. If the project is a package and the module that declared the element is exposed, then nothing will be reported. config = [ NoUnused.Exports.rule ] ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm - review --template jfmengels/review-unused/example --rules NoUnused.Exports ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newProjectRuleSchema "NoUnused.Exports" initialProjectContext |> Rule.withModuleVisitor moduleVisitor |> Rule.withModuleContextUsingContextCreator { fromProjectToModule = Rule.initContextCreator fromProjectToModule |> Rule.withModuleNameLookupTable , fromModuleToProject = Rule.initContextCreator fromModuleToProject |> Rule.withModuleKey |> Rule.withMetadata , foldProjectContexts = foldProjectContexts } |> Rule.withContextFromImportedModules |> Rule.withElmJsonProjectVisitor elmJsonVisitor |> Rule.withFinalProjectEvaluation finalEvaluationForProject |> Rule.fromProjectRuleSchema moduleVisitor : Rule.ModuleRuleSchema {} ModuleContext -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } ModuleContext moduleVisitor schema = schema |> Rule.withModuleDefinitionVisitor moduleDefinitionVisitor |> Rule.withImportVisitor importVisitor |> Rule.withDeclarationListVisitor declarationListVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor -- CONTEXT type alias ProjectContext = { projectType : ProjectType , modules : Dict ModuleName { moduleKey : Rule.ModuleKey , exposed : Dict String ExposedElement } , used : Set ( ModuleName, String ) } type alias ExposedElement = { range : Range , rangeToRemove : Maybe Range , elementType : ExposedElementType } type ProjectType = IsApplication | IsPackage (Set (List String)) type ExposedElementType = Function | TypeOrTypeAlias | ExposedType type alias ModuleContext = { lookupTable : ModuleNameLookupTable , exposesEverything : Bool , exposed : Dict String ExposedElement , used : Set ( ModuleName, String ) , elementsNotToReport : Set String } initialProjectContext : ProjectContext initialProjectContext = { projectType = IsApplication , modules = Dict.empty , used = Set.empty } fromProjectToModule : ModuleNameLookupTable -> ProjectContext -> ModuleContext fromProjectToModule lookupTable _ = { lookupTable = lookupTable , exposesEverything = False , exposed = Dict.empty , used = Set.empty , elementsNotToReport = Set.empty } fromModuleToProject : Rule.ModuleKey -> Rule.Metadata -> ModuleContext -> ProjectContext fromModuleToProject moduleKey metadata moduleContext = { projectType = IsApplication , modules = Dict.singleton (Rule.moduleNameFromMetadata metadata) { moduleKey = moduleKey , exposed = } , used = moduleContext.elementsNotToReport |> (Tuple.pair <| Rule.moduleNameFromMetadata metadata) |> Set.union moduleContext.used } foldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext foldProjectContexts newContext previousContext = { projectType = previousContext.projectType , modules = Dict.union previousContext.modules newContext.modules , used = Set.union newContext.used previousContext.used } registerAsUsed : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext registerAsUsed ( moduleName, name ) moduleContext = { moduleContext | used = Set.insert ( moduleName, name ) moduleContext.used } registerMultipleAsUsed : List ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext registerMultipleAsUsed usedElements moduleContext = { moduleContext | used = Set.union (Set.fromList usedElements) moduleContext.used } -- ELM JSON VISITOR elmJsonVisitor : Maybe { a | project : Elm.Project.Project } -> ProjectContext -> ( List nothing, ProjectContext ) elmJsonVisitor maybeProject projectContext = case maybeProject |> .project of Just (Elm.Project.Package { exposed }) -> let exposedModuleNames : List Elm.Module.Name exposedModuleNames = case exposed of Elm.Project.ExposedList names -> names Elm.Project.ExposedDict fakeDict -> List.concatMap Tuple.second fakeDict in ( [] , { projectContext | projectType = exposedModuleNames |> (Elm.Module.toString >> String.split ".") |> Set.fromList |> IsPackage } ) _ -> ( [], { projectContext | projectType = IsApplication } ) -- PROJECT EVALUATION finalEvaluationForProject : ProjectContext -> List (Error { useErrorForModule : () }) finalEvaluationForProject projectContext = projectContext.modules |> removeExposedPackages projectContext |> Dict.toList |> List.concatMap (\( moduleName, { moduleKey, exposed } ) -> exposed |> removeApplicationExceptions projectContext |> removeReviewConfig moduleName |> Dict.filter (\name _ -> not <| Set.member ( moduleName, name ) projectContext.used) |> Dict.toList |> List.concatMap (\( name, element ) -> let what : String what = case element.elementType of Function -> "Exposed function or value" TypeOrTypeAlias -> "Exposed type or type alias" ExposedType -> "Exposed type" fixes : List Fix fixes = case element.rangeToRemove of Just rangeToRemove -> [ Fix.removeRange rangeToRemove ] Nothing -> [] in [ Rule.errorForModuleWithFix moduleKey { message = what ++ " `" ++ name ++ "` is never used outside this module." , details = [ "This exposed element is never used. You may want to remove it to keep your project clean, and maybe detect some unused code in your project." ] } element.range fixes ] ) ) removeExposedPackages : ProjectContext -> Dict ModuleName a -> Dict ModuleName a removeExposedPackages projectContext dict = case projectContext.projectType of IsApplication -> dict IsPackage exposedModuleNames -> Dict.filter (\name _ -> not <| Set.member name exposedModuleNames) dict removeApplicationExceptions : ProjectContext -> Dict String a -> Dict String a removeApplicationExceptions projectContext dict = case projectContext.projectType of IsApplication -> Dict.remove "main" dict IsPackage _ -> dict removeReviewConfig : ModuleName -> Dict String a -> Dict String a removeReviewConfig moduleName dict = if moduleName == [ "ReviewConfig" ] then Dict.remove "config" dict else dict -- MODULE DEFINITION VISITOR moduleDefinitionVisitor : Node Module -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) moduleDefinitionVisitor moduleNode moduleContext = case Module.exposingList (Node.value moduleNode) of Exposing.All _ -> ( [], { moduleContext | exposesEverything = True } ) Exposing.Explicit list -> ( [], { moduleContext | exposed = collectExposedElements list } ) collectExposedElements : List (Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose) -> Dict String ExposedElement collectExposedElements nodes = let listWithPreviousRange : List (Maybe Range) listWithPreviousRange = Nothing :: (nodes |> (Node.range >> Just) |> List.take (List.length nodes - 1) ) listWithNextRange : List Range listWithNextRange = (nodes |> Node.range |> List.drop 1 ) ++ [ { start = { row = 0, column = 0 }, end = { row = 0, column = 0 } } ] in nodes |> List.map3 (\prev next current -> ( prev, current, next )) listWithPreviousRange listWithNextRange |> List.indexedMap (\index ( maybePreviousRange, Node range value, nextRange ) -> let rangeToRemove : Maybe Range rangeToRemove = if List.length nodes == 1 then Nothing else if index == 0 then Just { range | end = nextRange.start } else case maybePreviousRange of Nothing -> Just range Just previousRange -> Just { range | start = previousRange.end } in case value of Exposing.FunctionExpose name -> Just ( name , { range = untilEndOfVariable name range , rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove , elementType = Function } ) Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name -> Just ( name , { range = untilEndOfVariable name range , rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove , elementType = TypeOrTypeAlias } ) Exposing.TypeExpose { name } -> Just ( name , { range = untilEndOfVariable name range , rangeToRemove = Nothing , elementType = ExposedType } ) Exposing.InfixExpose _ -> Nothing ) |> List.filterMap identity |> Dict.fromList untilEndOfVariable : String -> Range -> Range untilEndOfVariable name range = if range.start.row == range.end.row then range else { range | end = { row = range.start.row, column = range.start.column + String.length name } } -- IMPORT VISITOR importVisitor : Node Import -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) importVisitor node moduleContext = case (Node.value node).exposingList |> Node.value of Just (Exposing.Explicit list) -> let moduleName : ModuleName moduleName = Node.value (Node.value node).moduleName usedElements : List ( ModuleName, String ) usedElements = list |> List.filterMap (Node.value >> (\element -> case element of Exposing.FunctionExpose name -> Just ( moduleName, name ) Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name -> Just ( moduleName, name ) Exposing.TypeExpose { name } -> Just ( moduleName, name ) Exposing.InfixExpose _ -> Nothing ) ) in ( [], registerMultipleAsUsed usedElements moduleContext ) Just (Exposing.All _) -> ( [], moduleContext ) Nothing -> ( [], moduleContext ) -- DECLARATION LIST VISITOR declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) declarationListVisitor declarations moduleContext = let declaredNames : Set String declaredNames = declarations |> List.filterMap (Node.value >> declarationName) |> Set.fromList typesUsedInDeclaration_ : List ( List ( ModuleName, String ), Bool ) typesUsedInDeclaration_ = declarations |> (typesUsedInDeclaration moduleContext) testFunctions : List String testFunctions = declarations |> List.filterMap (testFunctionName moduleContext) allUsedTypes : List ( ModuleName, String ) allUsedTypes = typesUsedInDeclaration_ |> List.concatMap Tuple.first contextWithUsedElements : ModuleContext contextWithUsedElements = registerMultipleAsUsed allUsedTypes moduleContext in ( [] , { contextWithUsedElements | exposed = |> (if moduleContext.exposesEverything then identity else Dict.filter (\name _ -> Set.member name declaredNames) ) , elementsNotToReport = typesUsedInDeclaration_ |> List.concatMap (\( list, comesFromCustomTypeWithHiddenConstructors ) -> if comesFromCustomTypeWithHiddenConstructors then [] else List.filter (\( moduleName, name ) -> isType name && moduleName == []) list ) |> Tuple.second |> List.append testFunctions |> Set.fromList } ) isType : String -> Bool isType string = case String.uncons string of Nothing -> False Just ( char, _ ) -> Char.isUpper char declarationName : Declaration -> Maybe String declarationName declaration = case declaration of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value |> Just Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ -> Just <| Node.value Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ -> Just <| Node.value Declaration.PortDeclaration port_ -> Just <| Node.value Declaration.InfixDeclaration { operator } -> Just <| Node.value operator Declaration.Destructuring _ _ -> Nothing testFunctionName : ModuleContext -> Node Declaration -> Maybe String testFunctionName moduleContext node = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> case function.signature |> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation >> Node.value) of Just (TypeAnnotation.Typed typeNode _) -> if (Tuple.second (Node.value typeNode) == "Test") && (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor moduleContext.lookupTable typeNode == Just [ "Test" ]) then function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value |> Just else Nothing _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing typesUsedInDeclaration : ModuleContext -> Node Declaration -> ( List ( ModuleName, String ), Bool ) typesUsedInDeclaration moduleContext declaration = case Node.value declaration of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> ( function.signature |> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation >> collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) |> Maybe.withDefault [] , False ) Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ -> ( type_.constructors |> List.concatMap (Node.value >> .arguments) |> List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) , not <| case Dict.get (Node.value |> .elementType of Just ExposedType -> True _ -> False ) Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ -> ( collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext alias_.typeAnnotation, False ) Declaration.PortDeclaration _ -> ( [], False ) Declaration.InfixDeclaration _ -> ( [], False ) Declaration.Destructuring _ _ -> ( [], False ) collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation : ModuleContext -> Node TypeAnnotation -> List ( ModuleName, String ) collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext node = case Node.value node of TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation a b -> collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext a ++ collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext b TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node range ( _, name )) params -> case ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt moduleContext.lookupTable range of Just moduleName -> ( moduleName, name ) :: List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) params Nothing -> List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) params TypeAnnotation.Record list -> list |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord _ list -> list |> Node.value |> (Node.value >> Tuple.second) |> List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) TypeAnnotation.Tupled list -> List.concatMap (collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext) list TypeAnnotation.GenericType _ -> [] TypeAnnotation.Unit -> [] -- EXPRESSION VISITOR expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) expressionVisitor node moduleContext = case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue _ name -> case ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor moduleContext.lookupTable node of Just moduleName -> ( [] , registerAsUsed ( moduleName, name ) moduleContext ) Nothing -> ( [], moduleContext ) _ -> ( [], moduleContext )