module NoNoOpMsgTest exposing (all) import NoNoOpMsg exposing (rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) message : String message = "Don't use NoOp, give it a better name" details : List String details = [ "A Msg name should explain what happened. NoOp means tat nothing happened." , "Even if you don't care about handling the event, give it a name that describes what happened." , "@noahzgordon's talk on it:" ] all : Test all = describe "NoNoOpMsg" [ test "should report an error when there is a NoOp Msg constructor" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) type Msg = NoOp """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = message , details = details , under = "NoOp" } ] , test "should report an error when there is a Noop Msg constructor" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) type Msg = Noop """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = message , details = details , under = "Noop" } ] , test "should not report an error when there is no custom type" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) a = 1 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report an error when the constructor name is not NoOp" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) type Msg = Foo | Bar """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report an error when we see NoOp in pattern matching" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ]