module NoUselessCmdNone exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Reports functions that never make use of their power to return Cmds. config = [ NoUselessCmdNone.rule ] ## Fail update msg model = case msg of ClickedIncrement -> ( model + 1, Cmd.none ) ClickedDecrement -> ( model - 1, Cmd.none ) ## Success update msg model = case msg of ClickedIncrement -> model + 1 ClickedDecrement -> model - 1 ## When (not) to enable this rule This rule is not useful when you are writing a package that does not deal with `Cmd`s. ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm - review --template jfmengels/elm-review-noop/preview --rules NoUselessCmdNone ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchemaUsingContextCreator "NoUselessCmdNone" initialContext |> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor declarationVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.withFinalModuleEvaluation finalEvaluation |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { lookupTable : ModuleNameLookupTable , ranges : List Range } initialContext : Rule.ContextCreator () Context initialContext = Rule.initContextCreator (\lookupTable () -> { lookupTable = lookupTable , ranges = [] } ) |> Rule.withModuleNameLookupTable declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) declarationVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> ( [], findViolations (Node.value function.declaration).expression context ) _ -> ( [], context ) expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) expressionVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> ( [] , List.foldl findViolationsForLetDeclaration context declarations ) _ -> ( [], context ) findViolationsForLetDeclaration : Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> Context findViolationsForLetDeclaration letDeclaration context = case Node.value letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction function -> findViolations (Node.value function.declaration).expression context Expression.LetDestructuring _ expression -> findViolations expression context findViolations : Node Expression -> Context -> Context findViolations node context = case getBranches node of Just expressions -> let rangesWithViolation : List (Maybe Range) rangesWithViolation = (resultsInCmdNone context) expressions in if List.all ((/=) Nothing) rangesWithViolation then { context | ranges = (rangesWithViolation |> List.filterMap identity ) ++ context.ranges } else context Nothing -> context getBranches : Node Expression -> Maybe (List (Node Expression)) getBranches node = case Node.value node of Expression.CaseExpression { cases } -> Just ( Tuple.second cases) Expression.IfBlock _ ifExpr elseExpr -> case Node.value elseExpr of Expression.IfBlock _ _ _ -> Just (ifExpr :: Maybe.withDefault [] (getBranches elseExpr)) _ -> Just [ ifExpr, elseExpr ] Expression.LetExpression { expression } -> getBranches expression _ -> Nothing resultsInCmdNone : Context -> Node Expression -> Maybe Range resultsInCmdNone context node = case Node.value node of Expression.TupledExpression (_ :: (Node range (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ "none")) :: []) -> case ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt context.lookupTable range of Just [ "Platform", "Cmd" ] -> Just range _ -> Nothing Expression.LetExpression { expression } -> resultsInCmdNone context expression _ -> Nothing finalEvaluation : Context -> List (Error {}) finalEvaluation context = context.ranges |> uniqueBy rangeToString |> error rangeToString : Range -> String rangeToString range = [ range.start.row , range.start.column , range.end.row , range.end.column ] |> String.fromInt |> String.join "-" error : Range -> Error {} error range = Rule.error { message = "This function always returns Cmd.none" , details = [ "Since this function returns Cmd.none in all cases, you can simplify it by having it not return a Cmd." ] } range -- Taken from elm-community/list-extra uniqueBy : (a -> comparable) -> List a -> List a uniqueBy f list = uniqueHelp f Set.empty list [] uniqueHelp : (a -> comparable) -> Set comparable -> List a -> List a -> List a uniqueHelp f existing remaining accumulator = case remaining of [] -> List.reverse accumulator first :: rest -> let computedFirst : comparable computedFirst = f first in if Set.member computedFirst existing then uniqueHelp f existing rest accumulator else uniqueHelp f (Set.insert computedFirst existing) rest (first :: accumulator)