module Docs.ReviewLinksAndSectionsTest exposing (all) import Docs.ReviewLinksAndSections exposing (rule) import Elm.Project import Json.Decode import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) -- TODO Report links to dependencies? -- TODO Force links to dependencies to be for the minimal version? -- TODO Report unmatched `[foo]`? -- TODO Report unused `[foo]: #b` links? (only if there are no "unmatched errors") all : Test all = describe "Docs.ReviewLinksAndSections" [ localLinkTests , linksToOtherFilesTest , linksDependingOnExposition , linksThroughPackageRegistryTest , duplicateSectionsTests , unnecessaryLinksTests , externalResourcesTests , linksWithAltTextTests ] localLinkTests : Test localLinkTests = describe "Local links" [ test "should not report link to an existing sibling section from declaration documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link](#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report a link to an unknown sibling section from declaration documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should not report link to an existing sibling section from module documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) {-| [link](#b) -} import B b = 1 a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report a link to an unknown sibling section from module documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](#b) -} import B a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should not report link to an existing sibling section from port documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link](#b) -} port a : String -> Cmd msg """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report a link to an unknown sibling section from port documentation" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](#b) -} port a : String -> Cmd msg """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should not report a link to a known sibling section from declaration documentation when everything is exposed" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) b = 1 {-| [link](#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report a link to an unknown sibling section from declaration documentation when everything is exposed" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should not report link references that target existing sections" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| this is a [link] reference [link]: #b -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report link references that link to missing sections" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| this is a [link] reference [link]: #b -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should consider an exposed type alias to be an existing section" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) type alias B = {} {-| [link](#B) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should consider an exposed custom type to be an existing section" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) type B = C {-| [link](#B) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should consider an exposed port to be an existing section" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) port b : Int -> Cmd msg {-| [link](#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should consider an infix declaration to be an existing section (operator exists)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) infix right 5 (++) = append {-| [link](#++) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should consider an infix declaration to be an existing section (operator doesn't exist)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](#++) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#++" } ] , test "should consider a header inside a function documentation comment to be an existing section (h1)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| # Section -} b = 1 {-| [link](#section) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should consider a header inside a function documentation comment to be an existing section (h2)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| ## Section -} b = 1 {-| [link](#section) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not consider a 'h7' header inside a function documentation comment to be an existing section" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| ####### Section -} b = 1 {-| [link](#section) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#section" } ] , test "should consider a header inside a module documentation comment to be an existing section" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| # Section -} import B b = 1 {-| [link](#section) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should slugify complex headings" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| # Section *with* ~some~ _spaces_ and\\_ $thi.ngs . links ### `section` ### question? -} b = 1 {-| [1](#section-_with_-some-_spaces_-and-_-thi-ngs-links) [2](#-section-) [3](#question-) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to unknown modules" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](B-C) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module B.C" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "B-C" } ] , test "should report multiple links on the same line" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](#b) [link](#c) [link](#d) [link](#e) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } , Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#c" } , Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#d" } , Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#e" } ] ] linksToOtherFilesTest : Test linksToOtherFilesTest = describe "Links to other files" [ test "should report links to sections in unknown modules" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](B#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module B" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "B#b" } ] , test "should not report links to existing sections in a different module" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](B#b) -} a = 2 """, """module B exposing (b) b = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModules rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to missing sections in a different module" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](B#b) -} a = 2 """, """module B exposing (c) c = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModules rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "A" , [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "B#b" } ] ) ] , test "should not report links to existing sections in a different module (using ./)" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](./B#b) -} a = 2 """, """module B exposing (b) b = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModules rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to missing sections in a different module (using ./)" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](./B#b) -} a = 2 """, """module B exposing (c) c = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModules rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "A" , [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "./B#b" } ] ) ] , test "should not report links to existing sections inside the README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A\n[link](#a)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to missing sections inside the README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A\n[link](#b)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "#b" } ] , test "should not report links to existing sections inside the README (using ./)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A\n[link](./#a)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to missing sections inside the README (using ./)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A\n[link](./#b)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "./#b" } ] , test "should not report links to existing sections from another module inside the README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./A#a)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to missing sections from another module inside the README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./A#b)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "./A#b" } ] , test "should report links to README when there is no README (without slug)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](./) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to missing README" , details = [ "elm-review only looks for a '' located next to your 'elm.json'. Maybe it's positioned elsewhere or named differently?" ] , under = "./" } ] , test "should report links to README when there is no README (with slug)" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a) {-| [link](./#b) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to missing README" , details = [ "elm-review only looks for a '' located next to your 'elm.json'. Maybe it's positioned elsewhere or named differently?" ] , under = "./#b" } ] ] linksThroughPackageRegistryTest : Test linksThroughPackageRegistryTest = describe "Links through the package registry" [ test "should report links to unknown modules for the current version" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "" } ] , test "should not report links to known modules for the current version" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links to known modules for the current version (with trailing slash)" <| \() -> [ """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to unknown modules for latest" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "" } ] , test "should not report links for different version of the package" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to unknown section of README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A" } packageProjectWithoutFiles) rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to a non-existing section or element" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "" } ] , test "should not report links to known sections of README" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "# A" } packageProjectWithoutFiles) rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links for different packages" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] linksDependingOnExposition : Test linksDependingOnExposition = describe "Links depending on exposition" [ test "should not report links from non-exposed modules to non-exposed modules" <| \() -> [ """module NotExposed exposing (a) {-| [link](./AlsoNotExposed) -} a = 2 """, """module AlsoNotExposed exposing (b) b = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links from non-exposed modules to exposed modules" <| \() -> """module NotExposed exposing (a) {-| [link](./Exposed) -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links from exposed modules to exposed modules" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (a) {-| [link](./Exposed) -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links from exposed modules to non-exposed modules" <| \() -> [ """module Exposed2 exposing (a) {-| [link](./NotExposed) -} a = 2 """, """module NotExposed exposing (b) b = 1 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "Exposed2" , [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link in public documentation points to non-exposed module" , details = [ "Users will not be able to follow the link." ] , under = "./NotExposed" } ] ) ] , test "should not report links from non-exposed sections to non-exposed sections" <| \() -> [ """module Exposed2 exposing (b) b = a {-| [link](./Exposed3#hidden) -} a = 1 """, """module Exposed3 exposing (exposed) exposed = 2 {-| # Hidden -} a = 3 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links from non-exposed sections to exposed sections" <| \() -> [ """module Exposed2 exposing (b) b = a {-| [link](./Exposed3#exposed) -} a = 1 """, """module Exposed3 exposing (exposed) exposed = 2 {-| # Hidden -} a = 3 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links from exposed sections to non-exposed sections" <| \() -> [ """module Exposed2 exposing (b) {-| [link](./Exposed3#hidden) -} b = 1 """, """module Exposed3 exposing (exposed) exposed = 2 {-| # Hidden -} a = 3 """ ] |> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData packageProject rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules [ ( "Exposed2" , [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link in public documentation points to non-exposed section" , details = [ "Users will not be able to follow the link." ] , under = "./Exposed3#hidden" } ] ) ] , test "should report links from README to non-exposed modules" <| \() -> """module NotExposed exposing (a) a = 1 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./NotExposed)" } packageProject) rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link in public documentation points to non-exposed module" , details = [ "Users will not be able to follow the link." ] , under = "./NotExposed" } ] , test "should not report links from README to exposed modules" <| \() -> """module NotExposed exposing (a) a = 1 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./Exposed)" } packageProject) rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links from README to non-exposed sections" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (a) a = 1 {-| # Section -} b = 1 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./Exposed2#section)" } packageProject) rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link in public documentation points to non-exposed section" , details = [ "Users will not be able to follow the link." ] , under = "./Exposed2#section" } ] , test "should not report links from README to non-exposed sections in non-package projects" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (a) a = 1 {-| # Section -} b = 1 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = "[link](./Exposed2#section)" } rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] duplicateSectionsTests : Test duplicateSectionsTests = describe "Duplicate sections" [ test "should report duplicate sections (declaration doc comment)" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (error, exposed) {-| # Error -} exposed = 1 error = 1 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Duplicate section" , details = [ "There are multiple sections that will result in the same id, meaning that links may point towards the wrong element." ] , under = "# Error" } ] , test "should report duplicate sections (module doc comment)" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (error) {-| # Error -} error = 1 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Duplicate section" , details = [ "There are multiple sections that will result in the same id, meaning that links may point towards the wrong element." ] , under = "# Error" } ] , test "should report duplicate sections (all in declaration doc comments)" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (error) {-| # Some section # Some Section -} error = 1 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Duplicate section" , details = [ "There are multiple sections that will result in the same id, meaning that links may point towards the wrong element." ] , under = "# Some Section" } ] , test "should report duplicate sections in README" <| \() -> """module Exposed2 exposing (a) a = 1 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (Project.addReadme { path = "", content = """ # Some section # Some Section """ } packageProject) rule |> Review.Test.expectErrorsForReadme [ Review.Test.error { message = "Duplicate section" , details = [ "There are multiple sections that will result in the same id, meaning that links may point towards the wrong element." ] , under = "# Some Section" } ] ] unnecessaryLinksTests : Test unnecessaryLinksTests = describe "Unnecessary links" [ test "should report links to #" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](#) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link to empty section is unnecessary" , details = [ "Links to # not followed by an id don't provide any value to the user. I suggest to either strip the # or remove the link." ] , under = "#" } ] , test "should report links to a module with #" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](A#) -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link to empty section is unnecessary" , details = [ "Links to # not followed by an id don't provide any value to the user. I suggest to either strip the # or remove the link." ] , under = "A#" } ] ] externalResourcesTests : Test externalResourcesTests = describe "External resources" [ test "should not report links to external resources without a protocol when the project is not a package" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( ![](./image.png) -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report links to external resources with a protocol" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to an external resource without a protocol" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link to unknown resource without a protocol" , details = [ "I have trouble figuring out what kind of resource is linked here." , "If it should link to a module, then they should be in the form 'Some-Module-Name'." , "If it's a link to an external resource, they should start with a protocol, like ``, otherwise the link will point to an unknown resource on" ] , under = "" } ] , test "should not report links to images with a protocol" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link]( -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to images without a protocol" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) {-| [link](./image.png) -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link to unknown resource without a protocol" , details = [ "I have trouble figuring out what kind of resource is linked here." , "If it should link to a module, then they should be in the form 'Some-Module-Name'." , "If it's a link to an external resource, they should start with a protocol, like ``, otherwise the link will point to an unknown resource on" ] , under = "./image.png" } ] ] linksWithAltTextTests : Test linksWithAltTextTests = describe "Alt text in links" [ test "should report links to unknown modules in links with alt text after a slug" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link](Unknown#section "alt-text") -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "Unknown#section" } ] , test "should ignore alt text in links with a slug" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link](#b "alt-text") -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should report links to unknown modules in links with alt text without a slug" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link](Unknown "alt-text") -} a = 2 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "Unknown" } ] , test "should report absolute links to unknown modules in links with alt text with a slug" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link]( "alt-text") -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "" } ] , test "should report absolute links to unknown modules in links with alt text without a slug" <| \() -> """module A exposing (a, b) b = 1 {-| [link]( "alt-text") -} a = 2 """ |> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProjectWithoutFiles rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Link points to non-existing module Unknown" , details = [ "This is a dead link." ] , under = "" } ] ] packageProject : Project packageProject = Project.addModule { path = "src/Exposed", source = "module Exposed exposing (exposed)\nexposed = 1" } packageProjectWithoutFiles packageProjectWithoutFiles : Project packageProjectWithoutFiles = case Json.Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder elmJson of Ok project -> |> Project.addElmJson { path = "elm.json" , raw = elmJson , project = project } Err err -> Debug.todo ("Invalid elm.json supplied to test: " ++ Debug.toString err) elmJson : String elmJson = """{ "type": "package", "name": "author/package", "summary": "Summary", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "version": "1.0.0", "exposed-modules": [ "Exposed", "Exposed2", "Exposed3" ], "elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0", "dependencies": { "elm/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0" }, "test-dependencies": {} }"""