module NoDebugTest exposing (all) import Test exposing (describe, test, Test) import Lint.Rules.NoDebug exposing (rule) import Lint.Types exposing (LintRule, LintError, LintResult) import TestUtil exposing (ruleTester, expectErrors) testRule : String -> LintResult testRule = ruleTester rule error : String -> LintError error = LintError "NoDebug" tests : List Test tests = [ test "should not report normal function calls" <| \() -> testRule """ a = foo n b = n c = debug e = debug.log n d = debug.log n """ |> expectErrors [] , test "should report Debug.log use" <| \() -> testRule "a = Debug.log" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug.log calls" <| \() -> testRule "a = Debug.log z" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report multiple Debug.log calls" <| \() -> testRule """ a = Debug.log z b = Debug.log z """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" , error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug.crash calls" <| \() -> testRule "a = Debug.crash 1" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report any Debug method" <| \() -> testRule "a = 1" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a binary expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = (Debug.log z) + 2" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a << binary expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = fn << Debug.log" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a pipe expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = fn |> Debug.log z" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an list expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = [Debug.log z y]" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an record expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = { foo = Debug.log z y }" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] -- TODO elm-ast doesn't handle record update expressions -- , test "should report Debug in an record update expression" <| -- \() -> -- testRule "a = { model | foo = Debug.log z y }" -- |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an lambda expression" <| \() -> testRule "a = (\\foo -> Debug.log z foo)" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an if expression condition" <| \() -> testRule "a = if Debug.log a b then True else False" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an if expression then" <| \() -> testRule "a = if True then Debug.log a b else False" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in an if expression else" <| \() -> testRule "a = if True then True else Debug.log a b" |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a case value" <| \() -> testRule """ a = case Debug.log a b of _ -> [] """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a case pattern" <| \() -> testRule """ a = case a of Debug.log a b -> [] """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in a case body" <| \() -> testRule """ a = case a of _ -> Debug.log a b """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in let declaration section" <| \() -> testRule """ a = let b = Debug.log a b in b """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] , test "should report Debug in let body" <| \() -> testRule """ a = let b = c in Debug.log a b """ |> expectErrors [ error "Forbidden use of Debug" ] ] all : Test all = describe "NoDebug" tests