module CognitiveComplexity exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Location, Range) import Json.Encode as Encode import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Reports functions that have a too high cognitive complexity. You can configure the threshold above which a function will be reported (`15` in the example configuration below). config = [ CognitiveComplexity.rule 15 ] ## What is cognitive complexity? Cognitive complexity is **not to be confused with "Cyclomatic Complexity"**, which has a different way of measuring the complexity. Here's an explanation extracted from [free white paper]( provided by SonarSource, the creators of the concept. > Cognitive complexity tries to measure how hard it is to understand a function, primarily focusing on the control structures > that hinder the understanding of a function by reading it from top to bottom in one go, like you would for a novel. > A Cognitive Complexity score is assessed according to three basic rules: > 1. Ignore structures that allow multiple statements to be readably shorthanded into one > 2. Increment (add one) for each break in the linear flow of the code > 3. Increment when flow-breaking structures are nested Some small differences may be found between the implementation detailed in the paper and this rule, as the idea was formulated more on imperative programming languages, and may not be applicable to a pure functional language like Elm. You can read about how is works in the [complexity breakdown section](#complexity-breakdown) below. ## When (not) to enable this rule This rule is an experiment. I don't know if this will be more useful or detrimental, and I haven't yet figured out what the ideal complexity threshold for Elm projects is. I would for now recommend to use it with a very high threshold to find places in your codebase that need refactoring, and eventually to enable it in your configuration to make sure no new extremely complex functions appear. As you refactor more and more of your codebase, you can gradually lower the threshold until you reach a level that you feel happy with. Please let me know how enabling this rule works out for you! If enforcing doesn't work for you, then you can use this as an insight rule instead. ## Use as an insight rule If instead of enforcing a threshold, you wish to have an overview of the complexity for each function, you can run the rule as an insight rule (using `elm-review --report=json --extract`), which would yield an output like the following: ```json { "Some.Module": { "someFunction": 16, "someOtherFunction": 0 }, "Some.Other.Module": { "awesomeFunction": 2 } } ``` ## Complexity breakdown Following is a breakdown of how the complexity of a function is computed: - If expression: Increases complexity by 1 + nesting, and increases nesting. `else if` also increases complexity by 1 + nesting, but doesn't further increase the nesting. `else` doesn't increase the complexity. ```js -- Total: 4 a = if b then -- +1 if c then -- +2, including 1 for nesting 1 else 2 else if d then -- +1 3 else -- +0 4 ``` - Case expression: Increases complexity by 1 + nesting, regardless of how many cases are handled, and increases nesting. ```js -- Total: 3 a = case b of -- +1 A -> 1 B -> 2 C -> case c of -- +2, including 1 for nesting _ -> 3 D -> 4 ``` - Let functions: Increases nesting. ```js -- Total: 2 a = let fn b = -- increases nesting if b then -- +2, including 1 for nesting 1 else 2 constant = -- Not a function, no increase True in fn constant ``` - Anonymous functions: Increases nesting. ```js -- Total: 2 a things = (\thing -> -- increases nesting case thing of -- +2, including 1 for nesting Just _ -> 1 Nothing -> 2 ) things ``` - Logical operator suites: Increase complexity by 1 for every discontinuation of the suite ```elm a && b -- +1 -- This is still the same logical construction as -- above, and therefore about as hard to understand a && b && c && d && e -- +1 -- Total: 3 a && b && c -- +1 || d -- +1 for breaking the chain of && with a || || not (e || f) -- +1 for breaking the chain -- with a `not` of a binary operation ``` - Recursive function calls (direct or indirect): Increase complexity by 1 for each different call ```js -- Total: 2 fun1 n = fun2 n -- +1 + fun2 n -- +0, already counted + fun1 n -- +1 -- Total: 1 fun2 n = fun1 n -- +1 ``` [The original metric]( increases the complexity for other structures that the Elm language doesn't have. ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-cognitive-complexity/example --rules CognitiveComplexity ``` The cognitive complexity is set to 15 in the configuration used by the example. If instead of enforcing a threshold, you wish to have an overview of the complexity for each function, you can run the rule like this (requires [`jq`]( ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-cognitive-complexity/example --extract --report=json --rules CognitiveComplexity | jq -r '.extracts.CognitiveComplexity' ``` ## Thanks Thanks to the team at SonarSource for designing the metric and for not restricting its use. Thanks to G. Ann Campbell for the different talks she made on the subject. -} rule : Int -> Rule rule threshold = Rule.newProjectRuleSchema "CognitiveComplexity" initialContext |> Rule.withModuleVisitor (moduleVisitor threshold) |> Rule.withModuleContextUsingContextCreator { fromProjectToModule = fromProjectToModule , fromModuleToProject = fromModuleToProject , foldProjectContexts = foldProjectContexts } |> Rule.withDataExtractor dataExtractor |> Rule.fromProjectRuleSchema moduleVisitor : Int -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema schemaState ModuleContext -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } ModuleContext moduleVisitor threshold schema = schema |> Rule.withDeclarationExitVisitor declarationExitVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionEnterVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor expressionExitVisitor |> Rule.withFinalModuleEvaluation (finalModuleEvaluation threshold) type alias ProjectContext = Dict String ComplexityDict type alias ComplexityDict = Dict String Int type alias ModuleContext = { nesting : Int , operandsToIgnore : List Range , elseIfToIgnore : List Range , rangesWhereNestingIncreases : List Range , increases : List Increase , references : Dict String Location , functionsToReport : List FunctionToReport } type alias FunctionToReport = { functionName : Node String , increases : List Increase , references : Dict String Location } type alias Increase = { line : Location , increase : Int , nesting : Int , kind : IncreaseKind } type IncreaseKind = If | ElseIf | Case | Operator String | RecursiveCall | IndirectRecursiveCall String initialContext : ProjectContext initialContext = Dict.empty fromProjectToModule : Rule.ContextCreator ProjectContext ModuleContext fromProjectToModule = Rule.initContextCreator (always { nesting = 0 , operandsToIgnore = [] , elseIfToIgnore = [] , rangesWhereNestingIncreases = [] , references = Dict.empty , increases = [] , functionsToReport = [] } ) fromModuleToProject : Rule.ContextCreator ModuleContext ProjectContext fromModuleToProject = Rule.initContextCreator (\moduleName moduleContext -> let recursiveCalls : RecursiveCalls recursiveCalls = computeRecursiveCalls moduleContext in List.foldl (\functionToReport acc -> let allIncreases : List Increase allIncreases = computeIncreases recursiveCalls functionToReport finalComplexity : Int finalComplexity = List.foldl (\{ increase } complexity -> increase + complexity) 0 allIncreases in Dict.insert (Node.value functionToReport.functionName) finalComplexity acc ) Dict.empty moduleContext.functionsToReport |> Dict.singleton (String.join "." moduleName) ) |> Rule.withModuleName foldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext foldProjectContexts = Dict.union expressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) expressionEnterVisitor node context = if List.member (Node.range node) context.rangesWhereNestingIncreases then ( [], expressionEnterVisitorHelp node { context | nesting = context.nesting + 1 } ) else ( [], expressionEnterVisitorHelp node context ) expressionEnterVisitorHelp : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext expressionEnterVisitorHelp node context = case Node.value node of Expression.IfBlock _ _ else_ -> if not (List.member (Node.range node) context.elseIfToIgnore) then { context | increases = { line = (Node.range node).start , increase = context.nesting + 1 , nesting = context.nesting , kind = If } :: context.increases , nesting = context.nesting + 1 , elseIfToIgnore = Node.range else_ :: context.elseIfToIgnore } else -- This if expression is an else if -- We want to increase the complexity but keep the same nesting as the parent if { context | increases = { line = (Node.range node).start , increase = context.nesting , nesting = context.nesting - 1 , kind = ElseIf } :: context.increases , elseIfToIgnore = Node.range else_ :: context.elseIfToIgnore } Expression.CaseExpression _ -> { context | increases = { line = (Node.range node).start , increase = context.nesting + 1 , nesting = context.nesting , kind = Case } :: context.increases , nesting = context.nesting + 1 } Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> { context | rangesWhereNestingIncreases = computeRangesForLetDeclarations declarations ++ context.rangesWhereNestingIncreases } Expression.OperatorApplication operator _ left right -> if (operator == "&&" || operator == "||") && not (List.member (Node.range node) context.operandsToIgnore) then let ( increases, operandsToIgnore ) = incrementAndIgnoreForOperands operator [] left right in { context | increases = { line = (Node.range node).start , increase = 1 , nesting = 0 , kind = Operator operator } :: increases ++ context.increases , operandsToIgnore = operandsToIgnore ++ context.operandsToIgnore } else context Expression.LambdaExpression _ -> { context | nesting = context.nesting + 1 } Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name -> { context | references = if Dict.member name context.references then -- The reference already exists, and we want to keep the first reference -- for a better presentation context.references else Dict.insert name (Node.range node).start context.references } _ -> context computeRangesForLetDeclarations : List (Node Expression.LetDeclaration) -> List Range computeRangesForLetDeclarations declarations = List.filterMap (\letDecl -> case Node.value letDecl of Expression.LetFunction { declaration } -> if List.isEmpty (Node.value declaration).arguments then Nothing else Just (declaration |> Node.value |> .expression |> Node.range) Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ -> Nothing ) declarations incrementAndIgnoreForOperands : String -> List Increase -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> ( List Increase, List Range ) incrementAndIgnoreForOperands operator increases left right = let ( leftIncreases, leftIgnore ) = incrementAndIgnore operator left ( rightIncreases, rightIgnore ) = incrementAndIgnore operator right in ( List.concat [ leftIncreases, rightIncreases, increases ] , Node.range left :: Node.range right :: leftIgnore ++ rightIgnore ) incrementAndIgnore : String -> Node Expression -> ( List Increase, List Range ) incrementAndIgnore parentOperator node = case Node.value node of Expression.OperatorApplication operator _ left right -> if operator == "&&" || operator == "||" then let newOperatorIncrease : List Increase newOperatorIncrease = if operator == parentOperator then [] else [ { line = (Node.range node).start , increase = 1 , nesting = 0 , kind = Operator operator } ] in incrementAndIgnoreForOperands operator newOperatorIncrease left right else ( [], [] ) _ -> ( [], [] ) expressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext ) expressionExitVisitor node context = if List.member (Node.range node) context.rangesWhereNestingIncreases then ( [], expressionExitVisitorHelp node { context | nesting = context.nesting - 1 } ) else ( [], expressionExitVisitorHelp node context ) expressionExitVisitorHelp : Node Expression -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext expressionExitVisitorHelp node context = case Node.value node of Expression.IfBlock _ _ _ -> if not (List.member (Node.range node) context.elseIfToIgnore) then { context | nesting = context.nesting - 1 } else context Expression.CaseExpression _ -> { context | nesting = context.nesting - 1 } Expression.LambdaExpression _ -> { context | nesting = context.nesting - 1 } _ -> context declarationExitVisitor : Node Declaration -> ModuleContext -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), ModuleContext ) declarationExitVisitor node context = let functionsToReport : List FunctionToReport functionsToReport = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> { functionName = function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name , increases = context.increases , references = context.references } :: context.functionsToReport _ -> context.functionsToReport in ( [] , { nesting = 0 , operandsToIgnore = [] , elseIfToIgnore = [] , rangesWhereNestingIncreases = [] , references = Dict.empty , increases = [] , functionsToReport = functionsToReport } ) finalModuleEvaluation : Int -> ModuleContext -> List (Rule.Error {}) finalModuleEvaluation threshold context = let recursiveCalls : RecursiveCalls recursiveCalls = computeRecursiveCalls context in List.filterMap (\functionToReport -> let allIncreases : List Increase allIncreases = computeIncreases recursiveCalls functionToReport finalComplexity : Int finalComplexity = List.foldl (\{ increase } acc -> increase + acc) 0 allIncreases in if finalComplexity > threshold then Just (Rule.error { message = Node.value functionToReport.functionName ++ " has a cognitive complexity of " ++ String.fromInt finalComplexity ++ ", higher than the allowed " ++ String.fromInt threshold , details = if List.isEmpty allIncreases then explanation else explanation ++ [ allIncreases |> List.sortBy (\{ line } -> ( line.row, line.column )) |> explain |> String.join "\n" ] } (Node.range functionToReport.functionName) ) else Nothing ) context.functionsToReport computeIncreases : RecursiveCalls -> FunctionToReport -> List Increase computeIncreases allRecursiveCalls { functionName, increases, references } = case Dict.get (Node.value functionName) allRecursiveCalls of Just recursiveCalls -> Set.foldl (\reference acc -> case Dict.get reference references of Just location -> { line = location , increase = 1 , nesting = 0 , kind = if Node.value functionName == reference then RecursiveCall else IndirectRecursiveCall reference } :: acc Nothing -> acc ) increases recursiveCalls Nothing -> increases computeRecursiveCalls : ModuleContext -> RecursiveCalls computeRecursiveCalls context = let potentialRecursiveFunctions : Set String potentialRecursiveFunctions = List.foldl (\fn acc -> Set.insert (Node.value fn.functionName) acc) Set.empty context.functionsToReport in context.functionsToReport |> List.foldl (\{ functionName, references } acc -> Dict.insert (Node.value functionName) (Dict.filter (\name _ -> Set.member name potentialRecursiveFunctions) references) acc ) Dict.empty |> findRecursiveCalls explanation : List String explanation = [ "This metric is a heuristic to measure how easy to understand a piece of code is, primarily through increments for breaks in the linear flow and for nesting those breaks." , "The most common ways to reduce complexity is to extract sections into functions and to unnest control flow structures. Following is a breakdown of where complexity was found:" ] explain : Increase -> String explain increase = "Line " ++ String.fromInt increase.line.row ++ ": +" ++ String.fromInt increase.increase ++ " for the " ++ kindToString increase.kind ++ mentionNesting increase.nesting mentionNesting : Int -> String mentionNesting nesting = if nesting == 0 then "" else " (including " ++ String.fromInt nesting ++ " for nesting)" kindToString : IncreaseKind -> String kindToString kind = case kind of If -> "if expression" ElseIf -> "else if expression" Case -> "case expression" Operator operator -> "use of `" ++ operator ++ "`" RecursiveCall -> "recursive call" IndirectRecursiveCall fnName -> "indirect recursive call to " ++ fnName -- FINDING RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS -- Inspired by the algorithm found at type alias RecursiveCalls = Dict String (Set String) type alias Visited = Dict String VisitState type VisitState = InStack | Done findRecursiveCalls : Dict String (Dict String a) -> RecursiveCalls findRecursiveCalls graph = graph |> Dict.foldl (\vertice _ ( recursiveCalls, visited ) -> let res : { recursiveCalls : RecursiveCalls, visited : Visited, stack : List String } res = processDFSTree graph [ vertice ] (Dict.insert vertice InStack visited) in ( mergeRecursiveCallsDict res.recursiveCalls recursiveCalls, res.visited ) ) ( Dict.empty, Dict.empty ) |> Tuple.first mergeRecursiveCallsDict : RecursiveCalls -> RecursiveCalls -> RecursiveCalls mergeRecursiveCallsDict left right = Dict.merge (\functionName calls dict -> Dict.insert functionName calls dict) (\functionName callsLeft callsRight dict -> Dict.insert functionName (Set.union callsLeft callsRight) dict) (\functionName calls dict -> Dict.insert functionName calls dict) left right Dict.empty processDFSTree : Dict String (Dict String a) -> List String -> Visited -> { recursiveCalls : RecursiveCalls, visited : Visited, stack : List String } processDFSTree graph stack visited = let vertices : List String vertices = List.head stack |> Maybe.andThen (\v -> Dict.get v graph) |> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty |> Dict.keys in List.foldl (\vertice acc -> case Dict.get vertice visited of Just InStack -> { acc | recursiveCalls = insertCycle stack vertice acc.recursiveCalls } Just Done -> acc Nothing -> let res : { recursiveCalls : RecursiveCalls, visited : Visited, stack : List String } res = processDFSTree graph (vertice :: stack) (Dict.insert vertice InStack visited) in { recursiveCalls = mergeRecursiveCallsDict res.recursiveCalls acc.recursiveCalls, visited = res.visited } ) { recursiveCalls = Dict.empty, visited = visited } vertices |> (\res -> { recursiveCalls = res.recursiveCalls , visited = List.head stack |> (\v -> Dict.insert v Done res.visited) |> Maybe.withDefault res.visited , stack = List.drop 1 stack } ) dataExtractor : ProjectContext -> Encode.Value dataExtractor projectContext = Encode.dict identity encodeComplexityDict projectContext encodeComplexityDict : ComplexityDict -> Encode.Value encodeComplexityDict dict = dict |> Dict.toList |> List.sortBy (Tuple.second >> negate) |> (\( name, complexity ) -> ( name, complexity )) |> Encode.object insertCycle : List String -> String -> RecursiveCalls -> RecursiveCalls insertCycle stack vertice recursiveCalls = case stack of x :: xs -> List.foldl (\( functionName, reference ) acc -> Dict.update functionName (Maybe.withDefault Set.empty >> Set.insert reference >> Just) acc ) recursiveCalls (toTuples x (takeTop xs ( x, [] ) vertice) []) [] -> recursiveCalls toTuples : String -> ( String, List String ) -> List ( String, String ) -> List ( String, String ) toTuples x ( first, xs ) result = case xs of [] -> ( x, first ) :: result firstofXs :: restOfXs -> toTuples first ( firstofXs, restOfXs ) (( x, first ) :: result) takeTop : List String -> ( String, List String ) -> String -> ( String, List String ) takeTop stack ( previousValue, previousValues ) stopValue = case stack of [] -> ( previousValue, previousValues ) x :: xs -> if x /= stopValue then takeTop xs ( x, previousValue :: previousValues ) stopValue else ( x, previousValue :: previousValues )