module NoRecursiveUpdateTest exposing (all) import NoRecursiveUpdate exposing (rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "NoRecursiveUpdate" [ test "should report when an update function calls itself" <| \_ -> """ module A exposing (..) update msg model = case msg of Foo -> { model | foo = True } Bar -> update Foo { model | bar = True } """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "`update` shouldn't call itself" , details = [ "If you wish to have the same behavior for different messages, move that behavior into a new function and have it called in the handling of both messages." ] , under = "update" } |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 8, column = 7 }, end = { row = 8, column = 13 } } ] , test "should not report other recursive functions" <| \_ -> """ module A exposing (..) recursive list = case list of [] -> Nothing _ :: xs -> recursive xs """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report calls to update functions from other modules" <| \_ -> """ module A exposing (..) update msg model = case msg of Bar subMsg -> Bar.update subMsg """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report references to update functions outside the update functions" <| \_ -> """ module A exposing (..) main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } update msg model = case msg of Bar -> 1 """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ]