module Simplify.Normalize exposing (Comparison(..), areAllTheSame, compare, getNumberValue) import Dict import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range) import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) areTheSame : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Bool areTheSame lookupTable left right = normalize lookupTable left == normalize lookupTable right areAllTheSame : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> List (Node Expression) -> Bool areAllTheSame lookupTable first rest = let normalizedFirst : Node Expression normalizedFirst = normalize lookupTable first in List.all (\node -> normalize lookupTable node == normalizedFirst) rest normalize : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression normalize lookupTable node = case Node.value node of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> normalize lookupTable expr Expression.Application nodes -> toNode (Expression.Application ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes)) Expression.OperatorApplication string infixDirection left right -> toNode (Expression.OperatorApplication string infixDirection (normalize lookupTable left) (normalize lookupTable right)) Expression.FunctionOrValue rawModuleName string -> let moduleName : ModuleName moduleName = ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable node |> Maybe.withDefault rawModuleName in toNode (Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName string) Expression.IfBlock cond then_ else_ -> toNode (Expression.IfBlock (normalize lookupTable cond) (normalize lookupTable then_) (normalize lookupTable else_)) Expression.Negation expr -> toNode (Expression.Negation (normalize lookupTable expr)) Expression.TupledExpression nodes -> toNode (Expression.TupledExpression ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes)) Expression.LetExpression letBlock -> toNode (Expression.LetExpression { declarations = (\decl -> case Node.value decl of Expression.LetFunction function -> let declaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation declaration = Node.value function.declaration in toNode (Expression.LetFunction { documentation = Nothing , signature = Nothing , declaration = toNode { name = toNode (Node.value , arguments = normalizePattern declaration.arguments , expression = normalize lookupTable declaration.expression } } ) Expression.LetDestructuring pattern expr -> toNode (Expression.LetDestructuring (normalizePattern pattern) (normalize lookupTable expr)) ) letBlock.declarations , expression = normalize lookupTable letBlock.expression } ) Expression.CaseExpression caseBlock -> toNode (Expression.CaseExpression { cases = (\( pattern, expr ) -> ( normalizePattern pattern, normalize lookupTable expr )) caseBlock.cases , expression = toNode <| Node.value caseBlock.expression } ) Expression.LambdaExpression lambda -> toNode (Expression.LambdaExpression { args = normalizePattern lambda.args , expression = normalize lookupTable lambda.expression } ) Expression.ListExpr nodes -> toNode (Expression.ListExpr ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes)) Expression.RecordAccess expr (Node _ field) -> toNode (Expression.RecordAccess (normalize lookupTable expr) (toNode field)) Expression.RecordExpr nodes -> nodes |> List.sortBy (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, _ )) -> fieldName) |> (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, expr )) -> toNode ( toNode fieldName, normalize lookupTable expr )) |> Expression.RecordExpr |> toNode Expression.RecordUpdateExpression (Node _ value) nodes -> nodes |> List.sortBy (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, _ )) -> fieldName) |> (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, expr )) -> toNode ( toNode fieldName, normalize lookupTable expr )) |> Expression.RecordUpdateExpression (toNode value) |> toNode expr -> toNode expr normalizePattern : Node Pattern -> Node Pattern normalizePattern node = case Node.value node of Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> toNode (Pattern.TuplePattern ( normalizePattern patterns)) Pattern.RecordPattern fields -> toNode (Pattern.RecordPattern ( (\(Node _ field) -> toNode field) fields)) Pattern.UnConsPattern element list -> toNode (Pattern.UnConsPattern (normalizePattern element) (normalizePattern list)) Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> toNode (Pattern.ListPattern ( normalizePattern patterns)) Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef patterns -> toNode (Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef ( normalizePattern patterns)) Pattern.AsPattern pattern (Node _ asName) -> toNode (Pattern.AsPattern (normalizePattern pattern) (toNode asName)) Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> normalizePattern pattern pattern -> toNode pattern toNode : a -> Node a toNode = Node Range.emptyRange -- COMPARE type Comparison = ConfirmedEquality | ConfirmedInequality | Unconfirmed compare : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Comparison compare lookupTable leftNode right = compareHelp lookupTable leftNode right True compareHelp : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Bool -> Comparison compareHelp lookupTable leftNode right canFlip = let fallback : Node Expression -> Comparison fallback rightNode = if canFlip then compareHelp lookupTable rightNode leftNode False else if areTheSame lookupTable leftNode right then ConfirmedEquality else Unconfirmed in case Node.value leftNode of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> compareHelp lookupTable expr right canFlip Expression.Integer left -> compareNumbers (Basics.toFloat left) right Expression.Floatable left -> compareNumbers left right Expression.Hex left -> compareNumbers (Basics.toFloat left) right Expression.Negation left -> case getNumberValue left of Just leftValue -> compareNumbers -leftValue right Nothing -> fallback right Expression.OperatorApplication leftOp _ leftLeft leftRight -> if List.member leftOp [ "+", "-", "*", "/" ] then case getNumberValue leftNode of Just leftValue -> case getNumberValue right of Just rightValue -> fromEquality (leftValue == rightValue) Nothing -> fallback right Nothing -> fallback right else case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.OperatorApplication rightOp _ rightLeft rightRight -> if leftOp == rightOp then compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable [ leftLeft, leftRight ] [ rightLeft, rightRight ] else fallback right _ -> fallback right Expression.Literal left -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.Literal rightValue -> fromEquality (left == rightValue) _ -> fallback right Expression.CharLiteral left -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.CharLiteral rightValue -> fromEquality (left == rightValue) _ -> fallback right Expression.FunctionOrValue _ leftName -> let right_ : Node Expression right_ = removeParens right in case Node.value right_ of Expression.FunctionOrValue _ rightName -> if isSameReference lookupTable ( Node.range leftNode, leftName ) ( Node.range right_, rightName ) then ConfirmedEquality else fallback right_ _ -> fallback right Expression.ListExpr leftList -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.ListExpr rightList -> if List.length leftList /= List.length rightList then ConfirmedInequality else compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality _ -> fallback right Expression.TupledExpression leftList -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.TupledExpression rightList -> compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality _ -> fallback right Expression.RecordExpr leftList -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.RecordExpr rightList -> compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality _ -> fallback right Expression.RecordUpdateExpression leftBaseValue leftList -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.RecordUpdateExpression rightBaseValue rightList -> if Node.value leftBaseValue == Node.value rightBaseValue then compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality else compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList Unconfirmed _ -> fallback right Expression.Application leftArgs -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.Application rightArgs -> compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable leftArgs rightArgs _ -> fallback right Expression.RecordAccess leftExpr leftName -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.RecordAccess rightExpr rightName -> if Node.value leftName == Node.value rightName then compareHelp lookupTable leftExpr rightExpr canFlip else Unconfirmed _ -> fallback right Expression.UnitExpr -> ConfirmedEquality Expression.IfBlock leftCond leftThen leftElse -> case Node.value (removeParens right) of Expression.IfBlock rightCond rightThen rightElse -> compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable [ leftCond, leftThen, leftElse ] [ rightCond, rightThen, rightElse ] _ -> fallback right _ -> fallback right isSameReference : ModuleNameLookupTable -> ( Range, String ) -> ( Range, String ) -> Bool isSameReference lookupTable ( leftFnRange, leftFnName ) ( rightFnRange, rightFnName ) = if leftFnName == rightFnName then Maybe.map2 (==) (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable leftFnRange) (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable rightFnRange) |> Maybe.withDefault False else False compareNumbers : Float -> Node Expression -> Comparison compareNumbers leftValue right = case getNumberValue right of Just rightValue -> fromEquality (leftValue == rightValue) Nothing -> Unconfirmed getNumberValue : Node Expression -> Maybe Float getNumberValue node = case Node.value node of Expression.Integer value -> Just (Basics.toFloat value) Expression.Hex int -> Just (Basics.toFloat int) Expression.Floatable float -> Just float Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> getNumberValue expr Expression.LetExpression { expression } -> getNumberValue expression Expression.OperatorApplication "+" _ left right -> Maybe.map2 (+) (getNumberValue left) (getNumberValue right) Expression.OperatorApplication "-" _ left right -> Maybe.map2 (-) (getNumberValue left) (getNumberValue right) Expression.OperatorApplication "*" _ left right -> Maybe.map2 (*) (getNumberValue left) (getNumberValue right) Expression.OperatorApplication "/" _ left right -> Maybe.map2 (/) (getNumberValue left) (getNumberValue right) Expression.Negation expr -> getNumberValue expr |> negate _ -> Nothing compareLists : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression) -> List (Node Expression) -> Comparison -> Comparison compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList acc = case ( leftList, rightList ) of ( left :: restOfLeft, right :: restOfRight ) -> case compareHelp lookupTable left right True of ConfirmedEquality -> compareLists lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight acc ConfirmedInequality -> ConfirmedInequality Unconfirmed -> compareLists lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight Unconfirmed _ -> acc compareEqualityOfAll : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression) -> List (Node Expression) -> Comparison compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable leftList rightList = case ( leftList, rightList ) of ( left :: restOfLeft, right :: restOfRight ) -> case compareHelp lookupTable left right True of ConfirmedEquality -> compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight ConfirmedInequality -> Unconfirmed Unconfirmed -> Unconfirmed _ -> ConfirmedEquality type RecordFieldComparison = MissingOtherValue | HasBothValues (Node Expression) (Node Expression) compareRecords : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression.RecordSetter) -> List (Node Expression.RecordSetter) -> Comparison -> Comparison compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList acc = let leftFields : List ( String, Node Expression ) leftFields = (Node.value >> Tuple.mapFirst Node.value) leftList rightFields : List ( String, Node Expression ) rightFields = (Node.value >> Tuple.mapFirst Node.value) rightList recordFieldComparisons : List RecordFieldComparison recordFieldComparisons = Dict.merge (\key _ -> Dict.insert key MissingOtherValue) (\key a b -> Dict.insert key (HasBothValues a b)) (\key _ -> Dict.insert key MissingOtherValue) (Dict.fromList leftFields) (Dict.fromList rightFields) Dict.empty |> Dict.values in compareRecordFields lookupTable recordFieldComparisons acc compareRecordFields : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List RecordFieldComparison -> Comparison -> Comparison compareRecordFields lookupTable recordFieldComparisons acc = case recordFieldComparisons of [] -> acc MissingOtherValue :: rest -> compareRecordFields lookupTable rest Unconfirmed (HasBothValues a b) :: rest -> case compare lookupTable a b of ConfirmedInequality -> ConfirmedInequality ConfirmedEquality -> compareRecordFields lookupTable rest acc Unconfirmed -> compareRecordFields lookupTable rest Unconfirmed fromEquality : Bool -> Comparison fromEquality bool = if bool then ConfirmedEquality else ConfirmedInequality removeParens : Node Expression -> Node Expression removeParens node = case Node.value node of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> removeParens expr _ -> node