module Dependencies exposing (elmCore, elmHtml)
import Elm.Docs
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Type as Type
import Elm.Version
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Review.Project
createElmJson : String -> Elm.Project.Project
createElmJson rawElmJson =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder rawElmJson of
Ok elmJson ->
Err _ ->
createElmJson rawElmJson
elmCore : Review.Project.Dependency
elmCore =
{ name = "elm/core"
, version =
, modules =
[ { name = "Basics"
, comment = ""
, unions =
[ { name = "Bool"
, comment = ""
, args = []
, tags = [ ( "True", [] ), ( "False", [] ) ]
, aliases = []
, values =
[ { name = "always"
, comment = ""
, tipe =
-- b -> a -> b
Type.Lambda (Type.Var "b") (Type.Lambda (Type.Var "a") (Type.Var "b"))
, binops =
[ { name = "+"
, comment = "Add numbers"
, tipe = Type.Lambda (Type.Var "number") (Type.Lambda (Type.Var "number") (Type.Var "number"))
, associativity = Elm.Docs.Left
, precedence = 6
, { name = "Maybe"
, comment = ""
, unions =
[ { name = "Maybe"
, comment = " maybe "
, args = [ "a" ]
, tags =
[ ( "Nothing", [] )
, ( "Just", [ Type.Var "a" ] )
, aliases = []
, values =
[ { name = "always"
, comment = ""
, tipe =
-- b -> a -> b
Type.Lambda (Type.Var "b") (Type.Lambda (Type.Var "a") (Type.Var "b"))
, binops =
[ { name = "+"
, comment = "Add numbers"
, tipe = Type.Lambda (Type.Var "number") (Type.Lambda (Type.Var "number") (Type.Var "number"))
, associativity = Elm.Docs.Left
, precedence = 6
, elmJson = createElmJson """
"type": "package",
"name": "elm/core",
"summary": "Elm's standard libraries",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.4",
"exposed-modules": {
"Primitives": [
"Collections": [
"Error Handling": [
"Debug": [
"Effects": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {},
"test-dependencies": {}
elmHtml : Review.Project.Dependency
elmHtml =
{ name = "elm/html"
, version =
, modules =
[ { name = "Html"
, comment = ""
, unions = []
, aliases = []
, values =
[ { name = "button"
, comment = ""
, tipe =
-- List.List (Html.Attribute msg) ->
Type.Lambda (Type.Type "List.List" [ Type.Type "Html.Attribute" [ Type.Var "msg" ] ])
-- List.List (Html.Html msg) ->
(Type.Lambda (Type.Type "List.List" [ Type.Type "Html.Html" [ Type.Var "msg" ] ])
-- Html.Html msg
(Type.Type "Html.Html" [ Type.Var "msg" ])
, binops = []
, elmJson = createElmJson """
"type": "package",
"name": "elm/html",
"summary": "Fast HTML, rendered with virtual DOM diffing",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": {
"HTML": [
"Optimize": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {
"elm/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm/json": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
"test-dependencies": {}