module NoDebug.TodoOrToString exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) {-| Forbid the use of [`Debug.todo`] and [`Debug.toString`]. config = [ NoDebug.TodoOrToString.rule ] The reason why there is a is separate rule for handling [`Debug.log`] and one for handling [`Debug.todo`] and [`Debug.toString`], is because these two functions are reasonable and useful to have in tests. You can for instance create test data without having to handle the error case everywhere. If you do enter the error case in the following example, then tests will fail. testEmail : Email testEmail = case Email.fromString "" of Just email -> email Nothing -> Debug.todo "Supplied an invalid email in tests" If you want to allow these functions in tests but not in production code, you can configure the rule like this. import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) config = [ NoDebug.TodoOrToString.rule |> Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories [ "tests/" ] ] ## Fail _ = if condition then a else Debug.todo "" _ = Debug.toString data ## Success if condition then a else b [`Debug.log`]: [`Debug.todo`]: [`Debug.toString`]: -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoDebug.TodoOrToString" init |> Rule.withImportVisitor importVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { hasTodoBeenImported : Bool , hasToStringBeenImported : Bool } init : Context init = { hasTodoBeenImported = False , hasToStringBeenImported = False } error : Node a -> String -> Error {} error node name = Rule.error { message = "Remove the use of `Debug." ++ name ++ "` before shipping to production" , details = [ "`Debug." ++ name ++ "` can be useful when developing, but is not meant to be shipped to production or published in a package. I suggest removing its use before committing and attempting to push to production." ] } (Node.range node) importVisitor : Node Import -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) importVisitor node context = let moduleName : List String moduleName = node |> Node.value |> .moduleName |> Node.value in if moduleName == [ "Debug" ] then case node |> Node.value |> .exposingList |> Node.value of Just (Exposing.All _) -> ( [], { hasTodoBeenImported = True, hasToStringBeenImported = True } ) Just (Exposing.Explicit importedNames) -> ( [] , { context | hasTodoBeenImported = List.any (is "todo") importedNames , hasToStringBeenImported = List.any (is "toString") importedNames } ) Nothing -> ( [], context ) else ( [], context ) is : String -> Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose -> Bool is name node = case Node.value node of Exposing.FunctionExpose functionName -> name == functionName _ -> False expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Rule.Direction -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context ) expressionVisitor node direction context = case ( direction, Node.value node ) of ( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue [ "Debug" ] name ) -> if name == "todo" then ( [ error node name ], context ) else if name == "toString" then ( [ error node name ], context ) else ( [], context ) ( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ) -> if name == "todo" && context.hasTodoBeenImported then ( [ error node name ], context ) else if name == "toString" && context.hasToStringBeenImported then ( [ error node name ], context ) else ( [], context ) _ -> ( [], context )