module NoNegationInIfCondition exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Review.Fix as Fix import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) {-| Reports when negations are used in config = [ NoNegationInIfCondition.rule ] ## Fail a = if not condition then 1 else 2 ## Success a = if condition then 1 else 2 ## When (not) to enable this rule This rule is not meant to be published. It is primarily meant to be a test rule for `withSourceCodeExtractor` and an example for its usage. I don't think it's a good rule to enforce, and I personally like to put the "happy" path/branch first, instead of the non-negated one. As such, I have left this rule incomplete meaning there are more cases that should be handled for this rule to do what it is meant to do. -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchemaUsingContextCreator "NoNegationInIfCondition" initialContext |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.providesFixesForModuleRule |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { extractSourceCode : Range -> String } initialContext : Rule.ContextCreator () Context initialContext = Rule.initContextCreator (\extractSourceCode () -> { extractSourceCode = extractSourceCode }) |> Rule.withSourceCodeExtractor expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) expressionVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Expression.IfBlock condition thenBranch elseBranch -> case Node.value condition of Expression.Application ((Node notRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] "not")) :: _) -> if isIfExpr elseBranch then ( [], context ) else let elseKeywordString : String elseKeywordString = context.extractSourceCode { start = (Node.range thenBranch).end, end = (Node.range elseBranch).start } in ( [ Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Don't use if expressions with negated conditions" , details = [ "We at think that if expressions are more readable when the condition is not negated." ] } notRange [ Fix.removeRange notRange , Fix.removeRange { start = (Node.range thenBranch).start, end = (Node.range elseBranch).start } , Fix.insertAt (Node.range elseBranch).end (elseKeywordString ++ context.extractSourceCode (Node.range thenBranch)) ] ] , context ) _ -> ( [], context ) _ -> ( [], context ) isIfExpr : Node Expression -> Bool isIfExpr node = case Node.value node of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> isIfExpr expr Expression.IfBlock _ _ _ -> True _ -> False