module NoTestValuesInProductionCodeTest exposing (all) import NoTestValuesInProductionCode exposing (rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "NoTestValuesInProductionCode" [ endsWithTest , startsWithTest ] endsWithTest : Test endsWithTest = describe "endsWith" [ test "should report an error when using a function or value that ends with the specified suffix" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) listTESTS_ONLY = [] value = foo listTESTS_ONLY """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.endsWith "TESTS_ONLY")) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Forbidden use of test-only value `listTESTS_ONLY` in production source code" , details = [ "This value was marked as being meant to only be used in test-related code, but I found it being used in code that will go to production." , "You should either stop using it or rename it to not end with `TESTS_ONLY`." ] , under = "listTESTS_ONLY" } |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 22 }, end = { row = 3, column = 36 } } ] , test "should not report an error when using a function or value that does not end with the specified suffix" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) list = [] value = foo list """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.endsWith "TESTS_ONLY")) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report an error when using a test value inside another test value" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) listTESTS_ONLY = [] valueTESTS_ONLY = foo listTESTS_ONLY """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.endsWith "TESTS_ONLY")) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] startsWithTest : Test startsWithTest = describe "startsWith" [ test "should report an error when using a function or value that starts with the specified suffix" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) tests__list = [] value = foo tests__list """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.startsWith "tests__")) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ Review.Test.error { message = "Forbidden use of test-only value `tests__list` in production source code" , details = [ "This value was marked as being meant to only be used in test-related code, but I found it being used in code that will go to production." , "You should either stop using it or rename it to not start with `tests__`." ] , under = "tests__list" } |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 22 }, end = { row = 3, column = 33 } } ] , test "should not report an error when using a function or value that does not start with the specified suffix" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) list = [] value = foo list """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.startsWith "tests__")) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "should not report an error when using a test value inside another test value" <| \() -> """module A exposing (..) tests__list = [] tests__value = foo tests__list """ |> (rule (NoTestValuesInProductionCode.startsWith "TESTS_ONLY")) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ]