module NoUnused.Parameters exposing (rule) {-| Report parameters that are not used. @docs rule -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range) import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Report parameters that are not used. 🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove some of the reported errors. config = [ NoUnused.Parameters.rule ] This rule looks within function arguments, let functions and lambdas to find any values that are unused. It will report any parameters that are not used. ## Fixes for lambdas We're only offering fixes for lambdas here because we believe unused parameters in functions are a code smell that should be refactored. ## Fail Value `number` is not used: add1 number = 1 The rule will also report parameters that are only used to be passed again to the containing recursive function: last list unused = case list of [] -> Nothing [ a ] -> Just a _ :: rest -> last rest unused ## Success add1 number = number + 1 ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-unused/example --rules NoUnused.Parameters ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnused.Parameters" initialContext |> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor declarationEnterVisitor |> Rule.withDeclarationExitVisitor declarationExitVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionEnterVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor expressionExitVisitor |> Rule.withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor letDeclarationEnterVisitor |> Rule.withLetDeclarationExitVisitor letDeclarationExitVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema --- CONTEXT type alias Context = { scopes : List Scope , knownFunctions : Dict String FunctionArgs , locationsToIgnoreForUsed : LocationsToIgnore } type alias Scope = { functionName : String , declared : List Declared , used : Set String , usedRecursively : Set String } type alias Declared = { name : String , range : Range , kind : Kind , source : Source , fix : List Fix } type alias LocationsToIgnore = Dict String (List Range) type alias FunctionArgs = Dict Int String type Kind = Parameter | Alias | AsWithoutVariables | TupleWithoutVariables type Source = NamedFunction | Lambda initialContext : Context initialContext = { scopes = [] , knownFunctions = Dict.empty , locationsToIgnoreForUsed = Dict.empty } -- DECLARATION VISITOR declarationEnterVisitor : Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) declarationEnterVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration { declaration } -> let arguments : List (Node Pattern) arguments = (Node.value declaration).arguments declared : List (List Declared) declared = (getParametersFromPatterns NamedFunction) arguments functionName : String functionName = Node.value declaration |> .name |> Node.value in ( [] , { scopes = [ { functionName = functionName , declared = List.concat declared , used = Set.empty , usedRecursively = Set.empty } ] , knownFunctions = Dict.singleton functionName (getArgNames declared) , locationsToIgnoreForUsed = Dict.empty } ) _ -> ( [], context ) declarationExitVisitor : Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) declarationExitVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration _ -> report context _ -> ( [], context ) getArgNames : List (List Declared) -> FunctionArgs getArgNames declared = getArgNamesHelp declared 0 Dict.empty getArgNamesHelp : List (List Declared) -> Int -> FunctionArgs -> FunctionArgs getArgNamesHelp declared index acc = case declared of [] -> acc args :: restOfDeclared -> let newAcc : Dict Int String newAcc = case args of [ arg ] -> Dict.insert index acc _ -> acc in getArgNamesHelp restOfDeclared (index + 1) newAcc getParametersFromPatterns : Source -> Node Pattern -> List Declared getParametersFromPatterns source node = case Node.value node of Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> getParametersFromPatterns source pattern Pattern.VarPattern name -> [ { name = name , range = Node.range node , kind = Parameter , fix = [ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range node) "_" ] , source = source } ] Pattern.AsPattern pattern asName -> getParametersFromAsPattern source pattern asName Pattern.RecordPattern fields -> case fields of [ field ] -> [ { name = Node.value field , range = Node.range field , kind = Parameter , fix = [ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range node) "_" ] , source = source } ] _ -> let fieldNames : List String fieldNames = Node.value fields in (\field -> { name = Node.value field , range = Node.range field , kind = Parameter , fix = [ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range node) (fieldNames |> List.filter (\f -> f /= Node.value field) |> formatRecord) ] , source = source } ) fields Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> let parametersFromPatterns : List Declared parametersFromPatterns = List.concatMap (getParametersFromPatterns source) patterns in if List.isEmpty parametersFromPatterns && List.all isPatternWildCard patterns then [ { name = "" , range = Node.range node , kind = TupleWithoutVariables , fix = [ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range node) "_" ] , source = source } ] else parametersFromPatterns Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> List.concatMap (getParametersFromPatterns source) patterns _ -> [] getParametersFromAsPattern : Source -> Node Pattern -> Node String -> List Declared getParametersFromAsPattern source pattern asName = let parametersFromPatterns : List Declared parametersFromPatterns = getParametersFromPatterns source pattern asParameter : Declared asParameter = { name = Node.value asName , range = Node.range asName , kind = Alias , fix = [ Fix.removeRange { start = (Node.range pattern).end, end = (Node.range asName).end } ] , source = source } in if List.isEmpty parametersFromPatterns && isPatternWildCard pattern then [ asParameter , { name = "" , range = Node.range pattern , kind = AsWithoutVariables , fix = [ Fix.removeRange { start = (Node.range pattern).start, end = (Node.range asName).start } ] , source = source } ] else asParameter :: parametersFromPatterns isPatternWildCard : Node Pattern -> Bool isPatternWildCard node = case Node.value node of Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> isPatternWildCard pattern Pattern.AllPattern -> True _ -> False formatRecord : List String -> String formatRecord fields = "{ " ++ String.join ", " fields ++ " }" -- EXPRESSION ENTER VISITOR expressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) expressionEnterVisitor node context = ( [], expressionEnterVisitorHelp node context ) expressionEnterVisitorHelp : Node Expression -> Context -> Context expressionEnterVisitorHelp node context = case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name -> markValueAsUsed (Node.range node) name context Expression.RecordUpdateExpression name _ -> markValueAsUsed (Node.range name) (Node.value name) context Expression.LambdaExpression { args } -> { context | scopes = { functionName = "dummy lambda" , declared = List.concatMap (getParametersFromPatterns Lambda) args , used = Set.empty , usedRecursively = Set.empty } :: context.scopes } Expression.Application ((Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] fnName)) :: arguments) -> registerFunctionCall fnName 0 arguments context Expression.OperatorApplication "|>" _ lastArgument (Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] fnName)) :: arguments))) -> -- Ignoring "arguments" because they will be visited when the Application node will be visited anyway. registerFunctionCall fnName (List.length arguments) [ lastArgument ] context Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ (Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] fnName)) :: arguments))) lastArgument -> -- Ignoring "arguments" because they will be visited when the Application node will be visited anyway. registerFunctionCall fnName (List.length arguments) [ lastArgument ] context _ -> context -- EXPRESSION EXIT VISITOR expressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) expressionExitVisitor (Node _ node) context = case node of Expression.LambdaExpression _ -> report context _ -> ( [], context ) letDeclarationEnterVisitor : a -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) letDeclarationEnterVisitor _ letDeclaration context = case Node.value letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction function -> let declaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation declaration = Node.value function.declaration in if List.isEmpty declaration.arguments then ( [], context ) else let functionName : String functionName = Node.value declared : List (List Declared) declared = (getParametersFromPatterns NamedFunction) declaration.arguments newScope : Scope newScope = { functionName = functionName , declared = List.concat declared , used = Set.empty , usedRecursively = Set.empty } in ( [] , { context | scopes = newScope :: context.scopes , knownFunctions = Dict.insert functionName (getArgNames declared) context.knownFunctions } ) Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ -> ( [], context ) letDeclarationExitVisitor : a -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) letDeclarationExitVisitor _ letDeclaration context = case Node.value letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction function -> let declaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation declaration = Node.value function.declaration in if List.isEmpty declaration.arguments then ( [], context ) else report context Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ -> ( [], context ) registerFunctionCall : String -> Int -> List (Node a) -> Context -> Context registerFunctionCall fnName numberOfIgnoredArguments arguments context = case Dict.get fnName context.knownFunctions of Just fnArgs -> let locationsToIgnore : LocationsToIgnore locationsToIgnore = arguments |> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair |> List.filterMap (\( index, arg ) -> Dict.get (numberOfIgnoredArguments + index) fnArgs |> (\argName -> ( argName, [ Node.range arg ] )) ) |> Dict.fromList in { context | locationsToIgnoreForUsed = Dict.merge Dict.insert (\key new old -> Dict.insert key (new ++ old)) Dict.insert locationsToIgnore context.locationsToIgnoreForUsed Dict.empty } Nothing -> context markValueAsUsed : Range -> String -> Context -> Context markValueAsUsed range name context = case context.scopes of [] -> context headScope :: restOfScopes -> let newHeadScope : Scope newHeadScope = if shouldBeIgnored range name context then { headScope | usedRecursively = Set.insert name headScope.usedRecursively } else { headScope | used = Set.insert name headScope.used } in { context | scopes = newHeadScope :: restOfScopes } shouldBeIgnored : Range -> String -> Context -> Bool shouldBeIgnored range name context = case Dict.get name context.locationsToIgnoreForUsed of Just ranges -> List.any (isRangeIncluded range) ranges Nothing -> False isRangeIncluded : Range -> Range -> Bool isRangeIncluded inner outer = (Range.compareLocations inner.start outer.start /= LT) && (Range.compareLocations inner.end outer.end /= GT) markAllAsUsed : Set String -> List Scope -> List Scope markAllAsUsed names scopes = case scopes of [] -> scopes headScope :: restOfScopes -> { headScope | used = Set.union names headScope.used } :: restOfScopes report : Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) report context = case context.scopes of headScope :: restOfScopes -> let ( errors, remainingUsed ) = List.foldl (findErrorsAndVariablesNotPartOfScope headScope) ( [], headScope.used ) headScope.declared in ( errors , { context | scopes = markAllAsUsed remainingUsed restOfScopes , knownFunctions = Dict.remove headScope.functionName context.knownFunctions } ) [] -> ( [], context ) findErrorsAndVariablesNotPartOfScope : Scope -> Declared -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Set String ) -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Set String ) findErrorsAndVariablesNotPartOfScope scope declared ( errors_, remainingUsed_ ) = if Set.member scope.usedRecursively then -- If variable was used as a recursive argument if Set.member remainingUsed_ then -- If variable was used somewhere else as well ( errors_, Set.remove remainingUsed_ ) else -- If variable was used ONLY as a recursive argument ( recursiveParameterError scope.functionName declared :: errors_, Set.remove remainingUsed_ ) else if Set.member remainingUsed_ then ( errors_, Set.remove remainingUsed_ ) else ( errorsForValue declared :: errors_, remainingUsed_ ) errorsForValue : Declared -> Rule.Error {} errorsForValue { name, kind, range, source, fix } = Rule.errorWithFix (errorMessage kind name) range (applyFix source fix) errorMessage : Kind -> String -> { message : String, details : List String } errorMessage kind name = case kind of Parameter -> { message = "Parameter `" ++ name ++ "` is not used" , details = [ "You should either use this parameter somewhere, or remove it at the location I pointed at." ] } Alias -> { message = "Pattern alias `" ++ name ++ "` is not used" , details = [ "You should either use this parameter somewhere, or remove it at the location I pointed at." ] } AsWithoutVariables -> { message = "Pattern does not introduce any variables" , details = [ "You should remove this pattern." ] } TupleWithoutVariables -> { message = "Tuple pattern is not needed" , details = [ "You should remove this pattern." ] } recursiveParameterError : String -> Declared -> Rule.Error {} recursiveParameterError functionName { name, range } = Rule.error { message = "Parameter `" ++ name ++ "` is only used in recursion" , details = [ "This parameter is only used to be passed as an argument to '" ++ functionName ++ "', but its value is never read or used." , "You should either use this parameter somewhere, or remove it at the location I pointed at." ] } range applyFix : Source -> List Fix -> List Fix applyFix source fix = case source of NamedFunction -> [] Lambda -> fix