module NoPrematureLetComputation exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Location, Range) import RangeDict exposing (RangeDict) import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix) import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Set exposing (Set) {-| Reports let declarations that are computed earlier than needed. This rule is useful to prevent unnecessary computations and to group related code together. config = [ NoPrematureLetComputation.rule ] 🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically fix almost all of the reported errors. ## Fail In this example, we compute `value` earlier than needed, and we end up not using it in of the branches. someFunction n = let value = expensiveComputation n in if needToCompute then value + 1 else 0 ## Success If we take the example from above, this would be the suggested (and automatic) fix: someFunction n = if needToCompute then let value = expensiveComputation n in value + 1 else 0 A declaration will not be reported if it's used in multiple branches at the same level. The rule will try to move the declaration as close as possible to the usages. someFunction n = let value = expensiveComputation n in if condition then value + 1 else value - 1 Sometimes, when a computation is somewhat expensive, it is done once in a let declaration and then referenced in a let or anonymous function. This rule does not want to worsen the performance, and therefore declarations will not be moved to inside a function. someFunction items n = let -- Will stay here value = expensiveComputation n in (\item -> if condition item then value + item.value else 0 ) items There are some exceptions when we know for sure that an anonymous function will only be computed once, for instance when it is the argument to ``: someFunction maybeItem n = let -- Will be moved from here... value = expensiveComputation n in (\item -> if condition item then -- ... to here value + item.value else 0 ) maybeItem The rule will also merge adjacent let declarations together: someFunction n = let y = 1 in let z = 1 in y + z --> someFunction n = let y = 1 z = 1 in y + z ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-common/example --rules NoPrematureLetComputation ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchemaUsingContextCreator "NoPrematureLetComputation" initialContext |> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor declarationVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionEnterVisitor |> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor expressionExitVisitor |> Rule.providesFixesForModuleRule |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { lookupTable : ModuleNameLookupTable , extractSourceCode : Range -> String , scope : Scope , branching : Branching , functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce : RangeDict () } type alias Branching = { full : List Range , last : Maybe Range } type Scope = Scope ScopeType ScopeData type ScopeType = Branch | LetScope | Function | FunctionOkayToMoveInto type alias ScopeData = { letDeclarations : List Declared , used : Set String , insertionLocation : LetInsertPosition , scopes : RangeDict Scope } type LetInsertPosition = InsertNewLet Location | InsertExistingLet Location type alias Declared = { name : String , introducesVariablesInImplementation : Bool , reportRange : Range , declarationColumn : Int , declarationRange : Range , removeRange : Range } newBranch : LetInsertPosition -> Scope newBranch insertionLocation = Scope Branch { letDeclarations = [] , used = Set.empty , insertionLocation = insertionLocation , scopes = RangeDict.empty } emptyBranching : Branching emptyBranching = { full = [] , last = Nothing } initialContext : Rule.ContextCreator () Context initialContext = Rule.initContextCreator (\lookupTable extractSourceCode () -> { lookupTable = lookupTable , extractSourceCode = extractSourceCode , scope = newBranch (InsertNewLet { row = 0, column = 0 }) , branching = emptyBranching , functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce = RangeDict.empty } ) |> Rule.withModuleNameLookupTable |> Rule.withSourceCodeExtractor updateCurrentBranch : (ScopeData -> ScopeData) -> List Range -> Scope -> Scope updateCurrentBranch updateFn currentBranching (Scope type_ segment) = case currentBranching of [] -> Scope type_ (updateFn segment) range :: restOfSegments -> Scope type_ { segment | scopes = RangeDict.modify range (updateCurrentBranch updateFn restOfSegments) segment.scopes } updateAllSegmentsOfCurrentBranch : (ScopeData -> ScopeData) -> List Range -> Scope -> Scope updateAllSegmentsOfCurrentBranch updateFn currentBranching (Scope type_ scope) = case currentBranching of [] -> Scope type_ (updateFn scope) range :: restOfSegments -> Scope type_ (updateFn { scope | scopes = RangeDict.modify range (updateAllSegmentsOfCurrentBranch updateFn restOfSegments) scope.scopes } ) getCurrentBranch : List Range -> Scope -> Maybe Scope getCurrentBranch currentBranching branch = case currentBranching of [] -> Just branch range :: restOfBranching -> RangeDict.get range (getScopes branch) |> Maybe.andThen (getCurrentBranch restOfBranching) getScopes : Scope -> RangeDict Scope getScopes = getScopeData >> .scopes getScopeData : Scope -> ScopeData getScopeData (Scope _ scope) = scope declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) declarationVisitor node context = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration { declaration } -> ( [] , { lookupTable = context.lookupTable , extractSourceCode = context.extractSourceCode , scope = newBranch (figureOutInsertionLocation (declaration |> Node.value |> .expression)) , branching = emptyBranching , functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce = RangeDict.empty } ) _ -> ( [], context ) figureOutInsertionLocation : Node Expression -> LetInsertPosition figureOutInsertionLocation node = case Node.value node of Expression.LetExpression { declarations } -> case declarations of first :: _ -> InsertExistingLet (Node.range first).start [] -> -- Should not happen InsertNewLet (Node.range node).start _ -> InsertNewLet (Node.range node).start expressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) expressionEnterVisitor node context = let newContext : Context newContext = case getCurrentBranch context.branching.full context.scope |> getScopes of Just scopes -> if RangeDict.member (Node.range node) scopes then { context | branching = addBranching (Node.range node) context.branching } else context Nothing -> context in ( [], expressionEnterVisitorHelp node newContext ) addBranching : Range -> Branching -> Branching addBranching range branching = { full = branching.full ++ [ range ] , last = Just range } removeLastBranchIfOnIt : Range -> Branching -> Maybe Branching removeLastBranchIfOnIt range branching = if branching.last == Just range then let full : List Range full = List.take (List.length branching.full - 1) branching.full in Just (removeLastBranchIfOnItRetry range { full = full , last = getLastListItem full } ) else Nothing removeLastBranchIfOnItRetry : Range -> Branching -> Branching removeLastBranchIfOnItRetry range branching = if branching.last == Just range then let full : List Range full = List.take (List.length branching.full - 1) branching.full in { full = full , last = getLastListItem full } else branching popCurrentNodeFromBranching : Range -> Context -> Context popCurrentNodeFromBranching range context = case removeLastBranchIfOnIt range context.branching of Just newBranching -> { context | branching = newBranching } Nothing -> context expressionEnterVisitorHelp : Node Expression -> Context -> Context expressionEnterVisitorHelp node context = case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name -> let branch : Scope branch = updateCurrentBranch (\b -> { b | used = Set.insert name b.used }) context.branching.full context.scope in { context | scope = branch } Expression.RecordUpdateExpression name _ -> let branch : Scope branch = updateCurrentBranch (\b -> { b | used = Set.insert (Node.value name) b.used }) context.branching.full context.scope in { context | scope = branch } Expression.LetExpression letBlock -> registerLetExpression node letBlock context Expression.IfBlock _ then_ else_ -> addBranches [ then_, else_ ] context Expression.CaseExpression { cases } -> registerCaseExpression node cases context Expression.LambdaExpression { args, expression } -> let branch : Scope branch = if List.any patternIntroducesVariable args then markLetDeclarationsAsIntroducingVariables (Node.range node) context else context.scope newScope : Scope newScope = Scope (if RangeDict.member (Node.range node) context.functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce then FunctionOkayToMoveInto else Function ) { letDeclarations = [] , used = Set.empty , insertionLocation = figureOutInsertionLocation expression , scopes = RangeDict.empty } branchWithAddedScope : Scope branchWithAddedScope = updateCurrentBranch (\b -> { b | scopes = RangeDict.insert (Node.range node) newScope b.scopes } ) context.branching.full branch in { context | scope = branchWithAddedScope , branching = addBranching (Node.range node) context.branching } Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: argumentWithParens :: restOfArguments) -> registerApplicationCall fnRange fnName argumentWithParens (List.length restOfArguments) context Expression.OperatorApplication "|>" _ _ (Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: argumentWithParens :: restOfArguments))) -> registerApplicationCall fnRange fnName argumentWithParens (List.length restOfArguments + 1) context Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ (Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: argumentWithParens :: restOfArguments))) _ -> registerApplicationCall fnRange fnName argumentWithParens (List.length restOfArguments + 1) context _ -> context registerLetExpression : Node Expression -> Expression.LetBlock -> Context -> Context registerLetExpression node { declarations, expression } context = let isDeclarationAlone : Bool isDeclarationAlone = List.length declarations == 1 letDeclarations : List Declared letDeclarations = declarations |> List.concatMap collectDeclarations |> (\( nameNode, expressionRange, declaration ) -> { name = Node.value nameNode , introducesVariablesInImplementation = False , reportRange = Node.range nameNode , declarationColumn = (Node.range declaration).start.column , declarationRange = fullLines { start = (Node.range declaration).start, end = expressionRange.end } , removeRange = if isDeclarationAlone then { start = (Node.range node).start , end = (Node.range expression).start } else { start = { row = (Node.range declaration).start.row, column = 1 } , end = expressionRange.end } } ) scopes : RangeDict Scope scopes = declarations |> List.filterMap getLetFunctionRange |> (\range -> ( range, functionScope )) |> RangeDict.fromList newScope : Scope newScope = Scope LetScope { letDeclarations = letDeclarations , used = Set.empty , insertionLocation = figureOutInsertionLocation node , scopes = scopes } contextWithDeclarationsMarked : Context contextWithDeclarationsMarked = { context | scope = markLetDeclarationsAsIntroducingVariables (Node.range node) context } branch : Scope branch = updateCurrentBranch (\b -> { b | scopes = RangeDict.insert (Node.range node) newScope b.scopes } ) contextWithDeclarationsMarked.branching.full contextWithDeclarationsMarked.scope in { contextWithDeclarationsMarked | scope = branch , branching = addBranching (Node.range node) contextWithDeclarationsMarked.branching } registerCaseExpression : Node Expression -> List ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> Context -> Context registerCaseExpression node cases context = let contextWithDeclarationsMarked : Context contextWithDeclarationsMarked = if List.any (Tuple.first >> patternIntroducesVariable) cases then { context | scope = markLetDeclarationsAsIntroducingVariables (Node.range node) context } else context branchNodes : List (Node Expression) branchNodes = (\( _, exprNode ) -> exprNode) cases in addBranches branchNodes contextWithDeclarationsMarked registerApplicationCall : Range -> String -> Node Expression -> Int -> Context -> Context registerApplicationCall fnRange fnName argumentWithParens nbOfOtherArguments context = let argument : Node Expression argument = removeParens argumentWithParens in case Node.value argument of Expression.LambdaExpression _ -> case numberOfArgumentsForFunction context.lookupTable fnName fnRange of Just expectedNumberOfArguments -> if nbOfOtherArguments == expectedNumberOfArguments - 1 then { context | functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce = RangeDict.insert (Node.range argument) () context.functionsThatWillOnlyBeComputedOnce } else context Nothing -> context _ -> context numberOfArgumentsForFunction : ModuleNameLookupTable -> String -> Range -> Maybe number numberOfArgumentsForFunction lookupTable fnName fnRange = case Dict.get fnName knownFunctions of Just knownModuleNames -> ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable fnRange |> Maybe.andThen (\moduleName -> Dict.get moduleName knownModuleNames) _ -> Nothing knownFunctions : Dict String (Dict (List String) number) knownFunctions = Dict.fromList [ ( "map" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Html" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 2 ) ] ) , ( "map2" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 3 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 3 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 3 ) ] ) , ( "map3" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 4 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 4 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 4 ) ] ) , ( "map4" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 5 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 5 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 5 ) ] ) , ( "map5" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 6 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 6 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 6 ) ] ) , ( "mapError" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Result" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 2 ) ] ) , ( "andThen" , Dict.fromList [ ( [ "Maybe" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Result" ], 2 ) , ( [ "Task" ], 2 ) ] ) -- TODO Support mapBoth as well , ( "mapFirst" , Dict.singleton [ "Tuple" ] 2 ) , ( "mapSecond" , Dict.singleton [ "Tuple" ] 2 ) , ( "perform" , Dict.singleton [ "Task" ] 2 ) , ( "attempt" , Dict.singleton [ "Task" ] 2 ) , ( "onError" , Dict.singleton [ "Task" ] 2 ) , ( "update" , Dict.singleton [ "Dict" ] 4 ) ] removeParens : Node Expression -> Node Expression removeParens node = case Node.value node of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> removeParens expr _ -> node functionScope : Scope functionScope = Scope Function { letDeclarations = [] , used = Set.empty , insertionLocation = -- Will not be used InsertNewLet { row = 0, column = 0 } , scopes = RangeDict.empty } variablesInPattern : Node Pattern -> List (Node String) variablesInPattern node = case Node.value node of Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> List.concatMap variablesInPattern patterns Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> List.concatMap variablesInPattern patterns Pattern.RecordPattern fields -> fields Pattern.UnConsPattern left right -> List.concatMap variablesInPattern [ left, right ] Pattern.VarPattern name -> [ Node (Node.range node) name ] Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> List.concatMap variablesInPattern patterns Pattern.AsPattern pattern name -> name :: variablesInPattern pattern Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> variablesInPattern pattern _ -> [] patternIntroducesVariable : Node Pattern -> Bool patternIntroducesVariable node = case Node.value node of Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> List.any patternIntroducesVariable patterns Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> List.any patternIntroducesVariable patterns Pattern.RecordPattern _ -> True Pattern.UnConsPattern left right -> patternIntroducesVariable left || patternIntroducesVariable right Pattern.VarPattern _ -> True Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> List.any patternIntroducesVariable patterns Pattern.AsPattern _ _ -> True Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> patternIntroducesVariable pattern _ -> False markLetDeclarationsAsIntroducingVariables : Range -> Context -> Scope markLetDeclarationsAsIntroducingVariables range context = updateAllSegmentsOfCurrentBranch (markDeclarationsAsUsed range) context.branching.full context.scope markDeclarationsAsUsed : Range -> ScopeData -> ScopeData markDeclarationsAsUsed range branchData = { branchData | letDeclarations = (markDeclarationAsUsed range) branchData.letDeclarations } markDeclarationAsUsed : Range -> Declared -> Declared markDeclarationAsUsed range declared = if isRangeContained { outer = declared.declarationRange, inner = range } then { declared | introducesVariablesInImplementation = True } else declared isRangeContained : { outer : Range, inner : Range } -> Bool isRangeContained { outer, inner } = (Range.compareLocations outer.start inner.start /= GT) && (Range.compareLocations outer.end inner.end /= LT) fullLines : Range -> Range fullLines range = { start = { row = range.start.row, column = 1 } , end = range.end } addBranches : List (Node Expression) -> Context -> Context addBranches nodes context = let branch : Scope branch = updateCurrentBranch (\b -> { b | scopes = insertNewBranches nodes b.scopes }) context.branching.full context.scope in { context | scope = branch } insertNewBranches : List (Node Expression) -> RangeDict Scope -> RangeDict Scope insertNewBranches nodes rangeDict = case nodes of [] -> rangeDict node :: tail -> insertNewBranches tail (RangeDict.insert (Node.range node) (newBranch (figureOutInsertionLocation node)) rangeDict ) expressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) expressionExitVisitor node context = ( expressionExitVisitorHelp node context , popCurrentNodeFromBranching (Node.range node) context ) expressionExitVisitorHelp : Node Expression -> Context -> List (Rule.Error {}) expressionExitVisitorHelp node context = case Node.value node of Expression.LetExpression _ -> case getCurrentBranch context.branching.full context.scope of Just ((Scope LetScope scopeData) as scope) -> List.filterMap (\declaration -> canBeMovedToCloserLocation True scope |> List.head |> (createError context declaration) ) scopeData.letDeclarations _ -> [] _ -> [] collectDeclarations : Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> List ( Node String, Range, Node Expression.LetDeclaration ) collectDeclarations node = case Node.value node of Expression.LetFunction letFunction -> let declaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation declaration = Node.value letFunction.declaration in if List.isEmpty declaration.arguments then [ ( , Node.range declaration.expression , node ) ] else [] Expression.LetDestructuring pattern expression -> case variablesInPattern pattern of [ name ] -> [ ( name , Node.range expression , node ) ] _ -> [] getLetFunctionRange : Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Maybe Range getLetFunctionRange node = case Node.value node of Expression.LetFunction { declaration } -> if List.isEmpty (Node.value declaration).arguments then Nothing else Just (declaration |> Node.value |> .expression |> Node.range) Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ -> Nothing canBeMovedToCloserLocation : Bool -> String -> Scope -> List LetInsertPosition canBeMovedToCloserLocation isRoot name (Scope type_ scope) = let closestLocation : List LetInsertPosition closestLocation = canBeMovedToCloserLocationForBranchData isRoot name scope in case type_ of Branch -> closestLocation LetScope -> closestLocation FunctionOkayToMoveInto -> closestLocation Function -> -- Duplicating so that the parent has to use its insert location, -- and we don't insert inside the let closestLocation ++ closestLocation canBeMovedToCloserLocationForBranchData : Bool -> String -> ScopeData -> List LetInsertPosition canBeMovedToCloserLocationForBranchData isRoot name branchData = if Set.member name branchData.used then emptyIfTrue isRoot [ branchData.insertionLocation ] else let relevantUsages : List LetInsertPosition relevantUsages = findRelevantUsages name (RangeDict.values branchData.scopes) [] in if List.length relevantUsages > 1 then emptyIfTrue isRoot [ branchData.insertionLocation ] else relevantUsages findRelevantUsages : String -> List Scope -> List LetInsertPosition -> List LetInsertPosition findRelevantUsages name branches result = if List.length result > 1 then -- If we have already found 2 branches with relevant usages, then we don't need to continue result else case branches of [] -> result first :: rest -> findRelevantUsages name rest (canBeMovedToCloserLocation False name first ++ result) emptyIfTrue : Bool -> List a -> List a emptyIfTrue bool list = if bool then [] else list createError : Context -> Declared -> LetInsertPosition -> Rule.Error {} createError context declared letInsertPosition = let letInsertLine : Int letInsertLine = case letInsertPosition of InsertNewLet insertLocation -> insertLocation.row InsertExistingLet insertLocation -> insertLocation.row in Rule.errorWithFix { message = "Let value was declared prematurely" , details = [ "This value is only used in some code paths, and it can therefore be computed unnecessarily." , "Try moving it closer to where it is needed, I recommend to move it to line " ++ String.fromInt letInsertLine ++ "." ] } declared.reportRange (fix context declared letInsertPosition) fix : Context -> Declared -> LetInsertPosition -> List Fix fix context declared letInsertPosition = if declared.introducesVariablesInImplementation then [] else case letInsertPosition of InsertNewLet insertLocation -> [ Fix.removeRange declared.removeRange , context.extractSourceCode declared.declarationRange |> wrapInLet declared.reportRange.start.column insertLocation.column |> Fix.insertAt insertLocation ] InsertExistingLet insertLocation -> [ Fix.removeRange declared.removeRange , context.extractSourceCode declared.declarationRange |> insertInLet declared.declarationColumn insertLocation.column |> Fix.insertAt insertLocation ] wrapInLet : Int -> Int -> String -> String wrapInLet initialPosition column source = let padding : String padding = String.repeat (column - 1) " " in [ [ "let" ] , source |> String.lines |> (\line -> String.repeat (column - initialPosition) " " ++ " " ++ line) , [ padding ++ "in", padding ] ] |> List.concat |> String.join "\n" insertInLet : Int -> Int -> String -> String insertInLet initialPosition column source = case source |> String.trim |> String.lines of [] -> "" firstLine :: restOfLines -> ((firstLine :: (\line -> String.repeat (column - initialPosition) " " ++ line) restOfLines) |> String.join "\n" ) ++ "\n" ++ String.repeat (column - 1) " " getLastListItem : List a -> Maybe a getLastListItem = List.reverse >> List.head