module Simplify.AstHelpers exposing ( boolToString , declarationListBindings , emptyStringAsString , getBool , getBooleanPattern , getCollapsedCons , getListLiteral , getListSingleton , getListSingletonCall , getNotFunction , getOrder , getSpecificFunction , getSpecificFunctionCall , getSpecificReducedFunction , getSpecificReducedFunctionCall , getSpecificValueOrFunction , getTuple , getTypeExposeIncludingVariants , getUncomputedNumberValue , isBinaryOperation , isEmptyList , isIdentity , isListLiteral , isSpecificBool , isSpecificCall , isSpecificValueOrFunction , isTupleFirstAccess , isTupleSecondAccess , letDeclarationListBindings , moduleNameFromString , nameOfExpose , orderToString , patternBindings , patternListBindings , qualifiedToString , removeParens , removeParensFromPattern ) import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression) import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern) import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range) import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable) import Set exposing (Set) import Simplify.Infer as Infer import Simplify.Normalize as Normalize removeParens : Node Expression -> Node Expression removeParens node = case Node.value node of Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr -> removeParens expr _ -> node removeParensFromPattern : Node Pattern -> Node Pattern removeParensFromPattern node = case Node.value node of Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> removeParensFromPattern pattern _ -> node isSpecificValueOrFunction : ModuleName -> String -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isSpecificValueOrFunction moduleName fnName lookupTable node = case removeParens node of Node noneRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ foundFnName) -> (foundFnName == fnName) && (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable noneRange == Just moduleName) _ -> False getSpecificValueOrFunction : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { fnRange : Range } getSpecificValueOrFunction ( moduleName, fnName ) lookupTable node = case removeParens node of Node noneRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ foundFnName) -> if (foundFnName == fnName) && (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable noneRange == Just moduleName) then Just { fnRange = noneRange } else Nothing _ -> Nothing isSpecificCall : ModuleName -> String -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isSpecificCall moduleName fnName lookupTable node = case Node.value (removeParens node) of Expression.Application ((Node noneRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ foundFnName)) :: _ :: []) -> (foundFnName == fnName) && (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable noneRange == Just moduleName) _ -> False getListSingleton : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { element : Node Expression } getListSingleton lookupTable baseNode = case Node.value (removeParens baseNode) of Expression.ListExpr [ element ] -> Just { element = element } Expression.ListExpr _ -> Nothing _ -> getListSingletonCall lookupTable baseNode getListSingletonCall : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { element : Node Expression } getListSingletonCall lookupTable expressionNode = case getSpecificFunctionCall ( [ "List" ], "singleton" ) lookupTable expressionNode of Just singletonCall -> case singletonCall.argsAfterFirst of [] -> Just { element = singletonCall.firstArg } _ :: _ -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing getSpecificFunction : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe Range getSpecificFunction ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable baseNode = case removeParens baseNode of Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ foundName) -> if (foundName == name) && (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable fnRange == Just moduleName) then Just fnRange else Nothing _ -> Nothing getSpecificFunctionCall : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnRange : Range , firstArg : Node Expression , argsAfterFirst : List (Node Expression) } getSpecificFunctionCall ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable baseNode = getFunctionCall baseNode |> Maybe.andThen (\call -> if (call.fnName /= name) || (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable call.fnRange /= Just moduleName) then Nothing else Just { nodeRange = call.nodeRange , fnRange = call.fnRange , firstArg = call.firstArg , argsAfterFirst = call.argsAfterFirst } ) getFunctionCall : Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnName : String , fnRange : Range , firstArg : Node Expression , argsAfterFirst : List (Node Expression) } getFunctionCall baseNode = case Node.value (removeParens baseNode) of Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: firstArg :: argsAfterFirst) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = argsAfterFirst } Expression.OperatorApplication "|>" _ firstArg fedFunction -> case fedFunction of Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = [] } Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: argsAfterFirst)) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = argsAfterFirst } _ -> Nothing Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ fedFunction firstArg -> case fedFunction of Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = [] } Node _ (Expression.Application ((Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName)) :: argsAfterFirst)) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = argsAfterFirst } _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing getCollapsedValueOrFunction : Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnName : String , fnRange : Range , args : List (Node Expression) } getCollapsedValueOrFunction baseNode = let step : { firstArg : Node Expression, argsAfterFirst : List (Node Expression), fed : Node Expression } -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range, fnRange : Range, fnName : String, args : List (Node Expression) } step layer = (\fed -> { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fed.fnRange , fnName = fed.fnName , args = fed.args ++ (layer.firstArg :: layer.argsAfterFirst) } ) (getCollapsedValueOrFunction layer.fed) in case removeParens baseNode of Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName) -> Just { nodeRange = Node.range baseNode , fnRange = fnRange , fnName = fnName , args = [] } Node _ (Expression.Application (fed :: firstArg :: argsAfterFirst)) -> step { fed = fed , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = argsAfterFirst } Node _ (Expression.OperatorApplication "|>" _ firstArg fed) -> step { fed = fed , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = [] } Node _ (Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ fed firstArg) -> step { fed = fed , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = [] } _ -> Nothing getNotFunction : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe Range getNotFunction lookupTable baseNode = getSpecificFunction ( [ "Basics" ], "not" ) lookupTable baseNode isTupleFirstAccess : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isTupleFirstAccess lookupTable expressionNode = case getSpecificReducedFunction ( [ "Tuple" ], "first" ) lookupTable expressionNode of Just _ -> True Nothing -> isTupleFirstPatternLambda expressionNode isTupleSecondAccess : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isTupleSecondAccess lookupTable expressionNode = case getSpecificReducedFunction ( [ "Tuple" ], "second" ) lookupTable expressionNode of Just _ -> True Nothing -> isTupleSecondPatternLambda expressionNode isTupleFirstPatternLambda : Node Expression -> Bool isTupleFirstPatternLambda expressionNode = case Node.value (removeParens expressionNode) of Expression.LambdaExpression lambda -> case lambda.args of [ Node _ (Pattern.TuplePattern [ Node _ (Pattern.VarPattern firstVariableName), _ ]) ] -> case Node.value lambda.expression of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] resultName -> resultName == firstVariableName _ -> False _ -> False _ -> False isTupleSecondPatternLambda : Node Expression -> Bool isTupleSecondPatternLambda expressionNode = case Node.value (removeParens expressionNode) of Expression.LambdaExpression lambda -> case lambda.args of [ Node _ (Pattern.TuplePattern [ _, Node _ (Pattern.VarPattern firstVariableName) ]) ] -> case Node.value lambda.expression of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] resultName -> resultName == firstVariableName _ -> False _ -> False _ -> False getUncomputedNumberValue : Node Expression -> Maybe Float getUncomputedNumberValue node = case Node.value (removeParens node) of Expression.Integer n -> Just (toFloat n) Expression.Hex n -> Just (toFloat n) Expression.Floatable n -> Just n Expression.Negation expr -> negate (getUncomputedNumberValue expr) _ -> Nothing isIdentity : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isIdentity lookupTable baseNode = let node : Node Expression node = removeParens baseNode in case Node.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue _ "identity" -> ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable node == Just [ "Basics" ] Expression.LambdaExpression { args, expression } -> case args of arg :: [] -> case getVarPattern arg of Just patternName -> getExpressionName expression == Just patternName _ -> False _ -> False _ -> False {-| Parses variables and lambdas that are reducible to a variable -} getSpecificReducedFunction : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { fnRange : Range } getSpecificReducedFunction ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable expressionNode = Maybe.andThen (\reducedFunction -> if (reducedFunction.fnName /= name) || (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable reducedFunction.fnRange /= Just moduleName) then Nothing else Just { fnRange = reducedFunction.fnRange } ) (getReducedFunction expressionNode) {-| Parses variables and lambdas that are reducible to a variable -} getReducedFunction : Node Expression -> Maybe { fnRange : Range, fnName : String } getReducedFunction expressionNode = case removeParens expressionNode of Node fnRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue _ fnName) -> Just { fnRange = fnRange, fnName = fnName } _ -> Maybe.andThen (\reducedLambdaToCall -> case ( reducedLambdaToCall.lambdaPatterns, reducedLambdaToCall.callArguments ) of ( [], [] ) -> Just { fnRange = reducedLambdaToCall.fnRange, fnName = reducedLambdaToCall.fnName } ( _ :: _, [] ) -> Nothing ( [], _ :: _ ) -> Nothing ( _ :: _, _ :: _ ) -> Nothing ) (getReducedLambdaToCall expressionNode) {-| Parses calls and lambdas that are reducible to a call -} getSpecificReducedFunctionCall : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnRange : Range , firstArg : Node Expression , argsAfterFirst : List (Node Expression) } getSpecificReducedFunctionCall ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable expressionNode = case getSpecificFunctionCall ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable expressionNode of Just call -> Just call Nothing -> Maybe.andThen (\reducedLambdaToCall -> case ( reducedLambdaToCall.lambdaPatterns, reducedLambdaToCall.callArguments ) of ( [], [] ) -> Nothing ( _ :: _, [] ) -> Nothing ( _ :: _, _ :: _ ) -> Nothing ( [], firstArg :: argsAfterFirst ) -> Just { nodeRange = reducedLambdaToCall.nodeRange , fnRange = reducedLambdaToCall.fnRange , firstArg = firstArg , argsAfterFirst = argsAfterFirst } ) (getSpecificReducedLambdaToCall ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable expressionNode) getSpecificReducedLambdaToCall : ( ModuleName, String ) -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnRange : Range , callArguments : List (Node Expression) , lambdaPatterns : List (Node Pattern) } getSpecificReducedLambdaToCall ( moduleName, name ) lookupTable expressionNode = getReducedLambdaToCall expressionNode |> Maybe.andThen (\reducedLambdaToCall -> if (reducedLambdaToCall.fnName /= name) || (ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable reducedLambdaToCall.fnRange /= Just moduleName) then Nothing else Just { nodeRange = reducedLambdaToCall.nodeRange , fnRange = reducedLambdaToCall.fnRange , callArguments = reducedLambdaToCall.callArguments , lambdaPatterns = reducedLambdaToCall.lambdaPatterns } ) getReducedLambdaToCall : Node Expression -> Maybe { nodeRange : Range , fnName : String , fnRange : Range , callArguments : List (Node Expression) , lambdaPatterns : List (Node Pattern) } getReducedLambdaToCall expressionNode = -- maybe a version of this is better located in Normalize? case getCollapsedLambda expressionNode of Just lambda -> case getCollapsedValueOrFunction lambda.expression of Just call -> let ( reducedCallArguments, reducedLambdaPatterns ) = drop2EndingsWhile (\( argument, pattern ) -> case Node.value (removeParens argument) of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] argument0Name -> case getVarPattern pattern of Just pattern0Name -> pattern0Name == argument0Name _ -> False _ -> False ) ( call.args , lambda.patterns ) in Just { nodeRange = Node.range expressionNode , fnName = call.fnName , fnRange = call.fnRange , callArguments = reducedCallArguments , lambdaPatterns = reducedLambdaPatterns } Nothing -> Nothing _ -> Nothing {-| Remove elements at the end of both given lists, then repeat for the previous elements until a given test returns False -} drop2EndingsWhile : (( a, b ) -> Bool) -> ( List a, List b ) -> ( List a, List b ) drop2EndingsWhile shouldDrop ( aList, bList ) = let ( reducedArgumentsReverse, reducedPatternsReverse ) = drop2BeginningsWhile shouldDrop ( List.reverse aList , List.reverse bList ) in ( List.reverse reducedArgumentsReverse, List.reverse reducedPatternsReverse ) drop2BeginningsWhile : (( a, b ) -> Bool) -> ( List a, List b ) -> ( List a, List b ) drop2BeginningsWhile shouldDrop listPair = case listPair of ( [], bList ) -> ( [], bList ) ( aList, [] ) -> ( aList, [] ) ( aHead :: aTail, bHead :: bTail ) -> if shouldDrop ( aHead, bHead ) then drop2BeginningsWhile shouldDrop ( aTail, bTail ) else ( aHead :: aTail, bHead :: bTail ) getCollapsedLambda : Node Expression -> Maybe { patterns : List (Node Pattern), expression : Node Expression } getCollapsedLambda expressionNode = case Node.value (removeParens expressionNode) of Expression.LambdaExpression lambda -> case getCollapsedLambda lambda.expression of Nothing -> Just { patterns = lambda.args , expression = lambda.expression } Just innerCollapsedLambda -> Just { patterns = lambda.args ++ innerCollapsedLambda.patterns , expression = innerCollapsedLambda.expression } _ -> Nothing getVarPattern : Node Pattern -> Maybe String getVarPattern node = case Node.value node of Pattern.VarPattern name -> Just name Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> getVarPattern pattern _ -> Nothing patternListBindings : List (Node Pattern) -> Set String patternListBindings patterns = List.foldl (\(Node _ pattern) soFar -> Set.union soFar (patternBindings pattern)) Set.empty patterns {-| Recursively find all bindings in a pattern. -} patternBindings : Pattern -> Set String patternBindings pattern = case pattern of Pattern.ListPattern patterns -> patternListBindings patterns Pattern.TuplePattern patterns -> patternListBindings patterns Pattern.RecordPattern patterns -> Set.fromList ( Node.value patterns) Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns -> patternListBindings patterns Pattern.UnConsPattern (Node _ headPattern) (Node _ tailPattern) -> Set.union (patternBindings tailPattern) (patternBindings headPattern) Pattern.VarPattern name -> Set.singleton name Pattern.AsPattern (Node _ pattern_) (Node _ name) -> Set.insert name (patternBindings pattern_) Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern (Node _ inParens) -> patternBindings inParens Pattern.AllPattern -> Set.empty Pattern.UnitPattern -> Set.empty Pattern.CharPattern _ -> Set.empty Pattern.StringPattern _ -> Set.empty Pattern.IntPattern _ -> Set.empty Pattern.HexPattern _ -> Set.empty Pattern.FloatPattern _ -> Set.empty declarationListBindings : List (Node Declaration) -> Set String declarationListBindings declarationList = declarationList |> (\(Node _ declaration) -> declarationBindings declaration) |> List.foldl (\bindings soFar -> Set.union soFar bindings) Set.empty declarationBindings : Declaration -> Set String declarationBindings declaration = case declaration of Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration variantType -> variantType.constructors |> (\(Node _ variant) -> Node.value |> Set.fromList Declaration.FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration -> Set.singleton (Node.value (Node.value functionDeclaration.declaration).name) _ -> Set.empty letDeclarationBindings : Expression.LetDeclaration -> Set String letDeclarationBindings letDeclaration = case letDeclaration of Expression.LetFunction fun -> Set.singleton (fun.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value) Expression.LetDestructuring (Node _ pattern) _ -> patternBindings pattern letDeclarationListBindings : List (Node Expression.LetDeclaration) -> Set String letDeclarationListBindings letDeclarationList = letDeclarationList |> (\(Node _ declaration) -> letDeclarationBindings declaration) |> List.foldl (\bindings soFar -> Set.union soFar bindings) Set.empty getExpressionName : Node Expression -> Maybe String getExpressionName node = case Node.value (removeParens node) of Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name -> Just name _ -> Nothing isListLiteral : Node Expression -> Bool isListLiteral node = case Node.value node of Expression.ListExpr _ -> True _ -> False getListLiteral : Node Expression -> Maybe (List (Node Expression)) getListLiteral expressionNode = case Node.value expressionNode of Expression.ListExpr list -> Just list _ -> Nothing getCollapsedCons : Node Expression -> Maybe { consed : List (Node Expression), tail : Node Expression } getCollapsedCons expressionNode = case Node.value (removeParens expressionNode) of Expression.OperatorApplication "::" _ head tail -> let tailCollapsed : Maybe { consed : List (Node Expression), tail : Node Expression } tailCollapsed = getCollapsedCons tail in case tailCollapsed of Nothing -> Just { consed = [ head ], tail = tail } Just tailCollapsedList -> Just { consed = head :: tailCollapsedList.consed, tail = tailCollapsedList.tail } _ -> Nothing getBool : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe Bool getBool lookupTable expressionNode = if isSpecificBool True lookupTable expressionNode then Just True else if isSpecificBool False lookupTable expressionNode then Just False else Nothing isSpecificBool : Bool -> ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Bool isSpecificBool specificBool lookupTable expressionNode = isSpecificValueOrFunction [ "Basics" ] (boolToString specificBool) lookupTable expressionNode getTuple : Node Expression -> Maybe { range : Range, first : Node Expression, second : Node Expression } getTuple expressionNode = case Node.value expressionNode of Expression.TupledExpression (first :: second :: []) -> Just { range = Node.range expressionNode, first = first, second = second } _ -> Nothing getBooleanPattern : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Pattern -> Maybe Bool getBooleanPattern lookupTable node = case Node.value node of Pattern.NamedPattern { name } _ -> case name of "True" -> if ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable node == Just [ "Basics" ] then Just True else Nothing "False" -> if ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable node == Just [ "Basics" ] then Just False else Nothing _ -> Nothing Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern -> getBooleanPattern lookupTable pattern _ -> Nothing getOrder : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Maybe Order getOrder lookupTable expression = if isSpecificValueOrFunction [ "Basics" ] "LT" lookupTable expression then Just LT else if isSpecificValueOrFunction [ "Basics" ] "EQ" lookupTable expression then Just EQ else if isSpecificValueOrFunction [ "Basics" ] "GT" lookupTable expression then Just GT else Nothing isEmptyList : Node Expression -> Bool isEmptyList node = case Node.value (removeParens node) of Expression.ListExpr [] -> True _ -> False isBinaryOperation : String -> Infer.Resources a -> Node Expression -> Bool isBinaryOperation symbol checkInfo expression = case expression |> Normalize.normalize checkInfo |> Node.value of Expression.PrefixOperator operatorSymbol -> operatorSymbol == symbol Expression.LambdaExpression lambda -> case lambda.args of -- invalid syntax [] -> False [ Node _ (Pattern.VarPattern element) ] -> case Node.value lambda.expression of Expression.Application [ Node _ (Expression.PrefixOperator operatorSymbol), Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] argument) ] -> (operatorSymbol == symbol) && (argument == element) -- no simple application _ -> False [ Node _ (Pattern.VarPattern element), Node _ (Pattern.VarPattern soFar) ] -> case Node.value lambda.expression of Expression.Application [ Node _ (Expression.PrefixOperator operatorSymbol), Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] left), Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] right) ] -> (operatorSymbol == symbol) && ((left == element && right == soFar) || (left == soFar && right == element) ) Expression.OperatorApplication operatorSymbol _ (Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] left)) (Node _ (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] right)) -> (operatorSymbol == symbol) && ((left == element && right == soFar) || (left == soFar && right == element) ) _ -> False -- too many/unsimplified patterns _ -> False -- not a known simple operator function _ -> False getTypeExposeIncludingVariants : Exposing.TopLevelExpose -> Maybe String getTypeExposeIncludingVariants expose = case expose of Exposing.InfixExpose _ -> Nothing Exposing.FunctionExpose _ -> Nothing Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose _ -> Nothing Exposing.TypeExpose variantType -> case of Nothing -> Nothing Just _ -> Just nameOfExpose : Exposing.TopLevelExpose -> String nameOfExpose topLevelExpose = case topLevelExpose of Exposing.FunctionExpose name -> name Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name -> name Exposing.InfixExpose name -> name Exposing.TypeExpose { name } -> name -- STRING emptyStringAsString : String emptyStringAsString = "\"\"" boolToString : Bool -> String boolToString bool = if bool then "True" else "False" orderToString : Order -> String orderToString order = case order of LT -> "LT" EQ -> "EQ" GT -> "GT" {-| Put a `ModuleName` and thing name together as a string. If desired, call in combination with `qualify` -} qualifiedToString : ( ModuleName, String ) -> String qualifiedToString ( moduleName, name ) = if List.isEmpty moduleName then name else moduleNameToString moduleName ++ "." ++ name moduleNameToString : ModuleName -> String moduleNameToString moduleName = String.join "." moduleName moduleNameFromString : String -> ModuleName moduleNameFromString string = String.split "." string