module Tests.NoModuleOnExposedNames exposing (all) import NoModuleOnExposedNames exposing (rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "NoModuleOnExposedNames" [ test "reports modules used on exposed values" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (class) view children = div [ Attr.class "container" ] children """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ moduleOnExposedValueError "Attr.class" "class" |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (class) view children = div [ class "container" ] children """ ] , test "reports modules used on exposed types" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html exposing (Html, Attribute) view : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg view children = Html.div [] children """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ moduleOnExposedTypeError "Html.Attribute" "Attribute" |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Page exposing (view) import Html exposing (Html, Attribute) view : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg view children = Html.div [] children """ ] , test "does not report names not exposed" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as Attr view children = div [ Attr.class "container" ] children """ |> rule |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] moduleOnExposedValueError : String -> String -> Review.Test.ExpectedError moduleOnExposedValueError call name = Review.Test.error { message = "Module used on exposed value `" ++ name ++ "`." , details = [ "It is not necessary to use the module here as `" ++ name ++ "` was exposed on import." , "You should remove the module from this call, or remove the name from the import .. exposing list." ] , under = call } moduleOnExposedTypeError : String -> String -> Review.Test.ExpectedError moduleOnExposedTypeError call name = Review.Test.error { message = "Module used on exposed type `" ++ name ++ "`." , details = [ "It is not necessary to use the module here as `" ++ name ++ "` was exposed on import." , "You should remove the module from this call, or remove the name from the import .. exposing list." ] , under = call }