2021-10-02 10:32:41 +02:00

37 lines
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module Docs.Utils.SlugTest exposing (all)
import Docs.Utils.Slug as Slug
import Expect
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
all : Test
all =
describe "Id slugs"
[ test "should slugify single-word section" <|
\() ->
|> Slug.toSlug
|> Expect.equal "section"
, test "should slugify section with spaces" <|
\() ->
"Some Section"
|> Slug.toSlug
|> Expect.equal "some-section"
, test "should slugify section with back-ticks" <|
\() ->
|> Slug.toSlug
|> Expect.equal "-section-"
, test "should slugify section with question mark" <|
\() ->
|> Slug.toSlug
|> Expect.equal "section-"
, test "should slugify complex example" <|
\() ->
"Section *with* ~some~ _spaces_ and\\_ $thi.ngs . [`links`](foo)"
|> Slug.toSlug
|> Expect.equal "section-_with_-some-_spaces_-and-_-thi-ngs-links-foo-"