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module NoLeftPizza exposing (rule, Strictness(..))
@docs rule, Strictness
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import NoLeftPizzaUtil
import Review.Fix as Fix
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Review.Rule3 as Rule3
{-| Specify how strict the rule should be.
Specifying `Any` means that _any_ use of `<|` will be flagged, whereas
`Redundant` limits it to cases where `<|` can be removed - without adding any
parenthesis - without changing the semantics.
type Strictness
= Any
| Redundant
{-| Forbids using the left pizza operator (<|) in infix position.
Expressions like `foo <| "hello" ++ world` will be flagged, and a fix will be
proposed to write the expression to `foo ("hello" ++ world)`.
To use this rule, add it to your `elm-review` config like so:
import NoLeftPizza
import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
config : List Rule
config =
[ NoLeftPizza.rule NoLeftPizza.Any
The above configuration results in absolutely any use of `<|` being flagged. If
you'd prefer only flagging redundant usage (such as `foo <| bar`), pass
`NoLeftPizza.Redundant` as the configuration option.
If you would prefer to keep writing tests in the more "traditional" style which
uses `<|`, you can disable the rule for `tests/` like so:
import NoLeftPizza
import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
config : List Rule
config =
[ NoLeftPizza.rule NoLeftPizza.Any
|> Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories
[ -- Test functions are traditionally built up using a left pizza.
-- While we don't want them in our regular code, let's allow them
-- just for tests.
Or pass `NoLeftPizza.Redundant` which will only apply to redundant usage:
import NoLeftPizza
import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
config : List Rule
config =
[ NoLeftPizza.rule NoLeftPizza.Redundant
rule : Strictness -> Rule
rule strictness =
Rule3.newModuleRuleSchema "NoLeftPizza" strictness
|> Rule3.withSimpleExpressionVisitor (expressionVisitor strictness)
|> Rule3.fromModuleRuleSchema
expressionVisitor : Strictness -> Node Expression -> List (Error {})
expressionVisitor strictness node =
case Node.value node of
Expression.OperatorApplication "<|" _ left right ->
case makeError strictness node left right of
Just error ->
[ error ]
Nothing ->
_ ->
makeError : Strictness -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Maybe (Error {})
makeError strictness node left right =
case ( strictness, isSimpleExpression right ) of
( Any, False ) ->
Just (produceError strictness node left (parenthesized right))
( Redundant, False ) ->
_ ->
Just (produceError strictness node left right)
produceError : Strictness -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Error {}
produceError strictness node left right =
Rule.errorWithFix (infoFor strictness)
(Node.range node)
[ Fix.replaceRangeBy (Node.range node)
(NoLeftPizzaUtil.expressionToString (Node.range node)
(Expression.Application [ left, right ])
infoFor : Strictness -> { message : String, details : List String }
infoFor strictness =
case strictness of
Any ->
{ message = "That's a left pizza (<|) operator application there!"
, details =
[ "We prefer using either parenthesized function application like `Html.text (context.translate Foo.Bar)` or right pizza's like `foo |> bar`."
, "The proposed fix rewrites the expression to a simple parenthesized expression, however, this may not always be what you want. Use your best judgement!"
Redundant ->
{ message = "Redundant left pizza (<|) operator application"
, details =
[ "This left pizza operator can be removed without any further changes, without changing the semantics of your code."
, "Using `<|` like this adds visual noise to code that can make it harder to read."
parenthesized : Node Expression -> Node Expression
parenthesized ((Node.Node range _) as node) =
Node.Node range (Expression.ParenthesizedExpression node)
isSimpleExpression : Node Expression -> Bool
isSimpleExpression (Node.Node _ expr) =
case expr of
Expression.Application _ ->
Expression.OperatorApplication _ _ _ _ ->
Expression.IfBlock _ _ _ ->
Expression.Operator _ ->
Expression.LetExpression _ ->
Expression.CaseExpression _ ->
Expression.LambdaExpression _ ->
Expression.GLSLExpression _ ->
_ ->