2017-06-13 01:31:10 +02:00

219 lines
7.8 KiB

port module NoUnusedVariablesTest exposing (all)
import Test exposing (describe, test, Test)
import TestUtil exposing (ruleTester, expectErrors)
import Lint.Rules.NoUnusedVariables exposing (rule)
import Lint.Types exposing (LintRule, Error)
error : String -> Error
error =
Error "NoUnusedVariables"
testRule : LintRule
testRule =
ruleTester rule
tests : List Test
tests =
[ test "should not report used top-level variables" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (b)
a n = 1
b = a 1
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report unused top-level variables" <|
\() ->
testRule "a = 1"
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused top-level variables even if they are annotated" <|
\() ->
testRule """
a: Int
a = 1
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
, test "should not report unused top-level variables if everything is exposed" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (..)
a n = 1
b = a 1
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report unused top-level variables that are exposed by name" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
a = 1
b = 2
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report unused top-level variables that are exposed by name, but report others" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `c` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused variables from let declarations" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
a = let b = 1
in 2
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `b` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused variables from let even if they are exposed by name" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
a = let b = 1
in 2
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `b` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused functions from let even if they are exposed by name" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
a = let b param = 1
in 2
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `b` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused variables from let even if everything is exposed" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (..)
a = let b = 1
in 2
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `b` is not used" ]
, test "should not report top-level variables used inside a let body" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
b = 1
a = let c = 1
in b + c
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report top-level variables used inside let declarations" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
b = 1
a = let c = b
in c
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report top-level variables used in nested lets" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
b = 1
a = let
c = b
d = let
e = 1
b + c + e
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report variables from let declarations that are used in the body" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
a = let c = 1
in c
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report unused function parameters" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
a n = 1
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report unused imported functions" <|
\() ->
testRule "import Foo exposing (a)"
|> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
, test "should report unused imported functions (multiple imports)" <|
\() ->
testRule "import Foo exposing (a, b, C)"
|> expectErrors
[ error "Variable `a` is not used"
, error "Variable `b` is not used"
-- Needs to be improved, every case should create a new scope stack
-- Right now, every parameter is considered used, which is not great
, test "should not report unused pattern matching parameters" <|
\() ->
testRule """module A exposing (a)
a = case thing of
Foo b c -> []
|> expectErrors []
-- What to do with types needs to be determined when I understand Type exports better (wrt sub-types)
, test "should report unused type declarations" <|
\() ->
testRule """
type A = B | C -- Should B and C be reported if they are not used? Probably.
type alias D = { a : B }
|> expectErrors []
-- , test "should not report unused type declarations if everything is exposed" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should not report unused type declarations that are exposed by name" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should report unused named imports `import A exposing (a)`" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should not report used named imports `import A exposing (a)`" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should not report unused union imports `import A exposing (B(..))`" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should report unused union imports `import A exposing (B(B))`" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
-- , test "should not report unused union imports `import A exposing (B(B))` (with more nesting?)" <|
-- \() ->
-- testRule """module A exposing (a, b)
-- a = 1
-- b = 2
-- c = 3
-- """
-- |> expectErrors [ error "Variable `a` is not used" ]
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnusedVariables" tests