2017-06-13 01:31:10 +02:00

127 lines
5.5 KiB

port module SimplifyPipingTest exposing (all)
import Test exposing (describe, test, Test)
import Lint.Rules.SimplifyPiping exposing (rule)
import Lint.Types exposing (LintRule, Error)
import TestUtil exposing (expectErrors)
error : String -> String -> Error
error op fn =
Error "SimplifyPiping" ("Instead of `" ++ fn ++ " f " ++ op ++ " List.map g`, try " ++ fn ++ " (f " ++ op ++ " g)")
tests : List Test
tests =
[ test "should not report piping of the result of different functions of the same module" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> List.map f |> List.filter g"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report piping of the result of similarly named functions of different modules" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> List.map f |> Set.map g"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report piping of List.map" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> List.map f |> List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping of Set.map" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> Set.map f |> Set.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "Set.map" ]
, test "should report piping of Array.map" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> Array.map f |> Array.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "Array.map" ]
, test "should report piping of the result of Array.indexedMap" <|
\() ->
rule "a = b |> Array.indexedMap f |> Array.indexedMap g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "Array.indexedMap" ]
, test "should not report piping of the incomplete simplifiable function call" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f |> List.map g"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report piping the function in itself" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f |> List.map g"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report piping the complete call into the same function" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f data |> List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the complete call into the same function with an additional pipe at the end" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f data |> List.map g |> foo"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should not report the use of a single simplifiable function" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report the use of a single simplifiable function with piped functions as the argument" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map (f >> g)"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report any piping of similar methods" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.foo fn |> List.foo fn2"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report direct piping of List.map and friends" <|
\() ->
rule """
a = List.map |> List.map
b = List.map >> List.map
c = Set.map |> Set.map
d = Set.map >> Set.map
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report piping right to left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f <| List.map g <| b"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping right to left with complete call at the right side" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f <| List.map g data"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping right to left with complete call at the right side and additional pipe on the left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = a <| List.map f <| List.map g data"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f >> List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on the left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = foo >> List.map f >> List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on the right" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f >> List.map g >> bar"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on both sides" <|
\() ->
rule "a = foo >> List.map f >> List.map g >> bar"
|> expectErrors [ error ">>" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly, right to left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f << List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on the left, right to left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = foo << List.map f << List.map g"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on the right, right to left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = List.map f << List.map g << bar"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
, test "should report piping the functions directly with additional pipe on both sides, right to left" <|
\() ->
rule "a = foo << List.map f << List.map g << bar"
|> expectErrors [ error "<<" "List.map" ]
all : Test
all =
describe "SimplifyPiping" tests