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356 lines
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module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, input, label, p, text, textarea)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Events as Events
import NoDebug.Log
import NoDebug.TodoOrToString
import NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors
import NoUnused.Variables
import Reporter
import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
type alias Model =
{ sourceCode : String
, project : Project
, reviewErrors : List Rule.ReviewError
, noDebugEnabled : Bool
, noUnusedVariablesEnabled : Bool
, noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled : Bool
, showConfigurationAsText : Bool
init : Model
init =
sourceCode : String
sourceCode =
"""module Main exposing (f)
import NotUsed
import SomeModule exposing (notUsed)
type SomeCustomType
= UsedConstructor
| NotUsedConstructor
f : Int -> SomeCustomType
f x =
_ = Debug.log "x" x
g n = n + 1
{ sourceCode = sourceCode
, project = Project.addModule (file sourceCode) Project.new
, reviewErrors = []
, noDebugEnabled = True
, noUnusedVariablesEnabled = True
, noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled = True
, showConfigurationAsText = False
|> runReview
config : Model -> List Rule
config model =
[ ( model.noDebugEnabled, NoDebug.Log.rule )
, ( model.noDebugEnabled, NoDebug.TodoOrToString.rule )
, ( model.noUnusedVariablesEnabled, NoUnused.Variables.rule )
, ( model.noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled, NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors.rule [] )
|> List.filter Tuple.first
|> List.map Tuple.second
type Msg
= UserEditedSourceCode String
| UserToggledNoDebugRule
| UserToggledNoUnusedVariablesRule
| UserToggledNoUnusedTypeConstructorsRule
| UserToggledConfigurationAsText
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
UserEditedSourceCode sourceCode ->
{ model
| sourceCode = sourceCode
, project = Project.addModule (file sourceCode) model.project
|> runReview
UserToggledNoDebugRule ->
{ model | noDebugEnabled = not model.noDebugEnabled }
|> runReview
UserToggledNoUnusedVariablesRule ->
{ model | noUnusedVariablesEnabled = not model.noUnusedVariablesEnabled }
|> runReview
UserToggledNoUnusedTypeConstructorsRule ->
{ model | noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled = not model.noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled }
|> runReview
UserToggledConfigurationAsText ->
{ model | showConfigurationAsText = not model.showConfigurationAsText }
runReview : Model -> Model
runReview model =
{ model
| reviewErrors =
Rule.review (config model) model.project
|> Tuple.first
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ Attr.id "wrapper" ]
[ div [ Attr.id "left" ]
[ p [ Attr.class "title" ] [ text "Source code" ]
, div
[ Attr.style "display" "flex"
, Attr.style "flex-direction" "row"
[ div
[ Attr.style "width" "60%"
[ textarea
[ Attr.id "input"
, Events.onInput UserEditedSourceCode
, Attr.style "width" "100%"
, Attr.style "height" "500px"
[ text model.sourceCode ]
, div
[ Attr.style "border-radius" "4px"
, Attr.style "padding" "12px"
, Attr.style "max-width" "100%"
, Attr.style "width" "calc(100vw - 24px)"
, Attr.style "overflow-x" "auto"
, Attr.style "white-space" "pre"
, Attr.style "color" "white"
, Attr.style "font-family" "'Source Code Pro', monospace"
, Attr.style "font-size" "12px"
, Attr.style "background-color" "black"
[ viewReviewErrors model
, div
[ Attr.style "margin-left" "2rem"
, Attr.style "width" "40%"
[ viewConfigurationPanel model
, viewConfigurationAsText model
, p [ Attr.class "title" ] [ text "Review errors" ]
viewConfigurationPanel : Model -> Html Msg
viewConfigurationPanel model =
div []
[ p [ Attr.class "title" ] [ text "Configuration" ]
, div
[ Attr.style "display" "flex"
, Attr.style "flex-direction" "column"
[ viewCheckbox UserToggledNoDebugRule "NoDebug rules" model.noDebugEnabled
, viewCheckbox UserToggledNoUnusedVariablesRule "NoUnused.Variables" model.noUnusedVariablesEnabled
, viewCheckbox UserToggledNoUnusedTypeConstructorsRule "NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors" model.noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled
viewConfigurationAsText : Model -> Html Msg
viewConfigurationAsText model =
if model.showConfigurationAsText then
[ Attr.style "display" "flex"
, Attr.style "flex-direction" "column"
, Attr.style "width" "100%"
[ button
[ Attr.style "margin-top" "2rem"
, Events.onClick UserToggledConfigurationAsText
[ text "Hide configuration as Elm code" ]
, textarea
[ Events.onInput UserEditedSourceCode
, Attr.style "height" "300px"
, Attr.style "width" "100%"
[ text <| configurationAsText model ]
[ Attr.style "margin-top" "2rem"
, Events.onClick UserToggledConfigurationAsText
[ text "Show configuration as Elm code" ]
configurationAsText : Model -> String
configurationAsText model =
rules : List { import_ : String, configExpression : String }
rules =
[ ( model.noDebugEnabled
, { import_ = "NoDebug.Log"
, configExpression = "NoDebug.Log.rule"
, ( model.noDebugEnabled
, { import_ = "NoDebug.TodoOrToString"
, configExpression = "NoDebug.TodoOrToString.rule"
, ( model.noUnusedVariablesEnabled
, { import_ = "NoUnused.Variables"
, configExpression = "NoUnused.Variables.rule"
, ( model.noUnusedTypeConstructorsEnabled
, { import_ = "NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors"
, configExpression = "NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors.rule []"
|> List.filter Tuple.first
|> List.map Tuple.second
importStatements : String
importStatements =
|> List.map (\{ import_ } -> "import " ++ import_)
|> String.join "\n"
configExpressions : String
configExpressions =
|> List.map (\{ configExpression } -> " " ++ configExpression)
|> String.join "\n ,"
"""module ReviewConfig exposing (config)
import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
""" ++ importStatements ++ """
config : List Rule
config =
[""" ++ configExpressions ++ """
viewCheckbox : Msg -> String -> Bool -> Html Msg
viewCheckbox onClick name checked =
[ input
[ Attr.type_ "checkbox"
, Attr.checked checked
, Events.onClick onClick
, text name
viewReviewErrors : Model -> Html msg
viewReviewErrors model =
reviewErrors model
|> List.map viewPart
|> Html.div []
viewPart : Reporter.TextContent -> Html msg
viewPart { str, color, backgroundColor } =
[ case color of
Just ( red, green, blue ) ->
Attr.style "color" <| "rgb(" ++ String.fromInt red ++ "," ++ String.fromInt green ++ "," ++ String.fromInt blue ++ ")"
Nothing ->
Attr.classList []
, case backgroundColor of
Just ( red, green, blue ) ->
Attr.style "background-color" <| "rgb(" ++ String.fromInt red ++ "," ++ String.fromInt green ++ "," ++ String.fromInt blue ++ ")"
Nothing ->
Attr.classList []
|> String.lines
|> List.map Html.text
|> List.intersperse (Html.br [] [])
reviewErrors : Model -> List Reporter.TextContent
reviewErrors model =
Reporter.formatReport Reporter.Reviewing
[ ( file model.sourceCode
, model.reviewErrors
|> List.map fromReviewError
fromReviewError : Rule.ReviewError -> Reporter.Error
fromReviewError error =
{ ruleName = Rule.errorRuleName error
, message = Rule.errorMessage error
, details = Rule.errorDetails error
, range = Rule.errorRange error
, hasFix = Rule.errorFixes error /= Nothing
file : String -> { path : String, source : String }
file source =
{ path = "SOURCE CODE", source = source }