
61 lines
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module NoExposingEverythingTest exposing (all)
import Test exposing (describe, test, Test)
import Lint.Rules.NoExposingEverything exposing (rule)
import Lint.Types exposing (LintRule, LintError, LintResult)
import TestUtil exposing (ruleTester, expectErrors)
testRule : String -> LintResult
testRule =
ruleTester rule
error : String -> LintError
error =
LintError "NoExposingEverything"
tests : List Test
tests =
[ test "should not report modules that do not have a module declaration" <|
\() ->
testRule "bar = 2"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report import statements that expose everything" <|
\() ->
testRule """module Foo exposing (foo)
import Html exposing (..)
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report modules that expose discrete items (single item)" <|
\() ->
testRule "module Foo exposing (foo)"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report modules that expose discrete items (multiple items)" <|
\() ->
testRule "module Foo exposing (foo, bar)"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report port modules that expose discrete items (single item)" <|
\() ->
testRule "port module Foo exposing (foo)"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should not report port modules that expose discrete items (multiple items)" <|
\() ->
testRule "port module Foo exposing (foo, bar)"
|> expectErrors []
, test "should report modules that expose everything" <|
\() ->
testRule "module Foo exposing (..)"
|> expectErrors [ error "Do not expose everything from module Foo using (..)" ]
, test "should report port modules that expose everything" <|
\() ->
testRule "port module Foo exposing (..)"
|> expectErrors [ error "Do not expose everything from module Foo using (..)" ]
all : Test
all =
describe "NoExposingEverything" tests