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module NoUnused.ParametersTests exposing (all)
import NoUnused.Parameters exposing (rule)
import Review.Test
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
details : List String
details =
[ "You should either use this parameter somewhere, or remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnused.Patterns"
[ describe "in Function arguments" functionArgumentTests
, describe "in Lambda arguments" lambdaArgumentTests
, describe "in Let Functions" letFunctionTests
--- un-tests
, describe "in Case branches" caseTests
, describe "in Let destructuring" letDestructuringTests
--- in lambda
, describe "with as pattern in lambdas" lambdaAsPatternTests
, describe "with named pattern in lambdas" lambdaNamedPatternTests
, describe "with record pattern in lambdas" lambdaRecordPatternTests
, describe "with tuple pattern in lambdas" lambdaTuplePatternTests
--- in function
, describe "with as pattern in functions" functionAsPatternTests
, describe "with named pattern in functions" functionNamedPatternTests
, describe "with record pattern in functions" functionRecordPatternTests
, describe "with tuple pattern in functions" functionTuplePatternTests
caseTests : List Test
caseTests =
[ test "should not report unused values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
case bar of
bish ->
bash ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report list of unused values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
case bar of
[] -> 0
[one] -> 1
[first, two] -> 2
more -> 3
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report uncons of unused values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
case bar of
[] -> 0
one :: [] -> 1
first :: two :: [] -> 2
_ :: _ :: more -> 3
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
functionArgumentTests : List Test
functionArgumentTests =
[ test "should report unused arguments" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo : Int -> String -> String -> String
foo one two three =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `one` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "one"
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `two` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "two"
, test "should not consider values from other modules" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo one =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `one` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "one"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 5 }, end = { row = 3, column = 8 } }
lambdaArgumentTests : List Test
lambdaArgumentTests =
[ test "should report unused arguments" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
List.map (\\value -> Nothing) list
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `value` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "value"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
List.map (\\_ -> Nothing) list
letDestructuringTests : List Test
letDestructuringTests =
[ test "should not report unused values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
( left, right ) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report unused patterns that are aliased" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
(_ as bar) = 1
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
letFunctionTests : List Test
letFunctionTests =
[ test "should report unused arguments" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
one oneValue =
two twoValue =
one two 3
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `oneValue` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "oneValue"
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `twoValue` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "twoValue"
, test "should not report unused let functions" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
value =
something 5
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
--- LAMBDA PATTERN TESTS ------------------------
lambdaAsPatternTests : List Test
lambdaAsPatternTests =
[ test "should report unused pattern aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({ bish, bash } as bosh) ->
( bish, bash )
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({bish, bash}) ->
( bish, bash )
, test "should report unused patterns in an as pattern" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({ bish, bash } as bosh) ->
( bish, bosh )
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bash` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bash"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({bish} as bosh) ->
( bish, bosh )
, test "should report unused patterns and unused aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({ bish, bash } as bosh) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bash` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bash"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({bish} as bosh) ->
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\({bish, bash}) ->
, test "should report unused patterns that are aliased" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(_ as bar) -> bar
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "_"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(bar) -> bar
, test "should report nested unused pattern aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(Named ( _, ( Named bash ) as bish )) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(Named ( _, ( Named bash ) )) ->
lambdaNamedPatternTests : List Test
lambdaNamedPatternTests =
[ test "should report unused named patterns" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\Named bish ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\Named _ ->
, test "should report unused nested named patterns" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\Named (Bish bish) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\Named (Bish _) ->
, test "should report unused named patterns with multiple segments" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(Pair _ _) -> bash
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Pair _ _"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(_) -> bash
, test "should report unused named patterns in tuples" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(Singular _, Pair _ _) -> bish
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Singular _"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(_, Pair _ _) -> bish
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Pair _ _"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\(Singular _, _) -> bish
lambdaRecordPatternTests : List Test
lambdaRecordPatternTests =
[ test "should replace unused record with `_`" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\{ bish, bash, bosh } ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bish`, `bash` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bish, bash, bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\_ ->
, test "should report unused record values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\{ bish, bash, bosh } ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bish` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bish, bash, bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\{bash} ->
, test "should report highlight the least amount of values possible" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\{ bish, bash, bosh } ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bash` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bash, bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\{bish} ->
lambdaTuplePatternTests : List Test
lambdaTuplePatternTests =
[ test "should report unused tuple values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\( bish, bash, bosh ) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\( _, bash, bosh ) ->
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\( bish, bash, _ ) ->
, test "should replace unused tuple with `_`" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\( _, _ ) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "( _, _ )"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\_ ->
, test "should replace unused threeple with `_`" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\( _, _, _ ) ->
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "( _, _, _ )"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
\\_ ->
functionAsPatternTests : List Test
functionAsPatternTests =
[ test "should report unused pattern aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ({ bish, bash } as bosh) =
( bish, bash )
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
, test "should report unused patterns in an as pattern" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ({ bish, bash } as bosh) =
( bish, bosh )
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bash` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bash"
, test "should report unused patterns and unused aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ({ bish, bash } as bosh) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bash` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bash"
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
, test "should report unused patterns that are aliased" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (_ as bar) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "_"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo (bar) =
, test "should report nested unused pattern aliases" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (Named ( _, ( Just bash ) as bish )) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern alias `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
functionNamedPatternTests : List Test
functionNamedPatternTests =
[ test "should report unused named patterns" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (Named bish) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
, test "should report unused nested named patterns" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (Named (Bish bish)) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
, test "should report unused named patterns with multiple segments" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (Pair _ _) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Pair _ _"
, test "should report unused named patterns in tuples" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo (Singular _, Pair _ _) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Singular _"
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "Pair _ _"
functionRecordPatternTests : List Test
functionRecordPatternTests =
[ test "should replace unused record with `_`" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo { bish, bash, bosh } =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bish`, `bash` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bish, bash, bosh"
, test "should report unused record values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo { bish, bash, bosh } =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bish` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bish, bash, bosh"
, test "should report highlight the least amount of values possible" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo { bish, bash, bosh } =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameters `bash` and `bosh` are not used."
, details = [ "You should either use these parameters somewhere, or remove them at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "bash, bosh"
functionTuplePatternTests : List Test
functionTuplePatternTests =
[ test "should report unused tuple values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ( bish, bash, bosh ) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bish` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bish"
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Parameter `bosh` is not used."
, details = details
, under = "bosh"
, test "should report unused tuple" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ( _, _ ) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "( _, _ )"
, test "should report unused threeple" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo ( _, _, _ ) =
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
, details = [ "You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
, under = "( _, _, _ )"