2021-03-14 09:12:41 +01:00

171 lines
4.5 KiB

const util = require('util');
const https = require('https');
function get(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(url, (resp) => {
let data = '';
resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
resp.on('end', () => {
}).on("error", reject);
const packageName = process.argv[2];
if (!packageName) {
console.error(`Need to pass in a package name. For instance:
node create-dependency.js elm/html
async function downloadFiles() {
const [elmJson, docsJson] = await Promise.all([
return [elmJson, docsJson];
function createFile([elmJson, docsJson]) {
const moduleName = packageName
.replace("/", "-")
return `module Review.Test.Dependencies.${moduleName} exposing (dependency)
import Elm.Docs
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Type
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Review.Project.Dependency as Dependency exposing (Dependency)
dependency : Dependency
dependency =
(createElmJsonProject elmJson)
createElmJsonProject : String -> Elm.Project.Project
createElmJsonProject rawElmJson =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder rawElmJson of
Ok project ->
Err error ->
Debug.todo ("Failed to decode elm.json for ${packageName}: " ++ Debug.toString error)
elmJson : String
elmJson =
"""${JSON.stringify(elmJson, null, 4)}
dependencyModules : List Elm.Docs.Module
dependencyModules =
[ ${docsJson.map(formatModule).join("\n , ")}
decodeType : String -> Elm.Type.Type
decodeType type_ =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Type.decoder type_ of
Ok resultType ->
Err _ ->
Elm.Type.Var "unknown"
function capitalize(str) {
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
function formatModule(moduleDoc) {
return `{ name = "${moduleDoc.name}"
, comment = ${formatComment(moduleDoc.comment)}
, unions = [ ${moduleDoc.unions.map(formatUnion).join("\n , ")} ]
, aliases = [ ${moduleDoc.aliases.map(formatAlias).filter(Boolean).join("\n , ")} ]
, values = [ ${moduleDoc.values.map(formatValue).filter(Boolean).join("\n , ")} ]
, binops = [ ${moduleDoc.binops.map(formatBinop).filter(Boolean).join("\n , ")} ]
// if (JSON.stringify(moduleDoc).includes("initialize 4")) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(moduleDoc).slice(2470, 2530))
// }
return JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(moduleDoc));
// .split("\\n")
// .join("\\\\n");
function formatUnion(union) {
return `{ name = "${union.name}"
, comment = ${formatComment(union.comment)}
, args = ${JSON.stringify(union.args)}
, tags = [ ${union.cases.map(
(([name, types]) =>
`( "${name}", [ ${types.map(formatType).join(", ")} ] )`)
).join("\n , ")} ]
function formatType(type) {
return `decodeType "${type}"`;
function formatComment(comment) {
const withEscapedTripleQuotes = comment
return `"""${withEscapedTripleQuotes}"""`
function formatAlias(alias) {
return `{ name = "${alias.name}"
, comment = ${formatComment(alias.comment)}
, args = ${JSON.stringify(alias.args)}
, tipe = ${formatType(alias.type)}
function formatValue(value) {
return `{ name = "${value.name}"
, comment = ${formatComment(value.comment)}
, tipe = ${formatType(value.type)}
function formatBinop(binop) {
return `{ name = "${binop.name}"
, comment = ${formatComment(binop.comment)}
, tipe = ${formatType(binop.type)}
, associativity = ${formatAssociativity(binop.associativity)}
, precedence = ${binop.precedence}
function formatAssociativity(associativity) {
switch (associativity) {
case "left": return "Elm.Docs.Left"
case "right": return "Elm.Docs.Right"
case "non": return "Elm.Docs.None"
default: return "unknown"