This document describes processes needed by admins of this repository. # Publishing Publishing speedscope is a multi-step process: 1. Test the release 2. Prepare the release 3. Publish to npm 4. Deploy the website 5. Upload a release to GitHub At time of writing, deployment assumes you're running macOS. It probably works if you're on a linux, and almost definitely does not work on Windows. ## Test the release Speedscope is tested in CI, so all the automated tests should be passing. We'll just be doing a few sanity checks to make sure the build & deployment machinery is working correctly. Run `scripts/`. This will do a mock publish & installation to ensure that the version we're about to publish is going to work. At the end of this command, it should echo a `cd` command to run in your shell to switch to the installation directory. Something like this: ``` Run the following command to switch into the test directory cd /var/folders/l0/qtd9z14973s2tw81vmzwkyp00000gp/T/speedscope-test-installation.9Ssdd2PZ/package ``` Run this command, to switch to the test directory. Inside of here, run `bin/cli.js`. This should open a copy of speedscope in browser. Try importing a profile from disk via the browse button and make sure it works. Next, try running `bin/cli.js dist/release/perf-vertx*`. This should immediately open speedscope in browser, and the perf-vertx file should load immediately. If everything looks good, proceed to "Prepare the release". ## Prepare the release 1. Update the version manually in package.json (we intentionally don't use the `npm version` command) 2. Update to indicate the changes that were made as part of this release 3. Commit the changes with the version name as the commit message, e.g. `git commit -m 0.6.0` 4. `git tag` the release. We use tags like `v0.6.0`, e.g. `git tag v0.6.0` 5. `git push && git push --tags` ## Publish to npm Assuming everything went well in the previous two phases, publishing should just be a matter of running `npm publish`. ### Verifying the publish To verify that the publish was successful, run `npm install -g speedscope`. Try `speedscope`, which should open speedscope in browser. Try `speedscope sample/profiles/stackcollapse/simple.txt`, which should immediately load the profile. ## Deploying the website This step must follow the "Publish to npm" step, since it uses assets from the npm publish. is hosted on GitHub pages, and is published via pushing to the `gh-pages` branch. The `gh-pages` branch has totally different contents than other branches of this repository: It's populated by a deploy script which is invoked by running `npm run deploy` script. This populate a directory with assets pulled from npm, and boot a local server for you to test the compiled assets. Please do not skip the manual testing in this step. If everything looks good, you should be able to hit Ctrl+C, and you should see this prompt: ``` Commit release? [yes/no]: ``` If everything looks good, type `yes` then enter. This will commit to the `gh-pages` branch, and the site should automatically deploy shortly after. To check if a deploy has happened, you can check which includes the version, the date, and the commit of the deploy. ## Upload a release to GitHub This step must follow the "Publish to npm" step, since it uses assets from the npm publish. To make a zipfile suitable for uploading to GitHub as a release, run `scripts/`. Once that's done, you should have a zip file in `dist/release/` Upload that file along with changelog notes to