2018-09-04 20:50:30 -07:00

34 lines
853 B
Executable File

# Create a zip file containing a standalone copy of speedscope
# based on the contents of the package published to npm
set -euxo pipefail
TMPDIR=`mktemp -d -t speedscope-test-installation`
# Untar the package
pushd "$TMPDIR"
PACKEDNAME=`npm pack speedscope | tail -n1`
tar -xvvf "$PACKEDNAME"
# Zip the parts we care about
ZIPNAME=`basename $PACKEDNAME .tgz`.zip
mkdir speedscope
mv package/dist/release/** speedscope
cp "$SRCDIR"/LICENSE speedscope
echo "This is a self-contained release of https://github.com/jlfwong/speedscope." > speedscope/README
echo "To use it, open index.html in Chrome or Firefox." >> speedscope/README
zip "$ZIPNAME" speedscope/**
# Switch back to the repository root
mv "$TMPDIR"/"$ZIPNAME" dist/release/"$ZIPNAME"
# Clean up
rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
set +x
echo "Created dist/release/$ZIPNAME"