2018-01-07 18:36:23 -08:00

721 lines
24 KiB

import {h} from 'preact'
import {css} from 'aphrodite'
import {ReloadableComponent} from './reloadable'
import { CallTreeNode } from './profile'
import { Flamechart } from './flamechart'
import * as regl from 'regl'
import { vec3, ReglCommand, ReglCommandConstructor } from 'regl'
import { Rect, Vec2, AffineTransform, clamp } from './math'
import { atMostOnceAFrame, cachedMeasureTextWidth } from "./utils";
import { rectangleBatchRenderer, RectangleBatchRendererProps } from "./rectangle-batch-renderer"
import { FlamechartMinimapView } from "./flamechart-minimap-view"
import { style, Sizes } from './flamechart-style'
import { FontSize, FontFamily, Colors } from './style'
interface FlamechartFrameLabel {
configSpaceBounds: Rect
node: CallTreeNode
function binarySearch(lo: number, hi: number, f: (val: number) => number, target: number, targetRangeSize = 1): [number, number] {
console.assert(!isNaN(targetRangeSize) && !isNaN(target))
while (true) {
if (hi - lo <= targetRangeSize) return [lo, hi]
const mid = (hi + lo) / 2
const val = f(mid)
if (val < target) lo = mid
else hi = mid
const ELLIPSIS = '\u2026'
function buildTrimmedText(text: string, length: number) {
const prefixLength = Math.floor(length / 2)
const prefix = text.substr(0, prefixLength)
const suffix = text.substr(text.length - prefixLength, prefixLength)
return prefix + ELLIPSIS + suffix
function trimTextMid(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, maxWidth: number) {
if (cachedMeasureTextWidth(ctx, text) <= maxWidth) return text
const [lo,] = binarySearch(0, text.length, (n) => {
return cachedMeasureTextWidth(ctx, buildTrimmedText(text, n))
}, maxWidth)
return buildTrimmedText(text, lo)
const DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO = window.devicePixelRatio
* Component to visualize a Flamechart and interact with it via hovering,
* zooming, and panning.
* There are 4 vector spaces involved:
* - Configuration Space: In this space, the horizontal unit is ms, and the
* vertical unit is stack depth. Each stack frame is one unit high.
* - Logical view space: Origin is top-left, with +y downwards. This represents
* the coordinate space of the view as specified in CSS: horizontal and vertical
* units are both "logical" pixels.
* - Physical view space: Origin is top-left, with +y downwards. This represents
* the coordinate space of the view as specified in hardware pixels: horizontal
* and vertical units are both "physical" pixels.
* - Normalized device coordinates: Origin is center, +y upwards. This is the
* coordinate space used by GL, which we use to render the frame rectangles
* efficiently.
* We use two canvases to draw the flamechart itself: one for the rectangles,
* which we render via WebGL, and one for the labels, which we render via 2D
* canvas primitives.
interface FlamechartPanZoomViewProps {
flamechart: Flamechart
setNodeHover: (node: CallTreeNode | null, logicalViewSpaceMouse: Vec2) => void
configSpaceViewportRect: Rect
setConfigSpaceViewportRect: (rect: Rect) => void
export class FlamechartPanZoomView extends ReloadableComponent<FlamechartPanZoomViewProps, {}> {
renderer: ReglCommand<RectangleBatchRendererProps> | null = null
ctx: WebGLRenderingContext | null = null
regl: ReglCommandConstructor | null = null
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null = null
overlayCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null = null
overlayCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null = null
labels: FlamechartFrameLabel[] = []
hoveredLabel: FlamechartFrameLabel | null = null
private setConfigSpaceViewportRect(r: Rect) {
private preprocess(flamechart: Flamechart) {
if (!this.canvas || !this.regl) return
const configSpaceRects: Rect[] = []
const colors: vec3[] = []
const layers = flamechart.getLayers()
this.labels = []
for (let i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
const layer = layers[i]
for (let flamechartFrame of layer) {
const configSpaceBounds = new Rect(
new Vec2(flamechartFrame.start, i+1),
new Vec2(flamechartFrame.end - flamechartFrame.start, 1)
const color = flamechart.getColorForFrame(flamechartFrame.node.frame)
colors.push([color.r, color.g, color.b])
node: flamechartFrame.node
this.renderer = rectangleBatchRenderer(this.regl, configSpaceRects, colors)
this.setConfigSpaceViewportRect(new Rect())
this.hoveredLabel = null
private canvasRef = (element?: Element) => {
if (element) {
this.canvas = element as HTMLCanvasElement
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('webgl')!
this.regl = regl(this.ctx)
} else {
this.canvas = null
private overlayCanvasRef = (element?: Element) => {
if (element) {
this.overlayCanvas = element as HTMLCanvasElement
this.overlayCtx = this.overlayCanvas.getContext('2d')
} else {
this.overlayCanvas = null
this.overlayCtx = null
private configSpaceSize() {
return new Vec2(
private physicalViewSize() {
return new Vec2(
this.canvas ? this.canvas.width : 0,
this.canvas ? this.canvas.height : 0
private configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace() {
return AffineTransform.betweenRects(
new Rect(new Vec2(0, 0), this.physicalViewSize())
private physicalViewSpaceToNDC() {
return AffineTransform.withScale(new Vec2(1, -1)).times(
new Rect(new Vec2(0, 0), this.physicalViewSize()),
new Rect(new Vec2(-1, -1), new Vec2(2, 2))
private logicalToPhysicalViewSpace() {
return AffineTransform.withScale(new Vec2(DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO, DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO))
private resizeOverlayCanvasIfNeeded() {
if (!this.overlayCanvas) return
let {width, height} = this.overlayCanvas.getBoundingClientRect()
We render text at a higher resolution then scale down to
ensure we're rendering at 1:1 device pixel ratio.
This ensures our text is rendered crisply.
width = Math.floor(width)
height = Math.floor(height)
// Still initializing: don't resize yet
if (width === 0 || height === 0) return
const scaledWidth = width * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
const scaledHeight = height * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
if (scaledWidth === this.overlayCanvas.width &&
scaledHeight === this.overlayCanvas.height) return
this.overlayCanvas.width = scaledWidth
this.overlayCanvas.height = scaledHeight
private renderOverlays() {
const ctx = this.overlayCtx
if (!ctx) return
if (this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.isEmpty()) return
const configToPhysical = this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace()
const physicalViewSpaceFontSize = FontSize.LABEL * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
const physicalViewSpaceFrameHeight = this.LOGICAL_VIEW_SPACE_FRAME_HEIGHT * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
const physicalViewSize = this.physicalViewSize()
const physicalViewBounds = new Rect(new Vec2(0, 0), physicalViewSize)
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, physicalViewSize.x, physicalViewSize.y)
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(15, 10, 5, 0.5)'
ctx.lineWidth = 2
if (this.hoveredLabel) {
const physicalViewBounds = configToPhysical.transformRect(this.hoveredLabel.configSpaceBounds)
Math.floor(physicalViewBounds.left()), Math.floor(physicalViewBounds.top()),
Math.floor(physicalViewBounds.width()), Math.floor(physicalViewBounds.height())
ctx.font = `${physicalViewSpaceFontSize}px/${physicalViewSpaceFrameHeight}px ${FontFamily.MONOSPACE}`
ctx.fillStyle = Colors.GRAY
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
const minWidthToRender = cachedMeasureTextWidth(ctx, 'M' + ELLIPSIS + 'M')
const LABEL_PADDING_PX = (physicalViewSpaceFrameHeight - physicalViewSpaceFontSize) / 2
for (let label of this.labels) {
let physicalLabelBounds = configToPhysical.transformRect(label.configSpaceBounds)
physicalLabelBounds = physicalLabelBounds
.withOrigin(physicalLabelBounds.origin.plus(new Vec2(LABEL_PADDING_PX, LABEL_PADDING_PX)))
.withSize(physicalLabelBounds.size.minus(new Vec2(2 * LABEL_PADDING_PX, 2 * LABEL_PADDING_PX)))
.intersectWith(new Rect(
new Vec2(LABEL_PADDING_PX, -Infinity),
new Vec2(physicalViewSize.x, Infinity)
if (physicalLabelBounds.width() < minWidthToRender) continue
// Cull text outside the viewport
if (physicalViewBounds.intersectWith(physicalLabelBounds).isEmpty()) continue
if (physicalLabelBounds.origin.x < 0) {
physicalLabelBounds = physicalLabelBounds.withOrigin(
new Vec2(0, physicalLabelBounds.origin.y)
const trimmedText = trimTextMid(ctx, label.node.frame.name, physicalLabelBounds.width())
ctx.fillText(trimmedText, physicalLabelBounds.left(), physicalLabelBounds.top())
const left = this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.left()
const right = this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.right()
// We want about 10 gridlines to be visible, and want the unit to be
// 1eN, 2eN, or 5eN for some N
// Ideally, we want an interval every 100 logical screen pixels
const logicalToConfig = (this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace().inverted() || new AffineTransform()).times(this.logicalToPhysicalViewSpace())
const targetInterval = logicalToConfig.transformVector(new Vec2(200, 1)).x
const minInterval = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(targetInterval)))
let interval = minInterval
if (targetInterval / interval > 5) {
interval *= 5
} else if (targetInterval / interval > 2) {
interval *= 2
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)'
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, physicalViewSize.x, physicalViewSpaceFrameHeight)
ctx.fillStyle = Colors.GRAY
for (let x = Math.ceil(left / interval) * interval; x < right; x += interval) {
// TODO(jlfwong): Ensure that labels do not overlap
const pos = Math.round(configToPhysical.transformPosition(new Vec2(x, 0)).x)
const labelText = this.props.flamechart.formatValue(x)
const textWidth = cachedMeasureTextWidth(ctx, labelText)
ctx.fillText(labelText, pos - textWidth - 5, 2)
ctx.fillRect(pos, 0, 1, physicalViewSize.y)
private resizeCanvasIfNeeded(windowResized = false) {
if (!this.canvas || !this.ctx) return
let { width, height } = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const logicalHeight = height
width = Math.floor(width) * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
height = Math.floor(height) * DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
// Still initializing: don't resize yet
if (width < 2 || height < 2) return
const oldWidth = this.canvas.width
const oldHeight = this.canvas.height
if (this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.isEmpty()) {
this.setConfigSpaceViewportRect(new Rect(
new Vec2(0, 0),
new Vec2(this.configSpaceSize().x, logicalHeight / this.LOGICAL_VIEW_SPACE_FRAME_HEIGHT)
} else if (windowResized) {
// Resize the viewport rectangle to match the window size aspect
// ratio.
this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.size.timesPointwise(new Vec2(
width / oldWidth,
height / oldHeight
// Already at the right size
if (width === oldWidth && height === oldHeight) return
this.canvas.width = width
this.canvas.height = height
this.ctx.viewport(0, 0, width, height)
onWindowResize = () => {
private renderRects() {
if (!this.renderer || !this.canvas) return
if (this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.isEmpty()) return
const configSpaceToNDC = this.physicalViewSpaceToNDC().times(this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace())
configSpaceToNDC: configSpaceToNDC,
physicalSize: this.physicalViewSize()
// Inertial scrolling introduces tricky interaction problems.
// Namely, if you start panning, and hit the edge of the scrollable
// area, the browser continues to receive WheelEvents from inertial
// scrolling. If we start zooming by holding Cmd + scrolling, then
// release the Cmd key, this can cause us to interpret the incoming
// inertial scrolling events as panning. To prevent this, we introduce
// a concept of an "Interaction Lock". Once a certain interaction has
// begun, we don't allow the other type of interaction to begin until
// we've received two frames with no inertial wheel events. This
// prevents us from accidentally switching between panning & zooming.
private frameHadWheelEvent = false
private framesWithoutWheelEvents = 0
private interactionLock: 'pan' | 'zoom' | null = null
private maybeClearInteractionLock = () => {
if (this.interactionLock) {
if (!this.frameHadWheelEvent) {
if (this.framesWithoutWheelEvents >= 2) {
this.interactionLock = null
this.framesWithoutWheelEvents = 0
this.frameHadWheelEvent = false
private renderCanvas = atMostOnceAFrame(() => {
if (!this.canvas || this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width < 2) {
// If the canvas is still tiny, it means browser layout hasn't had
// a chance to run yet. Defer rendering until we have the real canvas
// size.
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.renderCanvas())
} else {
if (!this.renderer) this.preprocess(this.props.flamechart)
private minConfigSpaceViewportRectWidth() { return 3 * this.props.flamechart.getMinFrameWidth(); }
private transformViewport(transform: AffineTransform) {
const viewportRect = transform.transformRect(this.props.configSpaceViewportRect)
const configSpaceOriginBounds = new Rect(
new Vec2(0, 0),
Vec2.max(new Vec2(0, 0), this.configSpaceSize().minus(viewportRect.size))
const configSpaceSizeBounds = new Rect(
new Vec2(this.minConfigSpaceViewportRectWidth(), viewportRect.height()),
new Vec2(this.configSpaceSize().x, viewportRect.height())
this.setConfigSpaceViewportRect(new Rect(
// Clear hovered labels when the viewport changes
this.hoveredLabel = null
this.props.setNodeHover(null, new Vec2())
private pan(logicalViewSpaceDelta: Vec2) {
this.interactionLock = 'pan'
const physicalDelta = this.logicalToPhysicalViewSpace().transformVector(logicalViewSpaceDelta)
const configDelta = this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace().inverseTransformVector(physicalDelta)
if (!configDelta) return
private zoom(logicalViewSpaceCenter: Vec2, multiplier: number) {
this.interactionLock = 'zoom'
const physicalCenter = this.logicalToPhysicalViewSpace().transformPosition(logicalViewSpaceCenter)
const configSpaceCenter = this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace().inverseTransformPosition(physicalCenter)
if (!configSpaceCenter) return
if (multiplier < 1 && this.props.configSpaceViewportRect.width() <= this.minConfigSpaceViewportRectWidth()) {
const zoomTransform = AffineTransform
.scaledBy(new Vec2(multiplier, 1))
private lastDragPos: Vec2 | null = null
private onMouseDown = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
document.body.style.cursor = 'grabbing'
document.body.style.cursor = '-webkit-grabbing'
this.lastDragPos = new Vec2(ev.offsetX, ev.offsetY)
private onMouseDrag = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
if (!this.lastDragPos) return
const logicalMousePos = new Vec2(ev.offsetX, ev.offsetY)
this.lastDragPos = logicalMousePos
// When panning by scrolling, the element under
// the cursor will change, so clear the hovered label.
if (this.hoveredLabel) {
this.props.setNodeHover(this.hoveredLabel.node, logicalMousePos)
private onWindowMouseUp = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
document.body.style.cursor = 'default'
this.lastDragPos = null
private onMouseMove = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
if (this.lastDragPos) {
this.hoveredLabel = null
const logicalViewSpaceMouse = new Vec2(ev.offsetX, ev.offsetY)
const physicalViewSpaceMouse = this.logicalToPhysicalViewSpace().transformPosition(logicalViewSpaceMouse)
const configSpaceMouse = this.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace().inverseTransformPosition(physicalViewSpaceMouse)
if (!configSpaceMouse) return
// This could be sped up significantly
for (let label of this.labels) {
if (label.configSpaceBounds.contains(configSpaceMouse)) {
this.hoveredLabel = label
this.props.setNodeHover(this.hoveredLabel ? this.hoveredLabel.node : null, logicalViewSpaceMouse)
private onMouseLeave = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
this.hoveredLabel = null
this.props.setNodeHover(null, new Vec2())
private onWheel = (ev: WheelEvent) => {
this.frameHadWheelEvent = true
const isZoom = ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey
if (isZoom && this.interactionLock !== 'pan') {
let multiplier = 1 + (ev.deltaY / 100)
// On Chrome & Firefox, pinch-to-zoom maps to
// WheelEvent + Ctrl Key. We'll accelerate it in
// this case, since it feels a bit sluggish otherwise.
if (ev.ctrlKey) {
multiplier = 1 + (ev.deltaY / 40)
multiplier = clamp(multiplier, 0.1, 10.0)
this.zoom(new Vec2(ev.offsetX, ev.offsetY), multiplier)
} else if (this.interactionLock !== 'zoom') {
this.pan(new Vec2(ev.deltaX, ev.deltaY))
onWindowKeyPress = (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!this.canvas) return
const {width, height} = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
if (ev.key === '=' || ev.key === '+') {
this.zoom(new Vec2(width / 2, height / 2), 0.5)
} else if (ev.key === '-' || ev.key === '_') {
this.zoom(new Vec2(width / 2, height / 2), 2)
} else if (ev.key === '0') {
this.zoom(new Vec2(width / 2, height / 2), 1e9)
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowRight' || ev.key === 'd') {
this.pan(new Vec2(100, 0))
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowLeft' || ev.key === 'a') {
this.pan(new Vec2(-100, 0))
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowUp' || ev.key === 'w') {
this.pan(new Vec2(0, -100))
} else if (ev.key === 'ArrowDown' || ev.key === 's') {
this.pan(new Vec2(0, 100))
shouldComponentUpdate() { return false }
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: FlamechartPanZoomViewProps) {
if (this.props.flamechart !== nextProps.flamechart) {
this.renderer = null
} else if (this.props.configSpaceViewportRect !== nextProps.configSpaceViewportRect) {
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onWindowMouseUp)
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize)
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onWindowKeyPress)
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onWindowMouseUp)
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize)
window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onWindowKeyPress)
render() {
return (
className={css(style.panZoomView, style.vbox)}
width={1} height={1}
className={css(style.fill)} />
width={1} height={1}
className={css(style.fill)} />
interface FlamechartViewProps {
flamechart: Flamechart
interface FlamechartViewState {
hoveredNode: CallTreeNode | null
configSpaceViewportRect: Rect
logicalSpaceMouse: Vec2
export class FlamechartView extends ReloadableComponent<FlamechartViewProps, FlamechartViewState> {
container: HTMLDivElement | null = null
constructor() {
this.state = {
hoveredNode: null,
configSpaceViewportRect: new Rect(),
logicalSpaceMouse: new Vec2()
onNodeHover = (hoveredNode: CallTreeNode | null, logicalSpaceMouse: Vec2) => {
logicalSpaceMouse: logicalSpaceMouse.plus(new Vec2(0, Sizes.MINIMAP_HEIGHT))
formatValue(weight: number) {
const totalWeight = this.props.flamechart.getTotalWeight()
const percent = 100 * weight / totalWeight
let formattedPercent = `${percent.toFixed(0)}%`
if (percent === 100) formattedPercent = '100%'
else if (percent > 99) formattedPercent = '>99%'
else if (percent < 1) formattedPercent = `${percent.toFixed(2)}%`
else if (percent < 10) formattedPercent = `${percent.toFixed(1)}%`
return `${this.props.flamechart.formatValue(weight)} (${formattedPercent})`
renderTooltip() {
if (!this.container) return null
const { hoveredNode, logicalSpaceMouse } = this.state
if (!hoveredNode) return null
const {width, height} = this.container.getBoundingClientRect()
const positionStyle: {
left?: number
right?: number
top?: number
bottom?: number
} = {}
if (logicalSpaceMouse.x + OFFSET_FROM_MOUSE + Sizes.TOOLTIP_WIDTH_MAX < width) {
positionStyle.left = logicalSpaceMouse.x + OFFSET_FROM_MOUSE
} else {
positionStyle.right = (width - logicalSpaceMouse.x) + 1
if (logicalSpaceMouse.y + OFFSET_FROM_MOUSE + Sizes.TOOLTIP_HEIGHT_MAX < height) {
positionStyle.top = logicalSpaceMouse.y + OFFSET_FROM_MOUSE
} else {
positionStyle.bottom = (height - logicalSpaceMouse.y) + 1
return (
<div className={css(style.hoverTip)} style={positionStyle}>
<div className={css(style.hoverTipRow)}>
<span className={css(style.hoverCount)}>{this.formatValue(hoveredNode.getTotalWeight())}</span>{' '}
containerRef = (container?: Element) => { this.container = container as HTMLDivElement || null }
panZoomView: FlamechartPanZoomView | null
panZoomRef = (view: FlamechartPanZoomView | null) => {
this.panZoomView = view
subcomponents() {
return {
panZoom: this.panZoomView
setConfigSpaceViewportRect = (r: Rect) => {
this.setState({ configSpaceViewportRect: r })
render() {
return (
<div className={css(style.fill, style.clip, style.vbox)} ref={this.containerRef}>
flamechart={this.props.flamechart} />