Format codebase with hindent

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Clayton 2018-03-18 22:34:45 -04:00
parent 5c08c145a5
commit e630e8d8c8
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 5B6558F77E9A8118
36 changed files with 620 additions and 556 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

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@ -4,37 +4,39 @@ module App
( runProgram
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT, asks, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks, liftIO, runReaderT)
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.Bool as B
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import Types
import Unused.Aliases (termsAndAliases)
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner(..), loadGitContext, renderHeader, executeSearch, withRuntime)
import Types
import Unused.Aliases (termsAndAliases)
import Unused.CLI
(SearchRunner(..), executeSearch, loadGitContext, renderHeader,
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views as V
import Unused.Cache (cached)
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping(..), groupedResponses)
import Unused.Parser (parseResults)
import Unused.ResponseFilter (withOneOccurrence, withLikelihoods, ignoringPaths)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier (LanguageConfiguration(..), loadAllConfigurations)
import Unused.TagsSource (loadTagsFromFile, loadTagsFromPipe)
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchResults(..), SearchBackend(..), SearchTerm, fromResults)
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet, RemovalLikelihood(..))
import Unused.Cache (cached)
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping(..), groupedResponses)
import Unused.Parser (parseResults)
import Unused.ResponseFilter
(ignoringPaths, withLikelihoods, withOneOccurrence)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier
(LanguageConfiguration(..), loadAllConfigurations)
import Unused.TagsSource (loadTagsFromFile, loadTagsFromPipe)
import Unused.TermSearch
(SearchBackend(..), SearchResults(..), SearchTerm, fromResults)
import Unused.Types (RemovalLikelihood(..), TermMatchSet)
runProgram :: Options -> IO ()
runProgram options = withRuntime $
either renderError return
=<< runExceptT (runReaderT (runApp run) options)
runProgram options =
withRuntime $ either renderError return =<< runExceptT (runReaderT (runApp run) options)
run :: App ()
run = do
terms <- termsWithAlternatesFromConfig
liftIO $ renderHeader terms
backend <- searchBackend
results <- withCache . flip (executeSearch backend) terms =<< searchRunner
printResults =<< retrieveGitContext =<< fmap (`parseResults` results) loadAllConfigs
searchBackend :: AppConfig m => m SearchBackend
@ -42,9 +44,7 @@ searchBackend = asks oSearchBackend
termsWithAlternatesFromConfig :: App [SearchTerm]
termsWithAlternatesFromConfig =
<$> (concatMap lcTermAliases <$> loadAllConfigs)
<*> calculateTagInput
termsAndAliases <$> (concatMap lcTermAliases <$> loadAllConfigs) <*> calculateTagInput
renderError :: AppError -> IO ()
renderError (TagError e) = V.missingTagsFileError e
@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ renderError (InvalidConfigError e) = V.invalidConfigError e
renderError (CacheError e) = V.fingerprintError e
retrieveGitContext :: TermMatchSet -> App TermMatchSet
retrieveGitContext tms =
maybe (return tms) (liftIO . flip loadGitContext tms)
=<< numberOfCommits
retrieveGitContext tms = maybe (return tms) (liftIO . flip loadGitContext tms) =<< numberOfCommits
printResults :: TermMatchSet -> App ()
printResults tms = do
@ -65,42 +63,31 @@ printResults tms = do
loadAllConfigs :: App [LanguageConfiguration]
loadAllConfigs =
either throwError return
=<< BF.first InvalidConfigError <$> liftIO loadAllConfigurations
either throwError return =<< BF.first InvalidConfigError <$> liftIO loadAllConfigurations
calculateTagInput :: App [String]
calculateTagInput =
either throwError return
=<< liftIO .
fmap (BF.first TagError) .
B.bool loadTagsFromFile loadTagsFromPipe =<< readFromStdIn
either throwError return =<<
liftIO . fmap (BF.first TagError) . B.bool loadTagsFromFile loadTagsFromPipe =<< readFromStdIn
withCache :: IO SearchResults -> App SearchResults
withCache f =
B.bool (liftIO f) (withCache' f) =<< runWithCache
withCache f = B.bool (liftIO f) (withCache' f) =<< runWithCache
withCache' :: IO SearchResults -> App SearchResults
withCache' r =
either (throwError . CacheError) (return . SearchResults) =<<
liftIO (cached "term-matches" $ fmap fromResults r)
liftIO (cached "term-matches" $ fmap fromResults r)
optionFilters :: AppConfig m => TermMatchSet -> m TermMatchSet
optionFilters tms = foldl (>>=) (pure tms) matchSetFilters
matchSetFilters =
[ singleOccurrenceFilter
, likelihoodsFilter
, ignoredPathsFilter
matchSetFilters = [singleOccurrenceFilter, likelihoodsFilter, ignoredPathsFilter]
singleOccurrenceFilter :: AppConfig m => TermMatchSet -> m TermMatchSet
singleOccurrenceFilter tms =
B.bool tms (withOneOccurrence tms) <$> asks oSingleOccurrenceMatches
singleOccurrenceFilter tms = B.bool tms (withOneOccurrence tms) <$> asks oSingleOccurrenceMatches
likelihoodsFilter :: AppConfig m => TermMatchSet -> m TermMatchSet
likelihoodsFilter tms =
asks $ withLikelihoods . likelihoods <*> pure tms
likelihoodsFilter tms = asks $ withLikelihoods . likelihoods <*> pure tms
likelihoods options
| oAllLikelihoods options = [High, Medium, Low]

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@ -1,59 +1,51 @@
module Main where
import App (runProgram)
import Common
import App (runProgram)
import Common
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import Options.Applicative
import Types (Options(Options))
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner(..))
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping(..))
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (RemovalLikelihood(..))
import Unused.Util (stringToInt)
import Options.Applicative
import Types (Options(Options))
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner(..))
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping(..))
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (RemovalLikelihood(..))
import Unused.Util (stringToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = runProgram =<< parseCLI
parseCLI :: IO Options
parseCLI =
execParser (withInfo parseOptions pHeader pDescription pFooter)
parseCLI = execParser (withInfo parseOptions pHeader pDescription pFooter)
pHeader = "Unused: Analyze potentially unused code"
pDescription = "Unused allows a developer to leverage an existing tags file \
pHeader = "Unused: Analyze potentially unused code"
pDescription =
"Unused allows a developer to leverage an existing tags file \
\(located at .git/tags, tags, or tmp/tags) to identify tokens \
\in a codebase that are unused."
pFooter = "CLI USAGE: $ unused"
pFooter = "CLI USAGE: $ unused"
withInfo :: Parser a -> String -> String -> String -> ParserInfo a
withInfo opts h d f =
info (helper <*> opts) $ header h <> progDesc d <> footer f
withInfo opts h d f = info (helper <*> opts) $ header h <> progDesc d <> footer f
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
<$> parseSearchRunner
<*> parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches
<*> parseLikelihoods
<*> parseAllLikelihoods
<*> parseIgnorePaths
<*> parseGroupings
<*> parseWithoutCache
<*> parseFromStdIn
<*> parseCommitCount
<*> parseSearchBackend
Options <$> parseSearchRunner <*> parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches <*> parseLikelihoods <*>
parseAllLikelihoods <*>
parseIgnorePaths <*>
parseGroupings <*>
parseWithoutCache <*>
parseFromStdIn <*>
parseCommitCount <*>
parseSearchRunner :: Parser SearchRunner
parseSearchRunner =
flag SearchWithProgress SearchWithoutProgress $
short 'P'
<> long "no-progress"
<> help "Don't display progress during analysis"
short 'P' <> long "no-progress" <> help "Don't display progress during analysis"
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches :: Parser Bool
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches = switch $
short 's'
<> long "single-occurrence"
<> help "Display only single occurrences"
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches =
switch $ short 's' <> long "single-occurrence" <> help "Display only single occurrences"
parseLikelihoods :: Parser [RemovalLikelihood]
parseLikelihoods = many (parseLikelihood <$> parseLikelihoodOption)
@ -65,26 +57,22 @@ parseLikelihood "low" = Low
parseLikelihood _ = Unknown
parseLikelihoodOption :: Parser String
parseLikelihoodOption = strOption $
short 'l'
<> long "likelihood"
<> help "[Allows multiple] [Allowed: high, medium, low] Display results based on likelihood"
parseLikelihoodOption =
strOption $
short 'l' <> long "likelihood" <>
help "[Allows multiple] [Allowed: high, medium, low] Display results based on likelihood"
parseAllLikelihoods :: Parser Bool
parseAllLikelihoods = switch $
short 'a'
<> long "all-likelihoods"
<> help "Display all likelihoods"
parseAllLikelihoods = switch $ short 'a' <> long "all-likelihoods" <> help "Display all likelihoods"
parseIgnorePaths :: Parser [String]
parseIgnorePaths = many $ strOption $
long "ignore"
<> metavar "PATH"
<> help "[Allows multiple] Ignore paths that contain PATH"
parseIgnorePaths =
many $
strOption $
long "ignore" <> metavar "PATH" <> help "[Allows multiple] Ignore paths that contain PATH"
parseGroupings :: Parser CurrentGrouping
parseGroupings =
M.fromMaybe GroupByDirectory <$> maybeGroup
parseGroupings = M.fromMaybe GroupByDirectory <$> maybeGroup
maybeGroup = optional $ parseGrouping <$> parseGroupingOption
@ -96,38 +84,30 @@ parseGrouping "none" = NoGroup
parseGrouping _ = NoGroup
parseGroupingOption :: Parser String
parseGroupingOption = strOption $
short 'g'
<> long "group-by"
<> help "[Allowed: directory, term, file, none] Group results"
parseGroupingOption =
strOption $
short 'g' <> long "group-by" <> help "[Allowed: directory, term, file, none] Group results"
parseWithoutCache :: Parser Bool
parseWithoutCache = switch $
short 'C'
<> long "no-cache"
<> help "Ignore cache when performing calculations"
parseWithoutCache =
switch $ short 'C' <> long "no-cache" <> help "Ignore cache when performing calculations"
parseFromStdIn :: Parser Bool
parseFromStdIn = switch $
long "stdin"
<> help "Read tags from STDIN"
parseFromStdIn = switch $ long "stdin" <> help "Read tags from STDIN"
parseCommitCount :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseCommitCount =
(stringToInt =<<) <$> commitParser
parseCommitCount = (stringToInt =<<) <$> commitParser
commitParser = optional $ strOption $
long "commits"
<> help "Number of recent commit SHAs to display per token"
commitParser =
optional $
strOption $ long "commits" <> help "Number of recent commit SHAs to display per token"
parseSearchBackend :: Parser SearchBackend
parseSearchBackend = M.fromMaybe Ag <$> maybeBackend
maybeBackend = optional $ parseBackend <$> parseBackendOption
parseBackendOption =
strOption $
long "search"
<> help "[Allowed: ag, rg] Select searching backend"
strOption $ long "search" <> help "[Allowed: ag, rg] Select searching backend"
parseBackend :: String -> SearchBackend
parseBackend "ag" = Ag

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Types
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, MonadReader, ReaderT)
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner)
import Unused.Cache (FingerprintOutcome)
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping)
@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ data AppError
| InvalidConfigError [ParseConfigError]
| CacheError FingerprintOutcome
newtype App a = App {
runApp :: ReaderT Options (ExceptT AppError IO) a
} deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, AppConfig, MonadError AppError, MonadIO)
newtype App a = App
{ runApp :: ReaderT Options (ExceptT AppError IO) a
} deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, AppConfig, MonadError AppError, MonadIO)

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
module Common
( (<>)
) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module Unused.Aliases
) where
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Unused.ResultsClassifier.Types
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm(..), TermMatch, tmTerm)
import Unused.Util (groupBy)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier.Types
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm(..), TermMatch, tmTerm)
import Unused.Util (groupBy)
groupedTermsAndAliases :: [TermMatch] -> [[TermMatch]]
groupedTermsAndAliases = map snd . groupBy tmTerm
@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ termsAndAliases [] = map OriginalTerm
termsAndAliases as = L.nub . concatMap ((as >>=) . generateSearchTerms . T.pack)
generateSearchTerms :: Text -> TermAlias -> [SearchTerm]
generateSearchTerms term TermAlias{taFrom = from, taTransform = transform} =
generateSearchTerms term TermAlias {taFrom = from, taTransform = transform} =
toTermWithAlias $ parsePatternForMatch (T.pack from) term
toTermWithAlias (Right (Just match)) = [OriginalTerm unpackedTerm, AliasTerm unpackedTerm (aliasedResult match)]
toTermWithAlias (Right (Just match)) =
[OriginalTerm unpackedTerm, AliasTerm unpackedTerm (aliasedResult match)]
toTermWithAlias _ = [OriginalTerm unpackedTerm]
unpackedTerm = T.unpack term
aliasedResult = T.unpack . transform
parsePatternForMatch :: Text -> Text -> Either Text (Maybe Text)
parsePatternForMatch aliasPattern term =
findMatch $ T.splitOn wildcard aliasPattern
parsePatternForMatch aliasPattern term = findMatch $ T.splitOn wildcard aliasPattern
findMatch [prefix, suffix] = Right $ T.stripSuffix suffix =<< T.stripPrefix prefix term
findMatch _ = Left $ T.pack $ "There was a problem with the pattern: " ++ show aliasPattern

View File

@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ module Unused.CLI.GitContext
) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Unused.CLI.ProgressIndicator (createProgressBar, progressWithIndicator)
import Unused.CLI.ProgressIndicator
(createProgressBar, progressWithIndicator)
import qualified Unused.CLI.Util as U
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views as V
import Unused.GitContext (gitContextForResults)
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet)
import Unused.GitContext (gitContextForResults)
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet)
loadGitContext :: Int -> TermMatchSet -> IO TermMatchSet
loadGitContext i tms = do

View File

@ -8,37 +8,38 @@ module Unused.CLI.ProgressIndicator.Internal
import qualified Control.Concurrent as CC
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB
import Unused.CLI.ProgressIndicator.Types (ProgressIndicator(..))
import Unused.CLI.Util
import Unused.CLI.ProgressIndicator.Types (ProgressIndicator(..))
import Unused.CLI.Util
start :: ProgressIndicator -> Int -> IO (CC.ThreadId, ProgressIndicator)
start s@Spinner{} _ = do
start s@Spinner {} _ = do
tid <- CC.forkIO $ runSpinner 0 s
return (tid, s { sThreadId = Just tid })
start ProgressBar{} i = do
return (tid, s {sThreadId = Just tid})
start ProgressBar {} i = do
(ref, tid) <- buildProgressBar $ toInteger i
return (tid, ProgressBar (Just ref) (Just tid))
stop :: ProgressIndicator -> IO ()
stop ProgressBar{ pbThreadId = Just tid } = CC.killThread tid
stop Spinner{ sThreadId = Just tid } = CC.killThread tid
stop ProgressBar {pbThreadId = Just tid} = CC.killThread tid
stop Spinner {sThreadId = Just tid} = CC.killThread tid
stop _ = return ()
increment :: ProgressIndicator -> IO ()
increment ProgressBar{ pbProgressRef = Just ref } = PB.incProgress ref 1
increment ProgressBar {pbProgressRef = Just ref} = PB.incProgress ref 1
increment _ = return ()
printPrefix :: ProgressIndicator -> IO ()
printPrefix ProgressBar{} = putStr "\n\n"
printPrefix Spinner{} = putStr " "
printPrefix ProgressBar {} = putStr "\n\n"
printPrefix Spinner {} = putStr " "
runSpinner :: Int -> ProgressIndicator -> IO ()
runSpinner i s@Spinner{ sDelay = delay, sSnapshots = snapshots, sColors = colors, sLength = length' } = M.forever $ do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull currentColor]
putStr currentSnapshot
cursorBackward 1
CC.threadDelay delay
runSpinner (i + 1) s
runSpinner i s@Spinner {sDelay = delay, sSnapshots = snapshots, sColors = colors, sLength = length'} =
M.forever $ do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull currentColor]
putStr currentSnapshot
cursorBackward 1
CC.threadDelay delay
runSpinner (i + 1) s
currentSnapshot = snapshots !! (i `mod` snapshotLength)
currentColor = colors !! (i `div` snapshotLength)
@ -46,8 +47,7 @@ runSpinner i s@Spinner{ sDelay = delay, sSnapshots = snapshots, sColors = colors
runSpinner _ _ = return ()
buildProgressBar :: Integer -> IO (PB.ProgressRef, CC.ThreadId)
buildProgressBar =
PB.startProgress (PB.msg message) PB.percentage progressBarWidth
buildProgressBar = PB.startProgress (PB.msg message) PB.percentage progressBarWidth
message = "Working"
progressBarWidth = 60

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@ -7,14 +7,10 @@ import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB
data ProgressIndicator
= Spinner
{ sSnapshots :: [String]
, sLength :: Int
, sDelay :: Int
, sColors :: [ANSI.Color]
, sThreadId :: Maybe CC.ThreadId
| ProgressBar
{ pbProgressRef :: Maybe PB.ProgressRef
, pbThreadId :: Maybe CC.ThreadId
= Spinner { sSnapshots :: [String]
, sLength :: Int
, sDelay :: Int
, sColors :: [ANSI.Color]
, sThreadId :: Maybe CC.ThreadId }
| ProgressBar { pbProgressRef :: Maybe PB.ProgressRef
, pbThreadId :: Maybe CC.ThreadId }

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@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import qualified Unused.CLI.Util as U
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views as V
import qualified Unused.TermSearch as TS
data SearchRunner = SearchWithProgress | SearchWithoutProgress
data SearchRunner
= SearchWithProgress
| SearchWithoutProgress
renderHeader :: [a] -> IO ()
renderHeader terms = do
@ -22,5 +24,5 @@ executeSearch backend runner terms = do
runSearch backend runner terms <* U.resetScreen
runSearch :: TS.SearchBackend -> SearchRunner -> [TS.SearchTerm] -> IO TS.SearchResults
runSearch b SearchWithProgress = I.progressWithIndicator ( b) I.createProgressBar
runSearch b SearchWithProgress = I.progressWithIndicator ( b) I.createProgressBar
runSearch b SearchWithoutProgress = I.progressWithIndicator ( b) I.createSpinner

View File

@ -2,20 +2,18 @@ module Unused.CLI.Views.InvalidConfigError
( invalidConfigError
) where
import Unused.CLI.Util
import Unused.CLI.Util
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views.Error as V
import Unused.ResultsClassifier (ParseConfigError(..))
import Unused.ResultsClassifier (ParseConfigError(..))
invalidConfigError :: [ParseConfigError] -> IO ()
invalidConfigError es = do
V.errorHeader "There was a problem with the following config file(s):"
mapM_ configError es
setSGR [Reset]
configError :: ParseConfigError -> IO ()
configError ParseConfigError{ pcePath = path, pceParseError = msg} = do
configError ParseConfigError {pcePath = path, pceParseError = msg} = do
setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
putStrLn path
setSGR [Reset]

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Unused.CLI.Util
noResultsFound :: IO ()
noResultsFound = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Green]
setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Green]
setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
putStrLn "Unused found no results"
setSGR [Reset]
setSGR [Reset]

View File

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ module Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult
, searchResults
) where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Unused.CLI.Util
import Unused.CLI.Util
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views.NoResultsFound as V
import Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.ColumnFormatter
import Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.ColumnFormatter
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.ListResult as V
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.TableResult as V
import Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.Types
import Unused.Grouping (Grouping(..), GroupedTerms)
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet, TermResults(..), TermMatch)
import Unused.CLI.Views.SearchResult.Types
import Unused.Grouping (GroupedTerms, Grouping(..))
import Unused.Types (TermMatch, TermMatchSet, TermResults(..))
searchResults :: ResultsFormat -> [GroupedTerms] -> IO ()
searchResults format terms = do
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ printFormattedTerms [] = liftIO V.noResultsFound
printFormattedTerms ts = mapM_ printGroupingSection ts
listFromMatchSet :: TermMatchSet -> [(String, TermResults)]
listFromMatchSet =
listFromMatchSet = Map.toList
printGroupingSection :: GroupedTerms -> ResultsPrinter ()
printGroupingSection (g, tms) = do
@ -46,8 +45,7 @@ printGrouping g = do
setSGR [Reset]
printTermResults :: (String, TermResults) -> ResultsPrinter ()
printTermResults =
uncurry printMatches . (id &&& trMatches) . snd
printTermResults = uncurry printMatches . (id &&& trMatches) . snd
printMatches :: TermResults -> [TermMatch] -> ResultsPrinter ()
printMatches r ms = do

View File

@ -3,27 +3,30 @@ module Unused.Cache.DirectoryFingerprint
, sha
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, asks, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks, liftIO, runReaderT)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified System.Directory as D
import qualified System.Process as P
import Unused.Cache.FindArgsFromIgnoredPaths (findArgs)
import Unused.Util (safeHead, safeReadFile)
import Unused.Cache.FindArgsFromIgnoredPaths (findArgs)
import Unused.Util (safeHead, safeReadFile)
newtype MD5ExecutablePath = MD5ExecutablePath { toMD5String :: String }
newtype MD5ExecutablePath = MD5ExecutablePath
{ toMD5String :: String
type MD5Config = ReaderT MD5ExecutablePath IO
data FingerprintOutcome
= MD5ExecutableNotFound [String]
data FingerprintOutcome =
MD5ExecutableNotFound [String]
sha :: IO (Either FingerprintOutcome String)
sha = do
md5Executable' <- md5Executable
case md5Executable' of
Just exec ->
Right . getSha <$> runReaderT (fileList >>= sortInput >>= md5Result) (MD5ExecutablePath exec)
Right . getSha <$>
runReaderT (fileList >>= sortInput >>= md5Result) (MD5ExecutablePath exec)
Nothing -> return $ Left $ MD5ExecutableNotFound supportedMD5Executables
getSha = takeWhile C.isAlphaNum . M.fromMaybe "" . safeHead . lines
@ -32,7 +35,9 @@ fileList :: MD5Config String
fileList = do
filterNamePathArgs <- liftIO $ findArgs <$> ignoredPaths
md5exec <- asks toMD5String
let args = [".", "-type", "f", "-not", "-path", "*/.git/*"] ++ filterNamePathArgs ++ ["-exec", md5exec, "{}", "+"]
let args =
[".", "-type", "f", "-not", "-path", "*/.git/*"] ++
filterNamePathArgs ++ ["-exec", md5exec, "{}", "+"]
liftIO $ P.readProcess "find" args ""
sortInput :: String -> MD5Config String
@ -47,8 +52,7 @@ ignoredPaths :: IO [String]
ignoredPaths = either (const []) id <$> (fmap lines <$> safeReadFile ".gitignore")
md5Executable :: IO (Maybe String)
md5Executable =
safeHead . concat <$> mapM D.findExecutables supportedMD5Executables
md5Executable = safeHead . concat <$> mapM D.findExecutables supportedMD5Executables
supportedMD5Executables :: [String]
supportedMD5Executables = ["md5", "md5sum"]

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@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ isMissingFilename :: String -> Bool
isMissingFilename = null . FP.takeFileName
validIgnoreOptions :: [String] -> [String]
validIgnoreOptions =
filter isPath
validIgnoreOptions = filter isPath
isPath "" = False
isPath ('/':_) = True

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ module Unused.Grouping.Internal
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import Unused.Grouping.Types (CurrentGrouping(..), Grouping(..), GroupFilter)
import Unused.Grouping.Types
(CurrentGrouping(..), GroupFilter, Grouping(..))
import qualified Unused.Types as T
groupFilter :: CurrentGrouping -> GroupFilter
@ -14,5 +15,4 @@ groupFilter GroupByFile = ByFile . T.tmPath
groupFilter NoGroup = const NoGrouping
shortenedDirectory :: String -> String
shortenedDirectory =
L.intercalate "/" . take 2 . FP.splitDirectories . FP.takeDirectory
shortenedDirectory = L.intercalate "/" . take 2 . FP.splitDirectories . FP.takeDirectory

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@ -5,12 +5,23 @@ module Unused.Grouping.Types
, GroupFilter
) where
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet, TermMatch)
import Unused.Types (TermMatch, TermMatchSet)
data Grouping = ByDirectory String | ByTerm String | ByFile String | NoGrouping deriving (Eq, Ord)
data CurrentGrouping = GroupByDirectory | GroupByTerm | GroupByFile | NoGroup
data Grouping
= ByDirectory String
| ByTerm String
| ByFile String
| NoGrouping
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data CurrentGrouping
= GroupByDirectory
| GroupByTerm
| GroupByFile
| NoGroup
type GroupedTerms = (Grouping, TermMatchSet)
type GroupFilter = TermMatch -> Grouping
instance Show Grouping where

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@ -2,23 +2,24 @@ module Unused.Parser
( parseResults
) where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Unused.Aliases (groupedTermsAndAliases)
import Unused.LikelihoodCalculator (calculateLikelihood)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier.Types (LanguageConfiguration(..))
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchResults, fromResults)
import Unused.Types (TermMatchSet, TermMatch, resultsFromMatches, tmDisplayTerm)
import Unused.Aliases (groupedTermsAndAliases)
import Unused.LikelihoodCalculator (calculateLikelihood)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier.Types (LanguageConfiguration(..))
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchResults, fromResults)
import Unused.Types
(TermMatch, TermMatchSet, resultsFromMatches, tmDisplayTerm)
parseResults :: [LanguageConfiguration] -> SearchResults -> TermMatchSet
parseResults lcs =
Map.fromList . map (BF.second $ calculateLikelihood lcs . resultsFromMatches) . groupResults . fromResults
Map.fromList .
map (BF.second $ calculateLikelihood lcs . resultsFromMatches) . groupResults . fromResults
groupResults :: [TermMatch] -> [(String, [TermMatch])]
groupResults ms =
map (toKey &&& id) groupedMatches
groupResults ms = map (toKey &&& id) groupedMatches
toKey = L.intercalate "|" . L.nub . L.sort . map tmDisplayTerm
groupedMatches = groupedTermsAndAliases ms

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Unused.Projection where
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Text
import Unused.Projection.Transform
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Text
import Unused.Projection.Transform
data ParsedTransform = ParsedTransform
{ ptPre :: Text
@ -18,20 +18,14 @@ translate :: Text -> Either String (Text -> Text)
translate template = applyTransform <$> parseTransform template
applyTransform :: ParsedTransform -> Text -> Text
applyTransform pt t =
ptPre pt
<> runTransformations t (ptTransforms pt)
<> ptPost pt
applyTransform pt t = ptPre pt <> runTransformations t (ptTransforms pt) <> ptPost pt
parseTransform :: Text -> Either String ParsedTransform
parseTransform = BF.first show . parse parsedTransformParser ""
parsedTransformParser :: Parser ParsedTransform
parsedTransformParser =
<$> preTransformsParser
<*> transformsParser
<*> postTransformsParser
ParsedTransform <$> preTransformsParser <*> transformsParser <*> postTransformsParser
preTransformsParser :: Parser Text
preTransformsParser = T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (char '{')
@ -45,7 +39,8 @@ postTransformsParser = T.pack <$> many anyChar
transformParser :: Parser Transform
transformParser = do
result <- string "camelcase" <|> string "snakecase"
return $ case result of
"camelcase" -> Camelcase
"snakecase" -> Snakecase
_ -> Noop
return $
case result of
"camelcase" -> Camelcase
"snakecase" -> Snakecase
_ -> Noop

View File

@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ module Unused.ResponseFilter
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Unused.ResultsClassifier (Position(..), Matcher(..), LanguageConfiguration(..), LowLikelihoodMatch(..))
import Unused.Types (TermResults(..), TermMatchSet, TermMatch(..), RemovalLikelihood, Removal(..), totalOccurrenceCount, appOccurrenceCount)
import Unused.ResultsClassifier
(LanguageConfiguration(..), LowLikelihoodMatch(..), Matcher(..),
import Unused.Types
(Removal(..), RemovalLikelihood, TermMatch(..), TermMatchSet,
TermResults(..), appOccurrenceCount, totalOccurrenceCount)
withOneOccurrence :: TermMatchSet -> TermMatchSet
withOneOccurrence = Map.filterWithKey (const oneOccurence)
@ -25,8 +29,7 @@ withLikelihoods [] = id
withLikelihoods l = Map.filterWithKey (const $ includesLikelihood l)
ignoringPaths :: [String] -> TermMatchSet -> TermMatchSet
ignoringPaths xs =
updateMatches newMatches
ignoringPaths xs = updateMatches newMatches
newMatches = filter (not . matchesPath . tmPath)
matchesPath p = any (`L.isInfixOf` p) xs
@ -35,21 +38,18 @@ includesLikelihood :: [RemovalLikelihood] -> TermResults -> Bool
includesLikelihood l = (`elem` l) . rLikelihood . trRemoval
isClassOrModule :: TermResults -> Bool
isClassOrModule =
startsWithUpper . trTerm
isClassOrModule = startsWithUpper . trTerm
startsWithUpper [] = False
startsWithUpper (a:_) = C.isUpper a
autoLowLikelihood :: LanguageConfiguration -> TermResults -> Bool
autoLowLikelihood l r =
isAllowedTerm r allowedTerms || or anySinglesOkay
autoLowLikelihood l r = isAllowedTerm r allowedTerms || or anySinglesOkay
allowedTerms = lcAllowedTerms l
anySinglesOkay = map (\sm -> classOrModule sm r && matchesToBool (smMatchers sm)) singles
singles = lcAutoLowLikelihood l
classOrModule = classOrModuleFunction . smClassOrModule
matchesToBool :: [Matcher] -> Bool
matchesToBool [] = False
matchesToBool a = all (`matcherToBool` r) a
@ -73,10 +73,9 @@ paths :: TermResults -> [String]
paths = fmap tmPath . trMatches
updateMatches :: ([TermMatch] -> [TermMatch]) -> TermMatchSet -> TermMatchSet
updateMatches fm = (updateMatchesWith $ fm . trMatches)
updateMatches fm = (updateMatchesWith $ fm . trMatches)
updateMatchesWith f tr = tr { trMatches = f tr }
updateMatchesWith f tr = tr {trMatches = f tr}
isAllowedTerm :: TermResults -> [String] -> Bool
isAllowedTerm = elem . trTerm

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.Directory as D
import Unused.Util (safeReadFile)
import Unused.Util (safeReadFile)
data TagSearchOutcome
= TagsFileNotFound [String]
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ loadTagsFromFile :: IO (Either TagSearchOutcome [String])
loadTagsFromFile = fmap (fmap tokensFromTags) tagsContent
tokensFromTags :: String -> [String]
tokensFromTags =
filter validTokens . L.nub . tokenLocations
tokensFromTags = filter validTokens . L.nub . tokenLocations
tokenLocations = map (token . T.splitOn "\t" . T.pack) . lines
token = T.unpack . head

View File

@ -6,24 +6,23 @@ module Unused.TermSearch
) where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import qualified System.Process as P
import Unused.TermSearch.Internal (commandLineOptions, parseSearchResult)
import Unused.TermSearch.Types (SearchResults(..), SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm, searchTermToString)
import Unused.TermSearch.Internal
(commandLineOptions, parseSearchResult)
import Unused.TermSearch.Types
(SearchBackend(..), SearchResults(..))
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm, searchTermToString)
search :: SearchBackend -> SearchTerm -> IO SearchResults
search backend t =
SearchResults . M.mapMaybe (parseSearchResult backend t) <$> (lines <$> performSearch backend (searchTermToString t))
SearchResults . M.mapMaybe (parseSearchResult backend t) <$>
(lines <$> performSearch backend (searchTermToString t))
performSearch :: SearchBackend -> String -> IO String
performSearch b t = extractSearchResults b <$> searchOutcome
searchOutcome =
(backendToCommand b)
(commandLineOptions b t)
searchOutcome = P.readProcessWithExitCode (backendToCommand b) (commandLineOptions b t) ""
backendToCommand Rg = "rg"
backendToCommand Ag = "ag"

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ module Unused.TermSearch.Internal
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Unused.TermSearch.Types (SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm(..), TermMatch(..))
import Unused.Util (stringToInt)
import Unused.TermSearch.Types (SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (SearchTerm(..), TermMatch(..))
import Unused.Util (stringToInt)
commandLineOptions :: SearchBackend -> String -> [String]
commandLineOptions backend t =
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ commandLineOptions backend t =
else nonRegexFlags backend t ++ baseFlags backend
parseSearchResult :: SearchBackend -> SearchTerm -> String -> Maybe TermMatch
parseSearchResult backend term =
maybeTermMatch backend . map T.unpack . T.splitOn ":" . T.pack
parseSearchResult backend term = maybeTermMatch backend . map T.unpack . T.splitOn ":" . T.pack
maybeTermMatch Rg [path, count] = Just $ toTermMatch term path $ countInt count
maybeTermMatch Rg _ = Nothing

View File

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ module Unused.TermSearch.Types
import Unused.Types (TermMatch)
data SearchBackend = Ag | Rg
data SearchBackend
= Ag
| Rg
newtype SearchResults = SearchResults { fromResults :: [TermMatch] } deriving (Monoid)
newtype SearchResults = SearchResults
{ fromResults :: [TermMatch]
} deriving (Monoid)

View File

@ -20,17 +20,19 @@ module Unused.Types
, resultAliases
) where
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Csv (FromRecord, ToRecord)
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Csv (FromRecord, ToRecord)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import qualified Unused.Regex as R
data SearchTerm
= OriginalTerm String
| AliasTerm String String deriving (Eq, Show)
| AliasTerm String
deriving (Eq, Show)
searchTermToString :: SearchTerm -> String
searchTermToString (OriginalTerm s) = s
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ data TermMatch = TermMatch
} deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
instance FromRecord TermMatch
instance ToRecord TermMatch
data Occurrences = Occurrences
@ -75,7 +78,13 @@ data GitCommit = GitCommit
{ gcSha :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data RemovalLikelihood = High | Medium | Low | Unknown | NotCalculated deriving (Eq, Show)
data RemovalLikelihood
= High
| Medium
| Low
| Unknown
| NotCalculated
deriving (Eq, Show)
type TermMatchSet = Map.Map String TermResults
@ -100,15 +109,18 @@ tmDisplayTerm = liftM2 M.fromMaybe tmTerm tmAlias
resultsFromMatches :: [TermMatch] -> TermResults
resultsFromMatches tms =
{ trTerm = resultTerm terms
, trTerms = L.sort $ L.nub terms
, trMatches = tms
, trAppOccurrences = appOccurrence
, trTestOccurrences = testOccurrence
, trTotalOccurrences = Occurrences (sum $ map oFiles [appOccurrence, testOccurrence]) (sum $ map oOccurrences [appOccurrence, testOccurrence])
, trRemoval = Removal NotCalculated "Likelihood not calculated"
, trGitContext = Nothing
{ trTerm = resultTerm terms
, trTerms = L.sort $ L.nub terms
, trMatches = tms
, trAppOccurrences = appOccurrence
, trTestOccurrences = testOccurrence
, trTotalOccurrences =
(sum $ map oFiles [appOccurrence, testOccurrence])
(sum $ map oOccurrences [appOccurrence, testOccurrence])
, trRemoval = Removal NotCalculated "Likelihood not calculated"
, trGitContext = Nothing
testOccurrence = testOccurrences tms
appOccurrence = appOccurrences tms
@ -117,8 +129,7 @@ resultsFromMatches tms =
resultTerm _ = ""
appOccurrences :: [TermMatch] -> Occurrences
appOccurrences ms =
Occurrences appFiles appOccurrences'
appOccurrences ms = Occurrences appFiles appOccurrences'
totalFiles = length $ L.nub $ map tmPath ms
totalOccurrences = sum $ map tmOccurrences ms
@ -127,8 +138,7 @@ appOccurrences ms =
appOccurrences' = totalOccurrences - oOccurrences tests
testOccurrences :: [TermMatch] -> Occurrences
testOccurrences ms =
Occurrences totalFiles totalOccurrences
testOccurrences ms = Occurrences totalFiles totalOccurrences
testMatches = filter termMatchIsTest ms
totalFiles = length $ L.nub $ map tmPath testMatches
@ -144,5 +154,5 @@ testCamelCaseFilename :: String -> Bool
testCamelCaseFilename = R.matchRegex ".*(Spec|Test)\\."
termMatchIsTest :: TermMatch -> Bool
termMatchIsTest TermMatch{tmPath = path} =
termMatchIsTest TermMatch {tmPath = path} =
testDir path || testSnakeCaseFilename path || testCamelCaseFilename path

View File

@ -8,18 +8,16 @@ module Unused.Util
, safeReadFile
) where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Cl8
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List as L
groupBy :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b, [a])]
groupBy f = map (f . head &&& id)
. L.groupBy ((==) `on` f)
. L.sortBy (compare `on` f)
groupBy f = map (f . head &&& id) . L.groupBy ((==) `on` f) . L.sortBy (compare `on` f)
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead (x:_) = Just x

View File

@ -10,14 +10,18 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "termsAndAliases" $ do
it "returns the terms if no aliases are provided" $
termsAndAliases [] ["method_1", "method_2"] `shouldBe` [OriginalTerm "method_1", OriginalTerm "method_2"]
termsAndAliases [] ["method_1", "method_2"] `shouldBe`
[OriginalTerm "method_1", OriginalTerm "method_2"]
it "adds aliases to the list of terms" $ do
let predicateAlias = TermAlias "*?" "be_{}" ("be_" <>)
let pluralizeAlias = TermAlias "really_*" "very_{}" ("very_" <>)
termsAndAliases [predicateAlias, pluralizeAlias] ["awesome?", "really_cool"]
`shouldBe` [OriginalTerm "awesome?", AliasTerm "awesome?" "be_awesome", OriginalTerm "really_cool", AliasTerm "really_cool" "very_cool"]
termsAndAliases [predicateAlias, pluralizeAlias] ["awesome?", "really_cool"] `shouldBe`
[ OriginalTerm "awesome?"
, AliasTerm "awesome?" "be_awesome"
, OriginalTerm "really_cool"
, AliasTerm "really_cool" "very_cool"

View File

@ -10,18 +10,24 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "findArgs" $ do
it "converts paths" $
findArgs ["a/*", "/b/*", "c/"] `shouldBe` [ "-not", "-path", "*/a/*"
, "-not", "-path", "*/b/*"
, "-not", "-path", "*/c/*"]
findArgs ["a/*", "/b/*", "c/"] `shouldBe`
["-not", "-path", "*/a/*", "-not", "-path", "*/b/*", "-not", "-path", "*/c/*"]
it "converts wildcards" $
findArgs ["a/*.csv", "/b/*.csv"] `shouldBe` [ "-not", "-path", "*/a/*.csv"
, "-not", "-path", "*/b/*.csv"]
findArgs ["a/*.csv", "/b/*.csv"] `shouldBe`
["-not", "-path", "*/a/*.csv", "-not", "-path", "*/b/*.csv"]
it "filenames and paths at the same time" $
findArgs ["/.foreman", ".bundle/"] `shouldBe` [ "-not", "-name", "*/.foreman"
, "-not", "-path", "*/.foreman/*"
, "-not", "-path", "*/.bundle/*"]
findArgs ["/.foreman", ".bundle/"] `shouldBe`
[ "-not"
, "-name"
, "*/.foreman"
, "-not"
, "-path"
, "*/.foreman/*"
, "-not"
, "-path"
, "*/.bundle/*"

View File

@ -12,24 +12,18 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "groupFilter" $ do
it "groups by directory" $ do
let termMatch = TermMatch "AwesomeClass" "foo/bar/baz/buzz.rb" Nothing 10
groupFilter GroupByDirectory termMatch `shouldBe` ByDirectory "foo/bar"
it "groups by term" $ do
let termMatch = TermMatch "AwesomeClass" "foo/bar/baz/buzz.rb" Nothing 10
groupFilter GroupByTerm termMatch `shouldBe` ByTerm "AwesomeClass"
it "groups by file" $ do
let termMatch = TermMatch "AwesomeClass" "foo/bar/baz/buzz.rb" Nothing 10
groupFilter GroupByFile termMatch `shouldBe` ByFile "foo/bar/baz/buzz.rb"
it "groups by nothing" $ do
let termMatch = TermMatch "AwesomeClass" "foo/bar/baz/buzz.rb" Nothing 10
groupFilter NoGroup termMatch `shouldBe` NoGrouping

View File

@ -12,52 +12,55 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "calculateLikelihood" $ do
it "prefers language-specific checks first" $ do
let railsMatches = [ TermMatch "ApplicationController" "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" Nothing 1 ]
let railsMatches =
[ TermMatch
removalLikelihood' railsMatches `shouldBe` Low
let elixirMatches = [ TermMatch "AwesomeView" "web/views/awesome_view.ex" Nothing 1 ]
let elixirMatches = [TermMatch "AwesomeView" "web/views/awesome_view.ex" Nothing 1]
removalLikelihood' elixirMatches `shouldBe` Low
it "weighs widely-used methods as low likelihood" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "full_name" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 4
, TermMatch "full_name" "app/views/application/_auth_header.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "full_name" "app/mailers/user_mailer.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "full_name" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let matches =
[ TermMatch "full_name" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 4
, TermMatch "full_name" "app/views/application/_auth_header.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "full_name" "app/mailers/user_mailer.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "full_name" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 10
removalLikelihood' matches `shouldBe` Low
it "weighs only-occurs-once methods as high likelihood" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1 ]
let matches = [TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1]
removalLikelihood' matches `shouldBe` High
it "weighs methods that seem to only be tested and never used as high likelihood" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 5
let matches =
[ TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 5
removalLikelihood' matches `shouldBe` High
it "weighs methods that seem to only be tested and used in one other area as medium likelihood" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/controllers/user_controller.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "spec/controllers/user_controller_spec.rb" Nothing 5
"weighs methods that seem to only be tested and used in one other area as medium likelihood" $ do
let matches =
[ TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "app/controllers/user_controller.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "obscure_method" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch
removalLikelihood' matches `shouldBe` Medium
it "doesn't mis-categorize allowed terms from different languages" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "t" "web/models/foo.ex" Nothing 1 ]
let matches = [TermMatch "t" "web/models/foo.ex" Nothing 1]
removalLikelihood' matches `shouldBe` High
removalLikelihood' :: [TermMatch] -> RemovalLikelihood
removalLikelihood' =
rLikelihood . trRemoval . calculateLikelihood config . resultsFromMatches
removalLikelihood' = rLikelihood . trRemoval . calculateLikelihood config . resultsFromMatches
(Right config) = loadConfig

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@ -1,64 +1,91 @@
module Unused.ParserSpec where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Test.Hspec
import Unused.Parser
import Unused.ResultsClassifier
import Unused.TermSearch
import Unused.Types
import Test.Hspec
import Unused.Parser
import Unused.ResultsClassifier
import Unused.TermSearch
import Unused.Types
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "parseResults" $ do
it "parses from the correct format" $ do
let r1Matches = [ TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/foo.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch "method_name" "spec/path/foo_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let r1Results = TermResults "method_name" ["method_name"] r1Matches (Occurrences 1 10) (Occurrences 2 6) (Occurrences 3 16) (Removal Low "used frequently") Nothing
let r2Matches = [ TermMatch "other" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 1 ]
let r2Results = TermResults "other" ["other"] r2Matches (Occurrences 0 0) (Occurrences 1 1) (Occurrences 1 1) (Removal High "occurs once") Nothing
let r1Matches =
[ TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/foo.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch "method_name" "spec/path/foo_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let r1Results =
(Occurrences 1 10)
(Occurrences 2 6)
(Occurrences 3 16)
(Removal Low "used frequently")
let r2Matches = [TermMatch "other" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 1]
let r2Results =
(Occurrences 0 0)
(Occurrences 1 1)
(Occurrences 1 1)
(Removal High "occurs once")
let (Right config) = loadConfig
let result = parseResults config $ SearchResults $ r1Matches ++ r2Matches
result `shouldBe`
Map.fromList [ ("method_name", r1Results), ("other", r2Results) ]
result `shouldBe` Map.fromList [("method_name", r1Results), ("other", r2Results)]
it "parses when no config is provided" $ do
let r1Matches = [ TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/foo.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch "method_name" "spec/path/foo_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let r1Results = TermResults "method_name" ["method_name"] r1Matches (Occurrences 1 10) (Occurrences 2 6) (Occurrences 3 16) (Removal Low "used frequently") Nothing
let r1Matches =
[ TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/foo.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "method_name" "app/path/other.rb" Nothing 5
, TermMatch "method_name" "spec/path/foo_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let r1Results =
(Occurrences 1 10)
(Occurrences 2 6)
(Occurrences 3 16)
(Removal Low "used frequently")
let result = parseResults [] $ SearchResults r1Matches
result `shouldBe`
Map.fromList [ ("method_name", r1Results) ]
result `shouldBe` Map.fromList [("method_name", r1Results)]
it "handles aliases correctly" $ do
let r1Matches = [ TermMatch "admin?" "app/path/user.rb" Nothing 3 ]
let r2Matches = [ TermMatch "admin?" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" (Just "be_admin") 2
, TermMatch "admin?" "spec/features/user_promoted_to_admin_spec.rb" (Just "be_admin") 2
let r1Matches = [TermMatch "admin?" "app/path/user.rb" Nothing 3]
let r2Matches =
[ TermMatch "admin?" "spec/models/user_spec.rb" (Just "be_admin") 2
, TermMatch
(Just "be_admin")
let (Right config) = loadConfig
let searchResults = r1Matches ++ r2Matches
let result = parseResults config $ SearchResults searchResults
let results = TermResults "admin?" ["admin?", "be_admin"] searchResults (Occurrences 2 4) (Occurrences 1 3) (Occurrences 3 7) (Removal Low "used frequently") Nothing
result `shouldBe`
Map.fromList [ ("admin?|be_admin", results) ]
let results =
["admin?", "be_admin"]
(Occurrences 2 4)
(Occurrences 1 3)
(Occurrences 3 7)
(Removal Low "used frequently")
result `shouldBe` Map.fromList [("admin?|be_admin", results)]
it "handles empty input" $ do
let (Right config) = loadConfig
let result = parseResults config $ SearchResults []

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@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "translate" $ do
it "replaces the text without transforms" $
translate' "foo_{}" "bar" `shouldBe` "foo_bar"
it "replaces the text without transforms" $ translate' "foo_{}" "bar" `shouldBe` "foo_bar"
it "handles text transformations" $ do
translate' "{camelcase}Validator" "proper_email" `shouldBe` "ProperEmailValidator"
translate' "{snakecase}" "ProperEmail" `shouldBe` "proper_email"
translate' "{camelcase}Validator" "AlreadyCamelcase" `shouldBe` "AlreadyCamelcaseValidator"
translate' "{camelcase}Validator" "AlreadyCamelcase" `shouldBe`
it "handles unknown transformations" $
translate' "{unknown}Validator" "proper_email" `shouldBe` "proper_email"

View File

@ -7,134 +7,148 @@ import Data.List (find)
import Test.Hspec
import Unused.ResponseFilter
import Unused.ResultsClassifier
import Unused.Types (TermMatch(..), TermResults, resultsFromMatches)
import Unused.Types
(TermMatch(..), TermResults, resultsFromMatches)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "railsAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "allows controllers" $ do
let match = TermMatch "ApplicationController" "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows helpers" $ do
let match = TermMatch "ApplicationHelper" "app/helpers/application_helper.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows migrations" $ do
let match = TermMatch "CreateUsers" "db/migrate/20160101120000_create_users.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "disallows service objects" $ do
let match = TermMatch "CreatePostWithNotifications" "app/services/create_post_with_notifications.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows methods" $ do
let match = TermMatch "my_method" "app/services/create_post_with_notifications.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows models that occur in migrations" $ do
let model = TermMatch "User" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
let migration = TermMatch "User" "db/migrate/20160101120000_create_users.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [model, migration]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows matches intermixed with other results" $ do
let appToken = TermMatch "ApplicationHelper" "app/helpers/application_helper.rb" Nothing 1
let testToken = TermMatch "ApplicationHelper" "spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb" Nothing 10
let result = resultsFromMatches [appToken, testToken]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "elixirAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "disallows controllers" $ do
let match = TermMatch "PageController" "web/controllers/page_controller.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows views" $ do
let match = TermMatch "PageView" "web/views/page_view.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows migrations" $ do
let match = TermMatch "CreateUsers" "priv/repo/migrations/20160101120000_create_users.exs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows tests" $ do
let match = TermMatch "UserTest" "test/models/user_test.exs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows Mixfile" $ do
let match = TermMatch "Mixfile" "mix.exs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows __using__" $ do
let match = TermMatch "__using__" "web/web.ex" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "disallows service modules" $ do
let match = TermMatch "CreatePostWithNotifications" "web/services/create_post_with_notifications.ex" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows functions" $ do
let match = TermMatch "my_function" "web/services/create_post_with_notifications.ex" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows matches intermixed with other results" $ do
let appToken = TermMatch "UserView" "web/views/user_view.ex" Nothing 1
let testToken = TermMatch "UserView" "test/views/user_view_test.exs" Nothing 10
let result = resultsFromMatches [appToken, testToken]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "haskellAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "allows instance" $ do
let match = TermMatch "instance" "src/Lib/Types.hs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
haskellAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows items in the *.cabal file" $ do
let match = TermMatch "Lib.SomethingSpec" "lib.cabal" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
haskellAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "autoLowLikelihood" $
it "doesn't qualify as low when no matchers are present in a language config" $ do
let match = TermMatch "AwesomeThing" "app/foo/awesome_thing.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
let languageConfig = LanguageConfiguration "Bad" [] [LowLikelihoodMatch "Match with empty matchers" [] False] []
autoLowLikelihood languageConfig result `shouldBe` False
spec =
parallel $ do
describe "railsAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "allows controllers" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows helpers" $ do
let match =
TermMatch "ApplicationHelper" "app/helpers/application_helper.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows migrations" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "disallows service objects" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows methods" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows models that occur in migrations" $ do
let model = TermMatch "User" "app/models/user.rb" Nothing 1
let migration =
TermMatch "User" "db/migrate/20160101120000_create_users.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [model, migration]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows matches intermixed with other results" $ do
let appToken =
TermMatch "ApplicationHelper" "app/helpers/application_helper.rb" Nothing 1
let testToken =
let result = resultsFromMatches [appToken, testToken]
railsAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "elixirAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "disallows controllers" $ do
let match =
TermMatch "PageController" "web/controllers/page_controller.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows views" $ do
let match = TermMatch "PageView" "web/views/page_view.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows migrations" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows tests" $ do
let match = TermMatch "UserTest" "test/models/user_test.exs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows Mixfile" $ do
let match = TermMatch "Mixfile" "mix.exs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows __using__" $ do
let match = TermMatch "__using__" "web/web.ex" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "disallows service modules" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "disallows functions" $ do
let match =
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` False
it "allows matches intermixed with other results" $ do
let appToken = TermMatch "UserView" "web/views/user_view.ex" Nothing 1
let testToken = TermMatch "UserView" "test/views/user_view_test.exs" Nothing 10
let result = resultsFromMatches [appToken, testToken]
elixirAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "haskellAutoLowLikelihood" $ do
it "allows instance" $ do
let match = TermMatch "instance" "src/Lib/Types.hs" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
haskellAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
it "allows items in the *.cabal file" $ do
let match = TermMatch "Lib.SomethingSpec" "lib.cabal" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
haskellAutoLowLikelihood result `shouldBe` True
describe "autoLowLikelihood" $
it "doesn't qualify as low when no matchers are present in a language config" $ do
let match = TermMatch "AwesomeThing" "app/foo/awesome_thing.rb" Nothing 1
let result = resultsFromMatches [match]
let languageConfig =
[LowLikelihoodMatch "Match with empty matchers" [] False]
autoLowLikelihood languageConfig result `shouldBe` False
configByName :: String -> LanguageConfiguration
configByName s = config'

View File

@ -12,28 +12,48 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "commandLineOptions" $ do
it "does not use regular expressions when the term contains non-word characters" $ do
commandLineOptions Ag "can_do_things?" `shouldBe` ["can_do_things?", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "no_way!" `shouldBe` ["no_way!", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "[]=" `shouldBe` ["[]=", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "window.globalOverride" `shouldBe` ["window.globalOverride", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Rg "can_do_things?" `shouldBe` ["can_do_things?", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "no_way!" `shouldBe` ["no_way!", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "[]=" `shouldBe` ["[]=", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "window.globalOverride" `shouldBe` ["window.globalOverride", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
it "uses regular expression match with surrounding non-word matches for accuracy" $ do
commandLineOptions Ag "awesome_method" `shouldBe` ["(\\W|^)awesome_method(\\W|$)", ".", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Rg "awesome_method" `shouldBe` ["(\\W|^)awesome_method(\\W|$)", ".", "-c", "-j", "1"]
describe "parseSearchResult" $ do
it "parses normal results from `ag` to a TermMatch" $ do
parseSearchResult Ag (OriginalTerm "method_name") ":app/models/foo.rb:123" `shouldBe` (Just $ TermMatch "method_name" "app/models/foo.rb" Nothing 123)
parseSearchResult Rg (OriginalTerm "method_name") "app/models/foo.rb:123" `shouldBe` (Just $ TermMatch "method_name" "app/models/foo.rb" Nothing 123)
it "returns Nothing when it cannot parse" $ do
parseSearchResult Ag (OriginalTerm "method_name") "" `shouldBe` Nothing
parseSearchResult Rg (OriginalTerm "method_name") "" `shouldBe` Nothing
spec =
parallel $ do
describe "commandLineOptions" $ do
it "does not use regular expressions when the term contains non-word characters" $ do
commandLineOptions Ag "can_do_things?" `shouldBe`
["can_do_things?", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "no_way!" `shouldBe`
["no_way!", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "[]=" `shouldBe`
["[]=", ".", "-Q", "-c", "--ackmate", "--ignore-dir", "tmp/unused"]
commandLineOptions Ag "window.globalOverride" `shouldBe`
[ "window.globalOverride"
, "."
, "-Q"
, "-c"
, "--ackmate"
, "--ignore-dir"
, "tmp/unused"
commandLineOptions Rg "can_do_things?" `shouldBe`
["can_do_things?", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "no_way!" `shouldBe` ["no_way!", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "[]=" `shouldBe` ["[]=", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
commandLineOptions Rg "window.globalOverride" `shouldBe`
["window.globalOverride", ".", "-F", "-c", "-j", "1"]
it "uses regular expression match with surrounding non-word matches for accuracy" $ do
commandLineOptions Ag "awesome_method" `shouldBe`
[ "(\\W|^)awesome_method(\\W|$)"
, "."
, "-c"
, "--ackmate"
, "--ignore-dir"
, "tmp/unused"
commandLineOptions Rg "awesome_method" `shouldBe`
["(\\W|^)awesome_method(\\W|$)", ".", "-c", "-j", "1"]
describe "parseSearchResult" $ do
it "parses normal results from `ag` to a TermMatch" $ do
parseSearchResult Ag (OriginalTerm "method_name") ":app/models/foo.rb:123" `shouldBe`
(Just $ TermMatch "method_name" "app/models/foo.rb" Nothing 123)
parseSearchResult Rg (OriginalTerm "method_name") "app/models/foo.rb:123" `shouldBe`
(Just $ TermMatch "method_name" "app/models/foo.rb" Nothing 123)
it "returns Nothing when it cannot parse" $ do
parseSearchResult Ag (OriginalTerm "method_name") "" `shouldBe` Nothing
parseSearchResult Rg (OriginalTerm "method_name") "" `shouldBe` Nothing

View File

@ -7,12 +7,29 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec =
parallel $
describe "resultsFromMatches" $
it "batches files together to calculate information" $ do
let matches = [ TermMatch "ApplicationController" "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" Nothing 1
, TermMatch "ApplicationController" "spec/controllers/application_controller_spec.rb" Nothing 10
resultsFromMatches matches `shouldBe`
TermResults "ApplicationController" ["ApplicationController"] matches (Occurrences 1 10) (Occurrences 1 1) (Occurrences 2 11) (Removal NotCalculated "Likelihood not calculated") Nothing
it "batches files together to calculate information" $ do
let matches =
[ TermMatch
, TermMatch
resultsFromMatches matches `shouldBe`
(Occurrences 1 10)
(Occurrences 1 1)
(Occurrences 2 11)
(Removal NotCalculated "Likelihood not calculated")

View File

@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "groupBy" $ do
it "groups by the result of a function" $ do
let numbers = [1..10] :: [Int]
groupBy ((0 ==) . flip mod 2) numbers `shouldBe` [(False, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]), (True, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])]
it "handles records" $ do
let people = [Person "Jane" 10, Person "Jane" 20, Person "John" 20]
groupBy pName people `shouldBe` [("Jane", [Person "Jane" 10, Person "Jane" 20]), ("John", [Person "John" 20])]
groupBy pAge people `shouldBe` [(10, [Person "Jane" 10]), (20, [Person "Jane" 20, Person "John" 20])]
describe "stringToInt" $
it "converts a String value to Maybe Int" $ do
stringToInt "12345678" `shouldBe` Just 12345678
stringToInt "0" `shouldBe` Just 0
stringToInt "10591" `shouldBe` Just 10591
stringToInt "bad" `shouldBe` Nothing
spec =
parallel $ do
describe "groupBy" $ do
it "groups by the result of a function" $ do
let numbers = [1 .. 10] :: [Int]
groupBy ((0 ==) . flip mod 2) numbers `shouldBe`
[(False, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]), (True, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])]
it "handles records" $ do
let people = [Person "Jane" 10, Person "Jane" 20, Person "John" 20]
groupBy pName people `shouldBe`
[("Jane", [Person "Jane" 10, Person "Jane" 20]), ("John", [Person "John" 20])]
groupBy pAge people `shouldBe`
[(10, [Person "Jane" 10]), (20, [Person "Jane" 20, Person "John" 20])]
describe "stringToInt" $
it "converts a String value to Maybe Int" $ do
stringToInt "12345678" `shouldBe` Just 12345678
stringToInt "0" `shouldBe` Just 0
stringToInt "10591" `shouldBe` Just 10591
stringToInt "bad" `shouldBe` Nothing