(July 19, 2016) [Alpha] Projection-style transformations for aliases Improve likelihood output for single-occurrence terms Increase safety of reading files Improve documentation including installation via Stack, common troubleshooting scenarios (June 24, 2016) Remove final -Werror flag (June 24, 2016) Update unused.cabal to remove -O flag entirely (for Hackage upload) (June 24, 2016) Prepare for upload to Hackage Include flag to display most recent git commit SHAs per token to help track down removal commits Refactor internals to use monad transformer stack; other internal refactorings Improve matcher performance by removing regular expressions Improve documentation (June 10, 2016) Allow for custom configurations on a per-user and per-project basis (June 4, 2016) Introduce aliases for RSpec predicate matchers Remove certain instances of regex use for speed improvements Improve framework support for Rails and Phoenix Use .gitignore to reduce number of checksummed files for directory fingerprinting Fix bug where matches at the very beginning or end of a file weren't captured (May 22, 2016) Load tags automatically Allow users to opt into reading tokens from stdin Improve language/framework support Increase speed drastically Allow users to opt into a caching mechanism Ensure Ctrl-C stops all work Better match tokens during search to improve accuracy Allow users to group results Parallelize search Improve usage likelihood messaging (May 12, 2016) Improve Elixir support Improve documentation Fix bug where certain tokens were unable to be parsed (May 11, 2016) First version