Joshua Clayton 64f62d0141
Allow for rg in addition to ag

rg is oftentimes faster for searching across a codebase than ag;
however, it's newer and potentially more unfamiliar, so ag still remains
the default.

This is an introduction to supporting rg, but without updating the
Homebrew recipe yet. Given a trial run, I can imagine switching to it as
a default eventually.
2017-04-24 06:37:20 -07:00

135 lines
4.0 KiB

module Main where
import App (runProgram, Options(Options))
import Common
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import Options.Applicative
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner(..))
import Unused.Grouping (CurrentGrouping(..))
import Unused.TermSearch (SearchBackend(..))
import Unused.Types (RemovalLikelihood(..))
import Unused.Util (stringToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = runProgram =<< parseCLI
parseCLI :: IO Options
parseCLI =
execParser (withInfo parseOptions pHeader pDescription pFooter)
pHeader = "Unused: Analyze potentially unused code"
pDescription = "Unused allows a developer to leverage an existing tags file \
\(located at .git/tags, tags, or tmp/tags) to identify tokens \
\in a codebase that are unused."
pFooter = "CLI USAGE: $ unused"
withInfo :: Parser a -> String -> String -> String -> ParserInfo a
withInfo opts h d f =
info (helper <*> opts) $ header h <> progDesc d <> footer f
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
<$> parseSearchRunner
<*> parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches
<*> parseLikelihoods
<*> parseAllLikelihoods
<*> parseIgnorePaths
<*> parseGroupings
<*> parseWithoutCache
<*> parseFromStdIn
<*> parseCommitCount
<*> parseSearchBackend
parseSearchRunner :: Parser SearchRunner
parseSearchRunner =
flag SearchWithProgress SearchWithoutProgress $
short 'P'
<> long "no-progress"
<> help "Don't display progress during analysis"
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches :: Parser Bool
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches = switch $
short 's'
<> long "single-occurrence"
<> help "Display only single occurrences"
parseLikelihoods :: Parser [RemovalLikelihood]
parseLikelihoods = many (parseLikelihood <$> parseLikelihoodOption)
parseLikelihood :: String -> RemovalLikelihood
parseLikelihood "high" = High
parseLikelihood "medium" = Medium
parseLikelihood "low" = Low
parseLikelihood _ = Unknown
parseLikelihoodOption :: Parser String
parseLikelihoodOption = strOption $
short 'l'
<> long "likelihood"
<> help "[Allows multiple] [Allowed: high, medium, low] Display results based on likelihood"
parseAllLikelihoods :: Parser Bool
parseAllLikelihoods = switch $
short 'a'
<> long "all-likelihoods"
<> help "Display all likelihoods"
parseIgnorePaths :: Parser [String]
parseIgnorePaths = many $ strOption $
long "ignore"
<> metavar "PATH"
<> help "[Allows multiple] Ignore paths that contain PATH"
parseGroupings :: Parser CurrentGrouping
parseGroupings =
M.fromMaybe GroupByDirectory <$> maybeGroup
maybeGroup = optional $ parseGrouping <$> parseGroupingOption
parseGrouping :: String -> CurrentGrouping
parseGrouping "directory" = GroupByDirectory
parseGrouping "term" = GroupByTerm
parseGrouping "file" = GroupByFile
parseGrouping "none" = NoGroup
parseGrouping _ = NoGroup
parseGroupingOption :: Parser String
parseGroupingOption = strOption $
short 'g'
<> long "group-by"
<> help "[Allowed: directory, term, file, none] Group results"
parseWithoutCache :: Parser Bool
parseWithoutCache = switch $
short 'C'
<> long "no-cache"
<> help "Ignore cache when performing calculations"
parseFromStdIn :: Parser Bool
parseFromStdIn = switch $
long "stdin"
<> help "Read tags from STDIN"
parseCommitCount :: Parser (Maybe Int)
parseCommitCount =
(stringToInt =<<) <$> commitParser
commitParser = optional $ strOption $
long "commits"
<> help "Number of recent commit SHAs to display per token"
parseSearchBackend :: Parser SearchBackend
parseSearchBackend = M.fromMaybe Ag <$> maybeBackend
maybeBackend = optional $ parseBackend <$> parseBackendOption
parseBackendOption =
strOption $
long "search"
<> help "[Allowed: ag, rg] Select searching backend"
parseBackend :: String -> SearchBackend
parseBackend "ag" = Ag
parseBackend "rg" = Rg
parseBackend _ = Ag