Joshua Clayton 8d5e13c89e Use sensible defaults for the CLI

By default, people want to see an actionable, comprehensive list without
having to pass any flags into the program.

Previously, to see everything with high likelihood you'd need to provide
`-a --likelihood high`. This commit changes the program so that's the default.

It also introduces a `--all-likelihoods` flag (shorthand is `-a`) to see
everything, so if you want to opt into see it, you can. Finally, this
changes `-a` (to see everything) to `-s` (to see only single
occurrences, which was the previous default).
2016-05-11 11:31:52 -04:00

111 lines
3.5 KiB

module Main where
import Options.Applicative
import System.IO (hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering), stdout)
import Unused.Parser (parseLines)
import Unused.Types (ParseResponse, RemovalLikelihood(..))
import Unused.ResponseFilter (withOneOccurrence, withLikelihoods, ignoringPaths)
import Unused.CLI (SearchRunner(..), executeSearch, printParseError, printSearchResults, resetScreen, withInterruptHandler)
data Options = Options
{ oSearchRunner :: SearchRunner
, oSingleOccurrenceMatches :: Bool
, oLikelihoods :: [RemovalLikelihood]
, oAllLikelihoods :: Bool
, oIgnoredPaths :: [String]
main :: IO ()
main = withInterruptHandler $
run =<< execParser
(withInfo parseOptions pHeader pDescription pFooter)
pHeader = "Unused: Analyze potentially unused code"
pDescription = "Unused allows a developer to pipe in a list of tokens to\
\ search through in directory to determine likelihood a\
\ token can be removed. Requires tokens be piped into the\
\ program seperated by newlines. See CLI USAGE below."
pFooter = "CLI USAGE: $ cat path/to/ctags | cut -f1 | sort -u | unused"
run :: Options -> IO ()
run options = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
terms <- pure . lines =<< getContents
results <- executeSearch (oSearchRunner options) terms
let response = parseLines $ unlines results
either printParseError printSearchResults $
optionFilters options response
return ()
withInfo :: Parser a -> String -> String -> String -> ParserInfo a
withInfo opts h d f =
info (helper <*> opts) $ header h <> progDesc d <> footer f
optionFilters :: Options -> (ParseResponse -> ParseResponse)
optionFilters o =
foldl1 (.) filters
filters =
[ if oSingleOccurrenceMatches o then withOneOccurrence else id
, withLikelihoods likelihoods
, ignoringPaths $ oIgnoredPaths o
| oAllLikelihoods o = [High, Medium, Low]
| null (oLikelihoods o) = [High]
| otherwise = oLikelihoods o
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
<$> parseSearchRunner
<*> parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches
<*> parseLikelihoods
<*> parseAllLikelihoods
<*> parseIgnorePaths
parseSearchRunner :: Parser SearchRunner
parseSearchRunner =
flag SearchWithProgress SearchWithoutProgress $
short 'P'
<> long "no-progress"
<> help "Don't display progress during analysis"
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches :: Parser Bool
parseDisplaySingleOccurrenceMatches = switch $
short 's'
<> long "single-occurrence"
<> help "Display only single occurrences"
parseLikelihoods :: Parser [RemovalLikelihood]
parseLikelihoods = many (parseLikelihood <$> parseLikelihoodOption)
parseLikelihood :: String -> RemovalLikelihood
parseLikelihood "high" = High
parseLikelihood "medium" = Medium
parseLikelihood "low" = Low
parseLikelihood _ = Unknown
parseLikelihoodOption :: Parser String
parseLikelihoodOption = strOption $
short 'l'
<> long "likelihood"
<> help "[Allows multiple] [Allowed: high, medium, low] Display results based on likelihood"
parseAllLikelihoods :: Parser Bool
parseAllLikelihoods = switch $
short 'a'
<> long "all-likelihoods"
<> help "Display all likelihoods"
parseIgnorePaths :: Parser [String]
parseIgnorePaths = many $ strOption $
long "ignore"
<> metavar "PATH"
<> help "[Allows multiple] Ignore paths that contain PATH"