Add Named class, make List focus-aware, add experimental withFocusRing combinator

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2016-03-04 15:50:10 -08:00
parent 01487b398e
commit 00eebed6f6
8 changed files with 71 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ executable brick-edit-demo
vty >= 5.3.1,
executable brick-border-demo

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Vector as DV
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Brick.Main as M
@ -13,9 +14,11 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
, (<=>)
, hLimit
, vLimit
, fill
, str
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as A
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
@ -23,31 +26,31 @@ import Brick.Util (on)
data Name = Edit1
| Edit2
| List1
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
data St =
St { _focusRing :: F.FocusRing Name
, _edit1 :: E.Editor Name
, _edit2 :: E.Editor Name
, _list1 :: L.List Name Int
makeLenses ''St
currentEditorL :: St -> Lens' St (E.Editor Name)
currentEditorL st =
case F.focusGetCurrent (st^.focusRing) of
Just Edit1 -> edit1
Just Edit2 -> edit2
Nothing -> error "BUG: focus ring had nothing selected!"
drawUI :: St -> [T.Widget Name]
drawUI st = [ui]
ui = $ (str "Input 1 (unlimited): " <+> (hLimit 30 $ vLimit 5 $ E.renderEditor $ st^.edit1)) <=>
str " " <=>
(str "Input 2 (limited to 2 lines): " <+> (hLimit 30 $ E.renderEditor $ st^.edit2)) <=>
str " " <=>
str "Press Tab to switch between editors, Esc to quit."
theList = F.withFocusRing (st^.focusRing) (L.renderList drawElem) (st^.list1)
drawElem _ i = (str $ show i) <+> (vLimit 1 $ fill ' ')
ui = $
(str "Input 1 (unlimited): " <+> (hLimit 30 $ vLimit 5 $ E.renderEditor $ st^.edit1)) <=>
str " " <=>
(str "Input 2 (limited to 2 lines): " <+> (hLimit 30 $ E.renderEditor $ st^.edit2)) <=>
str " " <=>
(str "Input 3: " <+> (hLimit 30 $ vLimit 3 theList)) <=>
str " " <=>
str "Press Tab to switch between editors, Esc to quit."
appEvent :: St -> V.Event -> T.EventM Name (T.Next St)
appEvent st ev =
@ -55,18 +58,25 @@ appEvent st ev =
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> M.halt st
V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> M.continue $ st & focusRing %~ F.focusNext
V.EvKey V.KBackTab [] -> M.continue $ st & focusRing %~ F.focusPrev
_ -> M.continue =<<
T.handleEventLensed st (currentEditorL st) E.handleEditorEvent ev
_ -> M.continue =<< case F.focusGetCurrent (st^.focusRing) of
Just Edit1 -> T.handleEventLensed st edit1 E.handleEditorEvent ev
Just Edit2 -> T.handleEventLensed st edit2 E.handleEditorEvent ev
Just List1 -> T.handleEventLensed st list1 L.handleListEvent ev
Nothing -> return st
initialState :: St
initialState =
St (F.focusRing [Edit1, Edit2])
St (F.focusRing [Edit1, Edit2, List1])
(E.editor Edit1 (str . unlines) Nothing "")
(E.editor Edit2 (str . unlines) (Just 2) "")
(L.list List1 (DV.fromList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) 1)
theMap :: A.AttrMap
theMap = A.attrMap V.defAttr
[ (E.editAttr, V.white `on`
, (L.listSelectedFocusedAttr, `on` V.white)
, (L.listSelectedAttr, V.white `on`
appCursor :: St -> [T.CursorLocation Name] -> Maybe (T.CursorLocation Name)

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ drawUI l = [ui]
box = B.borderWithLabel label $
hLimit 25 $
vLimit 15 $
L.renderList l listDrawElement
L.renderList listDrawElement True l
ui = C.vCenter $ vBox [ C.hCenter box
, str " "
, C.hCenter $ str "Press +/- to add/remove list elements."

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Brick.Focus
, focusPrev
, focusGetCurrent
, focusRingCursor
, withFocusRing
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Brick.Types
import Brick.Widgets.Core (Named(..))
-- | A focus ring containing a sequence of widget names to focus and a
-- currently-focused widget name.
@ -43,6 +45,9 @@ focusPrev (FocusRingNonempty ns i) = FocusRingNonempty ns i'
i' = (i + (length ns) - 1) `mod` (length ns)
withFocusRing :: (Eq n, Named a n) => FocusRing n -> (Bool -> a -> b) -> a -> b
withFocusRing ring f a = f (focusGetCurrent ring == Just (getName a)) a
-- | Get the currently-focused widget name from the ring. If the ring is
-- emtpy, return 'Nothing'.
focusGetCurrent :: FocusRing n -> Maybe n

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
import Control.Lens (Field1, Field2, _1, _2, Lens', makeLenses)
import Data.String
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Graphics.Vty (DisplayRegion)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
-- | This module provides the core widget combinators and rendering
-- routines. Everything this library does is in terms of these basic
-- primitives.
@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Core
-- * Cursor placement
, showCursor
-- * Naming
, Named(..)
-- * Translation
, translateBy
@ -87,6 +92,11 @@ import Brick.Util (clOffset, clamp)
import Brick.AttrMap
import Brick.Widgets.Internal
-- | The class of types that store interface element names.
class Named a n | a -> n where
-- | Get the name of the specified value.
getName :: a -> n
-- | When rendering the specified widget, use the specified border style
-- for any border rendering.
withBorderStyle :: BorderStyle -> Widget n -> Widget n

View File

@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ data Editor n =
suffixLenses ''Editor
instance Named (Editor n) n where
getName = editorName
handleEditorEvent :: Event -> Editor n -> EventM n (Editor n)
handleEditorEvent e ed =
let f = case e of

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable#-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | This module provides a scrollable list type and functions for
-- manipulating and rendering it.
module Brick.Widgets.List
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ module Brick.Widgets.List
-- * Attributes
, listAttr
, listSelectedAttr
, listSelectedFocusedAttr
@ -74,6 +77,9 @@ data List n e =
suffixLenses ''List
instance Named (List n e) n where
getName = listName
handleListEvent :: (Show n, Ord n) => Event -> List n e -> EventM n (List n e)
handleListEvent e theList =
case e of
@ -97,11 +103,16 @@ handleListEvent e theList =
listAttr :: AttrName
listAttr = "list"
-- | The attribute used only for the currently-selected list item.
-- Extends 'listAttr'.
-- | The attribute used only for the currently-selected list item when
-- the list does not have focus. Extends 'listAttr'.
listSelectedAttr :: AttrName
listSelectedAttr = listAttr <> "selected"
-- | The attribute used only for the currently-selected list item when
-- the list has focus. Extends 'listSelectedAttr'.
listSelectedFocusedAttr :: AttrName
listSelectedFocusedAttr = listSelectedAttr <> "focused"
-- | Construct a list in terms of an element type 'e'.
list :: n
-- ^ The list name (must be unique)
@ -118,18 +129,20 @@ list name es h =
-- | Turn a list state value into a widget given an item drawing
-- function.
renderList :: (Ord n, Show n)
=> List n e
-- ^ The List to be rendered
-> (Bool -> e -> Widget n)
=> (Bool -> e -> Widget n)
-- ^ Rendering function, True for the selected element
-> Bool
-- ^ Whether the list has focus
-> List n e
-- ^ The List to be rendered
-> Widget n
-- ^ rendered widget
renderList l drawElem =
renderList drawElem foc l =
withDefAttr listAttr $
drawListElements l drawElem
drawListElements foc l drawElem
drawListElements :: (Ord n, Show n) => List n e -> (Bool -> e -> Widget n) -> Widget n
drawListElements l drawElem =
drawListElements :: (Ord n, Show n) => Bool -> List n e -> (Bool -> e -> Widget n) -> Widget n
drawListElements foc l drawElem =
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
@ -145,8 +158,11 @@ drawListElements l drawElem =
drawnElements = flip V.imap es $ \i e ->
let isSelected = Just (i + start) == l^.listSelectedL
elemWidget = drawElem isSelected e
selItemAttr = if foc
then withDefAttr listSelectedFocusedAttr
else withDefAttr listSelectedAttr
makeVisible = if isSelected
then visible . withDefAttr listSelectedAttr
then visible . selItemAttr
else id
in makeVisible elemWidget