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synced 2024-12-01 17:32:52 +03:00
Editor improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import System.Exit
import Brick
data St =
St { msg :: String
, focus :: FocusRing
St { focus :: FocusRing
, stEditor :: Editor
drawUI :: St -> Widget
drawUI st =
vBox [ edit (stEditor st) `withAttr` (cyan `on` blue)
vBox [ hLimit 15 $ edit (stEditor st) `withAttr` (cyan `on` blue)
, hBorder '-'
, "stuff and things"
@ -24,9 +23,7 @@ handleEvent :: Event -> St -> Either ExitCode St
handleEvent e st =
case e of
EvKey KEsc [] -> Left ExitSuccess
EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> Right $ st { focus = focusNext $ focus st }
EvKey (KChar c) [] -> Right $ st { msg = msg st ++ [c] }
_ -> Right st
ev -> Right $ st { stEditor = editEvent ev (stEditor st) }
pickCursor :: St -> [CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation
pickCursor st ls =
@ -35,8 +32,7 @@ pickCursor st ls =
initialState :: St
initialState =
let eName = Name "edit"
in St { msg = ""
, focus = focusRing [eName]
in St { focus = focusRing [eName]
, stEditor = editor eName ""
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Brick where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.String
import Data.Monoid
import System.Exit
import Graphics.Vty
@ -40,6 +41,55 @@ data Editor =
, editorName :: Name
editEvent :: Event -> Editor -> Editor
editEvent e theEdit = f theEdit
f = case e of
EvKey (KChar 'a') [MCtrl] -> gotoBOL
EvKey (KChar 'e') [MCtrl] -> gotoEOL
EvKey (KChar c) [] | c /= '\t' -> insertChar c
EvKey KDel [] -> deleteChar
EvKey KLeft [] -> moveLeft
EvKey KRight [] -> moveRight
EvKey KBS [] -> deletePreviousChar
_ -> id
moveLeft :: Editor -> Editor
moveLeft e = e { editCursorPos = max 0 (editCursorPos e - 1)
moveRight :: Editor -> Editor
moveRight e = e { editCursorPos = min (editCursorPos e + 1) (length $ editStr e)
deletePreviousChar :: Editor -> Editor
deletePreviousChar e
| editCursorPos e == 0 = e
| otherwise = deleteChar $ moveLeft e
gotoBOL :: Editor -> Editor
gotoBOL e = e { editCursorPos = 0 }
gotoEOL :: Editor -> Editor
gotoEOL e = e { editCursorPos = length (editStr e) }
deleteChar :: Editor -> Editor
deleteChar e = e { editStr = s'
n = editCursorPos e
s = editStr e
s' = take n s <> drop (n+1) s
insertChar :: Char -> Editor -> Editor
insertChar c theEdit = theEdit { editStr = s
, editCursorPos = n + 1
s = take n oldStr ++ [c] ++ drop n oldStr
n = editCursorPos theEdit
oldStr = editStr theEdit
editor :: Name -> String -> Editor
editor name s = Editor s (length s) name
@ -49,9 +99,15 @@ edit e =
renderEditor loc sz@(width, _) attr =
let cursorPos = CursorLocation (Location (editCursorPos e, 0)) (Just $ editorName e)
w = hBox [ txt (editStr e)
, txt (replicate (width - (length $ editStr e)) ' ')
let cursorPos = CursorLocation (Location (pos', 0)) (Just $ editorName e)
s = editStr e
pos = editCursorPos e
(s', pos') = let winSize = width
start = max 0 (pos + 1 - winSize)
newPos = min pos (width - 1)
in (drop start s, newPos)
w = hBox [ txt s'
, txt (replicate (width - length s' + 1) ' ')
(img, _) = render_ w loc sz attr
in (img, [cursorPos])
Reference in New Issue
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