tests: add List properties

Add some property tests for List behaviour.  Among other things,
check that the "selected element" bookkeeping maintains a valid
selection at all times (as long as you're using the provided
functions and not manipulating the underlying Vector directly).
This commit is contained in:
Fraser Tweedale 2018-12-06 20:38:26 +10:00
parent b5c6cdccb0
commit 040f3dadb7
3 changed files with 220 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -448,7 +448,10 @@ test-suite brick-tests
ghc-options: -Wno-orphans
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: List
build-depends: base <=5,

tests/List.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module List
) where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Lens.Micro
import Test.QuickCheck
import Brick.Util (clamp)
import Brick.Widgets.List
instance (Arbitrary n, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (List n a) where
arbitrary = list <$> arbitrary <*> (V.fromList <$> arbitrary) <*> pure 1
-- List move operations that never modify the underlying list
data ListMoveOp a
= MoveUp
| MoveDown
| MoveBy Int
| MoveTo Int
| MoveToElement a
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ListMoveOp a) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure MoveUp
, pure MoveDown
, MoveBy <$> arbitrary
, MoveTo <$> arbitrary
, MoveToElement <$> arbitrary
-- List operations. We don't have "page"-based movement operations
-- because these depend on render context (i.e. effect in EventM)
data ListOp a
= Insert Int a
| Remove Int
| Replace Int [a]
| Clear
| Reverse
| ListMoveOp (ListMoveOp a)
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ListOp a) where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (1, Insert <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, Remove <$> arbitrary)
, (1, Replace <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, pure Clear)
, (1, pure Reverse)
, (5, arbitrary)
-- Turn a ListOp into a List endomorphism
op :: Eq a => ListOp a -> List n a -> List n a
op (Insert i a) = listInsert i a
op (Remove i) = listRemove i
op (Replace i xs) =
-- avoid setting index to Nothing
listReplace (V.fromList xs) (Just i)
op Clear = listClear
op Reverse = listReverse
op (ListMoveOp mo) = moveOp mo
-- Turn a ListMoveOp into a List endomorphism
moveOp :: (Eq a) => ListMoveOp a -> List n a -> List n a
moveOp MoveUp = listMoveUp
moveOp MoveDown = listMoveDown
moveOp (MoveBy n) = listMoveBy n
moveOp (MoveTo n) = listMoveTo n
moveOp (MoveToElement a) = listMoveToElement a
:: (Foldable t)
=> (op a -> List n a -> List n a) -> t (op a) -> List n a -> List n a
applyListOps f = appEndo . foldMap (Endo . f)
-- list operations keep the selected index in bounds
:: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_listOpsMaintainSelectedValid ops l =
let l' = applyListOps op ops l
case l' ^. listSelectedL of
-- either there is no selection and list is empty
Nothing -> null (l' ^. listElementsL)
-- or the selected index is valid
Just i -> i >= 0 && i < length (l' ^. listElementsL)
-- reversing a list keeps the selected element the same
:: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_reverseMaintainsSelectedElement ops l =
-- apply some random list ops to (probably) set a selected element
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = listReverse l'
fmap snd (listSelectedElement l') == fmap snd (listSelectedElement l'')
-- an inserted element may always be found at the given index
-- (when target index is clamped to 0 <= n <= len)
prop_insert :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insert i a l =
l' = listInsert i a l
i' = clamp 0 (length (l ^. listElementsL)) i
listSelectedElement (listMoveTo i' l') == Just (i', a)
-- inserting anywhere always increases size of list by 1
prop_insertSize :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insertSize i a l =
l' = listInsert i a l
length (l' ^. listElementsL) == length (l ^. listElementsL) + 1
-- inserting an element and moving to it always succeeds and
-- the selected element is the one we inserted.
-- The index is not necessarily the index we inserted at, because
-- the element could be present in the original list. So we don't
-- check that.
prop_insertMoveTo :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Int -> a -> Bool
prop_insertMoveTo ops l i a =
l' = listInsert i a (applyListOps op ops l)
sel = listSelectedElement (listMoveToElement a l')
fmap snd sel == Just a
-- inserting then deleting always yields a list with the original elems
prop_insertRemove :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insertRemove i a l =
i' = clamp 0 (length (l ^. listElementsL)) i
l' = listInsert i' a l -- pre-clamped
l'' = listRemove i' l'
l'' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
-- deleting in-bounds always reduces size of list by 1
-- deleting out-of-bounds never changes list size
prop_remove :: Int -> List n a -> Bool
prop_remove i l =
len = length (l ^. listElementsL)
i' = clamp 0 (len - 1) i
| len > 0 && i == i' = (== len - 1) -- i is in bounds
| otherwise = (== len) -- i is out of bounds
test (length (listRemove i l ^. listElementsL))
-- deleting an element and re-inserting it at same position
-- gives the original list elements
prop_removeInsert :: (Eq a) => Int -> List n a -> Bool
prop_removeInsert i l =
sel = listSelectedElement (listMoveTo i l)
l' = maybe id (\(i', a) -> listInsert i' a . listRemove i') sel l
l' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
converge :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
converge test f a
| test (f a) a = a
| otherwise = converge test f (f a)
-- listMoveUp always reaches 0 (or list is empty)
prop_moveUp :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveUp ops l =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = converge ((==) `on` (^. listSelectedL)) listMoveUp l'
len = length (l'' ^. listElementsL)
maybe (len == 0) (== 0) (l'' ^. listSelectedL)
-- listMoveDown always reaches end of list (or list is empty)
prop_moveDown :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveDown ops l =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = converge ((==) `on` (^. listSelectedL)) listMoveDown l'
len = length (l'' ^. listElementsL)
maybe (len == 0) (== len - 1) (l'' ^. listSelectedL)
-- move ops never change the list
prop_moveOpsNeverChangeList :: (Eq a) => [ListMoveOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveOpsNeverChangeList ops l =
l' = applyListOps moveOp ops l
l' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
return []
main :: IO Bool
main = $quickCheckAll

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import Data.IMap (IMap, Run(Run))
@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.IMap as IMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified List
instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (Run v) where
arbitrary = liftA2 (\(Positive n) -> Run n) arbitrary arbitrary
@ -107,4 +110,6 @@ prop_null m = IMap.null m == IntMap.null (lower m)
return []
main :: IO ()
main = $quickCheckAll >>= bool exitFailure exitSuccess
main =
(all id <$> sequenceA [$quickCheckAll, List.main])
>>= bool exitFailure exitSuccess