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synced 2024-12-26 15:33:30 +03:00
Forms: add FormFieldVisibilityMode type and setFieldVisibilityMode function (fixes #496)
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module Brick.Forms
, FormFieldState(..)
, FormField(..)
, FormFieldVisibilityMode(..)
-- * Creating and using forms
, newForm
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ module Brick.Forms
, setFieldConcat
, setFormFocus
, updateFormState
, setFieldVisibilityMode
-- * Simple form field constructors
, editTextField
@ -145,6 +147,18 @@ data FormField a b e n =
-- ^ An event handler for this field.
-- | How to bring form fields into view when a form is rendered in a
-- viewport with 'viewport'.
data FormFieldVisibilityMode =
-- ^ Make only the focused field's selected input visible. For
-- composite fields this will not bring all options into view.
| ShowAugmentedField
-- ^ Make all inputs in the focused field visible. For composite
-- fields this will bring all options into view as long as the
-- viewport is large enough to show them all.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A form field state accompanied by the fields that manipulate that
-- state. The idea is that some record field in your form state has
-- one or more form fields that manipulate that value. This data type
@ -189,6 +203,9 @@ data FormFieldState s e n where
, formFieldConcat :: [Widget n] -> Widget n
-- ^ Concatenation function for this field's input
-- renderings.
, formFieldVisibilityMode :: FormFieldVisibilityMode
-- ^ This field's visibility mode for use in
-- viewports.
} -> FormFieldState s e n
-- | A form: a sequence of input fields that manipulate the fields of an
@ -250,8 +267,8 @@ infixr 5 @@=
updateFormState :: s -> Form s e n -> Form s e n
updateFormState newState f =
let updateField fs = case fs of
FormFieldState st l upd s rh concatAll ->
FormFieldState (upd (newState^.l) st) l upd s rh concatAll
FormFieldState st l upd s rh concatAll visMode ->
FormFieldState (upd (newState^.l) st) l upd s rh concatAll visMode
in f { formState = newState
, formFieldStates = updateField <$> formFieldStates f
@ -287,7 +304,7 @@ newForm mkEs s =
formFieldNames :: FormFieldState s e n -> [n]
formFieldNames (FormFieldState _ _ _ fields _ _) = formFieldName <$> fields
formFieldNames (FormFieldState _ _ _ fields _ _ _) = formFieldName <$> fields
-- | A form field for manipulating a boolean value. This represents
-- 'True' as @[X] label@ and 'False' as @[ ] label@.
@ -345,6 +362,7 @@ checkboxCustomField lb check rb stLens name label initialState =
\val _ -> val
, formFieldRenderHelper = id
, formFieldConcat = vBox
, formFieldVisibilityMode = ShowFocusedFieldOnly
renderCheckbox :: (Ord n) => Char -> Char -> Char -> T.Text -> n -> Bool -> Bool -> Widget n
@ -406,7 +424,9 @@ listField options stLens renderItem itemHeight name initialState =
Just (_, e) -> listMoveToElement e l
, formFieldRenderHelper = id
, formFieldConcat = vBox
, formFieldVisibilityMode = ShowFocusedFieldOnly
-- | A form field for selecting a single choice from a set of possible
-- choices. Each choice has an associated value and text label.
@ -474,6 +494,7 @@ radioCustomField lb check rb stLens options initialState =
, formFieldUpdate = \val _ -> val
, formFieldRenderHelper = id
, formFieldConcat = vBox
, formFieldVisibilityMode = ShowFocusedFieldOnly
renderRadio :: (Eq a, Ord n) => Char -> Char -> Char -> a -> n -> T.Text -> Bool -> a -> Widget n
@ -548,6 +569,7 @@ editField stLens n limit ini val renderText wrapEditor initialState =
else applyEdit (Z.insertMany newTxt . Z.clearZipper) e
, formFieldRenderHelper = id
, formFieldConcat = vBox
, formFieldVisibilityMode = ShowFocusedFieldOnly
-- | A form field using a single-line editor to edit the 'Show'
@ -691,6 +713,46 @@ allFieldsValid = null . invalidFields
invalidFields :: Form s e n -> [n]
invalidFields f = concatMap getInvalidFields (formFieldStates f)
-- | Set the visibility mode of the specified form field's collection
-- when the form is rendered in viewport. This is used to change how
-- focused fields are brought into view when they're outside of view
-- in a viewport and gain focus. In practice, this means this function
-- need only be called on one form field name in a collection in order
-- to affect the visibility behavior of that field's entire input
-- collection.
-- There are two visibility modes:
-- * 'ShowFocusedFieldOnly' - this is the default behavior. In this
-- mode, when a field receives focus, it is brought into view but
-- other inputs in the same field collection (e.g. a set of radio
-- buttons) will not be brought into view along with it.
-- * 'ShowAugmentedField' - in this mode, when a field receives focus,
-- all of the inputs in its collection (e.g. a set of radio buttons)
-- are brought into view as long as the viewport is large enough to
-- show them all. If it isn't, the viewport will show as many as space
-- allows.
setFieldVisibilityMode :: (Eq n)
=> n
-- ^ The name of the form field whose visibility mode is to be set.
-> FormFieldVisibilityMode
-- ^ The mode to set.
-> Form s e n
-- ^ The form to modify.
-> Form s e n
setFieldVisibilityMode n mode form =
let go1 [] = []
go1 (s:ss) =
let s' = case s of
FormFieldState st l upd fs rh concatAll _ ->
if n `elem` formFieldNames s
then FormFieldState st l upd fs rh concatAll mode
else s
in s' : go1 ss
in form { formFieldStates = go1 (formFieldStates form) }
-- | Manually indicate that a field has invalid contents. This can be
-- useful in situations where validation beyond the form element's
-- validator needs to be performed and the result of that validation
@ -707,18 +769,18 @@ setFieldValid v n form =
let go1 [] = []
go1 (s:ss) =
let s' = case s of
FormFieldState st l upd fs rh concatAll ->
FormFieldState st l upd fs rh concatAll visMode ->
let go2 [] = []
go2 (f@(FormField fn val _ r h):ff)
| n == fn = FormField fn val v r h : ff
| otherwise = f : go2 ff
in FormFieldState st l upd (go2 fs) rh concatAll
in FormFieldState st l upd (go2 fs) rh concatAll visMode
in s' : go1 ss
in form { formFieldStates = go1 (formFieldStates form) }
getInvalidFields :: FormFieldState s e n -> [n]
getInvalidFields (FormFieldState st _ _ fs _ _) =
getInvalidFields (FormFieldState st _ _ fs _ _ _) =
let gather (FormField n validate extValid _ _) =
if not extValid || isNothing (validate st) then [n] else []
in concatMap gather fs
@ -750,16 +812,22 @@ renderFormFieldState :: (Eq n)
=> FocusRing n
-> FormFieldState s e n
-> Widget n
renderFormFieldState fr (FormFieldState st _ _ fields helper concatFields) =
let renderFields [] = []
renderFormFieldState fr (FormFieldState st _ _ fields helper concatFields visMode) =
let curFocus = focusGetCurrent fr
foc = case curFocus of
Nothing -> False
Just n -> n `elem` fieldNames
maybeVisible = if foc && visMode == ShowAugmentedField then visible else id
renderFields [] = []
renderFields ((FormField n validate extValid renderField _):fs) =
let maybeInvalid = if (isJust $ validate st) && extValid
then id
else forceAttr invalidFormInputAttr
foc = Just n == focusGetCurrent fr
maybeVisible = if foc then visible else id
in (maybeVisible $ maybeInvalid $ renderField foc st) : renderFields fs
in helper $ concatFields $ renderFields fields
fieldFoc = Just n == curFocus
maybeFieldVisible = if fieldFoc && visMode == ShowFocusedFieldOnly then visible else id
in (n, maybeFieldVisible $ maybeInvalid $ renderField fieldFoc st) : renderFields fs
(fieldNames, renderedFields) = unzip $ renderFields fields
in helper $ maybeVisible $ concatFields renderedFields
-- | Dispatch an event to the currently focused form field. This handles
-- the following events in this order:
@ -862,7 +930,7 @@ handleFormFieldEvent ev n = do
let findFieldState _ [] = return ()
findFieldState prev (e:es) =
case e of
FormFieldState st stLens upd fields helper concatAll -> do
FormFieldState st stLens upd fields helper concatAll visMode -> do
let findField [] = return Nothing
findField (field:rest) =
case field of
@ -879,7 +947,7 @@ handleFormFieldEvent ev n = do
case result of
Nothing -> findFieldState (prev <> [e]) es
Just (newSt, maybeSt) -> do
let newFieldState = FormFieldState newSt stLens upd fields helper concatAll
let newFieldState = FormFieldState newSt stLens upd fields helper concatAll visMode
formFieldStatesL .= prev <> [newFieldState] <> es
case maybeSt of
Nothing -> return ()
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