mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 21:03:07 +03:00
Prim hacking
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ executable brick
executable brick-rogue
buildable: False
hs-source-dirs: programs
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -17,20 +17,10 @@ data St =
makeLenses ''St
drawUI :: St -> [Widget]
drawUI st = [top]
drawUI :: St -> [Prim]
drawUI st = [a]
top = liftVty $ mkImage (10, 10) defAttr $
borderTest $ Fixed "foo"
-- top = translated (st^.trans) $
-- bordered $
-- hLimit 40 $
-- vBox [ "Top"
-- , hBorder '-'
-- , hBox [ " Edit: "
-- , hLimit 20 $ edit (st^.stEditor) `withAttr` (cyan `on` blue)
-- ]
-- ]
a = bordered $ HLimit 75 (Fixed "foobar stakdjslf asdf asdf ljasdfjlk asdflkas kljdfaslkdf thing" <<+ HPad ' ')
handleEvent :: Event -> St -> IO St
handleEvent e st =
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Brick where
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (forever)
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Monoid
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty hiding ((<|>))
newtype Location = Location (Int, Int)
@ -30,90 +31,81 @@ data CursorLocation =
, cursorLocationName :: !(Maybe Name)
data RenderOrder = A | B
data Prim = Fixed String
| HPad Char
| VPad Char
| HFill Char
| VFill Char
| LeftRight Prim Prim
| TopBottom Prim Prim
| HBox Prim Prim RenderOrder
| VBox Prim Prim RenderOrder
| HLimit Int Prim
| VLimit Int Prim
| UseAttr Attr Prim
| Raw Image
| Translate Int Int Prim
mkImage :: DisplayRegion -> Attr -> Prim -> Image
mkImage (w, h) a (Fixed s) = if w > 0 && h > 0
then crop w h $ string a s
else emptyImage
mkImage (w, h) _ (Raw img) = if w > 0 && h > 0
then crop w h img
else emptyImage
mkImage (w, _) a (HFill c) = charFill a c w 1
mkImage (_, h) a (VFill c) = charFill a c 1 h
mkImage (w, h) a (Fixed s) =
if w > 0 && h > 0
then crop w h $ string a s
else emptyImage
mkImage (w, h) _ (Raw img) =
if w > 0 && h > 0
then crop w h img
else emptyImage
mkImage (w, h) a (HPad c) = charFill a c w (max 1 h)
mkImage (w, h) a (VPad c) = charFill a c (max 1 w) h
mkImage (w, h) a (HFill c) = charFill a c w (min h 1)
mkImage (w, h) a (VFill c) = charFill a c (min w 1) h
mkImage (_, h) a (HLimit w p) = mkImage (w, h) a p
mkImage (w, _) a (VLimit h p) = mkImage (w, h) a p
mkImage (w, h) _ (UseAttr a p) = mkImage (w, h) a p
mkImage (w, h) a (LeftRight p1 p2) = horizCat [first, second]
mkImage (w, h) a (Translate tw th p) =
crop w h $ translate tw th $ mkImage (w, h) a p
mkImage (w, h) a (HBox p1 p2 order) = horizCat [first, second]
(first, second) = if isHFixed p1
then let p1Img = mkImage (w, h) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w - imageWidth p1Img, h) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
else let p1Img = mkImage (w - imageWidth p2Img, h) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w, h) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
mkImage (w, h) a (TopBottom p1 p2) = vertCat [first, second]
(first, second) =
case order of
A -> let p1Img = mkImage (w, h) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w - imageWidth p1Img, min h (imageHeight p1Img)) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
B -> let p1Img = mkImage (w - imageWidth p2Img, min h (imageHeight p2Img)) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w, h) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
mkImage (w, h) a (VBox p1 p2 order) = vertCat [first, second]
(first, second) = if isVFixed p1
then let p1Img = mkImage (w, h) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w, h - imageHeight p1Img) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
else let p1Img = mkImage (w, h - imageHeight p2Img) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w, h) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
(first, second) =
case order of
A -> let p1Img = mkImage (w, h) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (min w (imageWidth p1Img), h - imageHeight p1Img) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
B -> let p1Img = mkImage (min w (imageWidth p2Img), h - imageHeight p2Img) a p1
p2Img = mkImage (w, h) a p2
in (p1Img, p2Img)
isHFixed :: Prim -> Bool
isHFixed (Fixed _) = True
isHFixed (HFill _) = False
isHFixed (VFill _) = True
isHFixed (LeftRight a b) = isHFixed a && isHFixed b
isHFixed (TopBottom a b) = isHFixed a && isHFixed b
isHFixed (HLimit _ _) = True
isHFixed (VLimit _ p) = isHFixed p
isHFixed (UseAttr _ p) = isHFixed p
(<<+) :: Prim -> Prim -> Prim
(<<+) a b = HBox a b A
isVFixed :: Prim -> Bool
isVFixed (Fixed _) = True
isVFixed (HFill _) = True
isVFixed (VFill _) = False
isVFixed (LeftRight a b) = isVFixed a && isVFixed b
isVFixed (TopBottom a b) = isVFixed a && isVFixed b
isVFixed (HLimit _ p) = isVFixed p
isVFixed (VLimit _ _) = True
isVFixed (UseAttr _ p) = isVFixed p
(+>>) :: Prim -> Prim -> Prim
(+>>) a b = HBox a b B
borderTest :: Prim -> Prim
borderTest wrapped = total
(<<=) :: Prim -> Prim -> Prim
(<<=) a b = VBox a b A
(=>>) :: Prim -> Prim -> Prim
(=>>) a b = VBox a b B
bordered :: Prim -> Prim
bordered wrapped = total
top = LeftRight (Fixed "+") (LeftRight (HFill '-') (Fixed "+"))
middle = LeftRight (VFill '|') (LeftRight wrapped (VFill '|'))
total = TopBottom top (TopBottom middle top)
topBottom = "+" <<+ HFill '-' +>> "+"
middle = VFill '|' +>> wrapped <<+ VFill '|'
total = topBottom =>> middle <<= topBottom
data Render =
Render { renderImage :: !Image
, renderCursors :: ![CursorLocation]
, renderSizes :: ![(Name, DisplayRegion)]
instance Default Render where
def = Render emptyImage [] []
data Widget =
Widget { render :: DisplayRegion -> Attr -> Render
, widgetName :: !(Maybe Name)
instance IsString Widget where
fromString = txt
instance IsString Prim where
fromString = Fixed
data Editor =
Editor { editStr :: !String
@ -121,13 +113,8 @@ data Editor =
, editorName :: !Name
instance Default Widget where
def = Widget { render = const $ const def
, widgetName = Nothing
data App a e =
App { appDraw :: a -> [Widget]
App { appDraw :: a -> [Prim]
, appChooseCursor :: a -> [CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation
, appHandleEvent :: e -> a -> IO a
, appHandleResize :: Name -> DisplayRegion -> a -> a
@ -146,45 +133,6 @@ data FocusRing = FocusRingEmpty
clOffset :: CursorLocation -> Location -> CursorLocation
clOffset cl loc = cl { cursorLocation = (cursorLocation cl) <> loc }
bordered :: Widget -> Widget
bordered w =
def { render = renderBordered w
renderBordered :: Widget -> DisplayRegion -> Attr -> Render
renderBordered w sz attr = result { renderImage = borderedImg
, renderCursors = translatedCursors
result = render w sz attr
childImg = renderImage result
(width, height) = ( imageWidth childImg
, imageHeight childImg
topBottomBorder = horizCat [ string attr "+"
, charFill attr '-' width 1
, string attr "+"
leftRightBorder = charFill attr '|' 1 height
withSideBorders = horizCat [ leftRightBorder
, childImg
, leftRightBorder
borderedImg = vertCat [ topBottomBorder
, withSideBorders
, topBottomBorder
translatedCursors = (`clOffset` (Location (1,1))) <$>
renderCursors result
txt :: String -> Widget
txt s =
def { render = \_ a -> def { renderImage = string a s }
named :: Widget -> Name -> Widget
named w name = w { widgetName = Just name }
editEvent :: Event -> Editor -> Editor
editEvent e theEdit = f theEdit
@ -238,189 +186,76 @@ insertChar c theEdit = theEdit { editStr = s
editor :: Name -> String -> Editor
editor name s = Editor s (length s) name
edit :: Editor -> Widget
edit e =
def { render = renderEditor
, widgetName = Just $ editorName e
renderEditor sz@(width, _) attr =
let cursorPos = CursorLocation (Location (pos', 0)) (Just $ editorName e)
s = editStr e
pos = editCursorPos e
(s', pos') = let winSize = width
start = max 0 (pos + 1 - winSize)
newPos = min pos (width - 1)
in (drop start s, newPos)
w = hBox [ txt s'
, txt (replicate (width - length s' + 1) ' ')
result = render w sz attr
in result { renderCursors = [cursorPos]
, renderSizes = []
-- edit :: Editor -> Widget
-- edit e =
-- def { render = renderEditor
-- , widgetName = Just $ editorName e
-- }
-- where
-- renderEditor sz@(width, _) attr =
-- let cursorPos = CursorLocation (Location (pos', 0)) (Just $ editorName e)
-- s = editStr e
-- pos = editCursorPos e
-- (s', pos') = let winSize = width
-- start = max 0 (pos + 1 - winSize)
-- newPos = min pos (width - 1)
-- in (drop start s, newPos)
-- w = hBox [ txt s'
-- , txt (replicate (width - length s' + 1) ' ')
-- ]
-- result = render w sz attr
-- in result { renderCursors = [cursorPos]
-- , renderSizes = []
-- }
-- hCentered :: Widget -> Widget
-- hCentered w =
-- def { render = \sz attr ->
-- let result = render w sz attr
-- img = renderImage result
-- wOff = (fst sz - imageWidth img) `div` 2
-- trans = Location (wOff, 0)
-- in result { renderImage = translate wOff 0 img
-- , renderCursors = (`clOffset` trans) <$> renderCursors result
-- }
-- }
-- vCentered :: Widget -> Widget
-- vCentered w =
-- def { render = \sz attr ->
-- let result = render w sz attr
-- img = renderImage result
-- hOff = (snd sz - imageHeight img) `div` 2
-- trans = Location (0, hOff)
-- in result { renderImage = translate 0 hOff img
-- , renderCursors = (`clOffset` trans) <$> renderCursors result
-- }
-- }
-- centered :: Widget -> Widget
-- centered = hCentered . vCentered
-- centeredAbout :: Location -> Widget -> Widget
-- centeredAbout (Location (col, row)) widget =
-- def { render = \sz@(w, h) attr ->
-- let tx = (w `div` 2) - col
-- ty = (h `div` 2) - row
-- result = render widget sz attr
-- in result { renderImage = translate tx ty $ renderImage result
-- }
-- }
hBorder :: Char -> Widget
hBorder ch =
def { render = \(width, _) attr ->
def { renderImage = charFill attr ch width 1 }
translated :: Location -> Prim -> Prim
translated (Location (wOff, hOff)) p = Translate wOff hOff p
vBorder :: Char -> Widget
vBorder ch =
def { render = \(_, height) attr ->
def { renderImage = charFill attr ch 1 height }
vBox :: [Widget] -> Widget
vBox widgets =
def { render = renderVBox
renderVBox (width, height) attr =
let results = renderChildren attr width widgets height origin
imgs = renderImage <$> results
maxWidth = maximum $ imageWidth <$> imgs
padded = addPadding maxWidth attr <$> imgs
in def { renderImage = vertCat padded
, renderCursors = concat $ renderCursors <$> results
, renderSizes = concat $ renderSizes <$> results
addPadding width attr img =
img <|> charFill attr ' ' (width - imageWidth img) (imageHeight img)
renderChildren _ _ [] _ _ = []
renderChildren attr width (w:ws) hRemaining loc
| hRemaining <= 0 = []
| otherwise =
let result = render_ w loc (width, hRemaining) attr
img = renderImage result
newHeight = hRemaining - imageHeight img
newLoc = loc <> Location (0, imageHeight img)
results = renderChildren attr width ws newHeight newLoc
in result:results
hBox :: [Widget] -> Widget
hBox widgets =
def { render = renderHBox
renderHBox (width, height) attr =
let results = renderChildren attr height widgets width origin
imgs = renderImage <$> results
maxHeight = maximum $ imageHeight <$> imgs
padded = addPadding maxHeight attr <$> imgs
in def { renderImage = horizCat padded
, renderCursors = concat $ renderCursors <$> results
, renderSizes = concat $ renderSizes <$> results
addPadding height attr img =
img <-> charFill attr ' ' (imageWidth img) (height - imageHeight img)
renderChildren _ _ [] _ _ = []
renderChildren attr height (w:ws) wRemaining loc
| wRemaining <= 0 = []
| otherwise =
let result = render_ w loc (wRemaining, height) attr
img = renderImage result
newWidth = wRemaining - imageWidth img
newLoc = loc <> Location (imageWidth img, 0)
results = renderChildren attr height ws newWidth newLoc
in result:results
hLimit :: Int -> Widget -> Widget
hLimit width w =
def { render = \(_, height) attr -> let result = render w (width, height) attr
in result { renderImage = crop width height $ renderImage result
vLimit :: Int -> Widget -> Widget
vLimit height w =
def { render = \(width, _) attr -> let result = render w (width, height) attr
in result { renderImage = crop width height $ renderImage result
hCentered :: Widget -> Widget
hCentered w =
def { render = \sz attr ->
let result = render w sz attr
img = renderImage result
wOff = (fst sz - imageWidth img) `div` 2
trans = Location (wOff, 0)
in result { renderImage = translate wOff 0 img
, renderCursors = (`clOffset` trans) <$> renderCursors result
vCentered :: Widget -> Widget
vCentered w =
def { render = \sz attr ->
let result = render w sz attr
img = renderImage result
hOff = (snd sz - imageHeight img) `div` 2
trans = Location (0, hOff)
in result { renderImage = translate 0 hOff img
, renderCursors = (`clOffset` trans) <$> renderCursors result
centered :: Widget -> Widget
centered = hCentered . vCentered
centeredAbout :: Location -> Widget -> Widget
centeredAbout (Location (col, row)) widget =
def { render = \sz@(w, h) attr ->
let tx = (w `div` 2) - col
ty = (h `div` 2) - row
result = render widget sz attr
in result { renderImage = translate tx ty $ renderImage result
translated :: Location -> Widget -> Widget
translated off@(Location (wOff, hOff)) w =
def { render = \sz attr ->
let result = render w sz attr
in result { renderImage = translate wOff hOff $ renderImage result
, renderCursors = (`clOffset` off) <$> renderCursors result
render_ :: Widget -> Location -> DisplayRegion -> Attr -> Render
render_ w loc sz attr =
def { renderImage = uncurry crop sz img
, renderSizes = case widgetName w of
Nothing -> renderSizes result
Just n -> (n, (imageWidth img, imageHeight img)) : renderSizes result
, renderCursors = (`clOffset` loc) <$> renderCursors result
result = render w sz attr
img = renderImage result
renderFinal :: [Widget]
renderFinal :: [Prim]
-> DisplayRegion
-> ([CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation)
-> (Picture, [(Name, DisplayRegion)])
renderFinal layerWidgets sz chooseCursor = (pic, concatMap renderSizes layerResults)
-> Picture
renderFinal layerPrims sz chooseCursor = pic
cursor = case chooseCursor (concatMap renderCursors layerResults) of
Nothing -> NoCursor
Just cl -> let Location (w, h) = cursorLocation cl
in Cursor w h
layerRenderResult w = render_ w (Location (0, 0)) sz defAttr
layerResults = layerRenderResult <$> layerWidgets
basePic = picForLayers $ uncurry resize sz <$> renderImage <$> layerResults
pic = basePic { picCursor = cursor }
liftVty :: Image -> Widget
liftVty img =
def { render = const $ const $ def { renderImage = img }
layerResults = mkImage sz defAttr <$> layerPrims
pic = picForLayers $ uncurry resize sz <$> layerResults
on :: Color -> Color -> Attr
on f b = defAttr `withForeColor` f
@ -432,24 +267,24 @@ fg = (defAttr `withForeColor`)
bg :: Color -> Attr
bg = (defAttr `withBackColor`)
withAttr :: Widget -> Attr -> Widget
withAttr w attr =
def { render = \sz _ -> render w sz attr
withNamedCursor :: Widget -> (Name, Location) -> Widget
withNamedCursor w (name, cursorLoc) =
w { render = \sz a -> let result = render w sz a
in result { renderCursors = [CursorLocation cursorLoc (Just name)]
withCursor :: Widget -> Location -> Widget
withCursor w cursorLoc =
w { render = \sz a -> let result = render w sz a
in result { renderCursors = [CursorLocation cursorLoc Nothing]
-- withAttr :: Widget -> Attr -> Widget
-- withAttr w attr =
-- def { render = \sz _ -> render w sz attr
-- }
-- withNamedCursor :: Widget -> (Name, Location) -> Widget
-- withNamedCursor w (name, cursorLoc) =
-- w { render = \sz a -> let result = render w sz a
-- in result { renderCursors = [CursorLocation cursorLoc (Just name)]
-- }
-- }
-- withCursor :: Widget -> Location -> Widget
-- withCursor w cursorLoc =
-- w { render = \sz a -> let result = render w sz a
-- in result { renderCursors = [CursorLocation cursorLoc Nothing]
-- }
-- }
defaultMain :: App a Event -> a -> IO ()
defaultMain = defaultMainWithVty (mkVty def)
@ -481,13 +316,14 @@ withVty buildVty useVty = do
renderApp :: Vty -> App a e -> a -> IO a
renderApp vty app state = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let (pic, sizes) = renderFinal (appDraw app state) sz (appChooseCursor app state)
let pic = renderFinal (appDraw app state) sz (appChooseCursor app state)
update vty pic
let !applyResizes = foldl (>>>) id $ (uncurry (appHandleResize app)) <$> sizes
!resizedState = applyResizes state
return state
-- let !applyResizes = foldl (>>>) id $ (uncurry (appHandleResize app)) <$> sizes
-- !resizedState = applyResizes state
return resizedState
-- return resizedState
getNextEvent :: Vty -> App a Event -> a -> IO a
getNextEvent vty app state = do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user