mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 06:32:52 +03:00
Add ported version of vty rogue demo
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,3 +30,15 @@ executable brick
vty >= 5.2.9,
executable brick-rogue
hs-source-dirs: programs
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Rogue.hs
build-depends: base,
vty >= 5.2.9,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Graphics.Vty
import Data.Array
import Data.Default (def)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import System.Exit
import Brick
data Player = Player
{ playerCoord :: Coord
} deriving (Show,Eq)
data World = World
{ player :: Player
, level :: Level
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Level = Level
{ levelStart :: Coord
, levelEnd :: Coord
, levelGeo :: Geo
-- building the geo image is expensive. Cache it. Though VTY should go
-- through greater lengths to avoid the need to cache images.
, levelGeoImage :: Image
deriving (Show,Eq)
data LevelPiece
= EmptySpace
| Rock
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Geo = Array Coord LevelPiece
type Coord = (Int, Int)
main :: IO ()
main = do
level0 <- mkLevel 1
let world0 = World (Player (levelStart level0)) level0
app = def { appDraw = updateDisplay
, appHandleEvent = processEvent
, appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor
defaultMain app world0
-- |Generate a level randomly using the specified difficulty. Higher
-- difficulty means the level will have more rooms and cover a larger area.
mkLevel :: Int -> IO Level
mkLevel difficulty = do
let size = 80 * difficulty
[levelWidth, levelHeight] <- replicateM 2 $ randomRIO (size,size)
let randomP = (,) <$> randomRIO (2, levelWidth-3) <*> randomRIO (2, levelHeight-3)
start <- randomP
end <- randomP
-- first the base geography: all rocks
let baseGeo = array ((0,0), (levelWidth-1, levelHeight-1))
[((x,y),Rock) | x <- [0..levelWidth-1], y <- [0..levelHeight-1]]
-- next the empty spaces that make the rooms
-- for this we generate a number of center points
centers <- replicateM (2 ^ difficulty + difficulty) randomP
-- generate rooms for all those points, plus the start and end
geo <- foldM (addRoom levelWidth levelHeight) baseGeo (start : end : centers)
return $ Level start end geo (buildGeoImage geo)
-- |Add a room to a geography and return a new geography. Adds a
-- randomly-sized room centered at the specified coordinates.
addRoom :: Int
-> Int
-- ^The width and height of the geographical area
-> Geo
-- ^The geographical area to which a new room should be added
-> Coord
-- ^The desired center of the new room.
-> IO Geo
addRoom levelWidth levelHeight geo (centerX, centerY) = do
size <- randomRIO (5,15)
let xMin = max 1 (centerX - size)
xMax = min (levelWidth - 1) (centerX + size)
yMin = max 1 (centerY - size)
yMax = min (levelHeight - 1) (centerY + size)
let room = [((x,y), EmptySpace) | x <- [xMin..xMax - 1], y <- [yMin..yMax - 1]]
return (geo // room)
pieceA, dumpA :: Attr
pieceA = defAttr `withForeColor` blue `withBackColor` green
dumpA = defAttr `withStyle` reverseVideo
processEvent :: Event -> World -> IO World
processEvent k world = do
case k of
EvKey KEsc [] -> exitSuccess
EvKey KLeft [] -> return $ movePlayer world (-1) 0
EvKey KRight [] -> return $ movePlayer world 1 0
EvKey KUp [] -> return $ movePlayer world 0 (-1)
EvKey KDown [] -> return $ movePlayer world 0 1
_ -> return world
movePlayer :: World -> Int -> Int -> World
movePlayer world dx dy = do
let Player (x, y) = player world
x' = x + dx
y' = y + dy
case levelGeo (level world) ! (x',y') of
EmptySpace -> world { player = Player (x',y') }
_ -> world
updateDisplay :: World -> [Widget]
updateDisplay world = info : translatedWorldLayers
info = vBox [ hCentered $ txt "Move with the arrows keys. Press ESC to exit."
, hBorder '-'
playerLoc = Location $ playerCoord $ player world
translatedWorldLayers = centeredAbout playerLoc <$> worldLayers world
worldLayers :: World -> [Widget]
worldLayers world = [ playerWidget
, liftVty $ levelGeoImage theLevel
theLevel = level world
thePlayer = player world
(px, py) = (playerX thePlayer, playerY thePlayer)
playerWidget = translated (Location (px, py)) $ liftVty (char pieceA '@')
imageForGeo :: LevelPiece -> Image
imageForGeo EmptySpace = char (defAttr `withBackColor` green) ' '
imageForGeo Rock = char defAttr 'X'
buildGeoImage :: Geo -> Image
buildGeoImage geo =
let (geoWidth, geoHeight) = snd $ bounds geo
in vertCat [ geoRow
| y <- [0..geoHeight-1]
, let geoRow = horizCat [ i
| x <- [0..geoWidth-1]
, let i = imageForGeo (geo ! (x,y))
playerX :: Player -> Int
playerX = fst . playerCoord
playerY :: Player -> Int
playerY = snd . playerCoord
Reference in New Issue
Block a user