CustomKeybindingDemo: layout improvements

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2022-08-04 19:21:38 -07:00
parent b8735a16bc
commit 3817b456e8

View File

@ -100,13 +100,24 @@ drawUi :: St -> [Widget ()]
drawUi st = [body]
binding = uncurry K.binding <$> st^.lastKey
keybindingHelp = K.keybindingHelpWidget (st^.keyConfig) handlers
status = hLimit 40 $
-- Generate key binding help using the library so we can embed
-- it in the UI.
keybindingHelp = B.borderWithLabel (txt "Active Keybindings") $
K.keybindingHelpWidget (st^.keyConfig) handlers
-- Show the status of the last pressed key, whether we handled
-- it, and other bits of the application state.
status = B.borderWithLabel (txt "Status") $
hLimit 40 $
padRight Max $
vBox [ txt $ "Last key: " <> maybe "(none)" K.ppBinding binding
, str $ "Last key handled: " <> show (st^.lastKeyHandled)
, str $ "Counter: " <> show (st^.counter)
-- Show info about whether the application is currently using
-- custom bindings loaded from an INI file.
customBindingInfo =
B.borderWithLabel (txt "Custom Bindings") $
case st^.loadedCustomBindings of
@ -119,11 +130,10 @@ drawUi st = [body]
"Pass its path to this " <>
"program on the command line."
Just f -> str "Loaded custom bindings from:" <=> str (show f)
body = $
((padRight (Pad 7) $
(B.borderWithLabel (txt "Status") status) <=> customBindingInfo)
) <+>
B.borderWithLabel (txt "Active Keybindings") keybindingHelp
(padRight (Pad 2) $ status <=> customBindingInfo) <+>
app :: M.App St e ()
app =