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synced 2024-12-28 00:12:02 +03:00
Dialog: take resource names for buttons to allow cursor placement and click event support
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,12 +25,18 @@ import qualified Brick.Types as T
data Choice = Red | Blue | Green
deriving Show
drawUI :: D.Dialog Choice -> [Widget ()]
data Name =
| BlueButton
| GreenButton
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
drawUI :: D.Dialog Choice Name -> [Widget Name]
drawUI d = [ui]
ui = D.renderDialog d $ C.hCenter $ padAll 1 $ str "This is the dialog body."
appEvent :: BrickEvent () e -> T.EventM () (D.Dialog Choice) ()
appEvent :: BrickEvent Name e -> T.EventM Name (D.Dialog Choice Name) ()
appEvent (VtyEvent ev) =
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> M.halt
@ -38,12 +44,12 @@ appEvent (VtyEvent ev) =
_ -> D.handleDialogEvent ev
appEvent _ = return ()
initialState :: D.Dialog Choice
initialState = D.dialog (Just "Title") (Just (0, choices)) 50
initialState :: D.Dialog Choice Name
initialState = D.dialog (Just $ str "Title") (Just (RedButton, choices)) 50
choices = [ ("Red", Red)
, ("Blue", Blue)
, ("Green", Green)
choices = [ ("Red", RedButton, Red)
, ("Blue", BlueButton, Blue)
, ("Green", GreenButton, Green)
theMap :: A.AttrMap
@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ theMap = A.attrMap V.defAttr
, (D.buttonSelectedAttr, bg V.yellow)
theApp :: M.App (D.Dialog Choice) e ()
theApp :: M.App (D.Dialog Choice Name) e Name
theApp =
M.App { M.appDraw = drawUI
, M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor
@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Dialog
( Dialog
, dialogTitle
, dialogButtons
, dialogSelectedIndex
, dialogWidth
-- * Construction and rendering
, dialog
, renderDialog
, getDialogFocus
, setDialogFocus
-- * Handling events
, handleDialogEvent
-- * Getting a dialog's current value
@ -30,20 +31,20 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Dialog
, buttonSelectedAttr
-- * Lenses
, dialogButtonsL
, dialogSelectedIndexL
, dialogWidthL
, dialogTitleL
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl ((%=))
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List (intersperse, find)
import Graphics.Vty.Input (Event(..), Key(..))
import Brick.Util (clamp)
import Brick.Focus
import Brick.Types
import Brick.Widgets.Core
import Brick.Widgets.Center
@ -59,43 +60,54 @@ import Brick.AttrMap
-- * Tab or Right Arrow: select the next button
-- * Shift-tab or Left Arrow: select the previous button
data Dialog a =
Dialog { dialogTitle :: Maybe String
data Dialog a n =
Dialog { dialogTitle :: Maybe (Widget n)
-- ^ The dialog title
, dialogButtons :: [(String, a)]
-- ^ The dialog button labels and values
, dialogSelectedIndex :: Maybe Int
-- ^ The currently selected dialog button index (if any)
, dialogButtons :: [(String, n, a)]
-- ^ The dialog buttons' labels, resource names, and values
, dialogWidth :: Int
-- ^ The maximum width of the dialog
, dialogFocus :: FocusRing n
-- ^ The focus ring for the dialog's buttons
suffixLenses ''Dialog
handleDialogEvent :: Event -> EventM n (Dialog a) ()
handleDialogEvent :: Event -> EventM n (Dialog a n) ()
handleDialogEvent ev = do
modify $ \d -> case ev of
EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> nextButtonBy 1 True d
EvKey KBackTab [] -> nextButtonBy (-1) True d
EvKey KRight [] -> nextButtonBy 1 False d
EvKey KLeft [] -> nextButtonBy (-1) False d
_ -> d
case ev of
EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> dialogFocusL %= focusNext
EvKey KRight [] -> dialogFocusL %= focusNext
EvKey KBackTab [] -> dialogFocusL %= focusPrev
EvKey KLeft [] -> dialogFocusL %= focusPrev
_ -> return ()
-- | Set the focused button of a dialog.
setDialogFocus :: (Eq n) => n -> Dialog a n -> Dialog a n
setDialogFocus n d = d { dialogFocus = focusSetCurrent n $ dialogFocus d }
-- | Get the focused button of a dialog.
getDialogFocus :: Dialog a n -> Maybe n
getDialogFocus = focusGetCurrent . dialogFocus
-- | Create a dialog.
dialog :: Maybe String
dialog :: (Eq n)
=> Maybe (Widget n)
-- ^ The dialog title
-> Maybe (Int, [(String, a)])
-- ^ The currently-selected button index (starting at zero) and
-- the button labels and values to use
-> Maybe (n, [(String, n, a)])
-- ^ The currently-selected button resource name and the button
-- labels, resource names, and values to use
-> Int
-- ^ The maximum width of the dialog
-> Dialog a
-> Dialog a n
dialog title buttonData w =
let (buttons, idx) = case buttonData of
Nothing -> ([], Nothing)
Just (_, []) -> ([], Nothing)
Just (i, bs) -> (bs, Just $ clamp 0 (length bs - 1) i)
in Dialog title buttons idx w
let (r, buttons) = case buttonData of
Nothing ->
(focusRing [], [])
Just (focName, entries) ->
let ns = (\(_, n, _) -> n) <$> entries
in (focusSetCurrent focName $ focusRing ns, entries)
in Dialog title buttons w r
-- | The default attribute of the dialog
dialogAttr :: AttrName
@ -113,17 +125,25 @@ buttonSelectedAttr = buttonAttr <> attrName "selected"
-- dialog as a layer, which makes this suitable as a top-level layer in
-- your rendering function to be rendered on top of the rest of your
-- interface.
renderDialog :: Dialog a -> Widget n -> Widget n
renderDialog :: (Ord n) => Dialog a n -> Widget n -> Widget n
renderDialog d body =
let buttonPadding = str " "
mkButton (i, (s, _)) = let att = if Just i == d^.dialogSelectedIndexL
then buttonSelectedAttr
else buttonAttr
in withAttr att $ str $ " " <> s <> " "
foc = focusGetCurrent $ dialogFocus d
mkButton (s, n, _) =
let att = if Just n == foc
then buttonSelectedAttr
else buttonAttr
csr = if Just n == foc
then putCursor n (Location (1,0))
else id
in csr $
clickable n $
withAttr att $
str $ " " <> s <> " "
buttons = hBox $ intersperse buttonPadding $
mkButton <$> (zip [0..] (d^.dialogButtonsL))
mkButton <$> (d^.dialogButtonsL)
doBorder = maybe border borderWithLabel (str <$> d^.dialogTitleL)
doBorder = maybe border borderWithLabel (d^.dialogTitleL)
in centerLayer $
withDefAttr dialogAttr $
hLimit (d^.dialogWidthL) $
@ -132,24 +152,12 @@ renderDialog d body =
, hCenter buttons
nextButtonBy :: Int -> Bool -> Dialog a -> Dialog a
nextButtonBy amt wrapCycle d =
let numButtons = length $ d^.dialogButtonsL
in if numButtons == 0 then d
else case d^.dialogSelectedIndexL of
Nothing -> d & dialogSelectedIndexL .~ (Just 0)
Just i -> d & dialogSelectedIndexL .~ (Just newIndex)
addedIndex = i + amt
newIndex = if wrapCycle
then addedIndex `mod` numButtons
else max 0 $ min addedIndex $ numButtons - 1
-- | Obtain the value associated with the dialog's currently-selected
-- button, if any. This function is probably what you want when someone
-- presses 'Enter' in a dialog.
dialogSelection :: Dialog a -> Maybe a
dialogSelection d =
case d^.dialogSelectedIndexL of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i -> Just $ ((d^.dialogButtonsL) !! i)^._2
dialogSelection :: (Eq n) => Dialog a n -> Maybe (n, a)
dialogSelection d = do
n' <- focusGetCurrent $ dialogFocus d
let matches (_, n, _) = n == n'
(_, n, a) <- find matches (d^.dialogButtonsL)
return (n, a)
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