Support concurrent operation

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2015-05-10 14:56:58 -07:00
parent 11ce620339
commit 45b095a6a2
2 changed files with 79 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Default
import Data.Monoid
import Graphics.Vty
import System.Exit
@ -11,6 +13,7 @@ data St =
St { focus :: FocusRing
, stEditor :: Editor
, trans :: Location
, counter :: Int
eName :: Name
@ -21,39 +24,57 @@ drawUI st = [top]
top = translated (trans st) $
hLimit 40 $
vBox [ "Top"
vBox [ txt $ "Top (counter: " <> show (counter st) <> ")"
, hBorder '-'
, hBox [ " Edit: "
, hLimit 20 $ edit (stEditor st) `withAttr` (cyan `on` blue)
handleEvent :: Event -> St -> IO St
handleEvent :: MyEvent -> St -> IO St
handleEvent e st =
case e of
EvKey KEsc [] -> exitSuccess
EvKey KEnter [] -> error $ editStr $ stEditor st
EvKey KLeft [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (-1, 0)) }
EvKey KRight [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (1, 0)) }
EvKey KUp [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (0, -1)) }
EvKey KDown [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (0, 1)) }
ev -> return $ st { stEditor = editEvent ev (stEditor st) }
VtyEvent vtyEv ->
case vtyEv of
EvKey KEsc [] -> exitSuccess
EvKey KEnter [] -> error $ editStr $ stEditor st
EvKey KLeft [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (-1, 0)) }
EvKey KRight [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (1, 0)) }
EvKey KUp [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (0, -1)) }
EvKey KDown [MCtrl] -> return $ st { trans = trans st `locOffset` (Location (0, 1)) }
ev -> return $ st { stEditor = editEvent ev (stEditor st) }
CounterUpdate i -> return $ st { counter = i }
initialState :: St
initialState =
St { focus = focusRing [eName]
, stEditor = editor eName ""
, trans = Location (0, 0)
, counter = 0
app :: App St
app =
data MyEvent = VtyEvent Event
| CounterUpdate Int
theApp :: App St MyEvent
theApp =
def { appDraw = drawUI
, appChooseCursor = focusRingCursor focus
, appHandleEvent = handleEvent
updateThread :: Chan MyEvent -> IO ()
updateThread chan = do
let run i = do
writeChan chan $ CounterUpdate i
threadDelay 1000000
run $ i + 1
run 0
main :: IO ()
main = standardIOConfig
>>= mkVty
>>= runVty app initialState
main = do
chan <- newChan
withVty (mkVty def) $ \vty -> do
forkIO $ supplyVtyEvents vty VtyEvent chan
forkIO $ updateThread chan
runVty vty chan theApp initialState

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@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ module Brick where
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
@ -52,14 +54,14 @@ instance Default Widget where
, widgetName = Nothing
data App a =
data App a e =
App { appDraw :: a -> [Widget]
, appChooseCursor :: a -> [CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation
, appHandleEvent :: Event -> a -> IO a
, appHandleEvent :: e -> a -> IO a
, appHandleResize :: Name -> DisplayRegion -> a -> a
instance Default (App a) where
instance Default (App a e) where
def = App { appDraw = const def
, appChooseCursor = const $ const Nothing
, appHandleEvent = const return
@ -308,21 +310,48 @@ withCursor w cursorLoc =
runVty :: App a -> a -> Vty -> IO ()
runVty app initialState vty = do
let run state = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let (pic, sizes) = renderFinal (appDraw app state) sz (appChooseCursor app state)
update vty pic
defaultMain :: App a Event -> a -> IO ()
defaultMain = defaultMainWithVty (mkVty def)
let !applyResizes = foldl (>>>) id $ (uncurry (appHandleResize app)) <$> sizes
!resizedState = applyResizes state
defaultMainWithVty :: IO Vty -> App a Event -> a -> IO ()
defaultMainWithVty buildVty app initialState = do
chan <- newChan
withVty buildVty $ \vty -> do
forkIO $ supplyVtyEvents vty id chan
runVty vty chan app initialState
e <- nextEvent vty
newState <- appHandleEvent app e resizedState
run newState
supplyVtyEvents :: Vty -> (Event -> e) -> Chan e -> IO ()
supplyVtyEvents vty mkEvent chan =
forever $ do
e <- nextEvent vty
writeChan chan $ mkEvent e
run initialState `finally` (shutdown vty)
runVty :: Vty -> Chan e -> App a e -> a -> IO ()
runVty vty chan app state = do
state' <- renderApp vty app state
e <- readChan chan
appHandleEvent app e state' >>= runVty vty chan app
withVty :: IO Vty -> (Vty -> IO a) -> IO a
withVty buildVty useVty = do
vty <- buildVty
useVty vty `finally` shutdown vty
renderApp :: Vty -> App a e -> a -> IO a
renderApp vty app state = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let (pic, sizes) = renderFinal (appDraw app state) sz (appChooseCursor app state)
update vty pic
let !applyResizes = foldl (>>>) id $ (uncurry (appHandleResize app)) <$> sizes
!resizedState = applyResizes state
return resizedState
getNextEvent :: Vty -> App a Event -> a -> IO a
getNextEvent vty app state = do
e <- nextEvent vty
appHandleEvent app e state
focusRing :: [Name] -> FocusRing
focusRing [] = FocusRingEmpty