Add support for viewports that scroll both vertically and horizontally, add visibility demo

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2015-07-17 19:30:42 -07:00
parent a2bf4e241a
commit 4fde0b4f7d
6 changed files with 287 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ consistent with other lenses
- Text wrapping (with markup)
- Deal with multi-column characters everywhere
- Viewports that support both horizontal and vertical scrolling
Open issues:
- Centering and other operations pad widgets with fills with interacts

View File

@ -82,6 +82,20 @@ executable brick
executable brick-visibility-demo
if !flag(demos)
Buildable: False
hs-source-dirs: programs
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -O3
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: VisibilityDemo.hs
build-depends: base,
vty >= 5.2.9,
executable brick-viewport-scroll-demo
if !flag(demos)
Buildable: False

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import Brick.Widgets.Core
( Widget
, ViewportType(Horizontal, Vertical)
, ViewportType(Horizontal, Vertical, Both)
, hLimit
, vLimit
, hBox
@ -29,21 +29,25 @@ vp1Name = "demo1"
vp2Name :: T.Name
vp2Name = "demo2"
vp3Name :: T.Name
vp3Name = "demo3"
drawUi :: () -> [Widget]
drawUi = const [ui]
ui = $
hLimit 60 $
vLimit 20 $
B.border $
hBox [ viewport vp1Name Vertical $
vBox $ "Press up and down arrow keys" :
"to scroll this viewport." :
(str <$> [ "Line " <> (show i) | i <- [3..50::Int] ])
, B.vBorder
, viewport vp2Name Horizontal
"Press left and right arrow keys to scroll this viewport."
ui = $ B.border $ hLimit 60 $ vLimit 21 $
vBox [ pair, B.hBorder, singleton ]
singleton = viewport vp3Name Both $
vBox $ "Press ctrl-arrow keys to scroll this viewport horizontally and vertically."
: (str <$> [ "Line " <> show i | i <- [2..25::Int] ])
pair = hBox [ viewport vp1Name Vertical $
vBox $ "Press up and down arrow keys" :
"to scroll this viewport." :
(str <$> [ "Line " <> (show i) | i <- [3..50::Int] ])
, B.vBorder
, viewport vp2Name Horizontal
"Press left and right arrow keys to scroll this viewport."
vp1Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp1Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp1Name
@ -51,11 +55,18 @@ vp1Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp1Name
vp2Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp2Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp2Name
vp3Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp3Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp3Name
appEvent :: () -> V.Event -> M.EventM (M.Next ())
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KDown []) = M.scrollBy vp1Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KUp []) = M.scrollBy vp1Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KRight []) = M.scrollBy vp2Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KLeft []) = M.scrollBy vp2Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KDown [V.MCtrl]) = M.vScrollBy vp3Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KUp [V.MCtrl]) = M.vScrollBy vp3Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KRight [V.MCtrl]) = M.hScrollBy vp3Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KLeft [V.MCtrl]) = M.hScrollBy vp3Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KDown []) = M.vScrollBy vp1Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KUp []) = M.vScrollBy vp1Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KRight []) = M.hScrollBy vp2Scroll 1 >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KLeft []) = M.hScrollBy vp2Scroll (-1) >> M.continue ()
appEvent _ (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) = M.halt ()
appEvent _ _ = M.continue ()

programs/VisibilityDemo.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Brick.Types as T
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import Brick.AttrMap (AttrMap, AttrName, attrMap)
import Brick.Util (on)
import Brick.Widgets.Core
( Widget
, ViewportType(Horizontal, Vertical, Both)
, withAttr
, hLimit
, vLimit
, hBox
, vBox
, viewport
, str
, visible
data St =
St { _vp1Index :: Int
, _vp2Index :: Int
, _vp3Index :: (Int, Int)
makeLenses ''St
vp1Name :: T.Name
vp1Name = "demo1"
vp1Size :: Int
vp1Size = 15
vp2Name :: T.Name
vp2Name = "demo2"
vp2Size :: Int
vp2Size = 15
vp3Name :: T.Name
vp3Name = "demo3"
vp3Size :: (Int, Int)
vp3Size = (25, 25)
selectedAttr :: AttrName
selectedAttr = "selected"
drawUi :: St -> [Widget]
drawUi st = [ui]
ui = $ hLimit 60 $ vLimit 30 $
vBox [ B.border $ vBox [ pair, B.hBorder, singleton ]
, str $ "- Up/down arrow keys scroll the top-left viewport\n" <>
"- Left/right arrow keys scroll the top-right viewport\n" <>
"- Ctrl-arrow keys move the bottom viewport"
singleton = viewport vp3Name Both $
vBox $ do
i <- [1..vp3Size^._1]
let row = do
j <- [1..vp3Size^._2]
let mkItem = if (i, j) == st^.vp3Index
then withAttr selectedAttr . visible
else id
return $ mkItem $ str $ "Item " <> show (i, j) <> " "
return $ hBox row
pair = hBox [ vp1, B.vBorder, vp2 ]
vp1 = viewport vp1Name Vertical $
vBox $ do
i <- [1..vp1Size]
let mkItem = if i == st^.vp1Index
then withAttr selectedAttr . visible
else id
return $ mkItem $ str $ "Item " <> show i
vp2 = viewport vp2Name Horizontal $
hBox $ do
i <- [1..vp2Size]
let mkItem = if i == st^.vp2Index
then withAttr selectedAttr . visible
else id
return $ mkItem $ str $ "Item " <> show i <> " "
vp1Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp1Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp1Name
vp2Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp2Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp2Name
vp3Scroll :: M.ViewportScroll
vp3Scroll = M.viewportScroll vp3Name
appEvent :: St -> V.Event -> M.EventM (M.Next St)
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KDown [V.MCtrl]) = M.continue $ st & vp3Index._1 %~ min (vp3Size^._1) . (+ 1)
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KUp [V.MCtrl]) = M.continue $ st & vp3Index._1 %~ max 1 . subtract 1
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KRight [V.MCtrl]) = M.continue $ st & vp3Index._2 %~ min (vp3Size^._1) . (+ 1)
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KLeft [V.MCtrl]) = M.continue $ st & vp3Index._2 %~ max 1 . subtract 1
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KDown []) = M.continue $ st & vp1Index %~ min vp1Size . (+ 1)
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KUp []) = M.continue $ st & vp1Index %~ max 1 . subtract 1
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KRight []) = M.continue $ st & vp2Index %~ min vp2Size . (+ 1)
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KLeft []) = M.continue $ st & vp2Index %~ max 1 . subtract 1
appEvent st (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) = M.halt st
appEvent st _ = M.continue st
theMap :: AttrMap
theMap = attrMap V.defAttr
[ (selectedAttr, `on` V.yellow)
app :: M.App St V.Event
app =
M.App { M.appDraw = drawUi
, M.appStartEvent = return
, M.appHandleEvent = appEvent
, M.appAttrMap = const theMap
, M.appLiftVtyEvent = id
, M.appChooseCursor = M.neverShowCursor
initialState :: St
initialState = St 1 1 (1, 1)
main :: IO ()
main = void $ M.defaultMain app initialState

View File

@ -15,10 +15,14 @@ module Brick.Main
-- ** Viewport scrolling
, viewportScroll
, ViewportScroll
, scrollBy
, scrollPage
, scrollToBeginning
, scrollToEnd
, vScrollBy
, vScrollPage
, vScrollToBeginning
, vScrollToEnd
, hScrollBy
, hScrollPage
, hScrollToBeginning
, hScrollToEnd
-- * Cursor management functions
, neverShowCursor
@ -236,27 +240,43 @@ data ViewportScroll =
ViewportScroll { viewportName :: Name
-- ^ The name of the viewport to be controlled by
-- this scrolling handle.
, scrollPage :: Direction -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport by one page in the specified
-- direction.
, scrollBy :: Int -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport by the specified number of
-- rows or columns depending on the orientation of
-- the viewport.
, scrollToBeginning :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll to the beginning of the viewport.
, scrollToEnd :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll to the end of the viewport.
, hScrollPage :: Direction -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport horizontally by one page in
-- the specified direction.
, hScrollBy :: Int -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport horizontally by the
-- specified number of rows or columns depending on
-- the orientation of the viewport.
, hScrollToBeginning :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll horizontally to the beginning of the
-- viewport.
, hScrollToEnd :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll horizontally to the end of the viewport.
, vScrollPage :: Direction -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport vertically by one page in
-- the specified direction.
, vScrollBy :: Int -> EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll the viewport vertically by the specified
-- number of rows or columns depending on the
-- orientation of the viewport.
, vScrollToBeginning :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll vertically to the beginning of the viewport.
, vScrollToEnd :: EventM ()
-- ^ Scroll vertically to the end of the viewport.
-- | Build a viewport scroller for the viewport with the specified name.
viewportScroll :: Name -> ViewportScroll
viewportScroll n =
ViewportScroll { viewportName = n
, scrollPage = \dir -> modify ((n, ScrollPage dir) :)
, scrollBy = \i -> modify ((n, ScrollBy i) :)
, scrollToBeginning = modify ((n, ScrollToBeginning) :)
, scrollToEnd = modify ((n, ScrollToEnd) :)
, hScrollPage = \dir -> modify ((n, HScrollPage dir) :)
, hScrollBy = \i -> modify ((n, HScrollBy i) :)
, hScrollToBeginning = modify ((n, HScrollToBeginning) :)
, hScrollToEnd = modify ((n, HScrollToEnd) :)
, vScrollPage = \dir -> modify ((n, HScrollPage dir) :)
, vScrollBy = \i -> modify ((n, VScrollBy i) :)
, vScrollToBeginning = modify ((n, VScrollToBeginning) :)
, vScrollToEnd = modify ((n, VScrollToEnd) :)
-- | Continue running the event loop with the specified application

View File

@ -98,7 +98,15 @@ data VisibilityRequest =
deriving Show
data ViewportType = Vertical | Horizontal deriving Show
-- | The type of viewports that indicates the direction(s) in which a
-- viewport is scrollable.
data ViewportType = Vertical
-- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable only vertically.
| Horizontal
-- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable only horizontally.
| Both
-- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable vertically and horizontally.
deriving Show
data Viewport =
VP { _vpLeft :: Int
@ -159,10 +167,15 @@ data Widget =
data Direction = Up | Down
data ScrollRequest = ScrollBy Int
| ScrollPage Direction
| ScrollToBeginning
| ScrollToEnd
data ScrollRequest = HScrollBy Int
| HScrollPage Direction
| HScrollToBeginning
| HScrollToEnd
| VScrollBy Int
| VScrollPage Direction
| VScrollToBeginning
| VScrollToEnd
data RenderState =
RS { _viewportMap :: M.Map Name Viewport
@ -588,11 +601,13 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
release = case typ of
Vertical -> vRelease
Horizontal -> hRelease
Both -> \w -> vRelease w >>= hRelease
released = case release p of
Just w -> w
Nothing -> case typ of
Vertical -> error $ "tried to embed an infinite-height widget in vertical viewport " <> (show vpn)
Horizontal -> error $ "tried to embed an infinite-width widget in horizontal viewport " <> (show vpn)
Both -> error $ "tried to embed an infinite-width or infinite-height widget in 'Both' type viewport " <> (show vpn)
initialResult <- render released
@ -601,7 +616,10 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
when (not $ null $ initialResult^.visibilityRequests) $ do
Just vp <- lift $ gets $ (^ (M.lookup vpname))
let rq = head $ initialResult^.visibilityRequests
updatedVp = scrollToView typ rq vp
updatedVp = case typ of
Both -> scrollToView Horizontal rq $ scrollToView Vertical rq vp
Horizontal -> scrollToView typ rq vp
Vertical -> scrollToView typ rq vp
lift $ modify (& viewportMap %~ (M.insert vpname updatedVp))
-- If the rendering state includes any scrolling requests for this
@ -612,7 +630,13 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
Just vp <- lift $ gets $ (^ (M.lookup vpname))
let updatedVp = applyRequests relevantRequests vp
applyRequests [] v = v
applyRequests (rq:rqs) v = scrollTo typ rq (initialResult^.image) $ applyRequests rqs v
applyRequests (rq:rqs) v =
case typ of
Horizontal -> scrollTo typ rq (initialResult^.image) $ applyRequests rqs v
Vertical -> scrollTo typ rq (initialResult^.image) $ applyRequests rqs v
Both -> scrollTo Horizontal rq (initialResult^.image) $
scrollTo Vertical rq (initialResult^.image) $
applyRequests rqs v
lift $ modify (& viewportMap %~ (M.insert vpname updatedVp))
return ()
@ -638,53 +662,55 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
$ Widget Fixed Fixed $ return $ translated & visibilityRequests .~ mempty
scrollTo :: ViewportType -> ScrollRequest -> V.Image -> Viewport -> Viewport
scrollTo typ req img vp = vp & theStart .~ newStart
scrollTo Both _ _ _ = error "BUG: called scrollTo on viewport type 'Both'"
scrollTo Vertical req img vp = vp & vpTop .~ newVStart
theStart :: Lens' Viewport Int
theStart = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpLeft
Vertical -> vpTop
theSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpSize._1
Vertical -> vpSize._2
imgSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> V.imageWidth img
Vertical -> V.imageHeight img
newStart = clamp 0 (imgSize - vp^.theSize) adjustedAmt
newVStart = clamp 0 (V.imageHeight img - vp^.vpSize._2) adjustedAmt
adjustedAmt = case req of
ScrollBy amt -> (vp^.theStart) + amt
ScrollPage Up -> (vp^.theStart) - (vp^.theSize)
ScrollPage Down -> (vp^.theStart) + (vp^.theSize)
ScrollToBeginning -> 0
ScrollToEnd -> imgSize - (vp^.theSize)
VScrollBy amt -> vp^.vpTop + amt
VScrollPage Up -> vp^.vpTop - vp^.vpSize._2
VScrollPage Down -> vp^.vpTop + vp^.vpSize._2
VScrollToBeginning -> 0
VScrollToEnd -> V.imageHeight img - vp^.vpSize._2
_ -> vp^.vpTop
scrollTo Horizontal req img vp = vp & vpLeft .~ newHStart
newHStart = clamp 0 (V.imageWidth img - vp^.vpSize._1) adjustedAmt
adjustedAmt = case req of
HScrollBy amt -> vp^.vpLeft + amt
HScrollPage Up -> vp^.vpLeft - vp^.vpSize._1
HScrollPage Down -> vp^.vpLeft + vp^.vpSize._1
HScrollToBeginning -> 0
HScrollToEnd -> V.imageWidth img - vp^.vpSize._1
_ -> vp^.vpLeft
scrollToView :: ViewportType -> VisibilityRequest -> Viewport -> Viewport
scrollToView typ rq vp = vp & theStart .~ newStart
scrollToView Both _ _ = error "BUG: called scrollToView on 'Both' type viewport"
scrollToView Vertical rq vp = vp & vpTop .~ newVStart
theStart :: Lens' Viewport Int
theStart = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpLeft
Vertical -> vpTop
theSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpSize._1
Vertical -> vpSize._2
reqStart = case typ of
Horizontal -> rq^.vrPosition.column
Vertical -> rq^.vrPosition.row
reqSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> rq^.vrSize._1
Vertical -> rq^.vrSize._2
curStart = vp^.vpTop
curEnd = curStart + vp^.vpSize._2
reqStart = rq^.vrPosition.row
curStart = vp^.theStart
curEnd = curStart + vp^.theSize
reqEnd = reqStart + reqSize
newStart :: Int
newStart = if reqStart < curStart
reqEnd = rq^.vrPosition.row + rq^.vrSize._2
newVStart :: Int
newVStart = if reqStart < curStart
then reqStart
else if reqStart > curEnd || reqEnd > curEnd
then reqEnd - vp^.theSize
then reqEnd - vp^.vpSize._2
else curStart
scrollToView Horizontal rq vp = vp & vpLeft .~ newHStart
curStart = vp^.vpLeft
curEnd = curStart + vp^.vpSize._1
reqStart = rq^.vrPosition.column
reqEnd = rq^.vrPosition.column + rq^.vrSize._1
newHStart :: Int
newHStart = if reqStart < curStart
then reqStart
else if reqStart > curEnd || reqEnd > curEnd
then reqEnd - vp^.vpSize._1
else curStart
-- | Request that the specified widget be made visible when it is