mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 21:03:07 +03:00
Get rid of scrolling wrappers, replace with viewport abstraction and primitives
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ library
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ drawUI st = [a]
vCenter $
(hCenter $ borderWithLabel bs bsName $
(hLimit 25 (
(vLimit 1 $ useAttr (cyan `on` blue) $ withLens stEditor drawEditor)
(vLimit 1 $ useAttr (cyan `on` blue) $ drawEditor (st^.stEditor))
hBorder bs
(vLimit 10 $ withLens stList drawList)
(vLimit 10 $ drawList (st^.stList))
(vLimit 1 $ vPad ' ')
@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Brick.Core
( Location(..)
( Location(Location)
, loc
, CursorName(..)
, CursorLocation(..)
, HandleEvent(..)
, SetSize(..)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Graphics.Vty (Event, DisplayRegion)
newtype Location = Location (Int, Int)
deriving Show
data Location = Location { _loc :: (Int, Int)
deriving Show
makeLenses ''Location
origin :: Location
origin = Location (0, 0)
@ -31,6 +36,3 @@ data CursorLocation =
class HandleEvent a where
handleEvent :: Event -> a -> a
class SetSize a where
setSize :: DisplayRegion -> a -> a
@ -5,20 +5,17 @@ module Brick.Edit
import Data.Default
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Graphics.Vty (Event(..), Key(..), Modifier(..))
import Brick.Core (Location(..), CursorName(..), HandleEvent(..), SetSize(..))
import Brick.Core (Location(..), CursorName(..), HandleEvent(..))
import Brick.Render
import Brick.Scroll (HScroll, hScroll, scrollToView)
import Brick.Util (clamp)
data Editor =
Editor { editStr :: !String
, editCursorPos :: !Int
, editorCursorName :: !CursorName
, editorScroll :: !HScroll
instance HandleEvent Editor where
@ -37,8 +34,7 @@ instance HandleEvent Editor where
editSetCursorPos :: Int -> Editor -> Editor
editSetCursorPos pos e =
let newCP = clamp 0 (length $ editStr e) pos
in e { editorScroll = scrollToView (newCP, 1) (editorScroll e)
, editCursorPos = newCP
in e { editCursorPos = newCP
moveLeft :: Editor -> Editor
@ -70,7 +66,6 @@ insertChar :: Char -> Editor -> Editor
insertChar c theEdit =
theEdit { editStr = s
, editCursorPos = newCursorPos
, editorScroll = scrollToView (newCursorPos, 1) (editorScroll theEdit)
s = take n oldStr ++ [c] ++ drop n oldStr
@ -78,17 +73,22 @@ insertChar c theEdit =
newCursorPos = n + 1
oldStr = editStr theEdit
instance SetSize Editor where
setSize sz e =
let updatedScroll = setSize sz $ editorScroll e
in e { editorScroll = scrollToView (editCursorPos e, 1) updatedScroll
editor :: CursorName -> String -> Editor
editor cName s = Editor s (length s) cName def
editor cName s = Editor s (length s) cName
drawEditor :: Render Editor
drawEditor =
saveSize setSize $ hScroll editorScroll $ usingState $ \e ->
let cursorLoc = Location (editCursorPos e, 0)
in showCursor (editorCursorName e) cursorLoc $ txt (editStr e) <<+ hPad ' '
drawEditor :: Editor -> Render Editor
drawEditor e =
let cursorLoc = Location (cp, 0)
cp = editCursorPos e
s = editStr e
beforeCursor = take cp s
onCursor' = take 1 $ drop cp s
onCursor = if null onCursor' then " " else onCursor'
afterCursor = drop (cp + 1) s
in viewport "edit" Horizontal $
showCursor (editorCursorName e) cursorLoc $
hBox [ ( txt beforeCursor, High )
, ( visible $ txt onCursor, High )
, ( txt afterCursor, High )
, ( hPad ' ', Low )
@ -11,24 +11,19 @@ module Brick.List
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Graphics.Vty (Event(..), Key(..), DisplayRegion)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Graphics.Vty (Event(..), Key(..))
import Brick.Core (HandleEvent(..), SetSize(..))
import Brick.Core (HandleEvent(..))
import Brick.Merge (maintainSel)
import Brick.Render
import Brick.Scroll (VScroll, vScroll, scrollToView)
import Brick.Util (clamp, for)
data List e =
List { listElements :: ![e]
, listElementDraw :: Bool -> e -> Render (List e)
, listSelected :: !(Maybe Int)
, listScroll :: !VScroll
, listElementHeights :: M.Map Int Int
instance HandleEvent (List e) where
@ -39,37 +34,25 @@ instance HandleEvent (List e) where
EvKey KDown [] -> moveDown
_ -> id
instance SetSize (List e) where
setSize sz l =
let updatedScroll = setSize sz $ listScroll l
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listScroll = updatedScroll }
list :: (Bool -> e -> Render (List e)) -> [e] -> List e
list draw es =
let selIndex = if null es then Nothing else Just 0
in List es draw selIndex def M.empty
in List es draw selIndex
listSetElementSize :: Int -> DisplayRegion -> List e -> List e
listSetElementSize i sz l =
l { listElementHeights = M.insert i (snd sz) (listElementHeights l)
drawList :: Render (List e)
drawList = theList
drawList :: List e -> Render (List e)
drawList l = theList
theList = saveSize setSize $
vScroll listScroll $
ensure makeSelectedVisible body
theList = viewport "list" Vertical $ body
body = usingState $ \l -> do
let es = listElements l
drawn = for (zip [0..] es) $ \(i, e) ->
let isSelected = Just i == listSelected l
elemRender = listElementDraw l isSelected e
in ( saveSize (listSetElementSize i) elemRender
, High
(vBox drawn <<= vPad ' ') <<+ hPad ' '
body = (vBox drawn <<= vPad ' ') <<+ hPad ' '
es = listElements l
drawn = for (zip [0..] es) $ \(i, e) ->
let isSelected = Just i == listSelected l
elemRender = listElementDraw l isSelected e
makeVisible = if isSelected then visible else id
in ( makeVisible elemRender
, High
listInsert :: Int -> e -> List e -> List e
listInsert pos e l =
@ -81,9 +64,9 @@ listInsert pos e l =
then s + 1
else s
(front, back) = splitAt safePos es
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listSelected = Just newSel
, listElements = front ++ (e : back)
in l { listSelected = Just newSel
, listElements = front ++ (e : back)
listRemove :: Int -> List e -> List e
listRemove pos l | null es = l
@ -96,11 +79,11 @@ listRemove pos l | null es = l
else s
(front, back) = splitAt pos es
es' = front ++ tail back
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listSelected = if null es'
then Nothing
else Just newSel
, listElements = es'
in l { listSelected = if null es'
then Nothing
else Just newSel
, listElements = es'
es = listElements l
@ -114,9 +97,9 @@ listReplace es' l | es' == es = l
(_, True) -> Nothing
(True, False) -> Just 0
(False, False) -> Just (maintainSel es es' sel)
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listSelected = newSel
, listElements = es'
in l { listSelected = newSel
, listElements = es'
es = listElements l
@ -129,29 +112,18 @@ moveDown = moveBy 1
moveBy :: Int -> List e -> List e
moveBy amt l =
let newSel = clamp 0 (length (listElements l) - 1) <$> (amt +) <$> listSelected l
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listSelected = newSel }
in l { listSelected = newSel }
moveTo :: Int -> List e -> List e
moveTo pos l =
let len = length (listElements l)
newSel = clamp 0 (len - 1) $ if pos < 0 then (len - pos) else pos
in makeSelectedVisible $ l { listSelected = if len > 0
then Just newSel
else Nothing
in l { listSelected = if len > 0
then Just newSel
else Nothing
listSelectedElement :: List e -> Maybe (Int, e)
listSelectedElement l = do
sel <- listSelected l
return (sel, listElements l !! sel)
makeSelectedVisible :: List e -> List e
makeSelectedVisible l =
let Just scrollTo = (listSelected l) <|> (Just 0)
heights = listElementHeights l
scrollTop = sum $ catMaybes $ (\k -> M.lookup k heights) <$> [0..scrollTo-1]
scrollBottom = case M.lookup scrollTo heights of
Nothing -> 1
Just k -> k
in l { listScroll = scrollToView (scrollTop, scrollBottom) (listScroll l)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Control.Monad (when, forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, Chan, newChan, readChan, writeChan)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Graphics.Vty
( Vty
, Picture(..)
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Brick.Render (Render)
import Brick.Render.Internal (renderFinal)
import Brick.Render.Internal (renderFinal, RenderState(..))
import Brick.Core (Location(..), CursorLocation(..))
data App a e =
@ -61,11 +62,12 @@ simpleMain ls =
in defaultMain app ()
defaultMainWithVty :: IO Vty -> App a Event -> a -> IO ()
defaultMainWithVty buildVty app initialState = do
defaultMainWithVty buildVty app initialAppState = do
let initialRS = RS M.empty
chan <- newChan
withVty buildVty $ \vty -> do
forkIO $ supplyVtyEvents vty id chan
runVty vty chan app initialState
runVty vty chan app initialAppState initialRS
isResizeEvent :: Event -> Bool
isResizeEvent (EvResize _ _) = True
@ -80,28 +82,29 @@ supplyVtyEvents vty mkEvent chan =
when (isResizeEvent e) $ writeChan chan $ mkEvent e
writeChan chan $ mkEvent e
runVty :: Vty -> Chan e -> App a e -> a -> IO ()
runVty vty chan app appState = do
state' <- renderApp vty app appState
runVty :: Vty -> Chan e -> App a e -> a -> RenderState -> IO ()
runVty vty chan app appState rs = do
newRS <- renderApp vty app appState rs
e <- readChan chan
appHandleEvent app e state' >>= runVty vty chan app
newAppState <- appHandleEvent app e appState
runVty vty chan app newAppState newRS
withVty :: IO Vty -> (Vty -> IO a) -> IO a
withVty buildVty useVty = do
vty <- buildVty
useVty vty `finally` shutdown vty
renderApp :: Vty -> App a e -> a -> IO a
renderApp vty app appState = do
renderApp :: Vty -> App a e -> a -> RenderState -> IO RenderState
renderApp vty app appState rs = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let (newAppState, pic, theCursor) = renderFinal (appDraw app appState) sz (appChooseCursor app appState) appState
let (newRS, pic, theCursor) = renderFinal (appDraw app appState) sz (appChooseCursor app appState) rs
picWithCursor = case theCursor of
Nothing -> pic { picCursor = NoCursor }
Just (CursorLocation (Location (w, h)) _) -> pic { picCursor = Cursor w h }
update vty picWithCursor
return newAppState
return newRS
neverShowCursor :: a -> [CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation
neverShowCursor = const $ const Nothing
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Brick.Render
, Priority(..)
, (=>>), (<<=), (<=>)
, (+>>), (<<+), (<+>)
, ViewportType(..)
, txt
, hPad
@ -21,12 +22,10 @@ module Brick.Render
, cropTopBy
, cropBottomBy
, showCursor
, saveSize
, hRelease
, vRelease
, withLens
, usingState
, ensure
, viewport
, visible
@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ module Brick.Render.Internal
, image
, cursors
, RenderState(..)
, Priority(..)
, renderFinal
, Render
, ViewportType(..)
, txt
, hPad
, vPad
@ -29,33 +33,52 @@ module Brick.Render.Internal
, cropTopBy
, cropBottomBy
, showCursor
, saveSize
, hRelease
, vRelease
, withLens
, usingState
, ensure
, viewport
, visible
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.), (.=), (.~), (&), (%~), to, _2)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.), (.~), (&), (%~), to, _1, _2)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Default
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Function as DF
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Control.Lens (Lens')
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Brick.Core (Location(..), CursorLocation(..), CursorName(..))
import Brick.Core (Location(..), loc, CursorLocation(..), CursorName(..))
import Brick.Util (clOffset, for)
import qualified Debug.Trace as D
data VisibilityRequest =
VR { _vrPosition :: Location
, _vrSize :: V.DisplayRegion
deriving Show
data ViewportType = Vertical | Horizontal deriving Show
data Viewport =
VP { _vpLeft :: Int
, _vpTop :: Int
, _vpSize :: V.DisplayRegion
deriving Show
data Result =
Result { _image :: V.Image
, _cursors :: [CursorLocation]
, _visibilityRequests :: [VisibilityRequest]
deriving Show
@ -65,33 +88,45 @@ data Context =
, _h :: Int
makeLenses ''Result
makeLenses ''Context
data Priority = High | Low
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Render a = ReaderT Context (State a) Result
type Render a = ReaderT Context (State RenderState) Result
data RenderState =
RS { _viewportMap :: M.Map String Viewport
makeLenses ''Result
makeLenses ''Context
makeLenses ''VisibilityRequest
makeLenses ''Viewport
makeLenses ''RenderState
instance IsString (Render a) where
fromString = txt
instance Default Result where
def = Result V.emptyImage []
def = Result V.emptyImage [] []
renderFinal :: [Render a]
-> V.DisplayRegion
-> ([CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation)
-> a
-> (a, V.Picture, Maybe CursorLocation)
renderFinal layerRenders sz chooseCursor st = (newState, pic, theCursor)
-> RenderState
-> (RenderState, V.Picture, Maybe CursorLocation)
renderFinal layerRenders sz chooseCursor rs = (newRS, pic, theCursor)
(layerResults, newState) = flip runState st $ sequence $ (\p -> runReaderT p ctx) <$> layerRenders
(layerResults, newRS) = flip runState rs $ sequence $ (\p -> runReaderT p ctx) <$> layerRenders
ctx = Context V.defAttr (fst sz) (snd sz)
pic = V.picForLayers $ uncurry V.resize sz <$> (^.image) <$> layerResults
layerCursors = (^.cursors) <$> layerResults
theCursor = chooseCursor $ concat layerCursors
addVisibilityOffset :: Location -> Result -> Result
addVisibilityOffset off r =
let addOffset vrs = (& vrPosition %~ (off <>)) <$> vrs
in r & visibilityRequests %~ addOffset
addCursorOffset :: Location -> Result -> Result
addCursorOffset off r =
let onlyVisible = filter isVisible
@ -155,12 +190,16 @@ hBox pairs = do
allResults = snd <$> rendered
allImages = (^.image) <$> allResults
allWidths = V.imageWidth <$> allImages
allTranslatedVRs = for (zip [0..] allResults) $ \(i, result) ->
let off = Location (offWidth, 0)
offWidth = sum $ take i allWidths
in (addVisibilityOffset off result)^.visibilityRequests
allTranslatedCursors = for (zip [0..] allResults) $ \(i, result) ->
let off = Location (offWidth, 0)
offWidth = sum $ take i allWidths
in (addCursorOffset off result)^.cursors
return $ Result (V.horizCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors)
return $ Result (V.horizCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
vBox :: [(Render a, Priority)] -> Render a
vBox pairs = do
@ -189,18 +228,22 @@ vBox pairs = do
allResults = snd <$> rendered
allImages = (^.image) <$> allResults
allHeights = V.imageHeight <$> allImages
allTranslatedVRs = for (zip [0..] allResults) $ \(i, result) ->
let off = Location (0, offHeight)
offHeight = sum $ take i allHeights
in (addVisibilityOffset off result)^.visibilityRequests
allTranslatedCursors = for (zip [0..] allResults) $ \(i, result) ->
let off = Location (0, offHeight)
offHeight = sum $ take i allHeights
in (addCursorOffset off result)^.cursors
return $ Result (V.vertCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors)
return $ Result (V.vertCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
-- xxx crop cursors
-- xxx crop cursors and VRs
hLimit :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
hLimit w' = withReaderT (& w .~ w')
-- xxx crop cursors
-- xxx crop cursors and VRs
vLimit :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
vLimit h' = withReaderT (& h .~ h')
@ -219,6 +262,7 @@ translate (Location (tw,th)) p = do
result <- p
c <- ask
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (tw, th)) $
addVisibilityOffset (Location (tw, th)) $
result & image %~ (V.crop (c^.w) (c^.h) . V.translate tw th)
cropLeftBy :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
@ -226,14 +270,16 @@ cropLeftBy cols p = do
result <- p
let amt = V.imageWidth (result^.image) - cols
cropped img = if amt < 0 then V.emptyImage else V.cropLeft amt img
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (-1 * cols, 0)) $ result & image %~ cropped
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (-1 * cols, 0)) $
addVisibilityOffset (Location (-1 * cols, 0)) $
result & image %~ cropped
cropRightBy :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
cropRightBy cols p = do
result <- p
let amt = V.imageWidth (result^.image) - cols
cropped img = if amt < 0 then V.emptyImage else V.cropRight amt img
-- xxx cursors
-- xxx cursors / VRs
return $ result & image %~ cropped
cropTopBy :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
@ -241,28 +287,22 @@ cropTopBy rows p = do
result <- p
let amt = V.imageHeight (result^.image) - rows
cropped img = if amt < 0 then V.emptyImage else V.cropTop amt img
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (0, -1 * rows)) $ result & image %~ cropped
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (0, -1 * rows)) $
addVisibilityOffset (Location (0, -1 * rows)) $
result & image %~ cropped
cropBottomBy :: Int -> Render a -> Render a
cropBottomBy rows p = do
result <- p
let amt = V.imageHeight (result^.image) - rows
cropped img = if amt < 0 then V.emptyImage else V.cropBottom amt img
-- xxx crop cursors
-- xxx crop cursors / VRs
return $ result & image %~ cropped
showCursor :: CursorName -> Location -> Render a -> Render a
showCursor n loc p = do
showCursor n cloc p = do
result <- p
return $ result & cursors %~ (CursorLocation loc (Just n):)
saveSize :: (V.DisplayRegion -> a -> a) -> Render a -> Render a
saveSize sizeSetter p = do
result <- p
let img = result^.image
imgSz = (V.imageWidth img, V.imageHeight img)
lift $ modify (sizeSetter imgSz)
return result
return $ result & cursors %~ (CursorLocation cloc (Just n):)
hRelease :: Render a -> Render a
hRelease = withReaderT (& w .~ unrestricted) --- NB
@ -270,20 +310,79 @@ hRelease = withReaderT (& w .~ unrestricted) --- NB
vRelease :: Render a -> Render a
vRelease = withReaderT (& h .~ unrestricted) --- NB
withLens :: (Lens' a b) -> Render b -> Render a
withLens target p = do
outerState <- lift get
let oldInnerState = outerState^.target
viewport :: String -> ViewportType -> Render a -> Render a
viewport vpname typ p = do
-- First, update the viewport size.
c <- ask
let (result, newInnerState) = runState (runReaderT p c) oldInnerState
target .= newInnerState
return result
let newVp = VP 0 0 newSize
newSize = (c^.w, c^.h)
doInsert (Just vp) = Just $ vp & vpSize .~ newSize
doInsert Nothing = Just newVp
usingState :: (a -> Render a) -> Render a
usingState f = (lift get) >>= (\a -> f a)
lift $ modify (& viewportMap %~ (M.alter doInsert vpname))
ensure :: (a -> a) -> Render a -> Render a
ensure f p = do
-- Then render the sub-rendering with the rendering layout
-- constraint released
let release = case typ of
Vertical -> vRelease
Horizontal -> hRelease
initialResult <- release p
-- If the sub-rendering requested visibility, update the scroll
-- state accordingly
when (not $ null $ initialResult^.visibilityRequests) $ do
Just vp <- lift $ gets $ (^.viewportMap.to (M.lookup vpname))
-- XXX for now, just permit one request but we could permit
-- many by computing the bounding rectangle over the submitted
-- requests.
let [rq] = initialResult^.visibilityRequests
updatedVp = scrollToView typ rq vp
lift $ D.trace (show (vpname, rq, newVp)) $ modify (& viewportMap %~ (M.insert vpname updatedVp))
-- Get the viewport state now that it has been updated.
Just vp <- lift $ gets (M.lookup vpname . (^.viewportMap))
-- Then perform a translation of the sub-rendering to fit into the
-- viewport
translated <- translate (Location (-1 * vp^.vpLeft, -1 * vp^.vpTop)) $ return initialResult
-- Return the translated result with the visibility requests
-- discarded
return $ translated & visibilityRequests .~ mempty
scrollToView :: ViewportType -> VisibilityRequest -> Viewport -> Viewport
scrollToView typ rq vp = vp & theStart .~ newStart
theStart :: Lens' Viewport Int
theStart = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpLeft
Vertical -> vpTop
theSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> vpSize._1
Vertical -> vpSize._2
reqStart = case typ of
Horizontal -> rq^.vrPosition.loc._1
Vertical -> rq^.vrPosition.loc._2
reqSize = case typ of
Horizontal -> rq^.vrSize._1
Vertical -> rq^.vrSize._2
curStart = vp^.theStart
curEnd = curStart + vp^.theSize
reqEnd = reqStart + reqSize
newStart :: Int
newStart = if reqStart < curStart
then reqStart
else if reqStart > curEnd || reqEnd > curEnd
then reqEnd - vp^.theSize
else curStart
visible :: Render a -> Render a
visible p = do
result <- p
lift $ modify f
return result
let imageSize = ( result^.image.to V.imageWidth
, result^.image.to V.imageHeight
return $ result & visibilityRequests %~ (VR (Location (0, 0)) imageSize :)
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
module Brick.Scroll
( Scrollable(..)
, VScroll
, vScroll
, HScroll
, hScroll
, scrollToView
import Data.Default
import Brick.Core (SetSize(..), Location(..))
import Brick.Render
data HScroll =
HScroll { scrollLeft :: !Int
, scrollWidth :: !Int
data VScroll =
VScroll { scrollTop :: !Int
, scrollHeight :: !Int
instance SetSize VScroll where
setSize (_, h) vs = vs { scrollHeight = h }
instance SetSize HScroll where
setSize (w, _) hs = hs { scrollWidth = w }
instance Default HScroll where
def = HScroll 0 0
instance Default VScroll where
def = VScroll 0 0
class Scrollable a where
setScrollStart :: Int -> a -> a
scrollStart :: a -> Int
scrollSize :: a -> Int
instance Scrollable HScroll where
setScrollStart col hs = hs { scrollLeft = col }
scrollStart = scrollLeft
scrollSize = scrollWidth
instance Scrollable VScroll where
setScrollStart row vs = vs { scrollTop = row }
scrollStart = scrollTop
scrollSize = scrollHeight
vScroll :: (a -> VScroll) -> Render a -> Render a
vScroll f p = do
result <- vRelease p
usingState $ \s ->
let vs = f s
in translate (Location (0, -1 * scrollStart vs)) $ return result
hScroll :: (a -> HScroll) -> Render a -> Render a
hScroll f p = do
result <- hRelease p
usingState $ \s ->
let hs = f s
in translate (Location (-1 * scrollStart hs, 0)) $ return result
scrollToView :: (Scrollable a) => (Int, Int) -> a -> a
scrollToView (reqStart, reqSize) s =
setScrollStart newStart s
curEnd = curStart + scrollSize s
curStart = scrollStart s
reqEnd = reqStart + reqSize
newStart = if reqStart < curStart
then reqStart
else if reqStart > curEnd || reqEnd > curEnd
then reqEnd - scrollSize s
else curStart
Reference in New Issue
Block a user