add a way to join neighboring borders

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Wagner 2018-03-18 11:24:52 -04:00
parent aa5282b2b6
commit 5dd5bc4100
10 changed files with 983 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ library
@ -392,6 +394,20 @@ executable brick-border-demo
executable brick-dynamic-border-demo
if !flag(demos)
Buildable: False
hs-source-dirs: programs
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -O3
default-extensions: CPP
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: DynamicBorderDemo.hs
build-depends: base <= 5,
vty >= 5.18.1,
executable brick-progressbar-demo
if !flag(demos)
Buildable: False
@ -405,3 +421,13 @@ executable brick-progressbar-demo
vty >= 5.18.1,
test-suite brick-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: tests
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-orphans -O2
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base <=5,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import Brick.Types
( Widget
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Core as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS
doubleHorizontal :: BS.BorderStyle
doubleHorizontal = BS.BorderStyle
{ BS.bsCornerTL = '╒'
, BS.bsCornerTR = '╕'
, BS.bsCornerBR = '╛'
, BS.bsCornerBL = '╘'
, BS.bsIntersectL = '╞'
, BS.bsIntersectR = '╡'
, BS.bsIntersectT = '╤'
, BS.bsIntersectB = '╧'
, BS.bsIntersectFull = '╪'
, BS.bsHorizontal = '═'
, BS.bsVertical = '│'
box1 :: Widget ()
= C.withBorderStyle doubleHorizontal . B.border
. C.withBorderStyle BS.unicodeRounded . B.border
$ C.str "25 kg"
weights :: Widget ()
weights = C.withBorderStyle doubleHorizontal $ C.hBox
[ box1
, C.str "\n\n" C.<=> B.hBorder
, box1
box2 :: Widget ()
box2 = C.freezeBorders $ C.vBox
[ C.hBox
[ C.vLimit 3 B.vBorder
, C.str "Resize horizontally to\nmove across the label\nbelow"
, C.vLimit 3 B.vBorder
, B.borderWithLabel (B.vBorder C.<+> C.str " Label " C.<+> B.vBorder) $ C.hBox
[ C.str " "
, C.vBox [B.vBorder, C.str "L\na\nb\ne\nl", C.vLimit 3 B.vBorder]
, C.str "\n\n\n Resize vertically to\n move across the label\n to the left\n\n\n\n\n" C.<=> B.hBorder
-- BYOB: build your own border
byob :: Widget ()
byob = C.vBox
[ C.hBox [ corner , top , corner ]
, C.vLimit 6 $ C.hBox [ B.vBorder, mid , B.vBorder]
, C.hBox [ corner , B.hBorder, corner ]
top = B.hBorderWithLabel (C.str "BYOB")
mid = (C.str "If `border` is too easy,\nyou can build it yourself")
corner = B.joinableBorder (pure False)
ui :: Widget ()
ui = C.vBox [weights, box2, byob]
main :: IO ()
main = M.simpleMain (C.joinBorders ui)

View File

@ -33,13 +33,14 @@ module Brick.Types
, getContext
-- ** The rendering context
, Context(ctxAttrName, availWidth, availHeight, ctxBorderStyle, ctxAttrMap)
, Context(ctxAttrName, availWidth, availHeight, ctxBorderStyle, ctxAttrMap, ctxDynBorders)
, attrL
, availWidthL
, availHeightL
, ctxAttrMapL
, ctxAttrNameL
, ctxBorderStyleL
, ctxDynBordersL
-- ** Rendering results
, Result(..)
@ -61,6 +62,15 @@ module Brick.Types
-- * Making lenses
, suffixLenses
-- * Dynamic borders
, bordersL
, DynBorder(..)
, dbStyleL, dbAttrL, dbSegmentsL
, BorderSegment(..)
, bsAcceptL, bsOfferL, bsDrawL
, Edges(..)
, eTopL, eBottomL, eRightL, eLeftL
-- * Miscellaneous
, Size(..)
, Padding(..)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
, Next(..)
, Result(..)
, Extent(..)
, Edges(..)
, eTopL, eBottomL, eRightL, eLeftL
, BorderSegment(..)
, bsAcceptL, bsOfferL, bsDrawL
, DynBorder(..)
, dbStyleL, dbAttrL, dbSegmentsL
, CacheInvalidateRequest(..)
, BrickEvent(..)
@ -37,6 +43,7 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
, imageL
, cursorsL
, extentsL
, bordersL
, visibilityRequestsL
, emptyResult
@ -46,13 +53,13 @@ where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.BorderMap (BorderMap, Edges(..), Location(..), locL, origin, eTopL, eBottomL, eLeftL, eRightL)
import qualified Data.BorderMap as BM
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, Lens')
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Lens.Micro.Internal (Field1, Field2)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Graphics.Vty (Vty, Event, Button, Modifier, DisplayRegion, Image, emptyImage)
import Graphics.Vty (Vty, Event, Button, Modifier, DisplayRegion, Image, Attr, emptyImage)
import Brick.Types.TH
import Brick.AttrMap (AttrName, AttrMap)
@ -130,20 +137,6 @@ data Direction = Up
-- ^ Down/right
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | A terminal screen location.
data Location = Location { loc :: (Int, Int)
-- ^ (Column, Row)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
suffixLenses ''Location
instance Field1 Location Location Int Int where
_1 = locL._1
instance Field2 Location Location Int Int where
_2 = locL._2
-- | The class of types that behave like terminal locations.
class TerminalLocation a where
-- | Get the column out of the value
@ -160,17 +153,6 @@ instance TerminalLocation Location where
locationRowL = _2
locationRow (Location t) = snd t
-- | The origin (upper-left corner).
origin :: Location
origin = Location (0, 0)
instance Sem.Semigroup Location where
(Location (w1, h1)) <> (Location (w2, h2)) = Location (w1+w2, h1+h2)
instance Monoid Location where
mempty = origin
mappend = (Sem.<>)
-- | A cursor location. These are returned by the rendering process.
data CursorLocation n =
CursorLocation { cursorLocation :: !Location
@ -180,6 +162,36 @@ data CursorLocation n =
deriving Show
-- | A border character has four segments, one extending in each direction
-- (horizontally and vertically) from the center of the character.
data BorderSegment = BorderSegment
{ bsAccept :: Bool
-- ^ Would this segment be willing to be drawn if a neighbor wanted to
-- connect to it?
, bsOffer :: Bool
-- ^ Does this segment want to connect to its neighbor?
, bsDraw :: Bool
-- ^ Should this segment be represented visually?
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
suffixLenses ''BorderSegment
-- | Information about how to redraw a dynamic border character when it abuts
-- another dynamic border character.
data DynBorder = DynBorder
{ dbStyle :: BorderStyle
-- ^ The 'Char's to use when redrawing the border. Also used to filter
-- connections: only dynamic borders with equal 'BorderStyle's will connect
-- to each other.
, dbAttr :: Attr
-- ^ What 'Attr' to use to redraw the border character. Also used to filter
-- connections: only dynamic borders with equal 'Attr's will connect to
-- each other.
, dbSegments :: Edges BorderSegment
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
suffixLenses ''DynBorder
-- | The type of result returned by a widget's rendering function. The
-- result provides the image, cursor positions, and visibility requests
-- that resulted from the rendering process.
@ -193,13 +205,28 @@ data Result n =
-- ^ The list of visibility requests made by widgets rendered
-- while rendering this one (used by viewports)
, extents :: [Extent n]
-- Programmer's note: we don't try to maintain the invariant that
-- the size of the borders closely matches the size of the 'image'
-- field. Most widgets don't need to care about borders, and so they
-- use the empty 'BorderMap' that has a degenerate rectangle. Only
-- border-drawing widgets and the hbox/vbox stuff try to set this
-- carefully. Even then, in the boxes, we only make sure that the
-- 'BorderMap' is no larger than the entire concatenation of boxes,
-- and it's certainly possible for it to be smaller. (Resizing
-- 'BorderMap's is lossy, so we try to do it as little as possible.)
-- If you're writing a widget, this should make it easier for you to
-- do so; but beware this lack of invariant if you are consuming
-- widgets.
, borders :: BorderMap DynBorder
-- ^ Places where we may rewrite the edge of the image when
-- placing this widget next to another one.
deriving Show
suffixLenses ''Result
emptyResult :: Result n
emptyResult = Result emptyImage [] [] []
emptyResult = Result emptyImage [] [] [] BM.empty
-- | The type of events.
data BrickEvent n e = VtyEvent Event
@ -234,6 +261,7 @@ data Context =
, availHeight :: Int
, ctxBorderStyle :: BorderStyle
, ctxAttrMap :: AttrMap
, ctxDynBorders :: Bool
deriving Show

View File

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Border
-- * Attribute names
, borderAttr
-- * Utility
, joinableBorder
@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Lens.Micro ((^.), to)
import Lens.Micro ((^.), (&), (.~), to)
import Graphics.Vty (imageHeight, imageWidth)
import Brick.AttrMap
@ -35,6 +38,9 @@ import Brick.Types
import Brick.Widgets.Core
import Brick.Widgets.Center (hCenterWith)
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (BorderStyle(..))
import Brick.Widgets.Internal (renderDynBorder)
import Data.IMap (Run(..))
import qualified Data.BorderMap as BM
-- | The top-level border attribute name.
borderAttr :: AttrName
@ -42,6 +48,10 @@ borderAttr = "border"
-- | Draw the specified border element using the active border style
-- using 'borderAttr'.
-- Does not participate in dynamic borders (due to the difficulty of
-- introspecting on the first argument); consider using 'joinableBorder'
-- instead.
borderElem :: (BorderStyle -> Char) -> Widget n
borderElem f =
Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
@ -77,8 +87,12 @@ border_ label wrapped =
$ vLimit (c^.availHeightL - 2)
$ wrapped
let top = (borderElem bsCornerTL) <+> hBorder_ label <+> (borderElem bsCornerTR)
bottom = (borderElem bsCornerBL) <+> hBorder <+> (borderElem bsCornerBR)
let tl = joinableBorder (Edges False True False True)
tr = joinableBorder (Edges False True True False)
bl = joinableBorder (Edges True False False True)
br = joinableBorder (Edges True False True False)
top = tl <+> maybe hBorder hBorderWithLabel label <+> tr
bottom = bl <+> hBorder <+> br
middle = vBorder <+> (Widget Fixed Fixed $ return middleResult) <+> vBorder
total = top <=> middle <=> bottom
@ -88,25 +102,69 @@ border_ label wrapped =
-- | A horizontal border. Fills all horizontal space.
hBorder :: Widget n
hBorder = hBorder_ Nothing
hBorder =
withAttr borderAttr $ Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
ctx <- getContext
let bs = ctxBorderStyle ctx
w = availWidth ctx
db <- dynBorderFromDirections (Edges False False True True)
let dynBorders = BM.insertH BM.origin (Run w db)
$ BM.emptyCoordinates (Edges 0 0 0 (w-1))
setDynBorders dynBorders $ render $ vLimit 1 $ fill (bsHorizontal bs)
-- | A horizontal border with a label placed in the center of the
-- border. Fills all horizontal space.
hBorderWithLabel :: Widget n
-- ^ The label widget
-> Widget n
hBorderWithLabel label = hBorder_ (Just label)
hBorder_ :: Maybe (Widget n) -> Widget n
hBorder_ label =
hBorderWithLabel label =
Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
bs <- ctxBorderStyle <$> getContext
let msg = maybe (str [bsHorizontal bs]) id label
render $ vLimit 1 $ withAttr borderAttr $ hCenterWith (Just $ bsHorizontal bs) msg
res <- render $ vLimit 1 label
render $ hBox [hBorder, Widget Fixed Fixed (return res), hBorder]
-- | A vertical border. Fills all vertical space.
vBorder :: Widget n
vBorder =
Widget Fixed Greedy $ do
bs <- ctxBorderStyle <$> getContext
render $ hLimit 1 $ withAttr borderAttr $ fill (bsVertical bs)
withAttr borderAttr $ Widget Fixed Greedy $ do
ctx <- getContext
let bs = ctxBorderStyle ctx
h = availHeight ctx
db <- dynBorderFromDirections (Edges True True False False)
let dynBorders = BM.insertV BM.origin (Run h db)
$ BM.emptyCoordinates (Edges 0 (h-1) 0 0)
setDynBorders dynBorders $ render $ hLimit 1 $ fill (bsVertical bs)
-- | Initialize a 'DynBorder'. It will be 'bsDraw'n and 'bsOffer'ing in the
-- given directions to begin with, and accept join offers from all directions.
-- We consult the context to choose the 'dbStyle' and 'dbAttr'.
-- This is likely to be useful only for custom widgets that need more
-- complicated dynamic border behavior than 'border', 'vBorder', or 'hBorder'
-- offer.
dynBorderFromDirections :: Edges Bool -> RenderM n DynBorder
dynBorderFromDirections dirs = do
ctx <- getContext
return DynBorder
{ dbStyle = ctxBorderStyle ctx
, dbAttr = attrMapLookup (ctxAttrName ctx) (ctxAttrMap ctx)
, dbSegments = (\draw -> BorderSegment True draw draw) <$> dirs
-- | Replace the 'Result'\'s dynamic borders with the given one, provided the
-- context says to use dynamic borders at all.
setDynBorders :: BM.BorderMap DynBorder -> RenderM n (Result n) -> RenderM n (Result n)
setDynBorders newBorders act = do
dyn <- ctxDynBorders <$> getContext
res <- act
return $ if dyn
then res & bordersL .~ newBorders
else res
-- | A single-character dynamic border that will react to neighboring borders,
-- initially connecting in the given directions.
joinableBorder :: Edges Bool -> Widget n
joinableBorder dirs = withAttr borderAttr . Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
db <- dynBorderFromDirections dirs
(BM.singleton BM.origin db)
(render (raw (renderDynBorder db)))

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This module provides the core widget combinators and rendering
-- routines. Everything this library does is in terms of these basic
-- primitives.
@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Core
-- * Border style management
, withBorderStyle
, joinBorders
, separateBorders
, freezeBorders
-- * Cursor placement
, showCursor
@ -103,6 +107,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.IMap as I
import qualified Data.BorderMap as BM
import qualified Data.Function as DF
import Data.List (sortBy, partition)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
@ -140,6 +146,29 @@ class Named a n where
withBorderStyle :: BorderStyle -> Widget n -> Widget n
withBorderStyle bs p = Widget (hSize p) (vSize p) $ withReaderT (& ctxBorderStyleL .~ bs) (render p)
-- | When rendering the specified widget, create borders that respond
-- dynamically to their neighbors to form seamless connections.
joinBorders :: Widget n -> Widget n
joinBorders p = Widget (hSize p) (vSize p) $ withReaderT (& ctxDynBordersL .~ True) (render p)
-- | When rendering the specified widget, use static borders. This may be
-- marginally faster, but will introduce a small gap between neighboring
-- orthogonal borders.
-- This is the default for backwards compatibility.
separateBorders :: Widget n -> Widget n
separateBorders p = Widget (hSize p) (vSize p) $ withReaderT (&ctxDynBordersL .~ False) (render p)
-- | After the specified widget has been rendered, freeze its borders. A frozen
-- border will not be affected by neighbors, nor will it affect neighbors.
-- Compared to 'separateBorders', 'freezeBorders' will not affect whether
-- borders connect internally to a widget (whereas 'separateBorders' prevents
-- them from connecting).
-- Frozen borders cannot be thawed.
freezeBorders :: Widget n -> Widget n
freezeBorders p = Widget (hSize p) (vSize p) $ (bordersL .~ BM.empty) <$> render p
-- | The empty widget.
emptyWidget :: Widget n
emptyWidget = raw V.emptyImage
@ -156,7 +185,8 @@ emptyWidget = raw V.emptyImage
addResultOffset :: Location -> Result n -> Result n
addResultOffset off = addCursorOffset off .
addVisibilityOffset off .
addExtentOffset off
addExtentOffset off .
addDynBorderOffset off
addVisibilityOffset :: Location -> Result n -> Result n
addVisibilityOffset off r = r & visibilityRequestsL.each.vrPositionL %~ (off <>)
@ -164,6 +194,9 @@ addVisibilityOffset off r = r & visibilityRequestsL.each.vrPositionL %~ (off <>)
addExtentOffset :: Location -> Result n -> Result n
addExtentOffset off r = r & extentsL.each %~ (\(Extent n l sz o) -> Extent n (off <> l) sz o)
addDynBorderOffset :: Location -> Result n -> Result n
addDynBorderOffset off r = r & bordersL %~ BM.translate off
-- | Render the specified widget and record its rendering extent using
-- the specified name (see also 'lookupExtent').
reportExtent :: n -> Widget n -> Widget n
@ -412,8 +445,20 @@ data BoxRenderer n =
, limitSecondary :: Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
, primaryWidgetSize :: Widget n -> Size
, concatenatePrimary :: [V.Image] -> V.Image
, concatenateSecondary :: [V.Image] -> V.Image
, locationFromOffset :: Int -> Location
, padImageSecondary :: Int -> V.Image -> V.Attr -> V.Image
, loPrimary :: forall a. Lens' (Edges a) a -- lo: towards smaller coordinates in that dimension
, hiPrimary :: forall a. Lens' (Edges a) a -- hi: towards larger coordinates in that dimension
, loSecondary :: forall a. Lens' (Edges a) a
, hiSecondary :: forall a. Lens' (Edges a) a
, locationFromPrimarySecondary :: Int -> Int -> Location
, splitLoPrimary :: Int -> V.Image -> V.Image
, splitHiPrimary :: Int -> V.Image -> V.Image
, splitLoSecondary :: Int -> V.Image -> V.Image
, splitHiSecondary :: Int -> V.Image -> V.Image
, lookupPrimary :: Int -> BM.BorderMap DynBorder -> I.IMap DynBorder
, insertSecondary :: Location -> I.Run DynBorder -> BM.BorderMap DynBorder -> BM.BorderMap DynBorder
vBoxRenderer :: BoxRenderer n
@ -426,10 +471,22 @@ vBoxRenderer =
, limitSecondary = hLimit
, primaryWidgetSize = vSize
, concatenatePrimary = V.vertCat
, concatenateSecondary = V.horizCat
, locationFromOffset = Location . (0 ,)
, padImageSecondary = \amt img a ->
let p = V.charFill a ' ' amt (V.imageHeight img)
in V.horizCat [img, p]
, loPrimary = eTopL
, hiPrimary = eBottomL
, loSecondary = eLeftL
, hiSecondary = eRightL
, locationFromPrimarySecondary = \r c -> Location (c, r)
, splitLoPrimary = V.cropBottom
, splitHiPrimary = \n img -> V.cropTop (V.imageHeight img-n) img
, splitLoSecondary = V.cropRight
, splitHiSecondary = \n img -> V.cropLeft (V.imageWidth img-n) img
, lookupPrimary = BM.lookupRow
, insertSecondary = BM.insertH
hBoxRenderer :: BoxRenderer n
@ -442,10 +499,22 @@ hBoxRenderer =
, limitSecondary = vLimit
, primaryWidgetSize = hSize
, concatenatePrimary = V.horizCat
, concatenateSecondary = V.vertCat
, locationFromOffset = Location . (, 0)
, padImageSecondary = \amt img a ->
let p = V.charFill a ' ' (V.imageWidth img) amt
in V.vertCat [img, p]
, loPrimary = eLeftL
, hiPrimary = eRightL
, loSecondary = eTopL
, hiSecondary = eBottomL
, locationFromPrimarySecondary = \c r -> Location (c, r)
, splitLoPrimary = V.cropRight
, splitHiPrimary = \n img -> V.cropLeft (V.imageWidth img-n) img
, splitLoSecondary = V.cropBottom
, splitHiSecondary = \n img -> V.cropTop (V.imageHeight img-n) img
, lookupPrimary = BM.lookupCol
, insertSecondary = BM.insertV
-- | Render a series of widgets in a box layout in the order given.
@ -551,12 +620,129 @@ renderBox br ws =
maxSecondary = maximum $ imageSecondary br <$> allImages
padImage img = padImageSecondary br (maxSecondary - imageSecondary br img)
img (c^.attrL)
paddedImages = padImage <$> allImages
(imageRewrites, newBorders) = catAllBorders br (borders <$> allTranslatedResults)
rewrittenImages = zipWith (rewriteImage br) imageRewrites allImages
paddedImages = padImage <$> rewrittenImages
cropResultToContext $ Result (concatenatePrimary br paddedImages)
(concat $ cursors <$> allTranslatedResults)
(concat $ visibilityRequests <$> allTranslatedResults)
(concat $ extents <$> allTranslatedResults)
:: Lens' (Edges BorderSegment) BorderSegment
-> Lens' (Edges BorderSegment) BorderSegment
-> DynBorder
-> DynBorder
-> Maybe DynBorder
catDynBorder towardsA towardsB a b
-- Currently, we check if the 'BorderStyle's are exactly the same. In the
-- future, it might be nice to relax this restriction. For example, if a
-- horizontal border is being rewritten to accomodate a neighboring
-- vertical border, all we care about is that the two 'bsVertical's line up
-- sanely. After all, if the horizontal border's 'bsVertical' is the same
-- as the vertical one's, and the horizontal border's 'BorderStyle' is
-- self-consistent, then it will look "right" to rewrite according to the
-- horizontal border's 'BorderStyle'.
| dbStyle a == dbStyle b
&& dbAttr a == dbAttr b
&& a ^. dbSegmentsL.towardsB.bsAcceptL
&& b ^. dbSegmentsL.towardsA.bsOfferL
&& not (a ^. dbSegmentsL.towardsB.bsDrawL) -- don't bother doing an update if we don't need to
= Just (a & dbSegmentsL.towardsB.bsDrawL .~ True)
| otherwise = Nothing
:: Lens' (Edges BorderSegment) BorderSegment
-> Lens' (Edges BorderSegment) BorderSegment
-> I.IMap DynBorder
-> I.IMap DynBorder
-> I.IMap DynBorder
catDynBorders towardsA towardsB am bm = I.mapMaybe id
$ I.intersectionWith (catDynBorder towardsA towardsB) am bm
-- | Given borders that should be placed next to each other (the first argument
-- on the right or bottom, and the second argument on the left or top), compute
-- new borders and the rewrites that should be done along the edges of the two
-- images to keep the image in synch with the border information.
-- The input borders are assumed to be disjoint. This property is not checked.
:: (border ~ BM.BorderMap DynBorder, rewrite ~ I.IMap V.Image)
=> BoxRenderer n -> border -> border -> ((rewrite, rewrite), border)
catBorders br r l = if lCoord + 1 == rCoord
then ((lRe, rRe), lr')
else ((I.empty, I.empty), lr)
lr = BM.expand (BM.coordinates r) l `BM.unsafeUnion`
BM.expand (BM.coordinates l) r
lr' = id
. mergeIMap lCoord lIMap'
. mergeIMap rCoord rIMap'
$ lr
lCoord = BM.coordinates l ^. hiPrimary br
rCoord = BM.coordinates r ^. loPrimary br
lIMap = lookupPrimary br lCoord l
rIMap = lookupPrimary br rCoord r
lIMap' = catDynBorders (loPrimary br) (hiPrimary br) lIMap rIMap
rIMap' = catDynBorders (hiPrimary br) (loPrimary br) rIMap lIMap
lRe = renderDynBorder <$> lIMap'
rRe = renderDynBorder <$> rIMap'
mergeIMap p imap bm = F.foldl'
(\bm' (s,v) -> insertSecondary br (locationFromPrimarySecondary br p s) v bm')
(I.unsafeToAscList imap)
-- | Given a direction to concatenate borders in, and the border information
-- itself (which list is assumed to be already shifted so that borders do not
-- overlap and are strictly increasing in the primary direction), produce: a
-- list of rewrites for the lo and hi directions of each border, respectively,
-- and the borders describing the fully concatenated object.
catAllBorders ::
BoxRenderer n ->
[BM.BorderMap DynBorder] ->
([(I.IMap V.Image, I.IMap V.Image)], BM.BorderMap DynBorder)
catAllBorders _ [] = ([], BM.empty)
catAllBorders br (bm:bms) = (zip ([I.empty]++los) (his++[I.empty]), bm') where
(rewrites, bm') = runState (traverse (state . catBorders br) bms) bm
(his, los) = unzip rewrites
rewriteEdge ::
(Int -> V.Image -> V.Image) ->
(Int -> V.Image -> V.Image) ->
([V.Image] -> V.Image) ->
I.IMap V.Image -> V.Image -> V.Image
rewriteEdge splitLo splitHi combine = (combine .) . go . offsets 0 . I.unsafeToAscList where
-- convert absolute positions into relative ones
offsets _ [] = []
offsets n ((n', r):nrs) = (n'-n, r) : offsets (n'+I.len r) nrs
go [] old = [old]
-- TODO: might be nice to construct this image with fill rather than
-- replicate+char
go ((lo, I.Run len new):nrs) old
= [splitLo lo old]
++ replicate len new
++ go nrs (splitHi (lo+len) old)
rewriteImage :: BoxRenderer n -> (I.IMap V.Image, I.IMap V.Image) -> V.Image -> V.Image
rewriteImage br (loRewrite, hiRewrite) old = rewriteHi . rewriteLo $ old where
size = imagePrimary br old
go = rewriteEdge (splitLoSecondary br) (splitHiSecondary br) (concatenateSecondary br)
rewriteLo img
| I.null loRewrite = img
| otherwise = concatenatePrimary br
[ go loRewrite (splitLoPrimary br 1 img)
, splitHiPrimary br 1 img
rewriteHi img
| I.null hiRewrite = img
| otherwise = concatenatePrimary br
[ splitLoPrimary br (size-1) img
, go hiRewrite (splitHiPrimary br (size-1) img)
-- | Limit the space available to the specified widget to the specified
-- number of columns. This is important for constraining the horizontal

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Internal
( renderFinal
, cropToContext
, cropResultToContext
, renderDynBorder
@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ import Brick.Types
import Brick.Types.Internal
import Brick.AttrMap
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Data.BorderMap (BorderMap, Edges(..))
import qualified Data.BorderMap as BM
renderFinal :: AttrMap
-> [Widget n]
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ renderFinal aMap layerRenders sz chooseCursor rs = (newRS, picWithBg, theCursor,
(layerResults, !newRS) = flip runState rs $ sequence $
(\p -> runReaderT p ctx) <$>
(render <$> cropToContext <$> layerRenders)
ctx = Context mempty (fst sz) (snd sz) defaultBorderStyle aMap
ctx = Context mempty (fst sz) (snd sz) defaultBorderStyle aMap False
pic = V.picForLayers $ uncurry V.resize sz <$> (^.imageL) <$> layerResults
-- picWithBg is a workaround for runaway attributes.
-- See
@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ cropResultToContext result = do
return $ result & imageL %~ cropImage c
& cursorsL %~ cropCursors c
& extentsL %~ cropExtents c
& bordersL %~ cropBorders c
cropImage :: Context -> V.Image -> V.Image
cropImage c = V.crop (max 0 $ c^.availWidthL) (max 0 $ c^.availHeightL)
@ -105,3 +109,27 @@ cropExtents ctx es = catMaybes $ cropExtent <$> es
in if w' < 0 || h' < 0
then Nothing
else Just e
cropBorders :: Context -> BorderMap DynBorder -> BorderMap DynBorder
cropBorders ctx = BM.crop Edges
{ eTop = 0
, eBottom = availHeight ctx - 1
, eLeft = 0
, eRight = availWidth ctx - 1
renderDynBorder :: DynBorder -> V.Image
renderDynBorder db = V.char (dbAttr db) . ($dbStyle db) $ case bsDraw <$> dbSegments db of
-- top bot left right
Edges False False False False -> const ' ' -- dunno lol (but should never happen, so who cares)
Edges False False _ _ -> bsHorizontal
Edges _ _ False False -> bsVertical
Edges False True False True -> bsCornerTL
Edges False True True False -> bsCornerTR
Edges True False False True -> bsCornerBL
Edges True False True False -> bsCornerBR
Edges False True True True -> bsIntersectT
Edges True False True True -> bsIntersectB
Edges True True False True -> bsIntersectL
Edges True True True False -> bsIntersectR
Edges True True True True -> bsIntersectFull

src/Data/BorderMap.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.BorderMap
( BorderMap
, Location(..), origin, locL
, Edges(..)
, eTopL, eBottomL, eRightL, eLeftL
, empty, emptyCoordinates, singleton
, insertH, insertV, insert
, unsafeUnion
, coordinates, bounds
, values
, lookupRow, lookupCol, lookupH, lookupV, lookup
, setCoordinates, crop, expand
, translate
) where
import Brick.Types.TH (suffixLenses)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.IMap (IMap, Run(Run))
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2)
import Lens.Micro.Internal (Field1, Field2)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.IMap as IM
-- | A terminal screen location.
data Location = Location { loc :: (Int, Int)
-- ^ (Column, Row)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
suffixLenses ''Location
instance Field1 Location Location Int Int where
_1 = locL._1
instance Field2 Location Location Int Int where
_2 = locL._2
-- | The origin (upper-left corner).
origin :: Location
origin = Location (0, 0)
instance Sem.Semigroup Location where
(Location (w1, h1)) <> (Location (w2, h2)) = Location (w1+w2, h1+h2)
instance Monoid Location where
mempty = origin
mappend = (Sem.<>)
data Edges a = Edges { eTop, eBottom, eLeft, eRight :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Functor)
suffixLenses ''Edges
instance Applicative Edges where
pure a = Edges a a a a
Edges ft fb fl fr <*> Edges vt vb vl vr =
Edges (ft vt) (fb vb) (fl vl) (fr vr)
instance Monad Edges where
Edges vt vb vl vr >>= f = Edges
(eTop (f vt))
(eBottom (f vb))
(eLeft (f vl))
(eRight (f vr))
-- | Internal use only.
neighbors :: Edges a -> Edges (a, a)
neighbors (Edges vt vb vl vr) = Edges horiz horiz vert vert where
horiz = (vl, vr)
vert = (vt, vb)
-- Invariant: corner values are present on all the edges incident on that
-- corner. Widthless or heightless rectangles replicate the IMaps exactly on
-- the two coincident edges.
-- Practically speaking, this means for lookup you can look on any edge that
-- could contain the key you care about, while for insertion you must insert on
-- every edge that could contain the keys being inserted.
-- | A @BorderMap a@ is like a @Map Location a@, except that there is a
-- rectangle, and only 'Location's on the border of this rectangle are
-- retained. The 'BorderMap' can be queried for the position and size of the
-- rectangle. There are also efficient bulk query and bulk update operations
-- for adjacent positions on the border.
data BorderMap a = BorderMap
{ _coordinates :: Edges Int
, _values :: Edges (IMap a)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
-- | Given a rectangle (specified as the coordinates of the top, left, bottom,
-- and right sides), initialize an empty 'BorderMap'.
emptyCoordinates :: Edges Int -> BorderMap a
emptyCoordinates cs = BorderMap { _coordinates = cs, _values = pure IM.empty }
-- | An empty 'BorderMap' that only tracks the point (0,0).
empty :: BorderMap a
empty = emptyCoordinates (pure 0)
-- | A 'BorderMap' that tracks only the given the point (and initially maps it
-- to the given value).
singleton :: Location -> a -> BorderMap a
singleton l v = translate l . insert origin v $ empty
{-# INLINE coordinates #-}
-- | The positions of the edges of the rectangle whose border is retained in a
-- 'BorderMap'. For example, if @coordinates m = e@, then the top border
-- contains the 'Location's on row @eTop e@ and between columns @eLeft e@ to
-- @eRight e@ inclusive.
coordinates :: BorderMap a -> Edges Int
coordinates = _coordinates
-- | A complementary way to query the edges of the rectangle whose border is
-- retained in a 'BorderMap'. For example, if @bounds m = b@, then a
-- 'Location'\'s column must be between @fst (eTop b)@ and @snd (eTop b)@ to be
-- retained. See also 'coordinates', which is in most cases a more natural
-- border query.
bounds :: BorderMap a -> Edges (Int, Int)
bounds = neighbors . coordinates
{-# INLINE values #-}
-- | Maps giving the values along each edge. Corner values are replicated in
-- all relevant edges.
values :: BorderMap a -> Edges (IMap a)
values = _values
-- | Bulk insertion of horizontally-adjacent values. The 'Location' gives the
-- start point, and the 'Run' extends in the "larger columns" direction.
insertH :: Location -> Run a -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
insertH = insertDirAgnostic (Edges insertPar insertPar insertPerp insertPerp) . swapLoc
swapLoc (Location (col, row)) = Location (row, col)
-- | Bulk insertion of vertically-adjacent values. The 'Location' gives the
-- start point, and the 'Run' extends in the "larger rows" direction.
insertV :: Location -> Run a -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
insertV = insertDirAgnostic (Edges insertPerp insertPerp insertPar insertPar)
:: Edges (Location -> Run a -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> IMap a -> IMap a)
-> Location -> Run a -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
insertDirAgnostic insertions l r m =
m { _values = insertions <*> pure l <*> pure r <*> coordinates m <*> bounds m <*> _values m }
insertPar, insertPerp :: Location -> Run a -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> IMap a -> IMap a
insertPar (Location (kPar, kPerp)) r herePar (loPerp, hiPerp)
| kPar == herePar && loPerp <= kPerp + IM.len r - 1 && kPerp <= hiPerp
= IM.insert beg r { IM.len = end - beg + 1 }
| otherwise = id
beg = max kPerp loPerp
end = min (kPerp + IM.len r - 1) hiPerp
insertPerp (Location (kPar, kPerp)) r herePerp (loPar, hiPar)
| loPar <= kPar && kPar <= hiPar && kPerp <= herePerp && herePerp <= kPerp + IM.len r - 1
= IM.insert kPar r { IM.len = 1 }
| otherwise = id
insert :: Location -> a -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
insert l = insertV l . Run 1
lookupRow :: Int -> BorderMap a -> IMap a
lookupRow row m
| row == eTop (coordinates m) = eTop (_values m)
| row == eBottom (coordinates m) = eBottom (_values m)
| otherwise = IM.fromList
$ [(eLeft (coordinates m), Run 1 a) | Just a <- [IM.lookup row (eLeft (_values m))]]
++ [(eRight (coordinates m), Run 1 a) | Just a <- [IM.lookup row (eRight (_values m))]]
lookupCol :: Int -> BorderMap a -> IMap a
lookupCol col m
| col == eLeft (coordinates m) = eLeft (_values m)
| col == eRight (coordinates m) = eRight (_values m)
| otherwise = IM.fromList
$ [(eTop (coordinates m), Run 1 a) | Just a <- [IM.lookup col (eTop (_values m))]]
++ [(eBottom (coordinates m), Run 1 a) | Just a <- [IM.lookup col (eBottom (_values m))]]
lookupH :: Location -> Run ignored -> BorderMap a -> IMap a
lookupH (Location (col, row)) r = IM.restrict col r . lookupRow row
lookupV :: Location -> Run ignored -> BorderMap a -> IMap a
lookupV (Location (col, row)) r = IM.restrict row r . lookupCol col
lookup :: Location -> BorderMap a -> Maybe a
lookup (Location (col, row)) = IM.lookup row . lookupCol col
-- | Set the rectangle being tracked by this 'BorderMap', throwing away any
-- values that do not lie on this new rectangle.
setCoordinates :: Edges Int -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
setCoordinates coordinates' m = BorderMap
{ _values = values'
, _coordinates = coordinates'
bounds' = neighbors coordinates'
values' = pure gc
<*> _coordinates m
<*> coordinates'
<*> bounds'
<*> _values m
<*> Edges { eTop = lookupRow, eBottom = lookupRow, eLeft = lookupCol, eRight = lookupCol }
gc oldPar newPar (loPerp, hiPerp) imPar lookupPerp
| oldPar == newPar = IM.restrict loPerp (Run (hiPerp-loPerp+1) ()) imPar
| otherwise = lookupPerp newPar m
-- | Ensure that the rectangle being tracked by this 'BorderMap' extends no
-- farther than the given one.
crop :: Edges Int -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
crop cs m = setCoordinates (shrink <*> cs <*> coordinates m) m where
shrink = Edges
{ eTop = max
, eBottom = min
, eLeft = max
, eRight = min
-- | Ensure that the rectangle being tracked by this 'BorderMap' extends at
-- least as far as the given one.
expand :: Edges Int -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
expand cs m = setCoordinates (grow <*> cs <*> coordinates m) m where
grow = Edges
{ eTop = min
, eBottom = max
, eLeft = min
, eRight = max
-- | Move a 'BorderMap' by adding the given 'Location' to all keys in the map.
translate :: Location -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
-- fast path: do nothing for (0,0)
translate (Location (0, 0)) m = m
translate (Location (c, r)) m = BorderMap
{ _coordinates = liftA2 (+) cOffsets (_coordinates m)
, _values = liftA2 IM.addToKeys vOffsets (_values m)
cOffsets = Edges { eTop = r, eBottom = r, eLeft = c, eRight = c }
vOffsets = Edges { eTop = c, eBottom = c, eLeft = r, eRight = r }
-- | Assumes the two 'BorderMap's are tracking the same rectangles, but have
-- disjoint keys. This property is not checked.
unsafeUnion :: BorderMap a -> BorderMap a -> BorderMap a
unsafeUnion m m' = m { _values = liftA2 IM.unsafeUnion (_values m) (_values m') }

src/Data/IMap.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Data.IMap
( IMap
, Run(..)
, empty
, Data.IMap.null
, singleton
, insert
, delete
, restrict
, lookup
, splitLE
, intersectionWith
, mapMaybe
, addToKeys
, unsafeUnion
, fromList
, unsafeRuns
, unsafeToAscList
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Monoid
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
-- | Semantically, 'IMap' and 'IntMap' are identical; but 'IMap' is more
-- efficient when large sequences of contiguous keys are mapped to the same
-- value.
newtype IMap a = IMap { _runs :: IntMap (Run a) } deriving (Show, Functor)
{-# INLINE unsafeRuns #-}
-- | This function is unsafe because 'IMap's that compare equal may split their
-- runs into different chunks; consumers must promise that they do not treat
-- run boundaries specially.
unsafeRuns :: IMap a -> IntMap (Run a)
unsafeRuns = _runs
instance Eq a => Eq (IMap a) where
IMap m == IMap m' = go (IM.toAscList m) (IM.toAscList m') where
go ((k, Run n a):kvs) ((k', Run n' a'):kvs')
= k == k' && a == a' && case compare n n' of
LT -> go kvs ((k'+n, Run (n'-n) a'):kvs')
EQ -> go kvs kvs'
GT -> go ((k+n', Run (n-n') a):kvs) kvs'
go [] [] = True
go _ _ = False
instance Ord a => Ord (IMap a) where
compare (IMap m) (IMap m') = go (IM.toAscList m) (IM.toAscList m') where
go [] [] = EQ
go [] _ = LT
go _ [] = GT
go ((k, Run n a):kvs) ((k', Run n' a'):kvs')
= compare k k' <> compare a a' <> case compare n n' of
LT -> go kvs ((k'+n, Run (n'-n) a'):kvs')
EQ -> go kvs kvs'
GT -> go ((k+n', Run (n-n') a):kvs) kvs'
-- | Zippy: '(<*>)' combines values at equal keys, discarding any values whose
-- key is in only one of its two arguments.
instance Applicative IMap where
pure a = IMap . IM.fromDistinctAscList $
[ (minBound, Run maxBound a)
, (-1, Run maxBound a)
, (maxBound-1, Run 2 a)
(<*>) = intersectionWith ($)
-- | @Run n a@ represents @n@ copies of the value @a@.
data Run a = Run
{ len :: !Int
, val :: !a
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Functor)
instance Foldable Run where foldMap f r = f (val r)
instance Traversable Run where sequenceA (Run n v) = Run n <$> v
empty :: IMap a
empty = IMap IM.empty
null :: IMap a -> Bool
null = IM.null . _runs
singleton :: Int -> Run a -> IMap a
singleton k r
| len r >= 1 = IMap (IM.singleton k r)
| otherwise = empty
insert :: Int -> Run a -> IMap a -> IMap a
insert k r m
| len r < 1 = m
| otherwise = m { _runs = IM.insert k r (_runs (delete k r m)) }
{-# INLINE delete #-}
delete :: Int -> Run ignored -> IMap a -> IMap a
delete k r m
| len r < 1 = m
| otherwise = m { _runs = IM.union (_runs lt) (_runs gt) }
(lt, ge) = splitLE (k-1) m
(_ , gt) = splitLE (k+len r-1) ge
restrict :: Int -> Run ignored -> IMap a -> IMap a
restrict k r = id
. snd
. splitLE (k-1)
. fst
. splitLE (k+len r-1)
lookup :: Int -> IMap a -> Maybe a
lookup k m = case IM.lookupLE k (_runs m) of
Just (k', Run n a) | k < k'+n -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
-- | @splitLE n m@ produces a tuple @(le, gt)@ where @le@ has all the
-- associations of @m@ where the keys are @<= n@ and @gt@ has all the
-- associations of @m@ where the keys are @> n@.
splitLE :: Int -> IMap a -> (IMap a, IMap a)
splitLE k m = case IM.lookupLE k (_runs m) of
Nothing -> (empty, m)
Just (k', r@(Run n _)) -> case (k' + n - 1 <= k, k' == k) of
(True , False) -> (m { _runs = lt }, m { _runs = gt })
(True , True ) -> (m { _runs = IM.insert k r lt }, m { _runs = gt })
(False, _ ) -> ( m { _runs = IM.insert k' r { len = 1 + k - k' } lt' }
, m { _runs = IM.insert (k+1) r { len = n - 1 - k + k' } gt' }
(lt', gt') = IM.split k' (_runs m)
(lt, gt) = IM.split k (_runs m)
addToKeys :: Int -> IMap a -> IMap a
addToKeys n m = m { _runs = IM.mapKeysMonotonic (n+) (_runs m) }
-- TODO: This is pretty inefficient. IntMap offers some splitting functions
-- that should make it possible to be more efficient here (though the
-- implementation would be significantly messier).
intersectionWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> IMap a -> IMap b -> IMap c
intersectionWith f (IMap runsa) (IMap runsb)
= IMap . IM.fromDistinctAscList $ merge (IM.toAscList runsa) (IM.toAscList runsb)
merge as@((ka, ra):at) bs@((kb, rb):bt)
| ka' < kb = merge at bs
| kb' < ka = merge as bt
| otherwise = (kc, Run (kc' - kc + 1) vc) : case compare ka' kb' of
LT -> merge at bs
EQ -> merge at bt
GT -> merge as bt
ka' = ka + len ra - 1
kb' = kb + len rb - 1
kc = max ka kb
kc' = min ka' kb'
vc = f (val ra) (val rb)
merge _ _ = []
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> IMap a -> IMap b
mapMaybe f (IMap runs) = IMap (IM.mapMaybe (traverse f) runs)
fromList :: [(Int, Run a)] -> IMap a
fromList = foldl' (\m (k, r) -> insert k r m) empty
-- | This function is unsafe because 'IMap's that compare equal may split their
-- runs into different chunks; consumers must promise that they do not treat
-- run boundaries specially.
unsafeToAscList :: IMap a -> [(Int, Run a)]
unsafeToAscList = IM.toAscList . _runs
-- | This function is unsafe because it assumes there is no overlap between its
-- arguments: if @lookup k a = Just v@ then @lookup k b = Nothing@ and vice
-- versa.
unsafeUnion :: IMap a -> IMap a -> IMap a
unsafeUnion a b = IMap { _runs = _runs a `IM.union` _runs b }

tests/Main.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.IMap (IMap, Run(Run))
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.IMap as IMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (Run v) where
arbitrary = liftA2 (\(Positive n) -> Run n) arbitrary arbitrary
instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (IMap v) where
arbitrary = IMap.fromList <$> arbitrary
instance (a ~ Ordering, Show b) => Show (a -> b) where
show f = show [f x | x <- [minBound .. maxBound]]
lower :: IMap v -> IntMap v
lower m = IntMap.fromDistinctAscList
[ (base+offset, v)
| (base, Run n v) <- IMap.unsafeToAscList m
, offset <- [0..n-1]
raise :: Eq v => IntMap v -> IMap v
raise = IMap.fromList . rle . map singletonRun . IntMap.toAscList where
singletonRun (k, v) = (k, Run 1 v)
rle ((k, Run n v):(k', Run n' v'):kvs)
| k+n == k' && v == v' = rle ((k, Run (n+n') v):kvs)
rle (kv:kvs) = kv:rle kvs
rle [] = []
lowerRun :: Int -> Run v -> IntMap v
lowerRun k r = IntMap.fromAscList [(k+offset, IMap.val r) | offset <- [0..IMap.len r-1]]
type O = Ordering
type I = IMap Ordering
-- These next two probably have overflow bugs that QuickCheck can't reasonably
-- notice. Hopefully they don't come up in real use cases...
prop_raiseLowerFaithful :: IntMap O -> Bool
prop_raiseLowerFaithful m = m == lower (raise m)
prop_equalityReflexive :: I -> Bool
prop_equalityReflexive m = m == raise (lower m)
prop_equality :: I -> I -> Bool
prop_equality l r = (l == r) == (lower l == lower r)
prop_compare :: I -> I -> Bool
prop_compare l r = compare l r == compare (lower l) (lower r)
prop_applicativeIdentity :: I -> Bool
prop_applicativeIdentity v = (pure id <*> v) == v
prop_applicativeComposition :: IMap (O -> O) -> IMap (O -> O) -> IMap O -> Bool
prop_applicativeComposition u v w = (pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w) == (u <*> (v <*> w))
prop_applicativeHomomorphism :: (O -> O) -> O -> Bool
prop_applicativeHomomorphism f x = (pure f <*> pure x :: I) == pure (f x)
prop_applicativeInterchange :: IMap (O -> O) -> O -> Bool
prop_applicativeInterchange u y = (u <*> pure y) == (pure ($ y) <*> u)
prop_empty :: Bool
prop_empty = lower (IMap.empty :: I) == IntMap.empty
prop_singleton :: Int -> Run O -> Bool
prop_singleton k r = lower (IMap.singleton k r) == lowerRun k r
prop_insert :: Int -> Run O -> I -> Bool
prop_insert k r m = lower (IMap.insert k r m) == IntMap.union (lowerRun k r) (lower m)
prop_delete :: Int -> Run () -> I -> Bool
prop_delete k r m = lower (IMap.delete k r m) == lower m IntMap.\\ lowerRun k r
prop_splitLE :: Int -> I -> Bool
prop_splitLE k m = (lower le, lower gt) == (le', gt') where
(le, gt) = IMap.splitLE k m
(lt, eq, gt') = IntMap.splitLookup k (lower m)
le' = maybe id (IntMap.insert k) eq lt
prop_intersectionWith :: (O -> O -> O) -> I -> I -> Bool
prop_intersectionWith f l r = lower (IMap.intersectionWith f l r) == IntMap.intersectionWith f (lower l) (lower r)
prop_addToKeys :: Int -> I -> Bool
prop_addToKeys n m = lower (IMap.addToKeys n m) == IntMap.mapKeysMonotonic (n+) (lower m)
prop_lookup :: Int -> I -> Bool
prop_lookup k m = IMap.lookup k m == IntMap.lookup k (lower m)
prop_restrict :: Int -> Int -> I -> Bool
prop_restrict k len m = lower (IMap.restrict k (Run len ()) m) == restrict (lower m) where
restrict = fst . IntMap.split (k+len) . snd . IntMap.split (k-1)
prop_mapMaybe :: (O -> Maybe O) -> I -> Bool
prop_mapMaybe f m = lower (IMap.mapMaybe f m) == IntMap.mapMaybe f (lower m)
prop_null :: I -> Bool
prop_null m = IMap.null m == IntMap.null (lower m)
return []
main :: IO Bool
main = $quickCheckAll