Add withH/VScrollBarHandles, scrollbarHandleAttr, and renderer fields

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2021-11-19 20:00:04 -08:00
parent db382fc1d1
commit 663b014110
4 changed files with 173 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -37,15 +37,19 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
, withVScrollBars
, withHScrollBars
, withHScrollBarRenderer
, withVScrollBarHandles
, withHScrollBarHandles
, ScrollbarRenderer(..)
, scrollbarAttr
, scrollbarTroughAttr
, scrollbarHandleAttr
customScrollbars :: ScrollbarRenderer n
customScrollbars =
ScrollbarRenderer { renderScrollbar = fill '^'
, renderScrollbarTrough = fill '_'
, renderScrollbarTrough = fill ' '
, renderScrollbarHandleBefore = str "<<"
, renderScrollbarHandleAfter = str ">>"
data Name = VP1 | VP2
@ -59,12 +63,14 @@ drawUi = const [ui]
B.border $
withHScrollBars OnBottom $
withHScrollBarRenderer customScrollbars $
withHScrollBarHandles $
viewport VP1 Horizontal $
str $ "Press left and right arrow keys to scroll this viewport.\n" <>
"This viewport uses a\n" <>
"custom scroll bar renderer!"
, B.border $
withVScrollBars OnLeft $
withVScrollBarHandles $
viewport VP2 Both $
vBox $ str "Press ctrl-arrow keys to scroll this viewport horizontally and vertically."
: (str <$> [ "Line " <> show i | i <- [2..55::Int] ])
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ theme :: AttrMap
theme =
attrMap V.defAttr $
[ (scrollbarAttr, fg V.white)
, (scrollbarTroughAttr, fg
, (scrollbarHandleAttr, fg V.brightYellow)
app :: M.App () e Name

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
, ctxVScrollBarRendererL
, ctxHScrollBarOrientationL
, ctxHScrollBarRendererL
, ctxVScrollBarShowHandlesL
, ctxHScrollBarShowHandlesL
, availWidthL
, availHeightL
, windowWidthL
@ -167,6 +169,17 @@ data ScrollbarRenderer n =
-- (the area to either side of the scroll bar
-- body). This should expand as described in the
-- documentation for the scroll bar field.
, renderScrollbarHandleBefore :: Widget n
-- ^ How to render the handle that appears at the
-- top or left of the scrollbar. The result should
-- be at most one row high for horizontal handles
-- and one column wide for vertical handles.
, renderScrollbarHandleAfter :: Widget n
-- ^ How to render the handle that appears at
-- the bottom or right of the scrollbar. The
-- result should be at most one row high for
-- horizontal handles and one column wide for
-- vertical handles.
data VisibilityRequest =
@ -354,6 +367,8 @@ data Context n =
, ctxVScrollBarRenderer :: Maybe (ScrollbarRenderer n)
, ctxHScrollBarOrientation :: Maybe HScrollBarOrientation
, ctxHScrollBarRenderer :: Maybe (ScrollbarRenderer n)
, ctxVScrollBarShowHandles :: Bool
, ctxHScrollBarShowHandles :: Bool
suffixLenses ''RenderState

View File

@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Core
-- ** Viewport scroll bars
, withVScrollBars
, withHScrollBars
, withVScrollBarHandles
, withHScrollBarHandles
, withVScrollBarRenderer
, withHScrollBarRenderer
, ScrollbarRenderer(..)
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ module Brick.Widgets.Core
, horizontalScrollbarRenderer
, scrollbarAttr
, scrollbarTroughAttr
, scrollbarHandleAttr
, verticalScrollbar
, horizontalScrollbar
@ -1074,6 +1077,14 @@ withVScrollBars orientation w =
Widget (hSize w) (vSize w) $
withReaderT (ctxVScrollBarOrientationL .~ Just orientation) (render w)
-- | Enable scroll bar handles on all vertical scroll bars in the
-- specified widget. This will only have an effect if 'withVScrollBars'
-- is also called.
withVScrollBarHandles :: Widget n -> Widget n
withVScrollBarHandles w =
Widget (hSize w) (vSize w) $
withReaderT (ctxVScrollBarShowHandlesL .~ True) (render w)
-- | Render vertical viewport scroll bars in the specified widget with
-- the specified renderer. This is only needed if you want to override
-- the use of the default renderer, 'verticalScrollbarRenderer'.
@ -1088,6 +1099,8 @@ verticalScrollbarRenderer :: ScrollbarRenderer n
verticalScrollbarRenderer =
ScrollbarRenderer { renderScrollbar = fill '█'
, renderScrollbarTrough = fill ' '
, renderScrollbarHandleBefore = str "^"
, renderScrollbarHandleAfter = str "v"
-- | Enable horizontal scroll bars on all viewports in the specified
@ -1097,6 +1110,14 @@ withHScrollBars orientation w =
Widget (hSize w) (vSize w) $
withReaderT (ctxHScrollBarOrientationL .~ Just orientation) (render w)
-- | Enable scroll bar handles on all horizontal scroll bars in the
-- specified widget. This will only have an effect if 'withHScrollBars'
-- is also called.
withHScrollBarHandles :: Widget n -> Widget n
withHScrollBarHandles w =
Widget (hSize w) (vSize w) $
withReaderT (ctxHScrollBarShowHandlesL .~ True) (render w)
-- | Render horizontal viewport scroll bars in the specified widget with
-- the specified renderer. This is only needed if you want to override
-- the use of the default renderer, 'horizontalScrollbarRenderer'.
@ -1111,6 +1132,8 @@ horizontalScrollbarRenderer :: ScrollbarRenderer n
horizontalScrollbarRenderer =
ScrollbarRenderer { renderScrollbar = fill '█'
, renderScrollbarTrough = fill ' '
, renderScrollbarHandleBefore = str "<"
, renderScrollbarHandleAfter = str ">"
-- | Render the specified widget in a named viewport with the
@ -1164,6 +1187,8 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
hsOrientation = ctxHScrollBarOrientation c
vsRenderer = fromMaybe verticalScrollbarRenderer (ctxVScrollBarRenderer c)
hsRenderer = fromMaybe horizontalScrollbarRenderer (ctxHScrollBarRenderer c)
showVHandles = ctxVScrollBarShowHandles c
showHHandles = ctxHScrollBarShowHandles c
-- Observe the viewport name so we can detect multiple uses of the
-- name.
@ -1284,7 +1309,8 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
let addVScrollbar = case vsOrientation of
Nothing -> id
Just orientation ->
let sb = verticalScrollbar vsRenderer (vpFinal^.vpSize._2)
let sb = verticalScrollbar vsRenderer showVHandles
combine = case orientation of
@ -1294,7 +1320,8 @@ viewport vpname typ p =
addHScrollbar = case hsOrientation of
Nothing -> id
Just orientation ->
let sb = horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer (vpFinal^.vpSize._1)
let sb = horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer showHHandles
combine = case orientation of
@ -1332,6 +1359,11 @@ scrollbarAttr = "scrollbar"
scrollbarTroughAttr :: AttrName
scrollbarTroughAttr = scrollbarAttr <> "trough"
-- | The attribute for scroll bar handles. This attribute is a
-- specialization of @scrollbarAttr@.
scrollbarHandleAttr :: AttrName
scrollbarHandleAttr = scrollbarAttr <> "handle"
-- | Build a vertical scroll bar using the specified render and
-- settings.
@ -1342,6 +1374,8 @@ scrollbarTroughAttr = scrollbarAttr <> "trough"
-- context.
verticalScrollbar :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-- ^ The renderer to use.
-> Bool
-- ^ Whether to display handles.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport height in effect.
-> Int
@ -1349,45 +1383,67 @@ verticalScrollbar :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport content height.
-> Widget n
verticalScrollbar vsRenderer vpHeight _ 0 =
verticalScrollbar vsRenderer False vpHeight vOffset contentHeight =
verticalScrollbar' vsRenderer vpHeight vOffset contentHeight
verticalScrollbar vsRenderer True vpHeight vOffset contentHeight =
vBox [ hLimit 1 $ withDefAttr scrollbarHandleAttr $ renderScrollbarHandleBefore vsRenderer
, verticalScrollbar' vsRenderer vpHeight vOffset contentHeight
, hLimit 1 $ withDefAttr scrollbarHandleAttr $ renderScrollbarHandleAfter vsRenderer
verticalScrollbar' :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-- ^ The renderer to use.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport height in effect.
-> Int
-- ^ The viewport vertical scrolling offset in effect.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport content height.
-> Widget n
verticalScrollbar' vsRenderer vpHeight _ 0 =
hLimit 1 $ vLimit vpHeight $ renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
verticalScrollbar vsRenderer vpHeight vOffset contentHeight =
-- Get the proportion of the total content that is visible
let visibleContentPercent :: Double
visibleContentPercent = fromIntegral vpHeight /
fromIntegral contentHeight
verticalScrollbar' vsRenderer vpHeight vOffset contentHeight =
Widget Fixed Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
-- Then get the proportion of the scroll bar that
-- should be filled in
sbSize = min vpHeight $
max 1 $
round $ visibleContentPercent * (fromIntegral $ vpHeight)
-- Get the proportion of the total content that is visible
let visibleContentPercent :: Double
visibleContentPercent = fromIntegral vpHeight /
fromIntegral contentHeight
-- Then get the vertical offset of the scroll bar
-- itself
sbOffset = if vOffset == 0
then 0
else if vOffset == contentHeight - vpHeight
then vpHeight - sbSize
else min (vpHeight - sbSize - 1) $
max 1 $
round $ fromIntegral vpHeight *
(fromIntegral vOffset /
fromIntegral contentHeight::Double)
ctxHeight = c^.availHeightL
sbAbove = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ vLimit sbOffset $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
sbBelow = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ vLimit (vpHeight - (sbOffset + sbSize)) $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
sbMiddle = withDefAttr scrollbarAttr $ vLimit sbSize $ renderScrollbar vsRenderer
-- Then get the proportion of the scroll bar that
-- should be filled in
sbSize = min ctxHeight $
max 1 $
round $ visibleContentPercent * (fromIntegral ctxHeight)
sb = hLimit 1 $
if sbSize == vpHeight
then vLimit sbSize $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
else vBox [sbAbove, sbMiddle, sbBelow]
-- Then get the vertical offset of the scroll bar
-- itself
sbOffset = if vOffset == 0
then 0
else if vOffset == contentHeight - vpHeight
then ctxHeight - sbSize
else min (ctxHeight - sbSize - 1) $
max 1 $
round $ fromIntegral ctxHeight *
(fromIntegral vOffset /
fromIntegral contentHeight::Double)
in sb
sbAbove = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ vLimit sbOffset $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
sbBelow = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ vLimit (ctxHeight - (sbOffset + sbSize)) $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
sbMiddle = withDefAttr scrollbarAttr $ vLimit sbSize $ renderScrollbar vsRenderer
sb = hLimit 1 $
if sbSize == ctxHeight
then vLimit sbSize $
renderScrollbarTrough vsRenderer
else vBox [sbAbove, sbMiddle, sbBelow]
render sb
-- | Build a horizontal scroll bar using the specified render and
-- settings.
@ -1399,6 +1455,8 @@ verticalScrollbar vsRenderer vpHeight vOffset contentHeight =
-- context.
horizontalScrollbar :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-- ^ The renderer to use.
-> Bool
-- ^ Whether to show handles.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport width in effect.
-> Int
@ -1406,45 +1464,66 @@ horizontalScrollbar :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport content width.
-> Widget n
horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer vpWidth _ 0 =
horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer False vpWidth hOffset contentWidth =
horizontalScrollbar' hsRenderer vpWidth hOffset contentWidth
horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer True vpWidth hOffset contentWidth =
hBox [ vLimit 1 $ withDefAttr scrollbarHandleAttr $ renderScrollbarHandleBefore hsRenderer
, horizontalScrollbar' hsRenderer vpWidth hOffset contentWidth
, vLimit 1 $ withDefAttr scrollbarHandleAttr $ renderScrollbarHandleAfter hsRenderer
horizontalScrollbar' :: ScrollbarRenderer n
-- ^ The renderer to use.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport width in effect.
-> Int
-- ^ The viewport horizontal scrolling offset in effect.
-> Int
-- ^ The total viewport content width.
-> Widget n
horizontalScrollbar' hsRenderer vpWidth _ 0 =
vLimit 1 $ hLimit vpWidth $ renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
horizontalScrollbar hsRenderer vpWidth hOffset contentWidth =
-- Get the proportion of the total content that is visible
let visibleContentPercent :: Double
visibleContentPercent = fromIntegral vpWidth /
fromIntegral contentWidth
horizontalScrollbar' hsRenderer vpWidth hOffset contentWidth =
Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
c <- getContext
-- Then get the proportion of the scroll bar that
-- should be filled in
sbSize = min vpWidth $
max 1 $
round $ visibleContentPercent * (fromIntegral $ vpWidth)
-- Get the proportion of the total content that is visible
let visibleContentPercent :: Double
visibleContentPercent = fromIntegral vpWidth /
fromIntegral contentWidth
-- Then get the vertical offset of the scroll bar
-- itself
sbOffset = if hOffset == 0
then 0
else if hOffset == contentWidth - vpWidth
then vpWidth - sbSize
else min (vpWidth - sbSize - 1) $
max 1 $
round $ fromIntegral vpWidth *
(fromIntegral hOffset /
fromIntegral contentWidth::Double)
ctxWidth = c^.availWidthL
sbLeft = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ hLimit sbOffset $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
sbRight = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ hLimit (vpWidth - (sbOffset + sbSize)) $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
sbMiddle = withDefAttr scrollbarAttr $ hLimit sbSize $ renderScrollbar hsRenderer
-- Then get the proportion of the scroll bar that
-- should be filled in
sbSize = min ctxWidth $
max 1 $
round $ visibleContentPercent * (fromIntegral ctxWidth)
sb = vLimit 1 $
if sbSize == vpWidth
then hLimit sbSize $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
else hBox [sbLeft, sbMiddle, sbRight]
-- Then get the horizontal offset of the scroll bar itself
sbOffset = if hOffset == 0
then 0
else if hOffset == contentWidth - vpWidth
then ctxWidth - sbSize
else min (ctxWidth - sbSize - 1) $
max 1 $
round $ fromIntegral ctxWidth *
(fromIntegral hOffset /
fromIntegral contentWidth::Double)
in sb
sbLeft = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ hLimit sbOffset $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
sbRight = withDefAttr scrollbarTroughAttr $ hLimit (ctxWidth - (sbOffset + sbSize)) $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
sbMiddle = withDefAttr scrollbarAttr $ hLimit sbSize $ renderScrollbar hsRenderer
sb = vLimit 1 $
if sbSize == ctxWidth
then hLimit sbSize $
renderScrollbarTrough hsRenderer
else hBox [sbLeft, sbMiddle, sbRight]
render sb
-- | Given a name, obtain the viewport for that name by consulting the
-- viewport map in the rendering monad. NOTE! Some care must be taken

View File

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ renderFinal aMap layerRenders (w, h) chooseCursor rs =
, ctxVScrollBarRenderer = Nothing
, ctxHScrollBarOrientation = Nothing
, ctxHScrollBarRenderer = Nothing
, ctxHScrollBarShowHandles = False
, ctxVScrollBarShowHandles = False
pic = V.picForLayers $ uncurry V.resize (w, h) <$> (^.imageL) <$> layerResults